Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders

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Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders

Name of Definition Biological Factors Psychological Factors Sociocultural Factors

Type of Disorder
Anxiety disorder marked
by persistent anxiety for at - Automatic negative
- Genetic predisposition - Harsh self-standards
least six months where the thoughts when stressed
Generalized - Deficiency in GABA
individual is unable to
Anxiety Disorder - respiratory abnormalities - Overly strict, critical, or
identify the reasons of this - Uncontrollable traumas
anxiety - problems in sympathetic NS regulation cold parents
or stressors

- The panic attacks are

suggested to be learned
associations between
Anxiety disorder in fear and bodily cues of Women are more likely to
- Genetic predisposition, genes that
Anxiety and Anxiety- which the individual respiration. have panic attacks than men
direct norepinephrine, GABA, and
Related Disorders faces recurrent, sudden - Genetic predisposition due to the biological
Panic Disorder serotonin
onsets of intense terror, causes individuals to differences in hormones and
- high levels of lactate
often without warning or overgeneralize fear and NTs and ways of coping
- genes involved in hormonal regulation
specific cause associate it with any with stressful situations
stressful event
Anxiety disorder in
which an individual
Specific phobias may be Having a parent with a
experiences irrational,
Each specific phobia may have its own based on experiences, psychological disorder not
Specific Phobia overwhelming, persistent
neural correlates memories and learned necessarily a specific
fear of a particular object
associations phobia
or situation

Social Anxiety Anxiety disorder in - Genes and neural circuitry in the - Involves vulnerabilities - Individuals feel that
Disorder which the individual has thalamus, amygdalae and cerebral such as genetic they are prevented from
intense fear of being cortex characteristics, letting others know who
humiliated or - NT oxytocin involved overprotection, or they really are
embarrassed in social rejecting parenting
situations combined with learning
experiences in a social

- Genetic component
Individual has anxiety- - Low levels of serotonin and dopamine - Avoidance learning is an important contributor to the
provoking thoughts that - High levels of glutamate in brain maintenance of compulsive symptoms in order to fend off
Obsessive- will not go away and/or pathways dreaded outcome
Compulsive urges to perform repetitive, - Frontal cortex or basal ganglia are so
Disorder (OCD)* ritualistic behaviors to active that many impulses reach the - OCD people show cognitive bias associated with
prevent or produce some thalamus creating obsessive thoughts or overestimating threats which makes them see the outcome
future situation compulsive behaviors as worse or more likely than it actually is

Develops through
exposure to a traumatic
Post-Traumatic Traumatic life events can alter the balance A person’s vulnerability is influenced by cultural
event, a severely
Stress Disorder of neurotransmitters and hormones and the background, genetic predisposition and previous traumatic
oppressive situation,
(PTSD)* way the brain and body react to stress events and conditions
cruel abuse, or a
natural/unnatural disaster
Involves significant - Genes play a role in depression in - Learned helplessness - Low socioeconomic
depressive episode and conjunction with experiences - Focus on thoughts and status
depressed characteristics (vulnerability-stress association) beliefs that contribute to
such as lethargy and - Linked to features in serotonin and prolong sense of - Women are more likely
hopelessness for at least 2 transporter gene associated with a helplessness to be diagnosed with
Major weeks stressful social environment - Influenced by how depression
Depressive - Lower levels of brain activity in a people think through
Disorder (MDD) section of the prefrontal cortex and ruminating negativity
regions associated with reward - Pessimistic attributional
Mood and Emotional
perception from environment style by blaming oneself
- Problems in serotonin and for negative events and
norepinephrine regulation and expecting them to recur
Characterized by extreme
- Genetic influences are strong - Childhood experiences
mood swings that include
predictors with physical, sexual,
Bipolar one or more episodes of
- High levels of norepinephrine and and verbal abuse are
Disorder an overexcited,
glutamate and low levels of serotonin associated with earlier
unrealistically optimistic
onset of bipolarity
state (mania)
- lower volume in the hippocampus and
characterized by extreme - rooted in extremely
Dissociative memory loss that is caused traumatic life events
- The hippocampus is especially involved
Amnesia by extensive psychological
in consolidating memory and organizing
life experience into a coherent whole

- The vast majority of

individuals with DID is
- high rate of
Dissociative Disorder women.
the individual has two or - lower volume in the hippocampus and extraordinarily severe
more distinct personalities amygdala sexual or physical abuse
during early childhood is - dissociative identity
Dissociative or selves, each with its
related to the condition disorder is a social
Identity own memories, behaviors, - The hippocampus is especially involved
construction—that it
Disorder and relationships; formerly in consolidating memory and organizing
represents a category
called multiple personality life experience into a coherent whole
some people adopt to
make sense out of their

Severe psychological - partially explained by genetic factors - childhood experiences affect the course of the
disorder characterized with unresponsive disorder, or how it
by highly disordered parents. progresses
thought processes;
- structural brain abnormalities
individuals suffering specifically enlarged ventricles
from schizophrenia may - stress may contribute in developing nations,
be referred to as - smaller prefrontal cortex and lower (vulnerability-stress family and friends are
psychotic because they activity in this area of the brain hypothesis) more accepting and
Schizophrenia are so far removed supportive of
Schizophrenia* from reality. individuals with
Spectrum - Problems in prenatal development may
predispose a brain to developing schizophrenia.
schizophrenic symptoms

- Problems regulating dopamine

- Problems in glutamate receptors

Personality Disorder Antisocial characterized by - low levels of activation in the prefrontal - brain differences lead to engage in violence to get
poor decision making and
problems in learning
guiltlessness, law- cortex
breaking, exploitation - less stressed than others
Personality of others, by aversive what they want
irresponsibility, and - lower levels of autonomic nervous circumstances, including
deceit. system arousal punishment

- psychopaths show deficits

in theory of mind

Characterized by a - BPD is more common in women than men

pervasive pattern of - experiences of
instability in interpersonal childhood sexual - display hypervigilance: the tendency to be constantly on the
Borderline relationships, self-image, abuse, physical abuse, alert, looking for threatening information in the environment
Personality and emotions and by Gene factors and neglect
Disorder (BPD) marked impulsivity
beginning by early
adulthood and present in a
variety of contexts.

*OCD related disorders

Compulsive collecting, poor organization skills, difficulty
discarding, cognitive deficits in information processing
Hoarding Disorder
speed, decision making, and procrastination

Particular compulsion, picking at one’s skin sometimes to

Excoriation Disorder the point of injury.
(Skin picking) Skin picking is more common among women than men.

Person compulsively pulls his or her hair from the scalp,

eyebrows, or other body areas
(Hair pulling)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Distressing preoccupation with imagined or slight flaws in
one’s physical appearance.
Occurs about equally in men and women

*PTSD symptoms:

- Flashbacks: can make the person lose touch with reality and reenact the event for seconds, hours, or days
- Avoidance of emotional experiences and talking about emotions
- Feelings of anxiety, nervousness, excessive arousal, and inability to sleep
- Difficulties with memory and concentration
- Impulsive behavior

*Schizophrenia symptoms:

Positive Symptoms Negative Symptoms Cognitive Symptoms

- Hallucinations are sensory experiences that occur in - social withdrawal - deficits in executive
the absence of real stimuli. They can be visual or functioning
auditory - behavioral deficits
- Delusions are false, unusual, and sometimes magical
- difficulty sustaining
beliefs that are not part of an individual’s culture. - loss or decrease of normal functions
- Thought disorder refers to the unusual, sometimes attention
bizarre thought processes that are characteristic
positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The thoughts of - Flat affect which means the display of - problems holding
individuals with schizophrenia can be disorganized little or no emotion
information in memory
and confused.
- Referential thinking, which means ascribing - lacking in the ability to read the emotions
of others - inability to interpret
personal meaning to completely random events.
- Movement disorders are a final positive symptom of information and make
schizophrenia, involving unusual mannerisms, body - deficient ability to plan, initiate, and decisions
movements, and facial expressions leading sometimes engage in goal-directed behavior.
to catatonia, a state of immobility and
unresponsiveness that lasts for long periods of time.

Biological Factors Psychological Factors Sociocultural Factors

psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety
and traumatic experiences - lowest rates occur in countries with cultural and
religious norms against ending one’s own life.
immediate and highly stressful circumstance
- Genetic factors appear to play a role in suicide - linked to the culture of honor, in which individuals
interpersonal theory of suicide states that suicide are more likely to interpret insults as fighting
- low levels of serotonin and serotonin-linked genes involves two factors: words and defend their personal honor with
- Poor physical health, especially when it is chronic, desire to die when a person’s social needs are not
is another risk factor for suicide
met - Men are four times more likely to complete
suicide than women
- acquired capability for suicide

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