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Education is an equalizer, and prioritizes an educational system in which all children are

afforded an equal opportunity to achieve success. A commitment to this belief is evidenced

through policy attempts to enact this equality narrative: eliminating gaps in achievement between
children from different social groups. Education is the great equalizer…opening doors of
opportunity for all. Just as Maxwell realized this, even other people realize it and the government
must be committed to providing education equity and resources all children in order for them to
succeed (Keyes, 1998). Having this in mind, this academic essay will discuss the them
“education is a n equalizer” in the text, thorns and stones: joy is the struggle by sichilongo.

To start with, the narrative of education as an equalizing force is deeply entrenched in the
American psyche, and further research into the ways in which children are positioned through
this narrative would be important for the field of childhood studies (Smith & Lazarus, 1990).
Future studies might explore the experience of schooling as told by children or adults to explore
the ways in which children make meaning of education; they might offer an analysis of
newspaper editorials written contemporaneously with the passage of new federal education
policies to interrogate public opinion about the function of school; or they might explore teacher
preparation courses and the ways in which education is conceptualized in the classroom (Maddi,

In line with the above paragraph, the purpose of education is to build, strengthen and sustain the
society. Unfortunately, with the ascendance of test scores and international economic
competitiveness as education’s most loudly proclaimed purposes, the nation has forgotten that
universal public education was established for the benefits it provides to the common good. It is
neither a private good nor a market commodity (Ryan & Deci, 2000).

Also, it is unacceptable to allow inadequate and inequitable distribution of resources to many

predominately minority schools. The lack of resources fuels the disparities. Too many of our
neediest children lack access to programs that are essential to closing achievement gaps. Early
childhood education, afterschool programs, the arts, innovative curricula and extended learning
time programs are keys to future success (Lukes, 2005).

Evidently, Maxwell young boy when he underwent the father’s loss, which was not simple on
the portion of the family but as a little lad he did not plainly comprehend what occurred but

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advanced on later some ages he came to cop up with the state that was all over him. Having the
information of the father’s death was surely a surprise to the whole public and the family but
another setback was when grandmother Nakaponda took the young boy from the hands of the
mother. That occurred when the father’s death certainly it was a main setback but meanwhile of
the threatening principles around the grandmother had to take the child, notwithstanding the
detail that the child was too young to change out of the maintenance of the mother. It was tough
for both sides but the one who had the last say was the grandmother.

Education is an equalizer because as seen just after he’s father had death. Maxwell exhibited a
strong desre for education after he was taken from the hands of the mother he had to start
gathering new people in Nkolongo village and the community having the fact that he was
surrounded by new people who had to start interacting and knowing. In this world life is indeed
hilarious and painful, so only the strongest and toughest endure. Having this intense about-turn
of life from the town now to a village was a commencement of a completely new and unintended
life; this meant meeting new aunties, uncles, leaving mom, going with grandmother, having
passed through his young Maxwell did not fight but bore the procedure not having a father figure
in his life since grandfather was a busy man (Maxwell, 2018). Certainly purpose is a key that
saved young Maxwell moving even as a young boy, because after taking a whole new life, the
boy identified that he had to adjust to some degree.

Evidently, the quality of education is an equalizer can be seen in Maxwell the time he escaped
from the village at a tender age knowing that there is more that he has to do than to be in the
village. Because he saw that his life was not getting any better and having that desire to do better
things, the dream he had made him to shoot out of the village and to go and pursue his career and
his ambition and desires. The drive that he had of undertaking countless things it led to tactics of
dodging from the village at a tender age of only four. Having moods of aloneness, desolation, the
young boy still bore and dragged through. Lukes (2005) states that, as the uttering go, “sorrow
raises persistence and persistence, charm and charm, confidence.

Education can be seen as an equalizer because the young boy ran away from the village with full
of purpose as young as he was knowing that one must not underrate a slight sorrow depth, from
within it, confidence, existence, possibility, discomfort; all exist and often bear fruits (Lukes,
2005). Having escaped the village was not an easy task because along the way were wild

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animals, bad people who killed for rituals and other dangers through all this the young Maxwell
put up with it. These qualities in particular exhibit that, education is an equalizer because the
young boy had to see things ahead of him.

According to Maxwell (2018) it can be clearly seen that education is an equalizer, because the
escape plan from Nkolongo village was a success and young Maxwell succeeded to get back
home in Lusaka and was once again reunified with his family, and this fetched so much joy for
him. But after a couple of years it was time to catch up with truth because he was not getting any
young so this means that he had to start school. The quality of working hard is seen as well when
he attempted to start his school, things did not go as planned, and even when he failed he did not
stop school.

Clearly, it is seen that the first attempt for him to start school in grade one was not a success
since he did not pass the tests that were done. Through this phase he had time to rehears and
learned how to write letters, for him this was not the end. Young Maxwell firm went back in the
second selection after one year, even having not been accepted; he fled from the police officers
and went in the classroom for recordkeeping by himself. Having put this entire struggle his name
was still not called and he later found out that his mother made an error when registering his
name; in its place she listed his brother’s name (Maxwell, 2018). This intended that, he had to
endure and start having his brother’s name through working hard young Maxwell sustained
going to school until later in the fifth grade his name was altered.

Furthermore, Because of what he had endured and because of his education, complaints about
things like lack of transport money, lunch, good shoes and text books were not relevant, for him
as long as school fees were settled and had a pair of uniform and exercise books, school was
good enough. It is safe to say he personally developed immunity against these or such challenges
(Maxwell, 2018). At some point when Maxwell’s mother was involved in a road accident, he
should have stopped school but he was still determined and continued despite his troubles
doubting up. Indeed God’s favor was with Maxwell throughout the novel. His education helped
him to endure all that he went through. He finished his education and still remained focused up
to the time he started work.

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Everyday people face challenges, but it is important that one does not give up, and to keep trying
until they successfully overcome the obstacles that stand in their way (Becker, 1971). The life of
Maxwell is that of a person who really inspires other people to a point of knowing that no
situation is permanent and that through education one can get to the pinnacle of what they want
to become, since education sets people in classes. People need to work hard in life, because it can
only be through hard work that one’s current state can change for good in the future (Becker,
1971). Also, one’s present situation or circumstances should not determine ones destine. One’s
fate may be sealed but one destine is still in one hands. People decide who they want become in
this life. Maxwell went through a lot in his life but still managed to turn tables in his favor
through working hard and education (Maxwell, 2018).

Additionally, these attributes seeing in the life of Maxwell bring hope in life to people who are
born from poor backgrounds, because surely education put him on the top. Maxwell worked hard
and hard enough all through his life; walked long distance for school, sold vegetable, scrap
metals and many other items for survival until he achieved he’s dreams through education this
shows that nothing comes easily or easy in life (Maxwell, 2018). Education is an equalizer as
seeing in the life of maxwell in the sense that it enabled him to keep focused until he achieved
he’s visions. When things go wrong it is hard to maintain motivation and focus. Education
allowed him to remain focused on long term goals.

Furthermore, ones efforts to keep moving forward making them achieve goals that people
wouldn’t even think they can achieve. Maxwell utilized education and no matter what he faced
he kept on going, with this same attitude many people can be seeing accomplishing their goal no
matter what it takes. This means they will be able to Keep their eye on the goal and see
themselves reaching the end (Becker, 1971).

In conclusion, Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of
the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery. Education helps one to
overcome the unexpected; Maxwell is a source of inspiration because when things do not go
according to plan, it’s tempting to give up. People lose one confidence and think about moving
on to something that is easier. This is exactly what most people do because people are afraid of
failure and shirk away from things that are hard and necessary.

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Becker, G. (1971). The Economics of Discrimination. Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press.

Keyes, C.L. (1998). The Great Equaliser. Washington: Gulgil Press.

Lukes, S.C. (2005). Education Popular In Radical View. New Jersey: Humanities Int

Maddi, S.R. (1998). Creating Meaning through Making Decisions. Mahwah. Lawrence


Maxwell, S. (2018). Thorns and Stones: Beauty In The Struggle. Ndola: Mission Press.

Ryan, R.M. & Deci, E.L. (2000). Education Theory Facilitating Intrinsic Motivation. Chicago:

Aldine Publishing Company.

Smith, C. A, & Lazarus, R. S. (1990). Emotion and Adaptation. Handbook of Personality. New

York: Guilford Press.

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