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I. Fill in the following blanks with suitable answers:

1. The post of Superintendent of Police was created by ……………
( Lord Cornwallis)
2. The Permanent Zamindari system was implemented in Bengal
and Bihar provinces in ………… CE.( 1793)
3. The Land tax system was implemented by Alexander Reed is
………………( Ryotwari System)
4. The British Officer who supported the Modern Education in India
is ……………… (Warren Hastings)
5. The Regulating Act was implemented in the
year (1773)

II. Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

1. Who introduced the administration of civil services?
 Lord Cornwallis introduced the administration of civil services.

2. What is the aim of regulating act?

 The aim of regulating act is to enforce control.

3. Who opened Fort William College in Calcutta?

 Lord Cornwallis opened Fort William College in Calcutta

4. Why did Lord Cornwallis open Fort William College in Calcutta?

 Lord Cornwallis opened Fort William College in Calcutta for
the benefit of people aspiring to join Civil Services.

5. Who argued “All the natives of Hindustan are completely

 Lord Cornwallis argued “All the natives of Hindustan are
completely corrupt”

6. What is Diwani Right?

 Diwani Right is the authority to collect land taxes to the
7. What is „A Dewani Aadalat‟ and „A Fouzadaari Aadalat?
 A Dewani Aadalat‟ is a civil court and „A Fouzadaari Aadalat‟ is
a criminal court.

8. Who implemented the efficient Police System in India for the first
 Lord Cornwallis implemented the efficient Police System in
India for the first time.

9. What is the main duty of Kotwal?

 Kotwal was made accountable for thefts, crimes and other
law violations at village level.

10. What is Permanent Zamindari System?

 Lord Cornwallis implemented a new land tax policy in Bengal
and Bihar regions in order to generate steady revenue per
annum. This is called Permanent Zamindari System.

11. “The Indian farmers were born in debt, lived in debt and died in
debt due to the land tax policies of the British”.Who gave this
 “The Indian farmers were born in debt, lived in debt and died
in debt due to the land tax policies of the British”- This
statement is given by Charles Metcalf.

12. What is Mahal?

 Mahal means taluk.

13. Who implemented Mahalwari System?

 R.M. Bird and James Thomson implemented Mahalwari

14. Who and where the Ryotwari System was first implemented?
 The Ryotwari System was first implemented in Baramahal
region by Alexander Reed.
15. Who implemented Ryotwari System in Madras and Mysore
region ?
 Thomas Monroe implemented Ryotwari System in Madras and
Mysore region

16. Who facilitated the expansion of the modern education in India?

 Warren Hastings facilitated the expansion of the modern
education in India.

17. Who started Calcutta Madarasa?

 Warren Hastings started Calcutta Madarasa.

18. Who started Sanskrit College in Banaras?

 Jonathan Duncan, a British individual started Sanskrit
College in Banaras.

19. Who pressed for the universalization of British education in

 Charles Grant who pressed for the universalization of British
education in India.

20. Who was Macaulay?

 Macaulay was the member of Governor General‟ s Executive

21. Who was appointed as the Chairperson of the Committee on

 Macaulay was appointed as the Chairperson of the Committee
on Education.

22. Who established Universities in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras?

 The Governor General Lord Dalhousie established Universities
in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras.

23. When was Regulating Act implemented?

 Regulating Act was implemented in 1773.
24. Who criticized the corruption in the East India Company?
 Edmond Burk criticized the corruption in the East India

25. Which policy aimed at the “creation of a new class of Indians

who are Indian by body but British in intelligence, opinion and
 Macaulay policy aimed at the “creation of a new class of
Indians who are Indian by body but British in intelligence,
opinion and taste.

26. According to which act „Supreme Court of Judicature‟ was

established in Calcutta?
 According to Regulating act „Supreme Court of Judicature‟ was
established in Calcutta.

27. Which act declared that “the Indians have attained their
paramount power in the name of the British Empire only, but not
on their own”?
 Pitts India Act 1784 CE declared that “the Indians have
attained their paramount power in the name of the British
Empire only, but not on their own”.

28. Which act officially allowed The Churches to enter India?

 The Charter Act of 1813 allowed the Churches to enter India.

29. By which act The Governor General of Bengal was named as the
Governor General of India?
 According to Charter Act 1833 CE The Governor General of
Bengal was named as the Governor General of India.

30. According to which act The post of Governor General was

changed into „Viceroy?
 According to Indian Government Act of 1858 The post of
Governor General was changed into „Viceroy

31. Who became the first Viceroy of India?

 Lord Canning became the first Viceroy of India.
32. What is the other name of Indian Councils Act of 1909?
 The other name of Indian Councils Act of 1909 is „Minto-
Marley Reformation Act‟ .

33. Which Act created „Separate Electorate College?

 Indian Councils Act of 1909 created „Separate Electorate

34. Which Act was used to Divide and Rule India?

 Indian Councils Act of 1909 was used to Divide and Rule

35. Which act is also called as „Montague-Chelmsford Reformative

 Indian Councils Act of 1919 is also called as „Montague-
Chelmsford Reformative Act

36. Which act acted as the base for the formation of Indian
 Indian Government Act of 1935 acted as the base for the
formation of Indian Constitution

37. Which act established Reserve Bank of India?

 Indian Government Act of 1935 established Reserve Bank of

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the important features of India Government Act 1935?
 A federal system of Indian Principalities, British governed
regions and dominion states was formed.
 Reserve Bank of India was established.
 Diarchy was established at the centre.
 Diarchy was canceled at the regional level and autonomy
 The Federal Court was established.
2. How did the India Government Act of 1935 become the base of
Indian Constitution?
 This act acted as the base for the formation of Indian
 Most the provisions in the Indian Constitution are based on
this act.
 This act allowed the formation of fully responsible government
by Indians.
 This act was applicable both to the Indian principalities and
also to the British India regions.

3. What are the important features of 1919 act?

 Act formulated Bi-Cameral legislative body. Lower House and
Upper House were formed.
 Diarchy was allowed at regional governments.
 Separate Electoral College‟ was extended for Muslims,
Sikhs,Anglo-Indians and Europeans.

4. What were the main aspects of Ryotwari system?

 The Ryotwari System was first implemented in Baramahal
region by Alexander Reed
 This system was later implemented in Madras and Mysore
region by Thomas Monroe
 Under this system, both the farmer and the company were
directly linked.
 The tiller of the land was recognized as the owner of the land.
 The owner had to pay fifty percent of produce as land tax to
the company government.
 The land tax had thirty years tenure. The tax could be
reviewed after this tenure.

5. What were the effects of British Land taxes?

 A new class of Zamindars who exploited the farmers was
 The farmers who were subjected to the exploitation of the
Zamindars, became landless slowly.
 Land became a commodity. Loans could be raised by
mortgaging the lands.
 Many Zamindars also had to mortgage their lands in order to
pay the land taxes.
 The Agriculture sector became commercialized and had to
grow raw materials needed by industries back in England.
 The money lenders became strong.

6. Make a list of the effects of Modern Education in India.

 Indians could develop modernity, secularism, democratic
attitudes and rationality along with Nationalistic ideals.
 Impetus was received for the local literature and languages.
 This facilitated unity in thinking process among the educated
 Periodicals started emerging.
 These scrutinized the policies and working of the government
which in turn enabled the Indians to have critical opinions on
various issues.
 New social and religious reformation movements emerged.
 The thoughts of thinkers like J.S. Mill, Rousseau and
Montesquieu brought fresh thinking in the mind of educated
youth of India.
 The freedom struggles that were taking place across the globe
influenced the Indians also.
 Indians could understand and appreciate their rich tradition.

7. What were the restrictions imposed in Regulating Act?

 The Bengal Presidency gained control over the other two
 The Governor of Bengal became the Governor General of all
the three presidencies.
 The Governor General was authorized to direct, exercise
control and to supervise over the other two presidencies.
 The Bombay and Madras presidencies could not declare war
on anyone or enter into peace agreements without prior
approval of the Governor General of Bengal Presidency and the
Board of Directors of the Company.
 The Bombay and Madras governments had to report all their
administrative decisions to the Governor General of Bombay
and the Board of Directors of the Company
 Four councilors were appointed to the Executive Committee of
the Governor General for a term of five years.

8. Explain the Permanent Zamindar System.

 Lord Cornwallis implemented a new land tax policy in Bengal
and Bihar regions in order to generate steady revenue per
 Under this system, Zamindar became the land owner.
 The Zamindar was expected to pay the agreed land taxes to
the company on a set date every year.
 He was free to collect any amount of land taxes from the
farmers and could retain the excess money collected.
 This benefited the Zamindar more.
 If the Zamindar was unable to collect land taxes due to floods
and famine and pay the Company, the ownership of the lands
was taken away by the Company.
 Both the Zamindar and the Company were benefitted by this
system, but the farmers were the grave sufferers.
 This system created a new social group that aided the British.
 The farmers, the farming labourers suffered due to irregular
working opportunities in the farming lands.
 They were exploited and had to lead a life of insecurity.

9. Explain the Mahalwari System.

 The Company government entered an agreement at the level of
„Mahals‟ with regard to payment of land tax in Uttar Pradesh,
in many parts of Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Delhi.
 „Mahal‟ means taluk.
 R.M. Bird and James Thomson implemented this system.
 There were differences in the implementation of this system
from region to region.
 The Big and small Zamindars were part of this system.
 Since the company officials fixed more land tax than the
expected production from the fields; many Zamindars had to
lose their ownership of the lands.
10. What are the important features the Charter Act of 1813?
 This act licensed the East Company to stay for another twenty
years in India.
 Before the implementation of this act, a demand to allow any
interested person to carry out trade in India was there.
 This act allowed this demand and authorized all interested
persons to carryout trade in India.
 With this act, the free trade era started in India.
 A new era of License and Authorization started.
 The Board of Directors was vested with the powers to appoint
the Governor General and the Commander-in-Chief.
 The Churches were allowed to enter India officially.

11. What are the important features Indian Councils Act („Minto-
Marley Reformation Act) of 1909?
 The total number of central legislative council members was
increased to 60 from 16.
 The number of regional council members was also increased.
 Representation of the regional council was allowed through
election for the first time.
 In order to provide separate representation for Muslims,
 Electorate College‟ was created.

12. What are the important features Indian Councils Act

(„Montague-Chelmsford Reformative Act) 1919 ?
 Act formulated Bi-Cameral legislative body. Lower House and
Upper House were formed.
 Diarchy was allowed at regional governments.
 „Separate Electoral College‟ was extended for Muslims, Sikhs,
Anglo-Indians and Europeans.

13. Explain the Ryotwari System.

 The Ryotwari System was first implemented in Baramahal
region by Alexander Reed.
 This system was later implemented in Madras and Mysore
region by Thomas Monroe .
 Under this system, both the farmer and the company
were directly linked.
 The tiller of the land was recognized as the owner of the land.
 The owner had to pay fifty percent of produce as land
tax to the company government.
 The land tax had thirty years tenure.
 The tax could be reviewed after this tenure.
 Though the small farmers were given land ownership,
they were subjected to more suffering due to heavy land

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