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Deia Lorelle S.

Uba HUMSS 12 D
Theme Paper #1: Searching for Identity

“Finding Me”

“Identity cannot be found or fabricated but emerges from within when one has the
courage to let go” -Doug Cooper. Finding your own identity isn’t really easy. Most people in
this generation find it very difficult to fit in the society. They usually go under enormous
changes to blend in. The modern life that we have today usually strips us off our sense of
identity and replaces it with ideal standards that we have to follow. It is one of the greatest
challenges a teenager has to go through. You have to be able to figure out who you are in
every step of the way, instead of allowing these standards to dictate how you should live.

The picture was a candid photo taken inside the classroom. I choose it because I
thought it would be the perfect interpretation for the theme. I always had the difficulty of
opening myself to everyone. I am usually confused on how I should act in different
situations. I have always felt like something was missing. I was never sure about myself.
Just like how it is shown in the photo, I am some one who is still finding who I really am.
Someone who can be sure of who she really is and someone who can control herself well.

When I was in Grade 7, I had my own group of friends, but I have always felt like I
did not belong with them. I tried to fit in the group and acted like them. Even when I knew
that I was faking, I didn’t bother changing since I wanted to blend in. But after the school
year, I was the only one from my class to be transferred into the star section. My friends
started avoiding me and I realized that I was just fooling myself. I wanted so much to
belong in the group that I ended up losing my identity. As I adopted to the new
environment, I was able to meet my new set of friends and I found myself doing the same
thing again. I became much more confused on who I should really be. I was afraid of
judgements and tried to hide my true self. Now, I finally realized that the only way to know
my identity is to be true to myself. Move on from the past and take courage in showing
everyone who I really am. I can’t say that I have completely found myself but I know that
someday, I will be able to finally say that I have found me.

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