Theme Paper #4

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Deia Lorelle S.

Uba HUMSS 12 D
Theme Paper #4: Responding to Society

“Treasures of Tomorrow”

“Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them
tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.” -Nelson Mandela. Today’s youth is
tomorrow’s nation. Students play a very vital role in the society. Education is where
students get molded. It is where students’ characters are built. Through education, students
will understand facts and learn several other important factors. With these factors, a
student will be able to construct thoughts and ideas which can help in building the future of
the society. Education helps student to learn to stand alone and understand her strengths
and freedom. It does necessarily start in school. Education starts in every home. A child
learns through her parents at home, then at the school, then from society where he will be
able to interact and influenced.

Students live up to every one’s expectation to be responsible for the society’s future.
I chose this picture because interprets the theme perfectly. It shows how I contributed to
society. Through education I have been able to take up activities for the betterment of the
society. These activities include planting trees, promoting awareness programs and various
researches. I have also taken my part against corruption, violence, and human rights
violations through advocacies. Students like me, is the bridge for the past, present and
future generations. We realize and understand all of today’s happenings and advocate for
good implementations for tomorrow. Our education system has taught us the right
involvement to deal with current problems of the society.
The youth is the nation’s tomorrow. Through education, students are taught to seek
the right approach in dealing with the society’s problems. The right education and the right
involvement of the students will equip us in the future. As we understand the importance
of our education, we will be able to address current issues. I have contributed to society
through my continuous effort to do good with my studies. With the proper education, I will
be able to help in building the society’s future. We will bridge the gaps of the generations
and become the treasures of tomorrow.

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