Results-And-Discussion (Final Na Talaga)

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This chapter presents, analyzes results

and interprets the data gathered to
answer the problems of the study
more specifically on comparing the
budgeting strategies of grade 11 and
grade 12 Accountancy, Business and
Management students.

Budgeting strategies and budgeting


With the help of the respondents, the

researchers were able to come up with
the sufficient data that they will be
using in order to identify the
budgeting strategies, the budgeting
awareness and to identify difference of
the grade 11 and grade 12 ABM
students when it comes to budgeting
their allowance. The table on the next
page shows the difference of the
grade 11 and grade 12 ABM students
in budgeting strategies and budgeting

Generally, the results show that

majority of both grade 11 and grade
12 students over-estimate purchases
as their budgeting strategies and the something since expenses are not
budgeting awareness of grade 11 stable and has a chance of changes
students is that they think of savings from time to time. It will be a big help
while the budgeting awareness of for the students to overestimate since
grade 12 is that budgeting serves as a it is better to have more excess
practice to their future. money rather than having shortage in
expenses. This is a good practice
The table shows that indicator 6 has especially nowadays that things are
the highest rank in the first category not stable on its prices. And also, it
(budgeting strategies) for both grade disciplines everyone in a way that the
11 and grade 12 ABM students. This students can control the things that
implies that both the grade11 and they are buying by simply spending
grade 12 students over-estimate more on their wants in life.
purchases to ensure that they have
enough money. On the other hand, for The results also show that students
the grade 12 students the indicator 8 think of saving. According to Segal and
has the highest rank for their Welch (2019), thinking about savings
budgeting awareness. This implies is not enough; the person should have
that the grade 11 students think of the intention to do what the person
savings as their budget awareness, needs to do on his/her money. Even if
while for the grade 12 students, the person think of saving, it is still not
budgeting serves as a practice for enough unless he/she will take proper
them in the future. action to save his/her money rather
than only thinking about savings.
The results show that the common Nothing will happen If the person keep
budgeting strategies for both grade 11 on thinking about savings yet he/she
and grade 12 ABM students which gets will not put into action. It is just like
the highest rank is that the students making a written budget plan without
do overestimate purchases. The taking it into action. The plan to
Federal Student Aid (2019), stated budget will not be fulfilled if a person
that it is better to overestimate the always spends and does not think
expenses and then underspend and twice before spending instead of
ends up with a surplus. This tells that budgeting and saving it for the future.
it is important to overestimate
expenses so that we can avoid In addition, extending ones budget out
overspending on unnecessary things. into the future also allows him/her to
It will help students to still have an forecast how much money he/she will
amount of money to save. In this way, be able to save for the things he/she
it will help students to practice on wants (myMoneyCoach, 2019). At an
overestimating so that they can love early age, students will undergo
to it and make it as a good practice to temptations into handling money so it
have a better savings. When will be a tough decision for them to
estimating for the whole money, it is budget their money. And so it is better
better to overestimate budget for to set aside money for the future use
in able for emergency cases. Spending
on the things that are only needed is
the most recommended way in saving.
Budgeting might need different
processes but it surely helps. It will
show the students the things which
are needed to spend money on and
not on the things that are only trend.

Difference of the budgeting strategies

of the ABM Students

The table on the next page

represents the comparison of the
grade 11 and grade 12 ABM students
in their budgeting strategies and their
money expenditures in ranking.
Generally, the results show that most students do not matter to them if all of
of the grade 11 ABM students think of their things are branded.
savings and the students also
compare prices before buying. While Moukendi (2019), states that financial
the grade 12 ABM students agreed literacy is critical for students to
that budgeting will help them in their increase their knowledge of why and
future and the students also compare how they can live a financially stable
prices before buying. life while still in school. He further
added that when students become
The table shows that the indicator 1 aware of their finances, they will think
(budgeting strategies) and the about successful ways to save for their
indicator 5 (money expenditures) have future. Since, students know that
the highest rank for the grade 11 budgeting can serve as a practice for
students. This implies that out of the them in the future, it is a big help for
184 grade 11 ABM respondents, 175 students for saving early as a student
respondents think of saving and 166 will not only worry less on money but
students compare prices before rather, they are preparing themselves
buying. For the grade 12 students, the to their adult lives. As a student, this is
indicator 8 (budgeting strategies) and a nice mindset since it really helps and
the indicator 5 (money expenditures) serves as a preparation in the future
have the highest rank for the grade 12 for the students. When speaking about
students. This implies that out of the the future, the students should also
234 grade 12 ABM students, 218 think ahead of everything before
students serve budgeting as a practice taking an action and saving is one of
for them in the future and 211 the actions needed to be taken as a
students compare prices before student. Saving as a practice may
buying. influence a lot as well so in case of
emergency, there is somewhere to get
On the other hand, indicator 4 (under money instead of leading into debt.
budgeting strategies) and 2 (under
money expenditures) have the lowest The results show that thinking of
rank for the grade 11 students. This savings is the lightest budgeting
implies that out of the 184 grade 11 strategy of the grade 11 students.
students, 142 respondents do not According to Segal and Welch (2019),
make a written budgeting plan and thinking about savings is not enough,
150 respondents spend their money the person should have the intention
on things that ae o trend. While the to do what the person needs to do on
indicator 5 (under budgeting his/her money. They further added
strategies) and indicator 8 (under that, a goal without a plan is just a
money expenditures) has the lowest wish. Student should not always think
rank for the grade 12 students. This of savings without the intention of
implies that out of the 234 doing so. Thinking of saving is a goal
respondents in grade 12, 193 students for they will make action plans to
do not record their expenses and 178
come up with the goal that has been stated that it is important to be aware
set. on buying the things he/she really
likes. Thus, students should know how
The results also show that the grade to canvass so that they will not be
11 students compare prices before scammed by the prices of other
buying a certain item. According to retailer stores. It is important to
Laja (2013), people usually only look canvass so that it will help you find the
at the most obvious things like the cheaper prices the sellers are selling.
price and key features. It is very Comparing prices is not bias, rather it
important to compare the prices and is just being a wise consumer so that
features of a product so that no you won't regret buying the higher
money will be put to waste in case the price than a cheaper price. Comparing
person do not compare prices. Thus, prices is a budgeting strategy since
comparing prices will help students to he/she compares the prices 2 or more
have a surplus which will then be put things. It is considered as a budgeting
to their savings. In that way, it will strategy because it helps the student
help students to learn on buying to be aware of the prices so that the
cheaper ones rather than pricey ones students would know how to budget
just to show off that they can afford their money by buying products with a
buying those things. cheaper price.
The results of the grade 12 students On the other hand, the results having
show that budgeting serves as a the lowest rank on the data is that
practice for them in the future. students do not a write a written
According to Sagdullas (2016), it is a budget and recording the expenses
good idea to teach kids budgeting contains the lowest rank among the
skills as early as when they are high data collected. Caldwell (2019), stated
school and teach them to handle their that it is important to track how one
finances well. So that, at a young age, person spend his/her money and it will
students can be trained and they will help students to create financial
learn to budget their money and in awareness. She further added that if
that way it will help them have a one person does not know where
better savings in the future. Also, at a his/her money goes then he/she will
young age, they are prepared for their not know what habits to change in
future finances since they know the order to have a better savings. When
importance of budgeting and how spending, people need to have the
budgeting gives benefit to them. knowledge how to budget money
The results also show that the grade wisely. When people only spend and
12 students compare prices before spend, people will not be disciplined
buying something. Furthermore, Laja and will not be able to know which is
(2013), stated that consumers right and wrong when it comes to
compare prices form one store to spending money. Everyone should be
another when buying similar things used to recording their expenses in
but In a cheaper price, he further their daily living in able for them to
trace and learn how to fit in all the student. And with that attitude, the
expenses with a certain amount of students will be used to measure the
money. It may be need a lot of time in proper money needed for a span of
listing, but it will surely serve as a help time.
not only to others but to everyone too.
It is important to learn how to manage
money wisely as young as students Overall, budgeting serves as a
are because they will be bringing this practice to students since it is very
routine up to their adulthood. Without critical for the students to increase
proper management of money, their knowledge on financial literacy,
students will be used to overspending it will help students to be aware of
the amount of money they have their finances and think of successful
without thinking of the future and may ways to have a better savings in the
be leading them to debt. future (Moukendi, 2019). Even if
According to McWhirter (2016), recording expenses has the lowest
determining the expenses is a rank, students should be aware that it
valuable step to students which will is important to record the expenses
help them to have a fixed and variable for these will help the students the
expense each month. She further students to track where their money
added that these fixed expenses are goes and where they spend their
the transportation, books or handouts money, it is a way to help the students
needed by the students, while the to create financial awareness
variable expenses are the groceries or (Caldwell, 2019).
foods, clothes and dining out. Seeing
the results of the study, it had the
least rank overall. Doing a written
budget plan serves as a big help to
everyone since it helps in organizing
or recording the things that people
have to do in a day or certain period of
time. In that way, the students will
know if they are spending the tight
way and will teach them how to
budget money better. There are lots of
alternative ways in how to make a
budgeting plan which may be used by
the students such as making lists of
the things to buy or do instead writing
up every plan they have to do. But by
simply listing up the things needed in
a particular time, written budget plan
is a big help because it will show the
weekly or monthly budget of a

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