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My reaction paper on Buhos: An Environment Awareness Documentary

My reaction what I have viewed a while ago about the movies which is Buhos is it started with a scene
of a family in a picnic near a waterfall whereas the two children went running and one of them throws a plastic
wrapper. For most people, it is just a small piece of trash and nothing to worry about but it is narrative of the
movies buhos giving emphasis on what we thought a just small things but in reality, it tolls a great deal in our
environment and to our planet in general.

Former Senator Loren Legarda which pride of the climate change act of 2009 and took an initiative in
the form of Luntiang Pilipinas which conducts tree planting project, is the presenter of “Buhos” which set it on
the lighter mood of informing and raising awareness among the people as compared to the likes of the GMA
7’s movie “Signos” that resort on giving an alarming feel. The approach of Legarda was complemented by soft
music scores accompanied by footage that describes the points being unveiled. This approach can be
translated as an encouragement on the part of the viewers to make something for the benefit of protecting and
slowing down the effect of human abuse on the environment.

As with many environment centric documentaries, the formula was to explain the cause and effect of
climate change and or global warming together with the definition of it. Also included are the things that we can
do to curb the things that case damages to our surroundings. In this particular, it can be observed that it
highlighted the importance of plants and planting trees which can be linked to Luntiang Pilipinas project of
Senator Legarda.

Self-sacrifice prevailed as the theme in the latter part which resonate the idea that even though we are
living in the modern times and new technologies and lifestyles because part of our life which cannot be
changed, we must at least do something to minimize its impact citing examples like becoming a wiser
consumer, saving gasoline and electricity and to recycle. Buhos ended with facts and figures of the effect of
climate change and it leaves a message that “the time act is now”.

Given the sea of documentaries and films that has the main goal of informing the general public about
the shortcomings of our planet due to human careless acts, Buhos differentiate itself with a soft approach to
educate rather than a chilling horror of our environment revenge, this may not be the most effective technique
but surely it will not overwhelm and cause panic to the general public.

One thing for sure, our planet is one of its kind at least for now but not until a habitable planet is
discovered thus the need to take extra care and having a responsible lifestyle to sustain this sole planet that
we live on. As said in the movies, we are in a critical time our planet is in great danger, surely the damage has
been done but the idea is we still the chance to change the seemingly dark fate of the earth.

It easier to say than to actually do, but if we make gradual changes, we can be able to reduce or curb
our distribution to the deterioration of the resources and environment.

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