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For all the VAMPIRE fans out there and for the love of the game.

WRITTEN BY - The many creative creatures over the years,
most of this book is a collaboration of
Vampire the Masquerade Source books (With a little creativity on my part).

EDITED BY - Jasin Holliday, so any mistakes blame him.

COVER ART DESIGN BY - Jasin Holliday | Vampire the Masquerade Logo
by Chris Elliott,Tomas Arfert.


PHOTOGRAPY - iStock | ShutterStock Edited By - Jasin Holliday









triggered the tumults that created The Camarilla, so

Who are the Gargoyles they needed as many allies as possible. When they
couldn’t find many amongst the Kindred, they did the
TThe Tremere unveiled the Gargoyle bloodline in the next best thing. They made them. They made us.
second century and the Slaves have been a steady, if
infrequent, part of Kindred society ever since. Gargoyles
might, in fact, be one reason that the Tremere weren’t
exterminated entirely in their first few centuries of
existence. These odd quasi-Kindred often look like their
stone namesakes — rocky-skinned, ugly, winged
creatures that exist only to serve their masters. Or such
was the case for several hundred years. Recently, though,
many of the Slaves have thrown off their chains and The Embrace
joined the Camarilla. Why the Gargoyles choose to ally
Gargoyles creation rarely shows a discernible pattern.
themselves with the Sect that also protects their former
The Change tortures the new Gargoyle’s body, as bones
masters is anyone’s guess. One of the going theories is
elongate and split to form the wings. The face warps,
that it’s a slap in the Warlocks’ collective face, but most
leaving nothing to recognize the mortal or vampire by.
Kindred don’t give the Gargoyles credit for being that
They also go through a change mentally and rarely
sophisticated. More likely, the Rockheads simply realize
remember their unlife or mortal existence.
that in the Camarilla, their talents will be recognized,
and no one will try and order them around (at least not
Not all Gargoyles look like the stone grotesques found
spitting rainwater over old buildings, but all are night-
marish. Some have tufts of hair protruding randomly
Many bloodlines have their origins hidden in the fog of
over their bodies, or odd, galloping walks. Most
legend and the mists of time. Gargoyles are fortunate in
Gargoyles have grey, rock-like skin, and all Gargoyles
that their history traces back to a distinct place and time.
have wings.
They can take solace in that they know where they came
from and what they were meant to do. But they can also
Gargoyles originally were created out of other Kindred,
point to the moment when they found their freedom, so
and this ugly fact makes their creation a seldom-
they know they are able to exert their wills and do what
discussed topic in polite vampiric society. The Tremere
they feel is necessary. Despite their monstrous
start with a Gangrel, Nosferatu, or Tzimisce vampire
appearances and the piteous attitudes of other Kindred
and perform obscene, bloody rituals using its blood,
toward them. They were born in chains and, more
heart, and skin. Vitae from another vampire (from one
importantly, were set free to fly. The Gargoyles all owe
of the other two Clans) is used to provoke a violent
their existence to the Tremere. But they do not belong to
mutation, with the result that some Gargoyles look
them anymore.
purely hideous (Nosferatu base), some look feral
The Tremere of the 12th Century were bold, brash
(Gangrel base), and some look fleshy and sport bony
creatures that little resembled the secretive schemers we
protrusions (Tzimisce base). No Gargoyle can pass for
know today. They were foolhardy enough to jump into
human. The Tremere tolerate the Gargoyles’ presence in
the Jyhad and pull one of the Antediluvians from his seat
the Camarilla as best they can — it’s not as though they
at the table. They could have stayed a bloodline known
can easily re-enslave them, after all. But relations are
for its study of blood magic, but they wanted more. By
obviously strained. The Gargoyles’ revolt and induction
becoming a Clan, they made themselves targets of the
into the Camarilla has all but doomed the remaining
other Cainites of the day. Their usurpation may have also


slave Gargoyles, as their masters now monitor them One advantage of continuing to serve the Tremere is
ruthlessly for any sign of betrayal. The Tremere also access to their magic. When Gargoyles were merely their
aren’t above planting hypnotic suggestions in their creation, their thaumaturgy was kept away from us like
Slaves’ minds, so that if they ever do rebel, they still all other Kindred. Now that we have something the
serve a function for the Clan. Tremere want, learning a few rituals here or there in
exchange for some protection can be quite useful. Because
of the Gargoyles complicated connection, some Tremere
consider them to be closer than a rival Clan, even if they
aren’t fully of the blood.

Gargoyles in Kindred The free Gargoyles recognize they don’t exist in a

vacuum. Most of them try to keep their allegiances
Society private, but there are those who decide for one reason or
another to throw in with a larger Sect. Paying some
allegiance can offer more freedom in the long run. If the
city is full of Camarilla vampires, saying you are one will
Their relationship with the Clan that created them is mean most of them will leave you alone and let you go
complex, to say the least. They have been free for about your business.
hundreds of years, but many of them stay in service to If you count the Gargoyles who still serve the Tremere,
the Tremere out of tradition, fear, or perhaps even lack most of the Gargoyles who do choose loyalty to a Sect
of a further sense of purpose. There were many choose the Camarilla. They don’t ask much of their
examples of the Tremere mistreating them during their followers, though their appearance challenges the
enslavement, but there were also many who treated Masquerade. Most take a page from the Nosferatu and
them with kindness. Cruel masters don’t just exist in the stay hidden in their cities to avoid getting into any major
Tremere, and some of them prefer to stay with the devil hassles.
they know. Though there is some lingering resentment,
there is also fondness. Don’t assume that a free Gargoyle Often, because they rarely declare their allegiances
will automatically rail against the Tremere. loudly, they are lumped in with the Anarchs. They do
make fine companions, since they are usually accepting of
Today, having a Gargoyle servant in your haven or both the Gargoyles obvious appearance and their desire
Chantry is considered a prestigious luxury. It’s a sign to not be tied down to one location. A few Gargoyles do
that they have power, longevity, or a little bit of both. believe in the cause, especially those who want the
It’s not unheard of for a Tremere to woo a Gargoyle that Tremere to pay for the crimes they committed during
arrives in the domain for some exclusive services. Our their creation. Friction occurs when the Anarchs assume
strange forms can be an impressive display when a that the Gargoyles are interested in all their causes, which
Tremere is seeking a Primogen seat or to oust the head rarely happens.
of the local chantry. Other Kindred will woo them when
they are trying to get the Tremere in a city to do what While Sects are a way of life for many Kindred,
they want. They assume they still have some leverage Gargoyles rarely feel an urge to join. They fought for our
with the Clan. Even if they don’t, entertaining their freedom centuries ago. Joining a Sect can feel like trading
offers is often worth the Gargoyles time. Even if nothing one set of chains for another.
comes of it, it can offer insight into the politics of the
city and a good indication if it’s a place they can thrive
or one they should avoid.


You may look like a monster, but you pride yourself on Clan Compulsion
your politeness and efficiency. You are trusted to run a
holding all on your own, be it a chantry or perhaps a
haven held by a coterie of Kindred. Newcomers put off
by your fearsome looks are won over by your dry wit, Gargoyles were created to be slaves, when they suffer
your excellent taste in clothing, and your ability to quote their clan compulsion, they lose the will to think for
the classics. Your calm demeanor can deceive some into themselves. They find it hard to do anything without a
thinking you’re a pushover, which is a fatal mistake. master and will suffer from a -2 to all rolls until
You’ll play the brute when necessary, though you’ll feel someone tells them what to do.
terrible about it the next evening. You’d much prefer a
good book or a game of chess to the vicious politics of


They keep you in chains so that when you are unchained,
you run hard and fast at wherever they point. They keep
you hungry because they want you to tear apart whatever
needs to be killed. They keep you out of sight of other
Kindred, so the frightened tales they tell make you seem
bigger and scarier when you are seen. You are a blunt,
brutal solution to your master’s problems. You enjoy
solving them, for the most part, as long as you don’t have
to clean up the mess afterwards. You may be a dog on a
leash, but that doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy the steaks
that get tossed your way. .

YThe mere thought of how many of your brothers and
sisters still willingly call themselves slaves drives you to
the edge of frenzy. It’s been six hundred years after the
Gargoyle Revolt, and so many still willingly live in the
houses of those Tremere bastards. If they won’t free
themselves, you must take up arms and protect your
brothers and sisters by striking down the slave masters
and breaking the chains. They’ll thank you when they are
free. You’ve developed a reputation as a troublemaker in
most cities, but you know that every city has need for
someone that shakes up the status quo. You’re willing to
ally yourself with anyone so long as they agree to assist
your cause.



The Slaves are hideous. That grotesquery takes
different forms, but always results in a two dot Looks
Flaw of Repulsive. They are also highly susceptible to
mind control from any source. A Gargoyle’s Willpower
score (current or permanent) is considered one points
lower per Bane level when used to resist such powers

Clan Disciplines
Fortitude: As longtime bodyguards
and soldiers for the Tremere, the Gargoyle's have
benefited from Fortitude. The Discipline can give
them a sense of fearlessness, as it allows them to take
bullets and knife blades without worry.
Potence: Gargoyle's use Potence to rapidly neutralize
foes. Many Slaves use Potence before the kindred, as a
show of their might .
Visceratika: Gargoyles use the abilities to survive, they
can meld with stone and take on its characteristics.


Visceratika is an extension of the Gargoyles’ natural
affinity for stone and earth. Certain Visceratika
powers closely resemble some aspects of Protean and,
to a lesser extent, Vicissitude. Tremere in a position to
know insist that this is pure coincidence, but the few
among the Gargoyles who retain scholarly aspirations
insist that the Gangrel and Tzimisce blood used to
create the bloodline still maintains a certain hold over
its members. For many years, Visceratika was regarded
as endemic to the Gargoyle condition, just like the
repulsive visage and the wings with which other
Kindred associate the bloodline. That is, vampires —
including the Tremere — believed that they couldn’t
have the one without the others. Supposedly this isn’t
true, and provided one can find a Gargoyle tutor, any
vampire can learn the Discipline. Of course, that
assumes one can find a willing tutor — the Gargoyles
aren’t eager to reveal these secrets. Furthermore, few
Kindred want to bet that the Tremere are wrong and
risk waking up with wings and horns.

■Type: Physical
■Masquerade threat: Medium – High. The effects of
this Discipline if seen cannot be explained away.
■Blood Resonance: Choleric.
The strong and healthy; athletes and young men
and women in their prime.


Level 1
beings within the structure. To pinpoint a
specific individual’s location with this power,
SKIN OF THE CHAMELEON the player must succeed in a Perception +
This basic power has saved countless Gargoyles Awareness roll. If the subject is attempting
breaching the Masquerade — and has allowed just as to hide, he may oppose this roll with a roll of
many to ambush unsuspecting intruders. When Skin Wits + Stealth. Scry the Hearthstone may be
used to detect the presence of characters who
takes on the colour and texture of the surrounding
are under Obfuscate or similar powers. In
environment. This coloration changes reflexively as this case, the Gargoyle only knows that there
long as the Gargoyle maintains a walking pace or is someone present — she cannot actually see
slower. More rapid movement causes the Gargoyle’s the individual in question unless they have
appearance to blur, negating the camouflaging Auspex or other means of seeing through
effect. If this power is used while the Gargoyle is in Obfuscated characters.
flight, his skin becomes a reasonable facsimile of the • Duration: As long as the Gargoyle is within
night sky (though it will not shift to mimic nearby or in contact with the target structure, or
until the next sunset.
skyscrapers or star patterns, and a black silhouette
against a brightly lit skyline is likely to be noticed).
• Cost: One Rouse Check
• Dice Pools: None Level 3
• System: The player makes a rouse check
and for the rest of the scene, the
Gargoyle’s Stealth dice pool is increased BOND WITH THE MOUNTAIN
by five. This power is subject to the
The Gargoyle sinks into a stone surface, disappearing
limitations described above. Any
ground movement faster than a walk into the rock until he wishes to reappear. This power
negates this power’s effect, as does allowed Gargoyles to invade their masters’ enemies’
flight (at the Storyteller’s discretion). strongholds, fight until sunrise, then meld with the
• Duration: One Scene rocks or stone walls and reappear the next evening.
In modern nights, it can take the place of a haven for
itinerant Runaways. Unlike the Earth Meld power
(p. 210 in the corebook) which it resembles, Bond
with the Mountain does not conceal the Gargoyle
Level 2 completely. A faint outline of his body can be seen in
the rock where he hides.
• Cost: One Rouse Check
• Dice Pools: N/A
• System: The player rolls a Rouse Check, and
The Gargoyles’ first function for the Tremere
the merge takes four turns to complete. This
was that of guardian and watchdog. This power
power functions in a fashion similar to the
allows them to know instinctively where anyone
Protean 3 power of Earth Meld, and may only
is inside a given structure. It even allows the
be performed upon bare rock or a similar
Gargoyle to detect characters concealed by
substance. However, the Gargoyle does not
magical means, if the Slave is perceptive
sink fully into the substance with which he


he merges, and his outline can be detected within

the stone with a successful Perception + Level 5
Awareness roll. A Gargoyle attacked while
Bonded with the Mountain has an Armour
Rating of 7 against all forms of attack. However, FLOW WITHIN THE MOUNTAIN
if he sustains three or more Aggravated health The Gargoyle is no longer restricted to hiding within
levels of damage from a single attack, he is forced
stone. Now, he can flow through stone like lava
out of his bond and suffers disorientation similar
to that experienced by an Earth Melded character working its way down a mountainside, emerging from
whose slumber is interrupted. the hiding place at any point he wishes. Since this
Duration: One day or more, or until disturbed power works on cement or concrete as well as rock, the
streets of a modern metropolis afford a Gargoyle some
very interesting assassination tools.
• Cost: Two Rouse Checks
Level 4 • Dice Pools: None or Strength + Athletics
• System: Once the character has used Bond with
the Mountain, the player rolls two Rouse Checks
to activate Flow Within the Mountain. The
ARMOUR OF TERRA Gargoyle can move within stone and cement and
At this level of Visceratika, the Gargoyle’s skin hardens propel herself at half of her normal walking
and becomes truly rock-like to the touch. The speed. She cannot see but gains a supernatural
awareness of her underground surroundings out
Slave becomes harder to harm, even with fire, and
to a range of 50 yards or meters. Water, dirt, and
grows inured to injury. A non-Gargoyle learning this tree roots all effectively block her progress; she
level of Visceratika would find her skin becoming grey can only move through stone and substances of
and rock-like, putting lie to the claim that the similar consistency, such as concrete or
Discipline doesn’t carry the risk of the Gargoyle’s curse. pavement. If two or more Gargoyles attempt to
interact underground, only direct physical
• Cost: Two Rouse Checks contact is possible. All damage dice pools in this
• Dice Pools: Wits + Survival (to activate case are halved, and dodge and parry attempts are
reflexively) at -2 dice. If an underground chase takes place, it
• System: This power requires two Rouse is resolved with an extended, contested Strength
Checks activate, and stays active until expires. + Athletics roll. The character can also use this
power to walk through a stone wall and emerge
A vampire with Armor of Terra has the
on the other side without first using Bond with
ability to ignores the first source of physical the Mountain. In this case the player Rolls Two
damage each turn, including fire but not Rouse Checks and rolls Strength + Athletics. The
sunlight. (this Discipline does not change the Gargoyle may flow through a maximum thickness
rules for Rötschreck, however). The difficulty in feet equal to the number of successes rolled, or
of all touch-based Perception rolls is 30 times the number of successes rolled in
centimetres. If the wall or barrier is thicker than
increased by two, due to the desensitization
this, the character is trapped within it until he is
of the character’s skin. chiseled out or uses Flow Within the Mountain
• Duration: One scene or until expired, to escape.
whichever comes first • Duration: One Scene


Level 5 contact is possible. All damage dice pools in this

case are halved, and dodge and parry attempts
are at -2 dice. If an underground chase takes
place, it is resolved with an extended, contested
The Gargoyle is no longer restricted to hiding within Athletics roll. The character can also use this
stone. Now, he can flow through stone like lava power to walk through a stone wall and emerge
on the other side without first using Bond with
working its way down a mountainside, emerging from
the Mountain. In this case the player Rolls Two
the hiding place at any point he wishes. Since this Rouse Checks and rolls Strength + Athletics. The
power works on cement or concrete as well as rock, the Gargoyle may flow through a maximum
streets of a modern metropolis afford a Gargoyle some thickness in feet equal to the number of successes
very interesting assassination tools. rolled, or 30 times the number of successes rolled
in centimetres. If the wall or barrier is thicker
• Cost: Two Rouse Checks than this, the character is trapped within it until
• Dice Pools: None or Strength + Athletics he is chiseled out or uses Flow Within the
• System: Once the character has used Bond Mountain to escape.
with the Mountain, the player rolls two Rouse
Checks to activate Flow Within the Mountain. • Duration: One Scene
The Gargoyle can move within stone and
cement and propel herself at half of her
normal walking speed. She cannot see but
gains a supernatural awareness of her
underground surroundings out to a range of
"Crouching in position
50 yards or meters. Water, dirt, and tree roots
all effectively block her progress; she can only
posing in perfect posture
move through stone and substances of similar
consistency, such as concrete or pavement. If
On the rooftop of a gothic
two or more Gargoyles attempt to interact
underground, only direct physical
cathedral sits a monster”


Physical Skill ••••The character can now make a vertical take-

off with up to 50 pounds/25 kg of baggage, but
can carry up to 100 pounds/45 kg while flying.
Maximum speed is 60 miles/95 kilometres per
Flight hour.
Gargoyles can learn to use their wings to soar
like a hang-glider. If the Gargoyles wings are ••••• The character can now carry up to 200
damage they cannot use this Skill until healed. pounds/90 kg, easily enough to carry away an
•He cannot carry anything at this point. adult person (or vampire). Maximum speed is 75
miles/120 kilometres per hour.
Maximum speed is equal to prevailing
winds, or 15 miles/25 kilometres per hour
Specialties: Diving, Aerial Acrobatics
in calm air.

••The character can make a running take- In your house I long to be;
off and carry 20 pounds/10 kilograms while Room by room patiently,
flying. Maximum speed is 30 miles/50
I'll wait for you there like
kilometres per hour regular exercise.
a stone.
I'll wait for you there
•••The character can make a straight,
vertical take-off if unencumbered, or can
make a running take-off carrying up to 50
pounds/25 kg. Maximum air speed is 45 Like a Stone - Audioslave
miles/70 kilometres per hour.


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