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For all the VAMPIRE fans out there and for the love of the game.

WRITTEN BY - The many creative creatures over the years,
most of this book is a collaboration of
Vampire the Masquerade Source books (With a little creativity on my part).

EDITED BY - Jasin Holliday, so any mistakes blame him.

COVER ART DESIGN BY - Jasin Holliday | Vampire the Masquerade Logo
by Chris Elliott,Tomas Arfert.


PHOTOGRAPY - iStock | ShutterStock Edited By - Jasin Holliday








Who are the spiritual secularism characterizes

Vicissitude, Tzimisce look however they
Tremere) and not fitting with the
Camarilla's policy of hiding among

Tzimisce? want, and they often want to provoke or

frighten. Some prefer extreme
humans (Tzimisce tend to see humans
as mere plaything below their
modifications and experimentations consideration). However, those
A blood moon casts a crimson light many Tzimisce. Young members of the Tzimisce who show genuine
over the land beyond the forest and Clan often find themselves detached dedication to the Sabbat ideal are
something fearsome howls its agony from the historical role of the Fiends as paragons of their sect, impressing (and
into the night. The Tzimisce call these terrifying landed lords and throw even scaring) other Sabbat with their
lands their ancestral home. Since time themselves wholly into a cause of their fervor and contributions.
out of mind the Fiends have been own choice, whether as Sabbat zealots,
masters and lords of the domains of fleshcrafted horrors, or transcendental
much of Eastern Europe. But theirs is koldun sorcerers. Given their ability to
a proud, selfish Clan for which
tradition goes only so far despite their
manipulate their physical appearance
with their bodies that leave them
The Embrace
aristocratic origins. In fact, the Clan looking only vaguely humanoid. Others
claims to have destroyed its seek to redefine and even transcend the Tzimisce Embraces are supremely
Antediluvian, and in the wake of that limits of their forms, rebuilding selfish – often based on specific
momentous event, helped establish themselves in the images of angels, obsessions or interests of the sire,
the foundations of the Sabbat. monsters, nightmares, and things even rather than any distinctive
Tzimisce practice a strange Discipline less recognizable. characteristic of the childe. Those
known as Vicissitude that allows them
with interests matching their own are
to twist the skin and bone of their
particularly prized, and many
victims. In many cases, they
Tzimisce childer were masters of their
refine their fleshly arts by practicing
field in life – whether this field was
upon themselves, but they just as
frequently use it upon their lackeys Tzimisce in medicine or serial murder is a trifling
distinction though.
and retainers, turning their boyars
and szlachta (fleshcrafted ghouls) into Kindred Society Elder Tzimisce, particularly those of
monstrous thralls. Vicissitude itself is
the still-landed nobility in hoary old
a much-misunderstood Discipline,
Within the Sabbat, the Tzimisce are domains, may have family lines from
and debates over its origins
the spiritual leaders and scholars, they which they Embrace, or they may
occasionally plunge the Clan into
prefer being pack priests, Prisci, or even restrict their occasional siring to the
vicious partisan rivalries. Clan
not having titles at all and focusing on terrified villages suffering in thrall
Tzimisce is a Clan of extremes, and
personal development. Some vampires beneath their estates. New World and
long, cold nights spent in remote
even ponder (out of earshot, of course) younger Tzimisce aren’t as
castles have turned the Fiends’
that the Tzimisce are not very sincere in discriminating and are more practical.
perspectives both greatly inward and
their attachment to the sect, and that Indeed, many Tzimisce fledglings are
outward. Mystics of the Clan study a
the only reasons they are even present little more than shock troops,
philosophy of metamorphosis, seeking
amongst the Sabbat is their dislike of Embraced and warped to the limits of
to discover what lies beyond the state
Camarilla clans (especially the their frames to cause revulsion and
of vampirism. An alien attitude of
revel in bloodshed until put down.



Factions Among Fiends The Romanian Legacy Foundation

Somewhere, there is a girl scarred with an
Anglicized name. She grows with a trace of our
Children of the Dracon blood coursing through her veins. She is
Metamorphosis takes on many odd forms, but
talented, intelligent, a prodigy. She is
none as strange as when seen through the
disturbed, prone to bouts of depression and fits
stained-glass window of
of rage. Neighbours find the mutilated bodies of
piety. The Children of the Dracon are a
local pets. She had tried to carve something out
monastic order of Fiends, tracing their roots to
of them, something she cannot name. Despite
Constantinople and claiming descent from the
her haunted life, she grows into a natural
first childe of Tzimisce. Flesh is their prayer,
leader, a fiery brilliance. Yet she is unfulfilled,
sculpting their sacrament, and they seek to find
still cannot find the nameless thing she sought
the divinity hidden within themselves and
in the flesh of all those dogs and cats. She finds
others. Heaven on Earth is just a nip and a tuck
the right classified advertisement or internet
away. The Children of the Dracon reject the
site, a non-profit genealogical organization.
influence of Kupala; even refuse to take part in
After submitting her family tree, she is selected
any ritae they believe has ties to koldunic
to attend a convention, which leads to a private
practices. Clan elders do what they can to
party at the estate of a distant relative. The
shield the Children from the political backlash
scene is a bloody bacchanalia — much of the
of this refusal. The knightly order exists to
decadent, much of the terrible. She is unafraid.
atone for some past sin of the Tzimisce.
This is what she sought. Before dawn, when the
Politically, they act contrary to nearly every
ceilings drip with gore, she is Embraced. The
major decision of the Clan proper, always
next night, she is assigned a sponsor and
sitting as angels or demons upon our shoulders.
introduced to the society of the Damned.
Their elders prefer the Children to remain
active in the Sect, rather than cloistering
That is the work of the Romanian Legacy
themselves. The order produces many templars
Foundation. Its board of trustees include names
and no few members of the Sabbat Inquisition.
such as Bratovitch, Obertus, Grimaldi, and
Children of the Dracon often come from the
Zantosa, and is composed of Cainites who came
Obertus revenant family. The training is
from our revenant houses. The Foundation
rigorous and begins while they are still mortal.
keeps the families in touch, hosts gatherings,
They travel the globe, learning the 12 legacies
and welcoming revenants into undeath. Such
of the order, returning to their monastery of
chosen are given something more than a spade
origin for the Embrace. If the initiate is an
to the head and a shallow grave. Not everyone
Akoimetai, the scholarly wing of the order, he
who carries our blood knows it. The Foundation
is entrusted with one volume from the Library
scours the globe for our wayward babes.
of the Forgotten. If a knight, he must carry a
Globalization has spread the seed of our Clan
letter he is forbidden to open, sealed by the
far, and this new millennium has revealed an
mark of the Dracon himself or some other elder
exciting harvest of such delicious fruit.
Fiend. Monasteries dot the globe, and often
serve as the haven for the local Children


Neofeudalists They teach meditative techniques. They throw

Behold the fiendish Don Quixote. A broken themselves into distraction. If they can increase
anachronism to some, a folk hero to others. the length of time between each feeding, perhaps
Most likely, a bit of both. Not a faction in the recommend them as pleasant company.
strictest sense, but an ideal, an attitude that can
bleed into the other factions. It creates strange The Oradea League
camaraderie. The Old Clan Fiend and the The Oradea League and the Tzimisce Antitribu
Metamorphosist, normally at each other’s Semantics make for a tedious game, but the
throat, find grudging respect and native pride Tzimisce, by and large, do not bother with terms
when they acknowledge their mutual like “antitribu.” Though our personal visions,
neofeudalist leanings. The neofeudalists seek a and even our symmetries, may differ, a Fiend is
return to the nights of kings and serfs. They still a Fiend. Most belong to the Sabbat. The
claim vast domains, sire large broods, are the rest, particularly the elders, are apolitical. Not
most gracious hosts, but demoniacal to any who even the Oradea League bandies about the word
trespass uninvited. As a point of honour, they “antitribu.” They are an alliance of ancient
are self-sufficient from the Sabbat, whom they Tzimisce, powerful fiends who survived the
are at odds with nearly as often as the Anarch Revolt. They maintain their feudal lands
Camarilla. On the cutting edge of today, few around the Romanian city of Oradea. A pledge
espouse this ideal. Fewer still actually live it. of unity ensures that an outside force attacking
Even fewer survive it for long. Seeing such an one these puissant monsters will face them all.
exemplar causes something resembling The League has refused to submit to either the
admiration to squirm in our wormy hearts. Camarilla or Sabbat. There are a few individual
However, nostalgia, even for something so Tzimisce who have joined the Camarilla, but in a
majestic, is still a pathetic, atrophied organ of Clan of monsters of such individuality, this
humanity. Kiss the vestigial hand growing out of notion does not aggravate our vanity as it does
your cousin’s head, if you must, but know when the Lasombra. Likely, the motivations of a Fiend
to break it off. walking in the Ivory Tower would be very
personal, specific, and temporary, to make them
Exsanguinists stomach the company of the Warlocks. Perhaps
The Eldest explored the terrible vistas of there are Fiends there in hiding. Perhaps they
possibility, stared into the transcendentally wear faces that are not their own.
grotesque, and the only thing that disturbed it
was the Hunger. Immortality is relative, and if
we truly want to dance with eternity, the
Hunger must be conquered. The Exsanguinists
understand this. They know that feeding the
Hunger only deepens it, only erodes and widens
the ravenous well inside us, until all that we are
is nothing. Unlike other blood cults who gorge
on gore, the Exsanguinists practice feeding
abstinence. This Metamorphosist offshoot has
developed ignoblis ritae
to avoid drinking blood for as long as possible.


far beyond the ancestral lands. You maintain a

Archetypes Foundation website. You give presentations in hotel
convention rooms. You follow emails, birth
certificates, genealogy studies — the nearly invisible
BAKER trail of Tzimisce blood that spans the globe. You
You used to travel from town to town, a peddler of
conduct interviews. When you find the worthy, you
the bizarre and grotesque. Ever the showman, your
bring them in, saving them from the fate of dying as
macabre charm brought in the audiences to gaze upon
exceptionally talented mortals. Lost in the Ivory
your freak show attractions. Occasionally, you took
Tower The Camarilla took the city. Everyone was
their blood. Sometimes you kept an audience member
destroyed, all of your packmates. Only you remain.
and added them to the menagerie. These days, you lead
Desperate, you took on the face of one of the Ivory
a more stationary unlife. You’ve opened a House of
Tower Kindred who died in the battle. You tasted his
Oddities in the city. Your creations hide in plain sight.
heart’s blood and touched just enough of his
This modern world celebrates the grotesque. The
memories. Somehow, in the chaotic aftermath, the
gawkers come to you. Why just last week, a small band
ruse worked. But what now? All you know is the city.
of thieves tried breaking into your place. The look on
Outside are the Lupines and death. How long can this
their faces when the pickled punks leapt out of the jar
insane farce continue? You fall deeper and deeper into
to defend you…? Well, that was just priceless. “Safe
this stolen identity, Sect, and Clan. The nights go by,
home, dear friends, and come again!”
and Vinculum is a distant memory. This was only
supposed to be a temporary solution.
You have recently arrived in a new country. You carry PARANOID FIEND
the soil of your homeland, but you seek to transcend it. You’ve read the writings of an ancient of the Old
Just as the koldun of the old country commune with Clan. An Obertus monk preached to you about the
the spirits of the earth there, you seek to find the Dracon’s immaculate conception. You once talked to
voices in this new soil. You research the lore of this a guy who talked with Lambach Ruthven. You’ve put
new place. You meditate on the ebb and flow of its it together. You know what’s going on. But now, it
energy. You commune with these new people also. knows that you know. It began in small ways. You
Through Auspex, you peer inside of them. You taste woke to find your clothing torn, things in your haven
their emotions. You pluck out their joys, fears, rearranged, a knife in one hand and fingers missing
character quirks, and idiosyncrasies. You bury these from the other. One dusk, you found the words “BE A
concepts in your brain. You perform mental grave GOOD LAD” flesh-scrawled into your chest. It’s in
robbery, taking the spare parts to the laboratory in there, watching you now, isn’t it? Now you spend all
your skull, trying out each intangible trait, grafting your time in the lab. You’ve missed several auctoritas
them to your psyche in varying combinations. Every ritae. The others are beginning to talk. Who can you
night, you let loose a new creation, a new you. Let the trust? You experiment until you collapse with the sun.
other Fiends play at their crude patchwork of flesh. You write your findings in the dark, so it won’t see.
You construct Azi Dahaka in the mind. Foundation You tried to exsanguinate all of your vitae. You
Recruiter The blood of the revenant families has removed your own limbs. It does no good. No going
spread so far and so thin. The right talent and genes back. You scream from the hyper awareness of
can surface almost anywhere in the world. The something the size of a planet greasily slithering
Romanian Legacy Foundation sends you out to find between your dead cells. You try to warn the other
the descendants of the revenant houses who are now Fiends, but no one listens. They say you are insane.
Really? Do they think so? Oh, how glorious that
would be if it were true.



You grew up among the Obertus. You learned the 12 The Eldest found transcendence in dreams, and you
Legacies and were Embraced a Child of the Dracon. seek inspiration in the dark dreams of others. You
You travel the world, in study and pious travel the country, collecting urban and rural myths —
contemplation. You search for the Divinity Within. stories passed from mouth to ear — stories that live,
You attempt to sculpt Heaven on Earth in the flesh. crawl, and evolve with each telling. You change with
Your hands are not an artist’s hands, but when inspired the stories too, fashioning yourself into the monsters.
by the Holy Ghost, you can find godhead in the crude You are a hook-handed killer. You are the bleeding
meat. You tap into something bigger than yourself and woman who appears in the darkened mirror. You are
are able to shape symmetry you could never have the Chupacabra. You enact the gory legends, enriching
imagined, forms that existed before dreams. Sometimes the dead water soil in the nightmares of the kine.
you show mortals this primeval iconography. When Sometimes you focus on one legend, refining the
you show them your celestial face, when they scream minutia of its image as you travel. You find
and sweat blood, then you are reminded of why angels Metamorphosis through the nuanced regional
always must preface their visitations with the words differences you discover from town to town, forced
“Be not afraid.” evolution along the road. Scary stories are fun when
you’re dead!

You are the land. You claimed a particularly opulent
You wield your bone shears with the gentle grace of an
mausoleum in the city cemetery as your manor. You
artist. The miracles you can work with human leather.
took in the homeless as your subjects. Democracy had
The osseous jewellery. The bioluminescent gown. The
used and discarded them, and you gave them
still living great coat, kept alive with vitae, covered in
something purer. To the few exceptional transients,
eyes that still blink. The flesh and bone coffin you
you gave the sacrament of your blood, from your bent
designed for the Archbishop herself that lovingly opens
chalice, making them your personal bogatyri. You
for her, every dawn, with the deliberation of a Venus
control the city park where you hold court, but your
flytrap. For all the Sabbat’s talk of transcending human
demesne grows alley by alley, shelter by shelter. customs, they still preen like demon peacocks when
Judicious impaling taught the gangs where not to they gather. Shock and awe. You give that to them. You
tread. The urban birds and beasts are your eyes and are in high demand. You give them post-human fashion
ears. Your word is law in the hearts and minds of — post mundane. Not just garments; you give them
peasants. Your loving subjects made you a crown of designer ghouls and designer selves. The packs strive to
barbed-steel thorns. You live the neofeudalist ideal be monsters, reach for freakishness, but many do not
better than your fellow Cainites, who hide in have the skill to truly transform. The poor dears. Why
penthouses or skulk in sewers. They laugh at you, but should the Fiends be the only ones to experience
it must be from jealousy. Metamorphosis? Your Clanmates are so self-centred.
You were always extroverted. You want to share. You
want to give.


The Tzimisce are inextricably tied to their
domains of origin, and must rest in the proximity
of at least two handfuls of “native soil” earth from
a place important to her as a mortal, such as the
soil from her birthplace or the graveyard where
she underwent her Embrace. Each night spent
without this physical connection to her land limits
all the Tzimisce’s dice pools by one dice per Bane
level, cumulatively, until she has only a single die
in her pool. The penalty remains until she rests for
a full day amidst her native soil once more.

Clan Compulsion
A noble lord and exalted predator, the vampire
feels their Blood call for civility. They are the lord
of their domain, and to disrespect their guests is to
disrespect themselves. While within their domain
or haven, the vampire suffers a two-dice penalty to
any and all rolls that would adversely affect their
known guests. This Compulsion lasts until the
guests leave the vampire’s domain or haven.

Animalism:To Tzimisce Animalism is more proof
they are the Lords of the land, the beasts of the
land even bend to their will.

Auspex: Nothing is hidden to the Tzimisce for

long. Tzimisce use Auspex to enhance their
senses, strengthening their sight or hearing to a
supernatural level, or to see what is underneath
the surface, the true nature or things.

Vicissitude: Vicissitude is used to bend the will of

the flesh to their desires. They use it to mold
ghouls into horrors, and their own bodies into



Tzimisce who wish to use Vicissitude well often
specialize their knowledge of Medicine in an art MALLEABLE VISAGE
known as Body Crafts. This specialization enables its A vampire with this power may alter her own bodily
possessor to make all manner of alterations to living parameters: height, build, voice, facial features, and
and dead flesh and bone. It also gives insight into more skin tone, among other things. Such changes are
mundane techniques; many Tzimisce are skilled at cosmetic and minor in scope — no more than a foot (30
flaying, bone-carving, embalming, taxidermy, cm) of height gained or lost, for example. She must
tattooing, and piercing. physically sculpt the alteration, literally shaping her
flesh into the desired result.
• Cost: One or More Rouse Checks
• Dice Pools: Intelligence + Medicine. Or Perception
+ Medicine
• System: The player must roll a Rouse Check for
each body part to be changed, and then roll
Vicissitude Intelligence + Medicine. To duplicate another
Characteristics: Vicissitude is the signature power of person or voice requires a Perception + Medicine
roll and five successes are required for a flawless
the Tzimisce and is rarely shared outside the Clan copy; fewer successes leave minute (or not-so-
(though it is known to some other Cainites of the minute) flaws. Increasing one’s Looks Trait
Sabbat). Similar to Protean in some ways, Vicissitude requires at least eight successes and the vampire
allows vampires to shape and sculpt flesh and bone. must roll an additional Rouse Check for each dot
of Looks increased beyond their natural total.
The wielder must establish skin-to-skin contact and
must often manually sculpt the desired result for these • Duration: When a Kindred uses Vicissitude to alter
powers to take effect. This also applies to the use of mortals and ghouls this is permanent. When used
on vampires of higher Generation, the effects of
the power on oneself. Tzimisce skilled in Vicissitude the power last for one night per success rolled and
are often inhumanly beautiful; those less skilled are must be “healed” as per aggravated damage.
simply inhuman. There are rumours that Vicissitude Vampires of equal or lower Generation can choose
is a disease rather than a “normal” Discipline, but only to heal the effects of Vicissitude as though they
were superficial wounds. While the subject must
the Fiends know for sure, and they aren’t talking. roll Rouse Checks to “heal” the effects of Malleable
• Type: Physical Visage, they are not actual wounds and cause no
real damage.
• Masquerade Threat: High. It is very difficult to
Note: Nosferatu always “heal” Vicissitude
explain the effects of Vicissitude as natural, but alterations, automatically without Rouse Checks.
not impossible if you use it creatively. The ancient curse of the Clan may not be
• Blood Resonance: Melancholy. circumvented through Vicissitude. The same
applies to physical deformities from the Gangrel
• The blood of the sad and desperate - Anguish
Clan weakness.
and torment fuels Vicissitude.


Level 2 Level 3
FLESHCRAFT This terrible power allows a vampire to
This power is similar to Malleable Visage, but allows manipulate bone in the same manner that flesh
the vampire to perform drastic, grotesque alterations is shaped. In conjunction with Fleshcraft,
on other creatures. Tzimisce often use this power to above, this power enables a Vicissitude
practitioner to deform a victim (or herself)
transform their servitors into monstrous guards, the
beyond recognition. This power should be used
better to frighten foes. Only flesh (skin, muscle, fat, in conjunction with the flesh-shaping arts,
and cartilage, but not bone) may be transformed with unless the vampire wants to inflict injury on
Malleable Visage. the victim (see below).
• Cost: One or More Rouse Checks • Cost: One or More Rouse Checks
• Dice Pools: Dexterity+ Medicine • Dice Pools: Strength + Medicine vs
• System: After rolling a Rouse Check, the vampire Stamina + Athletics
must grapple the intended victim. The player of • System: The vampire’s player must make
the Flesh-crafting vampire makes a successful a Rouse Check and make a Strength +
Dexterity+ Medicine roll. A vampire who wishes Medicine vs the subjects Stamina +
Athletics each success inflicts one health
to increase another’s Looks Trait does so as
level of aggravated damage on human
described under Malleable Visage; reducing the victim and superficial damage to
Attribute is considerably, though truly inspired vampires as their bones rip, puncture,
disfigurement may dictate a higher difficulty. In and slice their way out of their skin.
either case, each success increases or reduces the Bonecraft may be used without the
Attribute by one. A vampire may use this power fleshshaping arts, as a defensive and
offensive weapon as well. The vampire
to move clumps of skin, fat, and muscle tissue,
may utilize this power (on herself or
thus providing additional padding where needed. others) to form spikes or talons of bone,
For each success scored on a Dexterity + Medicine either on the knuckles or fingers as an
roll, the vampire may create body armour rating offensive weapon or all over the body as
of 1 in the subject’s, at the expense of either a defensive “quills.” If bone spikes are used,
point of Strength or a health level the vampire and victim takes one health
level of superficial damage (the vampire’s
(vampire’s choice).
comes from having the very sharp bone
• Duration: Same as Malleable Visage. pierce through his skin — this weaponry
doesn’t come cheaply). In the case of
quills, the subject takes a number of
superficial damage equal to five minus
the number of successes. These health
levels may be healed normally. Knuckle
spikes inflict Strength +1 superficial
damage. Defensive quills inflict a hand-
to-hand attacker’s Strength in superficial
damage unless the attacker scores three
or more successes on the attack roll (in


which case the attacker takes no damage); the

defender still takes damage normally. Quills Level 5
also enable the vampire or altered subject to
add two to all damage inflicted via holds, BLOOD FORM
clinches, or tackles. A vampire who scores five A vampire with this power can physically transform
or more successes on the Strength + Medicine all or part of her body into sentient vitae. This blood
vs Stamina + Athletics roll may cause a rival is in all respects identical to the vampire’s normal
vampire’s rib cage to curve inward and pierce vitae; she can use it to nourish herself or others,
the heart. While this does not send a vampire create ghouls, or establish blood bonds. In Blood
into torpor, it does cause the affected vampire Form the vampire cannot be harmed other than
to lose gain one hunger dice, as the seat of his sunlight and fire, however they can be diabolised in
vitae ruptures in a shower of gore. this form. If all this blood is imbibed or otherwise
destroyed, the vampire meets Final Death.
• Cost: One to Three Rouse Checks
• Dice Pools: N/A
• System: The vampire may transform all or part of
Level 4 herself as she deems fit. Each leg can turn into two
Hunger Points worth of vitae, as can the torso;
HORRID FORM each arm, the head, and the abdomen convert to
Kindred use this power to become hideous and
one Hunger Point each. The blood can be
deadly monsters. The vampire’s stature increases to a
full eight feet (two and a half meters), the skin reconverted to the body part, provided it is in
becomes a sickly greenish-grey or greyish-black contact with the vampire. If the blood has been
chitin, the arms become apelike and ropy with utilized or destroyed, the vampire must spend a
ragged black nails, and the face warps into number of Hunger Points equal to what was
something out of a nightmare. A row of spines originally created to regrow the missing body part.
sprouts from the vertebrae, and the external
A vampire entirely in this form may not be staked,
carapace exudes foul-smelling grease.
cut, bludgeoned, or pierced, but can be burned or
• Cost: Two Rouse Check
exposed to the sun. The vampire may ooze along,
• Dice Pools: N/A
• System: To awaken the Horrid Form the vampire drip up walls, and flow through the narrowest
rolls two Rouse Checks. It takes a full turn to cracks. Mental Disciplines may be used, provided
change and no other action can be made during no eye contact or vocal utterance is necessary,
that time. In Horrid Form the vampires Physical although the vampire can perceive her
Attributes increase by three, but all Social surroundings just fine (but the perceptions are
Attributes drop to zero, except when dealing with always centred on the largest pool of blood). If a
others also in Horrid Form. However, a vampire vampire in this form “washes” over a mortal or
in Horrid Form who is trying to intimidate animal, that mortal must make a Composure roll
someone may substitute Strength for a Social or fly into a panic.
Attribute. Damage inflicted in brawling combat • Duration: One scene unless ended voluntarily
increases by one due to the jagged ridges and bony before that.
knobs creasing the creature’s hands and body.
• Duration: One scene unless ended voluntarily
before that.


About Our Bane

We are the deathless lords of man and

beast. Spirits tremble at our evocation. Yet,
we pay fealty to two handfuls of dirt. How
did this happen? Noddists cite myths in
which Caine curses our entire line. Koldun
believe it is a debt owed to the spirits of
the land. Proud Fiends insist this is neither
curse, weakness, nor indebtedness, but a
symbol of their connection to the homeland.
But which homeland? The world spins, and
now every patch of soil calls out to one
Clanmate or another. This soil might come
from home, their grave, or from some patch
of earth otherwise meaningful to the
Cainite. I have another theory. We travel
the far vistas of sensation and thought. We
leave behind all things familiar — the sun,
palpitation, human morality, even our
identities and forms. Perhaps the soil is our
concession, our one allowed anchor when
we sail out into the Dead Water and
explore the outer regions of contemplation.
Perhaps the Eldest was wise in imposing
this rule on his children, as he sent them
off to the terrible, alien stratospheres.
What would our inward journey cost us
without this precaution? Maybe the
Malkavians merely forgot to take their two
handfuls with them.


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