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1) Whenever a new marketing research problem is being addressed, Qualitative research must be preceded by
appropriate Quantitative research.
A) qualitative; quantitative
B) observational; experimental
C) quantitative; qualitative
D) experimental; observational

2) There are several reasons to use qualitative research. Which of the following is not a reason to use qualitative
A) It is not always possible, or desirable, to use fully structured or formal methods to obtain information from
B) People may be unwilling or unable to answer certain questions.
C) People are unwilling to give truthful answers to questions that invade their privacy, embarrass them, or have a
negative impact on their ego or status.
D) none of the above

3) The Direct approach is one type of qualitative research in which the purposes of the project are disclosed to the
respondent or are obvious, given the nature of the interview.
A) indirect approach
B) direct approach
C) focus group approach
D) descriptive approach

4) Focus groups are a(n) Direct research procedure and projective techniques are a(n) Experimental research
A) experimental; direct
B) indirect; direct
C) direct; experimental
D) direct; indirect

5) Focus groups are the most important qualitative research procedure.

A) Focus groups
B) Depth interviews
C) Projective techniques
D) Association techniques

6) Which of the following is not one of the key qualifications of focus group moderators?
A) joviality
B) kindness with firmness
C) flexibility
D) sensitivity

7) Constructing a detailed moderator's outline for use during the focus group interviews involves extensive
discussions among the __re______, ________, and ________.
A) researcher; moderator; and respondents.
B) researcher; client; moderator.
C) researcher; client; respondent.
D) client; respondent; moderator.

8) It is recommended that at least _Five_______ focus groups be conducted.

A) two
B) three

Ishfaque Ali Shah 2183222

C) four
D) five

9) Which of the following is a methodological application of focus groups?

A) obtaining impressions of new product concepts
B) generating alternative courses of action
C) Both B and D are correct.
D) generating hypotheses that can be tested quantitatively

10) Focus groups can be used to address substantive issues such as ________.
A) defining a problem more precisely
B) generating new ideas about older products
C) developing an approach to a problem
D) interpreting previously obtained quantitative results

11) A ________ is an unstructured, direct, personal interview in which a single respondent is probed by a highly
skilled interviewer to uncover underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings on a topic.
A) focus group
B) qualitative interview
C) projective interview
D) depth interview

12) Depth interviews are like focus group in all of the following ways except________.
A) both are unstructured interviews
B) both are direct ways of obtaining information
C) both are qualitative research methods
D) both are one-on-one interviews

13) "Why do you say that?", "That's interesting, can you tell me more?" or, "Would you like to add anything else?"
are examples of ________.
A) focusing
B) projecting
C) probing
D) none of the above

14) ________ is a technique for conducting depth interviews in which a line of questioning proceeds from product
characteristics to user characteristics.
A) Hidden issue questioning
B) Symbolic analysis
C) Laddering
D) None of the above

15) In a depth interview, the interviewer should ________.

A) avoid appearing superior and put the respondent at ease
B) be detached and objective, yet personable
C) probe the respondent
D) all of the above

16) In a depth interview, the interviewer should ________.

A) not accept brief "yes" or "no" answers
B) not probe the respondent
C) ask questions in an informative manner
D) A and C are both correct

Ishfaque Ali Shah 2183222

17) Depth interviews suffer from many of the disadvantages of focus groups and often to a greater extent. Which
of the following disadvantages is not shared with focus groups?
A) Skilled interviewers capable of conducting depth interviews are expensive and difficult to find.
B) The lack of structure makes the results susceptible to the interviewer's influence.
C) The data obtained are difficult to analyze and interpret.
D) All of the above are shared with focus groups.

18) When conducting international marketing research, focus group moderators should not only be trained in focus
group methodology but should also be familiar with the ________ of the country.
A) language
B) culture
C) patterns of social interaction
D) all of the above

19) Which of the following is not an ethical issue of concern to the researcher?
A) disguising the purpose of the research and the use of deceptive procedures
B) videotaping and recording the proceedings
C) comfort level of the respondents
D) none of the above

20) Which of the words below is an ambiguous word?

A) once
B) never
C) often
D) none of the above

Ishfaque Ali Shah 2183222

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