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Circle of The Vision Quest

Druids of this circle are known for cultivating a strange herb that, when ingested or smoked, produces
auditory and visual hallucinations. These “Weedruids”, as they are often called by disgruntled adventuring
companions, may seem as though they are in another world; that that perception cannot be further from the
truth, as the herbs that they cultivate heighten their perception of the world and stills their minds into a trancelike

Bonus Proficiencies
Starting when you take this circle at level 2, you gain proficiency with the Herbalist and Alchemist tools if
you did not have them already. In addition, you know how to grow and nurture a hallucinogenic herb common
amongst druids like yourself. This herb can take the shape of any plant you wish and can even be fungal in nature.
Once per day, you may use the Druidcraft cantrip to grow one dose of this herb.

Vision Quest
At 2nd level, when you use your Wild Shape feature, you may instead choose to consume 1 dose of your
miracle herb instead of transforming into a beast. After doing so, you gain the following benefits for as long as you
would normally retain a wild shape.
- You gain advantage on saving throws against Fear, Charm, and Sleep effects.
- Healing spells you cast now heal an additional amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Your hazy movements are hard to track, you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity.
- You may gain proficiency with a skill of your choice for as long as you remain under the effects of the
Vision Quest.
Spells and potions that remove poisons, diseases, and other ailments will end your Vision Quest early.

The Sacred Number

At 6th level, your druid has found a lucky number that guides them through this new path in life. While
under the effects of your Vision Quest, you now score critical hits on a roll of 4 as well as a roll of 20.

Lost in the Haze

At 10th level, you have learned to drag others into your vision quest with you just by exposing them to the
fumes of your herbal magic. When you activate your Vision Quest, you may create a 20-foot radius sphere of light
fog centered around yourself. This fog does not obscure vision; however, you are under the effects of the Blur spell
for as long as you remain inside the fog. Allies within this area are now under the effects of the Bless spell, and
enemies within the radius are under the effects of the Bane spell. This fog lasts for 1 minute or until a strong wind
disperses it; and the effect on enemies and allies last for 1 minute after they leave the fog cloud.

That’s my secret…
At 14th level, your herbal mastery knows no bounds. You may now use the druidcraft cantrip to create
your herb an unlimited number times a day. In addition, you are now gain the following benefits at all times.
- You are immune to poison damage as well as the poisoned condition.
- Your thoughts become a jumble that only you can understand. Creatures that can naturally, or through a
spell, read minds cannot comprehend your thoughts unless you allow them to.
- When you are in your vision quest, you may add half of your proficiency bonus to skills and saving throws
that did not already add that bonus.

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