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May 2017

Justice C S Karnan:

 The Supreme Court on May 1, 2017 ordered the medical examination of Calcutta
High Court judge Justice C S Karnan on May 4 by a board of doctors, to be set up by
a government hospital in Kolkata.

 A seven-judge bench headed by Chief Justice J S Khehar also directed the Director
General of Police of West Bengal to form a team of police officers which could assist
the medical board in carrying out the medical examination on Justice Karnan.

Q: Which of the following country warned the international community saying that it
would go for nuclear test at any time?
a. Iran
b. Iraq
c. Pakistan
d. North Korea

Answer: D


 The Defence Minister of India on May 1, 2017Monday handed over a number of

devices developed by the Defence Research and Development Organization to National
Security Guard (NSG),Delhi Police and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
 E-Nasika to NDRF
 OTL-300 to NSG and Delhi Police

 E-Nasika', a hand-held equipment which is capable of rapid detection of chemical

agents well below their toxic limits.
 'OTL-300'. - It can instantly detect partially camouflaged optical elements, such as
telescopes, binoculars and night vision devices.
 Another portable equipment, capable of remotely identifying explosives, was handed
over to P S Purohit, additional director in Intelligence Bureau.


 Non-Performing Assets
 The ordinance is likely to get the President's nod on May 3, 2017.
 "It is an amendment in the Banking Regulation Act. Since Parliament is not in
session, it will be issued as an ordinance which needs the President's approval.

Q: Which of the following country is the top oil client of Iran (crude oil)?
a. India
b. China
c. Japan
d. Russia

Answer: B

Q: Which of the following country is the largest supplier of oil to India?

a. Iran
b. Iraq
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Venezuela

Answer: C

Swachh Survekshan

Cities are the engines of growth and urban India contribute to about 70% of country’s GDP.
For cities to continue their contribution and provide quality of life to citizens, urban cleanliness
is of central importance.

In order to foster a healthy competition between cities for improving cleanliness standards.

The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) started the “Swachh Survekshan” survey,
ranking of cities on cleanliness and other aspects of urban sanitation, in 2016 which ranked 73
cities across the country.

On the same lines, MoUD has initiated “Swachh Survekshan” 2017 which conducted a survey
to rank 500 cities of India.

The performance evaluation of the Swachh survekshan is conducted by Quality Council of

India (QCI), an autonomous body established by Government of India in 1997 for Quality
assurance in all spheres of activities including Governance.

The ranks have been released on May 4, 2017

1. Indore (1808)
2. Bhopal (1800)
3. Vishakapatnam (1797)
4. Surat (1762)
5. Mysuru (1743)
434.Gonda (UP – 305)

South Asia Satellite:

 Satellite - GSAT 9
 Launch vehicle – GSLV F09
 Cost – 235 crores
 Duration – 12 years
 Mass – Lift off mass (Satellite + Launch vehicle) - 2230 kg

 Usages - The satellite will provide improved communication, mapping terrain and

natural resources and disaster prediction and management.

 ISRO launched the satellite on May 5, 2017 from Satish Dhawan Space center.
Sriharokota, AP
 This is geosynchronous communications and meteorology satellite
 The satellite will provide among other things, communication channels for better
coordination during disaster management. It will also help countries in mapping terrain
and natural resources

 This idea was mooted by the PM of India during 8th SAARC summit in Nepal in the
year 2014
 Please Note: 19th SAARC summit was not held so far (as of May 8, 2017)
 The multidimensional facilities that are provided by the satellite are utilised by all
SAARC nations except Pakistan

Why Pakistan opted out?

 Pakistan initially declared its intention of participating in the project.

 Pakistan offered India monetary and technical help.
 India rejected Pakistani offers, saying that it wanted the project to be a "gift" and multi-
national collaboration would be time consuming

What is neighbourhood first policy?

Q: Which of the following first South Asia country to launch a satellite?

a. Pakistan
b. Sri Lanka
c. India

d. Bangladesh

Answer: C


 Aryabhata was the first India satellite launched in 1975

 ISRO Chairman – A S Kiran Kumar
 Why it is not called SAARC satellite?
 GSLV uses indigenous cryogenic engine


 The GOI allocated Rs 2130/- cr for e –court mission

 The Apex court goes paperless from July 2017
 India’s first e-court is High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad

Unique Bench for Triple Talaq Hearing:

 A unique combination of five the apex court judges belonging to different faiths will
start hearing final arguments on the constitutional validity of triple talaq from May 11,
 For a sensitive issue like this, the lead petition is aptly titled "Quest for Equality vs
Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind".

 Hearing the case will be five judges from five different communities — CJI J S Khehar
(Sikh) and Justices Kurian Joseph (Christian), R F Nariman (Parsi), U U Lalit (Hindu)
and Abdul Nazeer (Muslim).

 The hearing may be finished by May 19, 2017

Kulbhushan Jadav:

 He is an Indian navy officer

 He was arrested in Baluchistan, over the charges of terrorism and spying.
 India had strategically invoked Article 41 of the ICJ Statute and Article 74(4) of the
court rules and this helped it get the desired reprieve. Article 41 provides, "ICJ shall
have the power to indicate, if it considers that circumstances so require, any provisional
measures which ought to be taken to preserve the respective rights of either party.
Pending the final decision, notice of the measures suggested shall forthwith be given to
the parties and to the Security Council


 ICJ President - Judge Ronny Abraham (France)

 ICJ Vice President Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf (Somalia)

 ICJ is located in The Hague, Netherlands

Q: Which of the following countries is hosting One Belt one Road Summit in the year
a. Russia
b. China
c. Pakistan
d. Afghanistan

Answer: B

Q: ‘Justice C S Karnan’ who has been imprisoned for 6 months by the Supreme Court
is a judge of
a. Madras High Court
b. Bombay High Court
c. Calcutta High Court
d. Delhi High Court
Answer: C

A holy man in Kolkata blesses a child with his foot.

This ritual is a part of Gajan, a Bengali festival. Here the devotees hurt themselves to win the
favour of Lord Siva.

Q: Sunaina Singh has been appointed as the new Vice Chancellor of Nalanda University.
Earlier she was the Vice Chancellor of
a. Osmania University
b. Delhi University
c. Central University of Hyderabad
d. English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU)

Answer: D

Q: In which of the following years MOM (Mars Orbiter Mission) or Mangalayaan was

A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2015
D. 2016

Answer: A
 MOM was launched trough PSLV C25 from SHAR
 It was launched on November 5, 2013
 It was inserted into the Mars orbit successfully on September 24, 2014

Q: Who of the following has been appointed as the ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ for Hepatitis
in the South East Asia region by the World Health Organization to boost awareness and
intensify action to arrest the epidemic?
a. Ajay Devagan
b. Salman Khan
c. Aamir Khan
d. Amitabh Bachchan

Answer: D

 It is caused by a virus
 It infects liver

Q: The ‘Panchsheel Treaty’ was signed in the year
a. 1950
b. 1952
c. 1953
d. 1954

Answer: D

China and India are two of the world's oldest civilizations.

China is the most populous country followed by India

While the interactions of many nations are governed by various treaties, the one that defines
the relationship between China and India is unique.
It's called the Panchsheel Treaty or 5 Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
It is one of the most important pieces of foreign policy in the modern world.

In 1949, China transformed itself into a single-party communist nation called the People's
Republic of China.
In 1950, the dominion of India became the Republic of India.
China wanted to regain its former prominence and prove that it could conduct its own affairs
without the guidance of the Soviet Union.
India wanted to start building up its own international relations without the British Empire.
Both wanted to prove that they could participate in the world without being controlled by
anyone else.
In 1953, both nations got their wish. India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and
China's first premier, Zhou Enlai, met to define the relationship between their two nations.
Their agreement was presented in the 1954 Agreement on Trade and Intercourse between the
Tibet Region of China and India, and indicated to the world that China and India had defined
their relationship not on economic or cultural or military foundations, but on ideological ones.

The Five Principles

In the treaty, the leaders of China and India outlined their policy of Panchsheel and defined it
through five ideological principles. Those principles are:
1. Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty
2. Mutual non-aggression
3. Mutual non-interference
4. Equality and cooperation for mutual benefit
5. Peaceful coexistence
Each nation agreed not to mess with the internal affairs of the other and committed themselves
to pursuing peaceful solutions to any conflicts that might arise between them.
India, as a recently decolonized nation, worried that the international competition between
these superpowers would ultimately hurt the weaker, newer nations of the world. So,
Panchsheel was never meant to simply define the relationship between China and India. It was
meant to serve as a model for how all nations should conduct their international affairs.

Q: Emmanuel Macron is newly elected President of

a. Germany
b. Italy
c. France
d. Switzerland

Answer: C

Q: Which of the following state’s Chief Minister conferred with the first Bhairon Singh
Shekhawat Lifetime Achievement Honour in Public Service by President of India?
a. Assam
b. Meghalaya
c. Mizoram
d. Sikkim

Answer: D

 The CM is Pawan Kumar Chawling
 He is the CM for Sikkim for the last 22 years
 Sikkim is called ‘Land of Flowers’
 Sikkim is the state with lowest population in India
 Bhairon Singh Shekhawat was the Vice President of India between 2002 – 07

Achievements of Sikkim in 2016:

 Sikkim became India’s first fully organic state

 It is adjudged the cleanest state
 Overall best in education and tourist destination
 The famed Kanchenjunga National Park was inscribed in the UNESCO World
Heritage List.

 Around 75,000 hectares of agricultural land were gradually converted to certified

organic land by implementing practices and principles as per guidelines laid down in
National Programme for Organic Production.

Triple Talaq:
 Even Islamic theocratic states have moved towards reform but we, a secular state are
still debating over triple talaq.

 Where Muslim men would go for divorce if Supreme Court strikes down triple talaq?
 The Parliament needs to make a legislation

 Note: Countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia etc have
already done away with such practice

Q: Who of the following appeared before the ICJ (International Court of Justice) as
Council for India to counter play the execution of death sentence of Kulbhushan Jadav
by Pakistan?

a. Ram Jetlamani
b. Subramanian Swamy
c. Gopala Subramanium
d. Harish Salve

Answer: D

 He was a former Solicitor General of India
 According to the government Harish Salve charged Rs 1/- only for arguing the case of
Kulbhushan Jadav before ICJ

North Korea:

 North Korea successfully test fired a new missile Hwasong-12.

 This test-launch signals major advances in developing an intercontinental
ballistic missile, such as mastery of re-entry technology and better engine
performance key to targeting the United States. (According to experts).
 North Korea has been developing a long-range missile capable of striking
the mainland US mounted with a nuclear warhead.
 It would require a flight of 8,000 km (4,800 miles) or more and technology
to ensure a warhead's stable re-entry into the atmosphere.
 The new strategic ballistic missile named Hwasong-12, fired on May 14,
 It was fired at the highest angle to avoid affecting neighbouring countries'
security, flew 787 km (489 miles) on a trajectory reaching an altitude of
2,111.5 km.

May 16, 2017

Sensex breached 30500 mark

NIFTY breached 9500 mark

Q: Which of the following countries ranked first and second position for Renewable
energy country attractiveness index?
a. USA and China
b. China and India
c. USA and France
d. India and USA

Answer: B

 For India this is primarily due to a combination of strong government support and
increasingly attractive economics.

Mumbai Airport:

 Mumbai airport became the world's busiest amongst the single-runway facilities by
handling 837 flights a day.
 It took over London's Gatwick airport that had 757 flights a day.

 St Petersburg International Economic Forum
 This is a forum for debating geo-politics
 This is to be held on June 2, 2017
 Theme for 2017: This year, the SPIEF will convene under the theme ‘Achieving a
New Balance on the Global Stage’

 SPIEF is dubbed as Davos of Eurasia

 The President of Russia and the Prime Minister of India would address jointly
 This is the first time that India will be a guest country at the Forum
 The Secretary General of UNO is to attend the meeting
 Note: During the speech the PM will reiterate India’s position that no country can
accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity.

 Please Note:

 St Petersburg is the entry point for International North-South Transportation Corridor

(INSTC) that connects India with Russia and Europe via Iran.

 INSTC is one of the flagship connectivity projects that the Modi government is
investing in for smooth entry into Russia, Eurasia and Europe.

 Within days of SPIEF, India will also enter the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
(SCO), hoping to expand its footprints in Central Asia through which corridors under
China’s Belt and Road Initiatives.

Operation Clean Money:

 It was launched by the Income Tax Department soon after demonetisation
 This is to ensure that those with undeclared incomes were brought into the tax fold.
 The IT department identified about 1.8 million persons who were contacted through
SMSes and emails and asked to explain their deposits, pay tax or declare past
undisclosed income through the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana.

Q: The Indian state with highest number of divorces

a. Madhya Pradesh
b. Maharashtra
c. Karnataka
d. Kerala

Answer: D

Q: Which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to Maternity Benefit
(Amendment) Act?

1. The Act extended the maternity leave period from 12 to 26 weeks. However, a woman
with two or more children will be entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave.
2. An employer may permit a woman to work from home, if the nature of work assigned
permits her to do so. This may be mutually agreed upon by the employer and the

3. The act requires every establishment with 50 or more employees to provide for crèche
facilities within a prescribed distance. The woman will be allowed four visits to the
crèche in a day.

Chose the correct answer:

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: D

Q: Which of the following statements is/are true regarding Payments banks?

a. The minimum capital requirement Rs 100 cr

b. Foreign shareholding is not permitted in these banks
c. They can issue services like Net banking, debit cards, credit cards, mobile banking
d. These banks accept deposits up to rs 1 lakh

Chose the correct answer:

1. A and B
2. B and C
3. C and D
4. A and D
Answer: D

1. Foreign shareholding is permitted in these banks
2. They cannot issue services like credit cards
3. 25 percent of its branches must be located in unbanked rural areas.
4. The bank must use the term "payments bank" in its name to differentiate it from other
types of bank.
5. Paytm is permitted to launch Payments Bank and the current services of Paytm are
merged into the new bank
6. Please Note: Formation of ‘Payments banks’ was recommended by ‘Committee on
Comprehensive Financial Services for small business and low income households’.
This committee was headed by Nachiket Mor. This is also called ‘Nachiket Mor’

What are commitment charges?

 This is a fee charged by a lender to a borrower for an unused credit line or undisbursed
 India paid Rs 600 cr in 6 years
 It indicate the failure to start development projects on schedule and draw international
loans in time.


Q: M777 is
a. Space ship
b. Submarine
c. Ultralight artillery gun
d. Super Computer

Answer: C

 Manufactured by BAE systems

 Weight 4, 220 kg
 M777 replaced M198.

 M777 weight is 41 percent less than that of M198

 In M777 extensive Titanium is used
 Please Note: Titanium was discovered by William Gregor in the year 1791.
 Also Note: Titanium is resistant to corrosion

 On November 30, 2016 India signed the Letter of Agreement and Acceptance (LOA)
with the US to purchase 145 M777 ultra-light artillery guns, through the foreign
military sale (FMS) route.

 The ultralight howitzer is being purchased primarily to deploy on mountains in eastern

border with China to provide the much-needed fire power to the Indian Army in the

Mercy Petition:
 Justice C S Karnan submitted mercy petition to the President of India

Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill:

 The government on May 18, 2017 put out ‘The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill,
2017’ in the public domain, seeking feedback and suggestions.
 The bill aims to help confiscate assets of high-value economic offenders absconding
from India till they submit to the jurisdiction of the appropriate legal forum.

Who is a ‘fugitive economic offender’?

 Any individual against whom a warrant for arrest in relation to an economic offence
has been issued and the person has left the country and refuses to return to India to
face criminal prosecution. The provisions of the proposed bill will override other
legislations dealing with economic offences.

"It is widely felt that the spectre of high-value economic offenders absconding from
India to defy the legal process seriously undermines the rule of law in India,"

 The Goods and Services Tax Council broadly agreed on 4 tax brackets for services.
 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%)

Tejas Train:

 Tejas Express, will start running between Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and Karmali in
North Goa on May 22.

 This is 20-coach train, automatic doors, and 22 new features.

 The coaches have been manufactured in the Indian Coach Factory, Perambur, Chennai.

 Speed 130kmph

 The coaches will have bio-vacuum toilets, water level indicators, tap sensors, and hand

 Such facilities and features are the first of its kind in the Indian Railways.

 The train will have executive class and chair class.

 The coaches will have tea and coffee vending machines, magazines, snacks tables, LCD
screens, and Wi-Fi.

 The fare may be nearly 30% more than that of Shatabdi and other premium trains.


 Goods and Services Tax

 GST was first recommended in the year 2003 by Kelkar Task Force on indirect taxes.
 GST is a tax levied on goods and services.
 This would be a single and comprehensive tax and will subsume all other indirect taxes
 122nd Constitution amendment bill ………101 amendment act
 GST is a destination based tax (place of supply)
 Only value addition will be taxed
 The final tax burden is borne by the consumer

 3 types of GST
 CGST – Levied by centre on intra-state supply of goods and services
 SGST - Levied by states on the supply of goods and services
 IGST - Levied by centre on inter - state supply of goods and services
 UTGST - GST Council has introduced the UTGST Act, to levy a tax, in the union
territories of Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. UTGST will be levied in place of SGST in these union

 CGST and IGST is levied and administered by the central government

 SGST is levied and administered by the State government
 CGST and SGST are taxed simultaneously
 GST council quorum – ½
 Weightage of votes – Central government 1/3rd and states 2/3rd

Q: Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding GST Council?

a. This is mentioned under article 279A which is inserted through the 101st constitution
amendment act
b. The Prime Minister of India is the Chairperson
c. Union Minister of state in charge of revenue or finance is a member
d. Minister in charge of finance or taxation or any other Minister nominated by each state
government are members
Chose the correct answer:
1. A, B and C
2. B, C and D
3. A, C and D
4. A, B, C and D
Answer: 3
 GST Council was constituted on 12/09/2016

The taxes that are going to be subsumed are

At the Central level
a. Central Excise Duty,
b. Additional Excise Duty,
c. Service Tax,

d. Additional Customs Duty commonly known as Countervailing Duty, and

e. Special Additional Duty of Customs.

At the State level

a. Value Added Tax/Sales Tax,
b. Entertainment Tax (other than the tax levied by the local bodies), Central Sales Tax
(levied by the Centre and collected by the States),
c. Octroi and Entry tax,
d. Purchase Tax,
e. Luxury tax, and
f. Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling.

What is GSTN?
 Goods and Service tax Network
 GSTN is a special purpose vehicle to cater the needs of GST
 GSTN provides the shared IT infrastructure and services to central and state
governments, tax payers and other stakeholders for the implementation of GST

 The Council has broadly approved the GST rates for services at Nil, 5%, 12%, 18%
and 28%

Advantages of GST:
 Amalgamating several Central and State taxes into a single tax would mitigate
cascading or double taxation, facilitating a common national market.
 It leads to easier administration and enforcement.
 The biggest advantage for consumer would be in terms of a reduction in the overall tax
burden on goods, which is currently estimated at 25%-30%.
 Free movement of goods from one state to another without stopping at state borders for
hours for payment of state tax or entry tax and reduction in paperwork to a large extent.

 The GST Council on May 18, 2017 approved the tax rates for 1,211 items. Out of 1211
items 7 per cent will be exempted, 14 per cent will be in the 5 per cent slab, 17 per cent
in the 12 per cent category, 43 per cent in the 18 per cent segment, while 19 per cent of
goods will go into the top tax bracket of 28 per cent.

 81 per cent items will attract tax of 18 per cent or below, while 19 per cent of items
will be taxed at the highest rate of 28 per cent.

Q: Which of the following day is celebrated as World Turtle day?

a. May 21
b. May 23
c. May 27
d. May 31

Answer: B

Q: Where is the headquarters of African Development Bank is located?

a. Abidjan, Ivory Coast
b. Tunis, Tunisia
c. Lobamba, Swaziland
d. Abuja, Nigeria

Answer: A


 Strength 78
 52nd AfDB annual meeting is held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat (May 22 – 26, 2017)
 This is the first annual conference in India
 The headquarters was shifted back to Abidjan again in the year 2014

Q: Which of the following is the first state in India to offer a ‘women’s special’ tour
a. Kerala
b. Tamil Nadu

c. Karnataka
d. Maharashtra

Answer: C

Q: Which of the following port in India soon to be connected with ‘Chabahar’ port in
a. Mundra
b. Kandla
c. Navi Mumbal
d. Kochi

Answer: B

 Chabahar port was developed with India’s participation
 Kandla port is the largest cargo handling port in India
 There are 12 major ports in India

Q: Who is empowered to postpone the elections of Rajya Sabha?

a. President of India
b. Cabinet
c. Law Ministry
d. Election Commission

Answer: D

 The election for 10 RS seats in Goa, Gujarat and West Bengal has been postponed as
it might coincide the Presidential election

Removal Procedure of a judge of High Court:

 Justice Nagarjuna Reddy of High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad
 Allegation is that he physically assaulted a junior Dalit judge by name S. Ramakrishna.
 One motion was moved in the year 2016 but few MPs backed.
 Article 217 (1) (b): A judge may be removed from his office by the President in the
manner provided in clause (4) of article 124 for the removal of a judge of the Supreme

124 (4) A Judge of the Supreme Court shall not be removed from his office except by an order
of the President passed after an address by each House of Parliament supported by a majority
of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two thirds of the
members of that House present and voting has been presented to the President in the same
session for such removal on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity.
(5) Parliament may by law regulate the procedure for the presentation of an address and for the
investigation and proof of the misbehaviour or incapacity of a Judge under clause (4).

Judges (inquiry) Act, 1968:

 This is an act to regulate the procedure for investigation and proof of misbehaviour or
incapacity of a judge of Supreme Court or of a High Court and for the presentation of
an address by Parliament to the President and for matter – connected there with.

 Notice of a motion can be initiated in either of the houses.

 What happens if notice of a motion is initiated in both the Houses on the same day?
 What happens if notice of a motion is initiated in both the Houses on two different

 The state cabinet decided to extend AFSPA for 6 months

Asian Dividend:
 India stood by OPEC as a reliable and continued customer
 The petroleum minister of India Dharmendra Pradhan urged the OPEC to remove the
Asian premium on the crude oil supplied to Indian and Asian buyers
 India makes timely payments and honoured all commitments
 Hence the petroleum minster urged for a discount in prices for large volumes that
India imports
 OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
 The OPEC was founded in Baghdad in September 1960 by five countries.
 Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela became the
Founder Members of the Organization.
 These countries were later joined by Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962), Libya (1962), the
United Arab Emirates (1967), Algeria (1969), Nigeria (1971), Ecuador (1973), Gabon
(1975) and Angola (2007).
 Ecuador suspended its membership in December 1992, but rejoined OPEC in October
 Indonesia suspended its membership in January 2009, reactivated it again in January
2016, but decided to suspend its membership once more at the 171st Meeting of the
OPEC Conference on 30 November 2016.
 Gabon terminated its membership in January 1995. However, it rejoined the
Organization in July 2016.

Q: 11 ‘Apache’ multirole attack helicopters that Indian army to get soon are from
a. Russia
b. France
c. Israel

d. USA

Answer: D

 IAF is going to get 22
 Indian army 11

Q: Which of the following country is the largest stainless steel maker?

a. India
b. Japan
c. China
d. South Korea

Answer: C

1. India is the 2nd largest in 2016
2. India replaced Japan
3. In 2016 India produced 3.32 million tonnes

Centre – State Relations:

1. Appointment and dismissal of Governor
2. Partisan role of governor
3. President’s rule
4. Deployment of Central forces in states
5. Articles 201 and 202
6. All India Services

7. Cases against CMs

8. Finances between the centre and states
9. Parliament on state list

 Administrative Reforms Comission.
 Appointed in the year 1966
 It was a 6 member committee
 Initial chairman was Morarji Desai
 Later replaced by K Hanumantayya
 ARC constituted a study team under M C Setalvad to examine various issues
 ARC submitted report in 1969 with 22 recommendations
Recommendations of ARC:
1. Establishment of Inter State Council (263)
2. More powers to be delegated to the states
3. More finances to the states to reduce their dependency on the central government
4. Deployment of central forces on the request of the states or otherwise
5. Non-partisan attitude of the governors

Rajmannar Committees:
 Pakala Venkataramana Rao Rajmannar
 Please Note: He was first Indian Chief Justice of Madras High Court (1948 to 1961)
 Also Note: He was also the first Chairman of Sangeet Natak Academy
 Sangeet Natak Academy is located in New Delhi and the current Chairman is Shekar
Sen for 5 years. He was appointed in January 2015
 It was appointed in the year 1969 by Tamil Nadu government
 Appointed to examine the entire question of central and state relations
 Report was submitted in the year 1971

Recommendations of Rajmannar Committee:

 ISC should be set up immediately
 Central Finance commission should be made a permanent body.
 Planning Commission should be abolished. It should be replaced with a statutory
 Articles 356, 357, 365 should be scrapped
 Abolition of the provision that the state ministry holds the office during the pleasure
of the governor

 Some subjects under the union and concurrent list should be transferred to the state
 Residuary powers should be vested in the states
 AIS should be abolished

Sarkaria Commission:
Ranjit Singh Sarkaria (retired judge of Supreme Court)

The Commission was set up in June 1983 by the central government.

The purpose was to examine the relationship and balance of power between state and central
governments in the country and suggest changes within the framework of Constitution of India
The other two members of the committee were
1. Shri B. Sivaraman
2. Dr S.R. Sen.

The report was submitted in the year 1988

It submitted its 1600-page final report.
The final report contained 247 specific recommendations. In spite of the large size of its reports
- the Commission recommended, by and large, status quo in the Centre-State relations,
especially in the areas, relating to legislative matters, role of Governors and use of Article 356.
Whatever extent the Commission suggested change, the recommendations were not
implemented by the government
The commissions gave suggestions like centre should consult state before legislation on
concurrent list, river water dispute tribunal award should be binding on parties three months
after award is given by tribunal, and centre should make deliberate use of article 258.

Article 258: Power of the Union to confer powers, etc, on States in certain cases
1. Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, the President may, with the consent of
the Governor of a State, entrust either conditionally or unconditionally to that

Government or to its officers functions in relation to any matter to which the executive
power of the Union extends
2. A law made by Parliament which applies in any State may, notwithstanding that it
relates to a matter with respect to which the Legislature of the State has no power to
make laws, confer powers and impose duties, or authorise the conferring of powers and
the imposition of duties, upon the State or officers and authorities thereof
3. Where by virtue of this article powers and duties have been conferred or imposed upon
a State or officers or authorities thereof, there shall be paid by the Government of India
to the State such sum as may be agreed, or, in default of agreement, as may be
determined by an arbitrator appointed by the Chief Justice of India, in respect of any
extra costs of administration incurred by the State in connection with the exercise of
those powers and duties

Chapter I. Perspective
Chapter II. Legislative Relations
Chapter III. Administrative Relations
Chapter IV. Role of the Governor
Chapter V. Reservation of Bills by Governors for President's consideration and Promulgation
of Ordinances
Chapter VI. Emergency Provisions
Chapter VII. Deployment of Union Armed Forces in States for Public Order Duties
Chapter VIII. All India Services
Chapter IX. Inter-Governmental Council
Chapter X. Financial Relations
Chapter XI. Economic and Social Planning
Chapter XII. Industries
Chapter XIII. Mines and Minerals
Chapter XIV. Agriculture
Chapter XV. Forests
Chapter XVI. Food and Civil Supplies
Chapter XVII. Inter-State River Water Disputes
Chapter XVIII. Trade, Commerce and Inter-course within the Territory of India
Chapter XIX. Mass Media
Chapter XX. Miscellaneous Matters
Chapter XXI. General Observations
Chapter XXII. Appendices
Chapter XXIII Conclusion
Recommendations on Appointment of Governor:

The person should be

1. An eminent person;
2. A person from outside the State;
3. Not have participated in active politics at least for some time before his appointment;
4. A detached person and not too intimately connected with the local politics of the State;
5. Be appointed in consultation with the Chief Minister of the State, Vice-President of India
and the Speaker of the Lok Sabha;
6. Tenure of office must be guaranteed and should not be disturbed except for extremely
compelling reasons and if any action is to be taken against him he must be given a reasonable
opportunity for showing cause against the grounds on which he is sought to be removed. In
case of such termination or resignation of the Governor, the Government should lay before
both the Houses of Parliament a statement explaining the circumstances leading to such
removal or resignation, as the case may be;
7. After demitting his office, the person appointed as Governor should not be eligible for any
other appointment or office of profit under the Union or a State Government except for a second
term as Governor or election as Vice-President or President of India.
8. At the end of his tenure, reasonable post-retirement benefits should be provided.

The Commission felt that the State Government should be given prominence in appointing the
Governor. The appointment should be made
(1) From a panel to be prepared by the State Legislature; or
(2) From a panel to be prepared by the State Government or invariably by the Chief Minister;
The Commission felt that the Chief Minister should be consulted before appointing the
Governor. For proper working of the Parliamentary system there has to be a personal rapport
between the Governor and the Chief Minister.
The Commission found that consultation with the Chief Minister has not invariably been taking
place in recent years.
Please Note: The general practice, is that the Union Government merely informs the Chief
Minister that a certain person is being appointed as the Governor of the State.
The Commission recommended that the Vice President of India and the Speaker of the Lok
Sabha should be consulted by the Prime Minister in selection of Governor. Such consultation,
the Commission felt, will greatly enhance the credibility of the selection process.
Some of the recommendations have been adopted such as Governor to be from outside State.
The apex court emphasized the urgent need for implementing Sarkaria commission's
recommendations on selection and appointment of Governors.

M M Punchi Commission:
Madan Mohan Punchi
Constituted in the year 2007
Report was submitted in 2010
It submitted 312 recommendations

 To examine what could be the role, responsibility and jurisdiction of the Centre during
major and prolonged outbreaks of communal violence, caste violence or any other
social conflicts.
 Taxes and linking of rivers.
 Need to set up a Central law enforcement agency to take up suo motu investigation of
crimes having inter-State or international ramifications with serious implications on
national security.
 Feasibility of supporting legislation under Article 355 for the purpose of suo motu
deployment of Central forces in the States if and when the situation demanded. To study
the role, responsibility and jurisdiction of the Centre vis-à-vis States in promoting
effective devolution of powers and autonomy to Panchayati Raj institutions and local
bodies. To promote the concept and concept of independent planning and budgeting at
the district level and linking Central assistance of various kinds with the performance
of the States. To study the need and relevance of separate taxes for freeing inter-state
trade to establish unified domestic market. To examine the role of Governors,
emergency provisions, financial relations, economic and social planning, Panchayati
Raj institutions and sharing of resources, including inter-State river waters

 There should be an amendment in Articles 355 and 356 to enable the Centre to bring
specific trouble- torn areas under its rule for a limited period.
o The commission has proposed "localising emergency provisions" under Articles
355 and 356, contending that localised areas-either a district or parts of a district
- be brought under Governor's rule instead of the whole state. Such an
emergency provision should however not be of duration of more than three
o The commission however supports their right to give sanction for the
prosecution of ministers against the advice of the state government.
o To make an amendment in the Communal Violence Bill to allow deployment
of Central forces without the state's consent for a short period. It has proposed
that state consent should not become a hurdle in deployment of central forces in
a communal conflagration. However, such deployment should only be for a
week and post-facto consent should be taken from the state.
o Among the significant suggestions made by the Commission is, lying down of
clear guidelines for the appointment of chief ministers. Upholding the view that

a pre-poll alliance should be treated as one political party, it lays down the order
of precedence that ought to be followed by the governor in case of a hung house:
 Call the group with the largest prepoll alliance commanding the largest
 The single largest party with support of others;
 The post-electoral coalition with all parties joining the government; and
 The post electoral alliance with some parties joining the government and
remaining including Independents supporting from outside.
o The panel also feels that governors should have the right to sanction prosecution
of a minister against the advice of the council of ministers. However, it wants
the convention of making them chancellors of universities done away with.
o As for qualifications for a governor, the Punchhi commission suggests that the
nominee not have participated in active politics at even local level for at least a
couple of years before his appointment. It also agrees with the Sarkaria
recommendation that a governor be an eminent person and not belongs to the
state where he is to be posted.
o The commission also criticizes arbitrary dismissal of governors, saying, "the
practice of treating governors as political football must stop".
o There should be critical changes in the role of the governor - including fixed
five-year tenure as well as their removal only through impeachment by the state
Assembly. It has also recommended that the state chief minister have a say in
the appointment of governor.
o Underlining that removal of a governor be for a reason related to his discharge
of functions, it has proposed provisions for impeachment by the state legislature
along the same lines as that of President by Parliament. This, significantly, goes
against the doctrine of pleasure upheld by the recent Supreme Court judgment.
o Endorsing an NCRWC recommendation, it says appointment of governor
should be entrusted to a committee comprising the Prime Minister, Home
Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and chief minister of the concerned state.
The Vice-President can also be involved in the process.
o Unlike the Sarkaria report, the Punchhi report is categorical that a governor be
given fixed five-year tenure. The Punchhi Commission report also recommends
that a constitutional amendment be brought about to limit the scope of
discretionary powers of the governor under Article 163 (2). Governors should
not sit on decisions and must decide matters within a four-month period.
o The creation of an overriding structure to maintain internal security along the
lines of the US Homeland Security department, giving more teeth to the
National Integration Council.
o For the National Integration Council (NIC), the commission has proposed that
it should meet at least once a year. In case of any communal incident, it has said
that a delegation of five members of the Council, who would be eminent
persons, should visit the affected area within two days National debate and
submit a fact-finding report.
o The commission, however, rejects a suggestion from some stakeholders as well
as the Liberhan Commission that the NIC be accorded constitutional status.
o The commission has also studied new set-ups like the National Investigation
Agency, and recommended procedures to ensure smooth co-operation of the
states in terror investigations entrusted to NIA. One can say that the extreme

politicization of the post of Governor must be decried and certain specific norms
for the appointment and removal have to be evolved.
o The recent ruling of the Supreme Court has indicated that the sanctity of this
constitutional post should be preserved. In democracy, nobody can have
absolute power in the name of smooth administration and good governance. The
administrative apparatus has to be in the line of the constitution, which was
prepared by the people of the country and amended by the elected representative
of the people of India. The 'doctrine of pleasure' has to be understood in this

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