What I Want To Sell

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What I want to sell

.High carb, low fat diet course, an evolving course

Where am I going to sell it?

.On the google display network

.nutrition cert
.before and after

Benefits of high carb low fat

.alcohol friendly
.no keto flu, just up, show graph
.more energy
.natural blood thinner
.enjoy high carb foods, even candy
To lose weight we have to go into a calorie deficit, I find it much easier to do on a high carb diet.
Against popular belief.
.will high carb, low fat be the diet of the future? Some say it will replace keto in its popularity.
. Back in the old days they did low fat diets, because it worked.
.with keto if you drink any substantial amount of alcohol you have to get into ketosis again, this
can take days, not so much with high carb low fat eating, if you eat a lot of fat one day you can
be back at low fat the very next day, you dont need to go through the slump of getting back into

.welcome my story
.why high carb
...alcohol friendly
…easy to stick to
...no keto flu

.opt in lander
.sales page
.member signup page
.membership page
.downloadable pdf

Auto responder
.email course
.welcome email
.email 1… exercising while on a calorie deficit
--- high carb low fat helps with
.email 2… list of high carb foods ---
.email 3… how to start
.email 4
.email 5
.email 6
.email 7

Course content
.why I like high carb low fat so much
...bodybuilders in the past used this to
...and why it might be a very popular way of dieting in the future…
...thins the blood
...its alcohol friendly, somewhat
...no lag like the keto flu
.How to read nutrition labels… link to youtube video
.basic nutrition, carbs, fat, protein, alcohol

Exercise guide for fat loss coming soon, watch your emails I will let you know when it comes

Anyways this is just a quick guide on how to create an exercise plan to burn fat.

It is more centered towards working out at home. For example using dumbbells and resistance
bands and body weight movements
And cardio you can do at home without expensive equipment.

Although I'm a huge fan of the elliptical, it's great to start working out with it's easy to begin and
great for a beginner, you can set your own speed and it's easy on the joints and you can set
your own pace and grow with it as you go.
It's a total body workout as well. Even a hard core fitness enthusiast can benefit from an
elliptical you just set the resistance levels higher and walls it gets harder.

Picture of an elliptical

Peloton. A new thing but an old concept.

Years a go I had signed up for a spin class

Course outline
Getting to know high carb for fast weight loss
How to lose weight fast
The nuts and bolts of high carb
My progress

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