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On May 15, 2003 Egmont celebrated its should know the group and feel proud about
125th anniversary. The fairytale that be- being part of it.
gan in a little humble apartment in the work-
ing section of Copenhagen developed into COMPANY AND PRODUCT BRANDING
a Nordic media group. Egmont’s develop- One of Egmont’s major strengths is that
ment from kitchen table printing to a modern it already owns a clutch of popular brands
Nordic media group with operations in over such as ‘Alt for Damerne’, ‘Nordisk Film’
20 countries is the result of a sustained de- and ‘Anders And’, all of them well-known in
velopment based on the classical virtues of the minds of the consumers. However, the
quality, alertness and care. Egmont name had no distinctive character or
visibility with the public.
So when Egmont approached Kontrapunkt
in 2003, it was already the leader in the However an initial brand study found that
Nordic media industry, with businesses in- the group has developed from a unique idea
volved in weeklies, magazines, comics, books, – being a master in story telling, and there-
film, TV-programmes, textbooks, games, con- fore share a common set of values together
tent for mobile services and electronic enter- with a vision and mission statement. There-
tainment. Its goals at the time were twofold: fore there was a true connecting idea, which
First, to strengthen its position in the mind was relevant for all members in the group,
of the consumers and other stakeholders. and from which the businesses could devel-
Secondly, to enhance the collaboration and op in general.
cross sales activities in the group as well
as establish a team spirit across companies It was clear that to make the Egmont name
and divisions – executives and employees more visible for consumers, employees and
ternally. Previously the value in being
part of Egmont was more subtle, but the
process of finding and not inventing their
common story has made people embrace
the new payoff and feel more attached to
each other.

Externally, the group is building a new plat-

form in the Nordic region, allowing commu-
nication with consumers and stakeholders
attracted to Egmont’s united offer. The
stakeholders, Egmont should be the sender group has already started mapping out
of all Egmont products across the group. The its strategic direction and strengthened
Egmont brand should always celebrate and its position as a major player in today’s
promote what creates and tells stories rang- market and also a player in tomorrow’s
ing from print to plasma screen, from enter- world of media and communication.
tainment to education, from intellectual to
popular culture.


We worked with Egmont establishing a new
brand architecture, which more clearly would
present the group to the market – and prob-
ably most importantly enhance the collabo-
ration across the divisions.

Steffen Kragh, President and CEO, comments:

“We continued our focus on

improving profitability in 2003
and have now established a
good platform for Egmont’s
future growth. The equity ra-
THE STRONG PARENT tio had risen to 35 % at the
The design solution replaced the multi-col-
oured logo with a black and white classic end of 2003, an improvement
logo visually linking the group to history and from 21% in two years. The
the art of printing. The bold black expresses
a strong ‘parent’ Egmont, guaranteeing the increase paves the way for
quality of the various products. All products further investment in creativ-
have kept their famous names and identities
and they to stand out clearly, colourful and ity and the development of Eg-
vividly, yet simple endorsed by excellence mont Foundation companies
and security.
over the coming years - wheth-
MEASURABLE EFFECTS er in the areas of magazines,
The new Egmont was launched in 2003
and had immediate successful effect in- books, educational material or
moving images.”

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