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two 1 tne UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY (A) OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD ‘Class Test = t B.Tech 4/4-1 Semester (Chemical Enge) PROCESS MODELLING AND SIMULATION 0 Time: 1 Hour Max, Marks Note sa) Answer ALY, questions in PAR’ 8 from PART 2 20 B 1 Describe the various stages in the development ofa complete mathematical model for process @) 2 Write about transport equations in modetling @) 3 Perform stability analysis for Bulers methyd — @) 4 Give the definition of truncation error Q) PART-B | (2 marks] Sa -Y applications of Process models @) b A fluid of constant density is pumped inio cone shaped tank of total volume Ux R'. The flow of bottom of tank is proportional to the square root of the height h of the liquid tank. Derive the equations describing, system --- > pe Rhos 3) ie A thermometer is equilibrium with ambient temperature at 25 °C, is Sane ins 4 water bath at 70 °C, at time (0 seconds, Give the differential equation for the first order dynamié response to this thermometer with time constant. 0.3 min‘ Employ RK4 algorithm for the solution of this prol oblem and present the temperature Value Tor at Teast three diferent times, And also pre nt the computer program 7 7 Waveris flowing into a well sted tink at 150 kg/h and methanol is being added at 30 kg/h, ‘The resulting solution is leaving the tank at concentration of the outlet solution is the same a contains 100 kg of fresh water at sturt of operation remain constant thereafter, calculaie the change respeet to time using Euler’s method, And also write 120 kwh. The that within the tank. The tank N and rates of input and output in outlet concentration with the computer program (6) tees UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY (A) ‘OSMANIA UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD-500 007 B. Tech (Chemical Engg) (Re) by relationship f= aRe®: Determine a & b BY least square fitusing following data. Compute| deviation at eack data point eee foe fe 500, 1900 1500 2000 [Re 0,0329 0.0160 0.0107 0.0080 ty Explain briefly about simultaneous ‘modular approach Code No: BCE174106 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY (A) OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD ‘B.TECH (CE) 4/4 — 1 SEM (MAIN) EXAMINATION NOV/DEC - 2017 SUBJECT : PROCESS MODELLING AND SIMULATION Time: 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 75, Note : i) Answer ALL questions in PART- A and any FIVE questions from PART-B ii) Answer to the questions of PART-A must be at one place and in the same order as they appear in the question paper iii) Programs are to be written in C language only PART-A [ Marks: 25] 1/° Describe the various stages in the development of a complete mathematical model for process ) see about transport equations in modelling @ G) + Perform stability analysis for RK3 method 4 — Give the definition of truncation error’ Q) 5 Discuss the computational features of direct and iterative methods for the solution of linear Simultaneous equations. @) 6/ — Explain partial and complete pivoting. Q) 7 Compare the computational features of Reguli Falsi and Newton Raphson methods G) 8~ Write recurrence relation for obtaining the shifted Chebyshev Polynomials. (2) 9 Discuss the essential features of commercial process simulators Q) 10% Discuss about equation solving approach @) PART-B [50 marks] (Ce, What are the key applications of Process models (4) “bh A fluid of constant density is pumped into cone shaped tank of total volume Hz R2/3. The flow of bottom of tank is proportional to the square root of the height h of the liquid tank. Derive the equations describing system } (2.7.0) Code No: BCE174106 A thermometer is equilibrium with ambient temperature at 25 °C, is plunged into water bath at 70 °C, at time t=0 seconds. Give the differential equation for the st order dynamic response to this thermometer with time constant_0.3 min" Employ RK4 algorithm for the solution of this problem_and psssent the temperature values for at least three different times, And also present the computer program —T10) 13. Discus the solution procedure of Differential Algebraic Equation ( DAE). a) Water is lowing into a well stirred tank at 150 kg/h and methanol is being added at 30 kwh. The resulting solution is leaving the tank at 120 ky/h. The concentration of the outlet solution is the same as that within the tank. The tank contains 100 ky of fresh water at start of operation and rates of input and output remain constant thereafter, calculate the change in outlet concentration with respect to time using Euler’s method. And also write the computer program — (6) gorithm, @) n schemes for the -14.a~ With a neat flow ehart, present the Gauss elimination al b Formulate the convergent Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iter: solution of the linear system: 2x - x2 1 Present manual calculations for 3 iterations by Gauss-Seidel methods using a starting vector [0.0 0]" (6) 15 Use the Redlich-Kwong equation to estimate the molar volumes of saturated vapor and saturated liquid of methyl chloride at 60°C and 13.76 bar by Newton Raphson method. And also write the computer pr at i "2 = 44.891 em’ mol"! and R= 83.14. (10) 16a Write normal equations for least square formulation, in which N tabulated data points are represented by a polynomial of degree m(m ) (Rs ws Ree Ee 1 — Rr ee 8H 1+(Rp/Ro)+(Ri/Ro)* L ae heated sphere of radius R is suspended in a large, motionless body of fluid. It is desired to study the heat conduction in the fluid surrounding the sphere in the absence of convection. (a) Set up the differential equation describing the temperature T in the surrounding fluid as a function of r, the distance from the centre of the sphere. The thermal conductivity « of the fluid is considered constant. (b) Integrate the differential equation and use these boundary conditions to determine the integration constants: at r= R, T= yj and at r=e2, T= To. (c) From the temperature profile, obtain an expression for the heat flux at the surface. Equate this result to the heat flux given by "Newton's law of cooling" and show that a dimensionless heat transfer coefficient (known as the Nusselt number) is given byNu = 2 in which D is the sphere diameter. (SM) 3. (a) Decide whether the apparent decrease in viscosity in ball-point pen inks during writing results from “shear thinning" (decrease in viscosity because of non-Newtonian effects) or "temperature thinning” (decrease in viscosity because of temperature rise caused by viscous heating). If the temperature rise is less than 1K, then "temperature thinning” will not be important. Estimate the temperature rise using the following estimated data: a Clearance between ball and holding cavity sxi0%m , iameter of ball anni Viscosity of ink 10% cp ‘Speed of writing 100in. /min ‘hermal conductivity of ink (rough guess) 5X10-4 cal/semc_] (pp piscuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the three transport phenomena. (2M) ava. a TECHN re LNIVERSH: ¥ COLLEGE OF THCHNOLOGY(A) OSMANLA UNIVERISHTY, 11 D-07 PROGRAMME: A-TECL-A4-E" SEME courst ACADEMIC YEAR: CLASS TEST: 1 n MAX. MARKS: 20 ; PORT PHENOMENA TIME: 1HOUR PART-A (Answer ALL) (5x2=10) [Ie Differentiate between Transport phenomena and Separation processes, Thermodynamics ruisport phenomena and Separ De Define shell with its dimensions in cy! Jindrical co-ordinate system using a diagram. Write rate of shell momentum, and energy balance equation in Cartesian coordinate system. Explain each term, — What is difference between coueite and plane couette flow? Give example for each relating to chemical ‘engineering application. |. Write short notes on temperature and pressure dependency of Momentum and Energy Transport properties. Write in detail the shell energy balance equation for a viscous fluid flow between a very narrow slit so as to obtain the terms Sv, Source of energy generated due to viscous heat dissipation. PART-B (Answer any TWO ) JE In a gas absorption exp went a viscous fluid flows upward through a small ‘circular tube and then downward in laminar flow on the outside, Set up a momentum batance over a shell of thickness aR in the film, as shown in Fig. Note that the "momentum in’ and “momentum out" arrows are always taken in the positive coordinate direction, even though in this problem the momentum is flowing through the cylindrical surfaces in'the negative r direction. Obtain an expression fer the mass rate of flow in the film, } Newtonian fluid is in laminar flow in a narrow siit formed by wwo parallel walls ‘distance 2B apart. It is’ understood that B « W, so that “edge effects” are unimportant" Make a difereitial momentura balance, and obtain the following Expressions for the momentumsflux and velocity di to move in the positive z diret tributions, for the wall at x = B mat a steady speed Vo. 3,.Consider an electri wite of circular cross section with radius Rand electrical conductivity ke chm"e,gt ; i 7 aaah mem’. Throw; “his wire there is an electric current with Current density I amp/em? gh Te : ‘The transmission of an electric current is an irreversible process, and soine electrical energy is converted into heat (thermal ene Sy). The rate of heat product per unit volume is S,~ Fike Sei the heat source resulting from electrical uissipation. The sur ae of the wire is maintained at temperature, To. Find the radial vemperature distribution within the Wire is ire and Average temperature rise. EST MAX. MARKS: 20 HOUR PART-A (Answer AL (5X2 marks ~ 10 marks) 1. What is significance of Transport phenomena in chemical engin applications. 2-What are the various boundary conditions applicable for momentum & energy transport? 3. Write about the similarities and differences between the three transport phenomgna- Momnentum-, Energy-, Mass- transport 4 Write short notes on temperature and Pressure dependency of transport properties of momentum and energy transport. 5. Explain the (i) Classification of Non- newtonian fluids (i ring. explain with Combined ergy flux. PART-B (Answer any TWO) (2.X 5 marks = 10 marks) J, Obtain expressions for momentum flux distribution and velocity distribution for steady state axial flow of an incompressible liquid in an annular region between two coaxial cylinders of radii KR and R. Consider the fluid to be flowing upward, and p= p(). Gk (a) A horizontal annulus, 27 fi in length, has an inner radius of 0.495 in, and an outer radius of 1.1 in. A 60% aqueous solution of sucrose (C)2H22011) is to be pumped through the annulus at 20°C. At this temperature the solution density is 80.3 lb/ft’ and the viscosity is 136.8 Ib/f? hr. Whai is the voluné flow rate when the impressed pressure difference is 5.39 psi? (b) Decide whether the apparent decrease in viscosity in ball-point pen inks during writing results from "shear thinning” (decrease in viscosity because of non-Newtonian effects) or "temperature thinning” (decrease in viscosity because of «emperature rise caused by viscous heating). If the temperature rise is less than I°K, then “temperature thinning” will not be important, Estimate the temperature rise using following data: Clearance between ball and holding cavity: 5 X 10 in, Diameter of ball: Imm. Viscosity of ink: 10° ep, Speed of writing: 100inJmin, Thermal conductivity of ink : 5X 104 cal/ C. A poevelop expres n for efficiency of a rectangular cooling fin as shown in figure below. L Heat out by transfer 2 Yat emperatare Known tobe, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY(A\ OSMANIA UNIVERISITY, HYD-07 PROGRAMME: —_B.TECH-4/4-1"T SEMESTER (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) COURSE: TRANSPORT PHENOMENA ACADEMIC YEAR: 2013-14 CLASS TEST: OL MAX. MARKS: 20 TIME: HOUR PART-A (Answer ALL) (5X2 marks = 10 marks) 1. Explain about the following: (@) Conservation laws & Constitutive equations; (b) Continuum Mechanics: Solid- and Fluid- mechanics, 2 Define ‘Shell’; write the dimensions of shel! in ~ rectilinear, cylindrical- and spherical-coordinate systems with neat diagram representing shell. 3. Write about the Flux equations w.r.t: Momentum-, Energy-, Mass- transport. 4. Write short notes on the Pressure and temperature 5. Explain the following : (a) Creeping flow & Couette flow (b) Time dependent fluids dependency of viscosity. PART-B (Answer any TWO) (2X5 marks = 10 marks) Laminar flow in a narrow slit: A Newtonian fluid is in laminar flow in a narrow aD sit formed by two parallel walls a distance 2B apart. It is understood that B<< 17 (as shown in adjacent figure), so that "edge effects" are unimportant, Make a 7 differential momentum balance, and obtain the following expressions for the momentum-flux and velocity distributions: ae (® Fluid out 2, Heat conduction in a nuclear fuel rod assembly: Consider a long cylindrical Cate onan ” nuclear fuel rod, surrounded by an annular layer of aluminum cladding, Within the ie isang fuel rod heat is produced by fission; this heat source depends on position jue approximately as ( s-5+++(é)] ants, and r is the radial coordinate measured from the Here Sn0 aod b a ast aN Cates Oi ei temperature in the fuel rod if axis Oe esramof the cladding is in contact with aliquid coolant at temp-T,, ‘The heat the ote efTcient atthe cladding-coolant interface ish, and the thermal : trans foties ofthe fuel rod and cladding ae hr and ke, 3. . “, sion for Momentum flux distribution for Flow through circular tube, @ esis 0 open the Heat flow,Q through a Composite wall, (b) Des IVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, (A OSMANIA U! IVERISITY, HYD-07 PROGRAMME: —B.Tech-4/4-1# Sem (Ch. Eng COURSE: Transport Phenomena ACADEMIC YEAR: 2018-19 CLASSTEST: 2 4AX-MARKS- 29 SIME AHOLR. ‘Nete: Draw diagram and illustrate any case of Section B, Use equations of change if necessary Any assumptions made should be justi ed appropriate Section-A (Answer All) (5 X2=10 marks) st. Define Fick's 1 and 2 liw of diffusion. 2. Distinguish between homogeneous and boundéry conditions and which ones mani <3. Write about the partial, total and substa ~4. Explain the significance of Nz 5. Compare ‘Shell’ approach with “u1 Saale seeder srogeneous reactions. Which ones are described by themselves in the differential equations? time derivatives. judying transport phenomena. . Section -B (Answer any Two) (2X5 =10 marks) a For absorption of O; in H.O, consider forced-convection mass transfer occurring viscous flow HO and diffusion occur into laminar film of water under such conditions that the velocity can be considered virtually unaffected by the diffusica. Assume viscosity of H.O unaffected by diffusion of O,. Also assume the penetration distance will be small in comparison with the film thickness. Develop expression for concentration of O, in the film and local mass flux at the gas liquid interface. (BJA iquid of constant density and viscosity is ina cylindrical container of radius R. The container is caused to rotate about its own axis at an angular velocity 2. The eylin sal, so that gr =0, 20 = 0, and gz =—g, in which g is the magnituds of the gravitational acceleration. Find the shape of the free surface of the liquid when steady state has been established. axis is v 4) (a) The space between two coaxial cylinders is filled with an incompressible fluid at constant wae temperature. The radii of the inner and outer wetted surfaces are KR and R, respectively. The angular velocities of rotation of the inner and-owter cylinders are ©, and 9. Determine the velocity distribution inrthe-fluidand the torques on the two cylinders needed to maintain the aa ee mofj ‘Ob Euler’s equation from equation of motion for fluid flowing betweer two parallel plates. ¥ Show that Dao= - Das fora binary mixture, given Jj + Jj = UT han teria wisn) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY(A) SE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY(A) OSMANIA UNIVERISITY, HYD-07 PROGRAMME: —_B.TECH-4/4-1* SEMESTER (CHEMICAL ENG| INEERING) COURSE: TRANSPORT PHENOMENA ACADEMIC YEAR: 2017-18 CLASS TEST: a MAX. MARKS: 20 TIME: HOUR PART-A (Answer ALL) Mention what J and Jj denote. f Show that fora binary misture of A and B, Jj = Nq — (Na + Np), Mention what Ny and Np - Write Navier Stokes equation and Euler Equaiton. Qe Define Partial-, Total- and Substantial derivatives, Explain the flow near a flat surface with a diagram and mention the four regions of flow. PAR: Answer any TWO ) (2x5=10) Consider a catalytic rector in which a react 1 — B ig)being carried out. Derive the expression for 7% An isothermal, incompressible fluid of density p flows radially outward owing to a pressure difference between tw: ‘0 fixed porous, concentric spherical shells of radii xR and R. Ne ‘ote that the velocity isnot zero at the solid surfaces, Assume negligible end effets and steady laminar flow in the region xR 0, heat is added at a uniform constant radial flux q0 through the tube wall. The axial heat conduction and viscous dissipation effect may be neglected. The thermal conductivity k and thermal diffusivity a may be assumed constant. Show that the temperature profile T(t, z) far downstream in the thermally fully developed region (ie., for large 2) is given by the following dimensionless asymptotic solution: 1 1 T-T, r az = xeigl = 5 €= 7, a C= O60 = K45E—s where © we’ & =e ol 6 = ype eeeennne | UNIVERCITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY fe No: BCE184109 OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYD. V/4- I-SEMESTER (MAIN) EXAMINATION, OCT. 018 SUBJECT: TRANSPORT PHENOMENA Time :3 Hours Max.Marks: 75 Note: 0) Answer ALL questions in PART-A and any FIVE questions in PART-B. (ii) Answer to the questions of PART-A must be at one place and in the same order as they appear in the question paper i) Assume any missing data suitably and indicate. PART-A [Marks:25x10=25] 1. Compare Angular velocity and Angular momentum citing an example. 2. Discuss the significance of Rheological properties of fluids in practical applications. 3, Write short notes on theory of Thermal conductivity of liquids. 4 "What are Boundary conditions, explain their significance with two examples in energy transport. ‘What are Fick’s 1* and 2 law of diffusion? ‘Are there any differences in the solution approach for finding concentration distribution jn solids and in laminar flow? Justify your answer. 7. Summarize: “Equations of change in terms of substantial derivative” . 8. Discuss the notation for the ‘moleculay/ eonvectiye/ and ‘otal fluxes for the three transport processes. 9. What do you understand by Semi-infinite body? Give examples. 10, Discuss the sub layers in fluid flowing with turbulence on a flat solid plate. oy PART-B [Marks:5x10=50] 11.Consider an incompressible isothermal fluid in laminar flow between two coaxial cylinders, whose inner and outer wetted surfaces have radii of KR and R, respectively. ‘The inner and outer cylinders are rotating at angular velocities ©), and Q,, respectively. End effects may be neglected. (a) Determine the steady-state velocity distribution inthe uid (b) Find the torques acting on the two cylinders during the tangential annular flow of a Newtonian fluid. 12. A solid object has the shape depicted in the figure 1. The 4 ‘conical surfaces 0,= constant and 02 = constant are held at Seni (ar, temperatures T; and Tz, respectively. The spherical surface at r = ey a) Ris insulated, For steadystate heat conduction, find @) The differential equation that T(0) must satisfy. {Gd The solution to the differential equation in @) containing two spat constants of integration. ace ii) Expressions for the constants of integration, Lcoomaea! R {Gv) The expression for the 0; - component of the heat flux vector. (v) The total heat flow (cal/sec) across the conical surface at 0 = ®) Figure. 1 & aed) (P.T.0) Code No: BCEISA109 A -+ 8 occurring, at eatalytic surface, % = 0. lyst 00 he interface. Develop a ii ion 24 13, Consider a non-instantancous reactioy A aurface is proportional to ‘Assume the rate at which A disappears at the al the concentration of A in the fluid at the fluid at ¢ find local rate of reaction pet unit area of catalytic surface, Naz ‘an expression to 14, Steady, laminar flow occurs in the space between Iwo, 7 fixed parallel, circular disks separated by a small gap 2b (Figure. 2). The fluid flows radially outward owing 10 0 ipressure difference (P ~ P) between the inner and outer radii r) and r2, respectively. Neglect end effects consider the region ry 9. What is scale factor? Discuss in brief? (3M) 10. Write the equation of continuity for isothermal systems? (2M) : q PART-E [50 Marks] in) a) Write the generalized'shell momentum balance equiation for a steady flow process and list the assumptions involved? (3M) A liquid is flowing down on an inclined flat plat of length L ,.width W and making an angle of B with vertical axis. Derive the expression for momentum flux (neglect both entrance and exit effects)? (7M) ly fi) ‘onsider steady state axial flow of an incompressible fluid in an annulus region between \ so vertical coaxial cylinders of radii KR and R (K<1). The flow direction is opposite to that of gravitational force. Derive the expression-foF velocity profile in conventional terms? (om) Ly width W and bre yhere, B << L, B << W), The wall temperature a1 @ ay Derive the co for effectiveness factor of a fin of dimensions 21 W). The aa eee temperature are given by, and T, respectively ? (8M) Cer) A b): Write the applications of cooling fin in heat transfer? (2M) (a. ‘What do you understand by shell energy balance equation? Discuss in brief? (4M) b)A current of 3Amp is passed through a stainless steel wire of 2.5mm diameter and 1.5m length. If outer surface temperature is 180°C, find the maximum temperature that attained by the wire ? (Resistance of stainless steel = 0.210hm, Thermal conductivity = 2.Skcal/m h-°C) (6M) L 15. A liquid of constant density and viscosity is in a cylindrical container of radius ‘R’ as shown in figure. The container is caused to rotate about its own axis at an angular velocity of “Q’, The cylindrical axis is vertical so that g-= 0, g = 0 and g. = -g, where g is the gravitational acceleration. Derive the expression to represent the shape of the surface of liquid under steady state? (10M) Figure for Q.No.15| 16) Component ‘A’ is disappearing in accordance with a first order irreversible reaction in a long solid slab of uniform height ‘H? and width ‘W*, The upper and lower surfaces of the slab are maintained at concentrations of ‘Cay, and ‘0° respectively. Using the shell mass balance method, determine the steady state concentration profile in the slab and write expressions for mass flux at two surfaces. ? (10M) 17. Write notes in brief about the following (omy a) Timesmoothing of equations of change b) Eddy Properties ©) Reynold’s Stresses 4) Semi empirical expressions for turbulent flow ve oe Code No. BCE164109 UNIVERsITy COLLEGE of Oo; TECHNOL BITECH. SMANIA UNIVeRsiy. OGY (AUTONOMOUS) E)_4/4 YR ~1 SEM (ur IND SRABAD ~ 500007 SUB. . ATION, OC" Tme : 3 hours JECT: TRANSPORT PHENOMENA T2016 farks : 75 Gi) Answer to the not’ it Part A and any FIVE questions in Part B. ftdes gee swt PRT A thst bet One place and inthe name St as the Appear in the question paper. PART-A (Marks 25) State the differences and similariti arities among the three transfe i Prove that for binary mixture of A and B = mene peraons 2) ios Ma Th = M4 — X44 + 4x5) . le Explain the procedure step wise to determine the temperature and heat flux ‘ distributions by shell energy balance. State clearly all the boundary conditions (3) Compare forced and free convection heat transfer Discuss the effect of chemical reaction on gas absorption. Write a brief note on diffusion controlled reaction Derive equation of continuity for a binary mixtuge Explain the significance of the scale factors ,~ ‘What are semi empirical expressions for turbulent mass flux and(what are t! applications Briefly discuss about Prandtl’s mixing length and its significance Vine) PART-B [50 marks] 1a) Toluchecis-contained between two horizontal and parallel plates each of area Sm? ‘The top plate is pulled with a force of 0.08N at a velocity of 0.3 m/s. The bottom plate is pulled with a velocity of 0.1 m/s~in-opposite direction with a force of @-~Ov 3 0,03:N. The plates are 10 mm apart. Find the viscosity of toluene (3) Bf Newtonian and incompréssible fluid flows in the annulus of two pipes of radii r ‘and t under a pressure difference Po ~ Pi. Derive the equation for average locity of the fluid from first principle of shell momentum balance— (5) ‘A Bingham fluid flows in a Sirclar pipe in laminar ow conditions under pressure gradient. The length of the L and the radius is R. Derive the equations for momentum flux and velocity distribution by shell momentum balance : : 'b) Estimate the diameter of a catalyst particle that could be lost fluid cracking unit under following conditions Gas velocity at axis of stack = 0.3 m/s Gas viscosity = 0.026 PaS Gas density = 1.2 Kg/m? Density of catalyst article=1200Kg/m’. Assume stack conti Code No. BCE164109 Yr Vv Or Derive the expressions for temperature distribution for nuclear heat source stored SC) atthe center in a spherical shell. What will be the maximum temperature? (10) 4,4h The inner surface of a plane surface wall of thickness ‘L’ is held at temperature T» while the outer surface is at temperature T;, The thermal conductivity varies with temperature linearly as K = Ky + f (T-1y). Derive the equation for the fy AY temperature distribution in the wall using shell energy balance. ©) : cb) A current of 3 amp is passed through a stainless steel wire of 2.5 mm diameter ~) and 1.5 m length. The outer surface temperature of wire is 180 °C. ( Data? Resistance of stainless steel = 0.21 Ohms Thermal conductivity of wire = 25 Keal/mh°C Find (i) the equations for temperature distribution in the wire (ii) maximum temperature (6) fa) A droplet of substance A is suspended in a stream of gas B. The radius of the droplet is 1. It ig asum:' that surrounding the droplet there is a spherical stagnant gas film of ra‘ius «2, The concentration of A in gas phase is Xay at ™y_ “aan x4q at Fr, By shell balance show that (7N,) is constant; where Na is the y mass flux fixed axes. Show that the mass flux N, at r; can be expressed as cD, T Mala = = (2) in i pon le) _ b) For a system where gas A is absorbed by laminar falling film of liquid B, find out the concentration profile of A. The velocity profile fora falling film of liquid B is given by V(X) = Vixed1-(x/6)") where 6 is film thickness © 16.8) Give the physical significance of the term (1.1 PEARLY LES UO aby b) A liquid flows in Jaminar flow over an inclined plate in which the free surface of the liquid is maintained at Ts, and solid surface is maintained at Tw. The film thickness is 6, obtain the equation for temperature distribution of the fluid in the film. The angle of inclination withthe horizontal is a. Use equation of energy (8) 17a) A solid body occupying the space from y=0 to y= = is initially at a temperature of ‘o. At time t=0, the surface at y=0 is suddenly raised to temperature T, and maintained at that temperature for t > 0. Find the time-dependent temperature profile T (yt) ' © b) Calculate Reynolds stresses p Ux? from the instantaneous velocity data of ‘water flowing in a channel in turbulent flow ‘Time (5) 0 0.02 0.04 Uy (an/s) 42 42 = eo | § o Code No: BC144109 UNIVERSITY © GACULT Y OF TECHNOLOGY OSMANIA E OF TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) ECH (CR) dia ONL YERSITY, HYDERABAD ~ 500 007 BUT MAIN: EXAMINATION, OCTOBER - 2014 JECT: RANSPORT PHENOMENA rg lime: 3 hours 4 Max Marks:75 3 ‘ vend fax Marks: Note (i) Answer ALL questions in PART A and any FIVE question from PART B GiyAnswer to the questions of PART A must be at one place and inthe same order as they appear in the question paper PART-A (Marks:2 1/, X10=25] 1, State and explain Newton’s law of viscosity And also discuss two and three parameter Non-Newtonian models with examples) 2, Explain how thermal conductivity of geses vary with temperature. Give Euler's equation and also write its applications Define effectiveness of fin. j Write the boundary conditions used in solving mass balance problems.. Discuss the effect of chemical reactior, on gas absorption. pelt partial time derivative , total tine derivative and substantiative time derivative Derivt equation of continuity considering cylindrical coordinates ‘What ye-cemiempirical expressionsef 7 ae aie thei applications Define the important dimensionless numbers used in mass transfer. PART-B (Marks:50] 4 A power law fluid is in laminar flow in a Slit formed by two parallel walls a distance 2B apart. The length and width of the walls are L and W respectively. Make a differential momentum balance and obtain the expressions for the velocity distribution and momentum flux distribution. 22. Consider a fluid of incompressible, laminar flow in a tube of circular cross section, inclined at an angle to the vertical. End effects may be neglected because the tube length L is relatively very large compared to the tube radius R. The fluid flows under the influence of both a pressure difference Ap and gravity. i) Using a differential shell momentum balance, determine expressions for the steady-state shear stress distribution ~ and the velocity profile for a Newtonian fluid (of constant viscosity 4). ii) Obtain _ expressions for the snaximum velocity, average velocity and the mass flow rate for pipe flow. iii) Find the force exerted by the fluid along the pipe wall. Derive the expressions for temnperature distribution for nuclear heat source stored at the iV} center in a spherical shell. What will be the maximum temperature? (2.1.0) Code No: BC144109 { 4a An oil (of viscosity, and thermal conductivity, k) acts as a lubricant between two Coaxial cylinders. The inner cylinder i: stationary and the outer cylinder of radius R rotates at an angular velocity ‘9, The clearance between the cylinders is b, which is small compared to the radii of the o} linders; so, curvature effects can be neglected and the cylindrical system can be approxiniated by a plane narrow slit (to be solved in Cartesian coordinates). Derive an expression for the maximum temperature in the lubricant if both cylinders are at temperature Tp. Neglect the temperature depeitenve ——-——— of 1 and f, but explicitly take into account the heat generated by viscous dissipation. An electric wire with radius ro of 0.50 mm isgpade of copper [electrical conductivity €_5,1 x10" ohm" m" and thermal Conductivity=380 Wm K)]. It is insulated to an outer " Fadius r) of 1.50 mm with plastic [thermal conductivity = 0.350 Wi(m K)]. The ambient air is at 380°C and the heat transfer coefficient from the outer insulated surface to the surrounding air is 8.500 W/(m? K). Determine the maximum current in amperes that can ~~ flow at steady-state in the wire without any portion of the insulation getting heated above its maximum allowable temperature of 93.0°C. ~ t 13. Derive the expressions for determination of mass flux and concentration profiles f0F4 system of diffusion through a stagnant gas film. >. Ammonia gas is diffusing at a constant rate through a layer of stagnant air thick.Conditions are such that the gas contains 60 per cent by Volume ammonia at one boundary of the stagnant layer. The aminonia “sifisg to the other boundary is quick! absorbed and the concentration is negligible at that plane. The temperature is 319 K and the pressureatmospheric, and under these conditions the diffusivity of ammonia in airis 1,8x 10 ° m’/s.Estimate the rate of diffusion of ammonia in kmol/m* s through the layer. 46a, Derive theNavier ~Stokes’s equation in rectangular coordinates b. An incompressible fluid is flowing in steady state in annular region between two coaxial circular cylinders of radii kR and R. Using equations of change, obtain the equations for determination of velocity gradient, maximum velocity and average velocity 17 a, Derive the equation for velocity profile for turbulent flow in a pipe using prandtl’s mixing length theory. b. The following velocities are measured by a hotwire anemometer for turbulent flow of a fluid in z-direction at point for equal time intervals. Calculate the mean velocity and intensity of turbulence Ur (cm/s): 27, 28, 23, 23, 20, 23,28, 33 & 31 %y > see Nave ~ UNIVERSIT (FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY ee A Y COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY (AUT ‘ONOMOUS) ae MANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD = 500 007 TECH (Ck) YK eek St any XAMINATION NOV- 201 ‘Time: 3 hours Sie Note (i) Answer ALL questions from PART-A and any FIVE questions from PART-B (ti) Answer to the questions of PAR'T-A must be at one place and in the same order as they appear in the question paper ‘Max Marks: PART-A (Marks: 25] 1. Define the terms convective mass flux and molecular molar flux. (3] 2. Write the Ostwald-Dewaele model and the Eyring model for non-Newtonian fluid. 2) 3. Write the difference between forced convection and free convection 2) 4, Define Thiele modules & diffusion controlled reaction 2 5. Discuss about commonly used boundary conditions in shell mass balances [3] 6. Write the equations of energy for the fluid contained within the volume element. (The equations of change for Nor-isothermal systems) B) 7. Write the Time-Smoothing the equation of continuity of A for concentration distributions in Turbulent flow. 3] 8, State the differences and similarities among the three transfer operations [3] 9. State the significance of the following 2] a) Effectiveness of a cooling fin b) Brinkmari number 10.Explain the terms 2 a) Stokes law »b) Scale factors PART-B [Marks: 50] _ }ieDerive the expressions for velocity distributions, average velocity and volume rate of flow for a falling film which is in laminar flow and flow through a circular tube in the cal direction, State clearly the assumptions made in the derivation, {10} ities current with density I amp/cn? is passed through an electric wire of radius R. and length L, The wire has an electrical conductivity of K, and thermal conductivity K. ‘The heat is transferred fromS, the heat source owing to electrical dissipation. The surrounding air temperature is ‘fg. Derive the equations for temperature distribution and heat outflow from the surface. Note:S, = Electrical heat source = F/K, (10) Page|1 : Code No: BF114109 13.A reaction nA—+ An occurs i \stantaneously at a catalyst surface. The reaction . resistance is due to a film of thickness6 over the catalyst surface, Daan 1s the diffusion coefficient of A, into A . Prove that “N= BeDaan 1 Neo fees i al Xao is the concentration at z=0. The catalyst surface is at 2=8 [10] Ad Derive the Navier-stoker equation from first principks of momentum balance over a'~~ volume element of dimensions Ax, Ay and Az. [10] 15.a) Obtain the time smoothed form of the following equation in mass transfer in turbulent flow. Oc, Oey _ OC, “ae 1 Gx = Paw Bye + KCy ) Explain the significance of the following A) Prandtl’s mixing length B) Eddy properties Lio) eDer ive the following equation continuity for a binary mixture from first principle of ‘Writing conservation equations for the componerts A and B in the mixture. The density and diffusivity of the system are constant, : 8(4 + B.7 wa) = bDag7204 +m Where Wa is mars fraction of A, and “4 =D,a¥°C, by the assumption of zero velocity. [10] 7.2) Write the semiempirical expressions for the Reynolds stresses. A SYA large steel slab (assume semi-infinite) is initially at 300k. The button surfaces is (8) suddenly exposed to 500k. Find the temperature Scm from the bottom surface after 30min. Given k=60 w/mk, 8 = 8000kg/m?, Cp=430 J/kgk. Take erfi(n)=n. [10] 8

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