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From the book Qualities of devoted soul

Are we perfoming our duty?

In this day and age, a believer shouldn’t come up with excuses to abstain from services he
should light up a candle in the dark and make effort to support good that may prevail over

A soul devoted itself to serving truth has already devoted itself to serving truth has alredy
accepted the possibility of enduring various difficulties problems and hardship.

A person with such a soul should make extraordinary effort to full fill the duty bestowed
upon him inspite of all difficulties and problems that may rise.

He should focus on his objectives and ignore thousands of problems and burden he may face.

Some of the characters of devotees as follows;

 In matters of attainments the desired objects they must be mature enough to attribute
everything to its right full owner and be respect full and thank full to him,

 They understand that they are responsible and answerable to the work left undone,

 Hope full even when their institutions are destroyed their plan upset and forces rooted,

 People of service are moderate and tolerant when they take new wings and once again
soar the summit so rational and wise.

 So sincere and humble and they never remind others of their accomplishment

People of heart are lovers of God, and devoted seekers of God’s consent. They connect their
deeds to His pleasure, regardless of the circumstances. They display great ambition to please
Him, and are willing for the sake of this purpose to use or abandon all that they possess—of this
world or not. There is never any room in the realm of their thoughts for unpleasant expressions
like “I did it,” “I succeeded,” or “I managed it.” Such people take pleasure in the fulfillment of
the tasks of others, as if they had carried such actions out themselves, they take the same amount
of pleasure in such achievements as if it were their own and they follow humbly after these
people, leaving also the honor and the title of leading to them.

More over as we perform our duty, we should take extreme care to stay CLEAR of hiding
behind excuses

One of the pious ustadh supllicated;

O ALLAH on the day of judgement make my body so huge that it fills the entire hell in
this way there will be no room for others. Some devoted scholar said so. How devoted
he is.

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