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Symposium : Newer Diagnostic Tests

Laboratory Studies in Coagulation Disorders

Renu Saxena, Meganathan Kannan and Ved P Choudhry

Department of Hematology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

It is important to go in a stepwise approach to diagnose spectrum of bleeding disorders, so that minimum tests are undertaken
to make a definitive diagnosis and to avoid unnecessary tests and laboratory load. Depending on the abnormalities observed
in the short screening, extended screening tests can be performed followed by specialized diagnostic tests. Bleeding time is
prolonged in thrombocytopenia and platelet function disorders (PFD). If platelet count is normal, extended screening tests such
as RVVT, PF3 availability and clot retraction can be performed. Russel viper venom directly activates FX, in presence of PF3,
is an indicator of common pathway of coagulation. However, if there is deficiency of PF3 as obtained in PFD and APTT PT are
normal, its prolongation indicates PFD. These can be tested invitro by performing RVVT with and without inosithin it is highly
suggestive of underlying PFD. In such cases, diagnostic tests for PFD such as platelet aggregation with ADP, ADR, AA,
Collagen and Ristocetin can be performed followed by electron microscopy if possible. Few of the interesting cases also have
been discussed in the text. [Indian J Pediatr 2007; 74 (7) : 649-655]

Key words : Coagulation disorders; Screening tests; Laboratory approach; Case studies

Bleeding disorders constitute an important group of 1. Laboratory Approach to bleeding disorders

disorder in haematology. At AIIMS, over the past five yr,
Since a large number of tests are essential to diagnose
it has been seen that of a total of 600 coagulation
spectrum of bleeding disorders, it is important to go in a
disorders, 70.8% are due to Hemophilia A, 14.1% due to
stepwise approach so that minimum tests are undertaken
Von Willibrand Disease (vWD), 8.4% are due to
to make a definitive diagnosis and to avoid unnecessary
Haemophilia B and the rest due to rare coagulation
tests and laboratory load. In addition, such an
disorders like FX/V/XIII deficiency etc. In diagnosis of
investigative approach becomes cost effective and patient
hemostatic disorders, it is important to have relevant
friendly. A short screening coagulation should be the
clinical information before interpreting the results. From
starting point (Table 1). Depending on the abnormalities
the history, it is important to differentiate hereditary
observed in the short screening, extended screening tests
disorders from acquired. Hereditary disorders generally
can be performed followed by specialized diagnostic
start early in age, or recurrent in nature and may have a
tests. It is essential to understand the coagulation system,
positive family history. On the other hand, acquired
which has extrinsic, intrinsic and common pathways.
disorders occur at any age and have an underlying
Coagulation is a continuous process which has been
predisposing cause. History of medication should
subdivided in to pathways for our better understanding
include replacement therapy or PRP, acitrom or heparin
only. (Fig. 1)
besides intake of analgesics, antibiotics etc. Depending on
the type of bleed, it is important to differentiate between TABLE 1. Short Screening Test
platelet and coagulation factor bleeds. In general, platelet
bleeds present as peticheal hemorrhage, mucosal bleeds, Screening Test Normal Defective
whereas coagulation factor disorder presents as deep Platelet count (PC) 150-450/cumm •P.C.
abdominal bleeds, muscle bleeds, hemostasis, ecchymotic Bleeding time (BT) 205’ • Platelet function
patches. • Vascular function
Prothrombin time (PT) 12-14s • Extrinsic pathway
• (FVII def.)
• Common Path. (FX, V,
II, I def.
Activated Partial 35-45s • Intrinsic
Correspondence and Reprint requests : Dr. Renu Saxena, Professor
Thromboplastin time • Common path (FX, V,
and Head, Department of Hematology, All India Institute of Medical
(APTT) II, I def)
Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029. India, Phone : 011-
Clot stability (CS) Stable at 2 hr, •F, XIII def.
26594670(off), Fax : 91(0)1126588663, E-mail :
24 hrs
[Received June 20, 2007; Accepted June 20, 2007]

Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 74—July, 2007 649


R. Saxena et al

TABLE 2. PPT (N) APTT (High) Hereditary defect (VIII, IX, XI, XII)

Mixing studies (APTT)

NS (corrected) NS (not corrected) NS (not corrected)

Ads(not correct) Ads(corrected) Ads. (not corrected)

Diagn. FIX def. FVIII def. F XI, XII def


Diagnostic test Factor Assay

Fig. 1. Normal coagulation pathway by Kaolin clotting assay and dilute russel veiper venom
test. Factor inhibitors can be confirmed by screening tests
Bleeding time is prolonged in thrombocytopenia and of APTT followed by inhibitor assay (Bethesda assay).
platelet function disorders(PFD). If platelet count is
Prolongation of both PT and APTT
normal, extended screening tests such as RVVT, PF3
availability and clot retraction can be performed. Russel This indicates deficiency in common pathway of
viper venom directly activates FX, in presence of PF3, is coagulation (FV, FX, FII and FI) or multiple coagulation
an indicator of common pathway of coagulation. factor defects which may be inherited or acquired. When
However, if there is deficiency of PF3 as obtained in PFD hemostasis suggests hereditary defects, mixing studies
and APTT PT are normal, its prolongation indicates PFD. with normal serum or adsorbed plasma are helpful in
These can be tested invitro by performing RVVT with differential diagnosis is given in Table 3.
and without inosithin it is highly suggestive of
underlying PFD. In such cases, diagnostic tests for PFD TABLE 3. PPT (High) APTT (High) Hereditary Defect (V, X, II, I)
such as platelet aggregation with ADP, ADR, AA, Mixing studies (APTT/PT)
Collagen and Ristocetin can be performed followed by
electron microscopy if possible.
NS (corrected) NS (not corrected) NS (not corrected)
Abnormalities in PT/APTT Ads (not correct) Ads(corrected) Ads. (not corrected)
The following possibilities of the prolongation of PT & Diagn. FIX def. FV def. TT
APTT Exist: n ↑
Diagn. test Factor Assay FII Def Hypofibrinogenemia
• Prolonged PT + Normal APTT Dysfibrinogenemia
• Normal PT + Prolonged APTT
• Prolonged PT + Prolonged APTT Acquired conditions like DIC, Fibrinolysis, Liver
Isolated prolongation of prothrombin time (PT) may disease, vitamin K deficiency may result in prolongation
be hereditary as in FVII deficiency or acquired as in mild of both PT and APTT. DIC is confirmed by estimation of
liver disease or warfarin effect. D Dimer, FDP. Fibrinolysis show normal D Dimer but
abonormal FDP. Liver disease can be confirmed by liver
Isolated prolongation of APTT function tests (SGOT/SGPT). Vitamin K deficiency can
be confirmed by repetition of PT, APTT after giving 5mg
This is seen in inherited defects of deficiency of intrinsic of vitamin K injection for 3 days.
factors like FVIII, IX, XI. In the absence of facilities for
factor assay, mixing studies of APTT with normal serum Despite such extensive testing, normal screening test
or aluminium hydroxide adsorbed plasma (Ads) can be can be obtained in the following conditions.
performed. Normal serum contains factors FIX, X, XI and Disorders with normal screening tests
XII. Adsorbed plasma contains FV, FVIII, XI, XII. The
interpretation is given in (Table 2). • Mild clotting factor deficiency/Mild Platelet
functional defects
In case prolonged APTT is accompanied by prolonged • Simple purpura
bleeding time, possibilities of VWD is suspected and this • Senile purpura
can be conformed using RIPA, VWF Ag and VWF RiCoF • Henoch schonlein purpura
assays and multimeric analysis. Sometimes, however in • Scurvy
VWD variants, BT may not be prolonged. Acquired cause • Hereditary hemorrhagic telengiectasia
of isolated prolongation of APTT includes presence of
lupus anticoagulant, intrinsic factor inhibitors and Mild Von Willebrands Disease
heparin therapy. Lupus anticoagulant can be confirmed If these conditions are suspected strongly, it is suggested

650 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 74—July, 2007


Laboratory Studies in Coagulation Disorders

that above tests are repeated to confirm the diagnosis incision are gently blotted with a filter paper every 30
seconds to remove the blood oozing out, until the incision
2. Collection of blood samples from patients and control
is dry (avoid touching the wound itself with the filter
As in all laboratory testing, ‘the results are only as good as paper). Stop the stop watch and note the reading. Clean
the samples’. In coagulation , this cannot be stressed the wound with spirit. Oppose wound edges and put
enough. adhesive plaster for at least 48 hr.
Blood should not be collected through cannulae if they Normal Range: 2-5 minutes
have been indwelling for more than 30 minutes or if
Each laboratory should establish its own normal range.
heparin has been used to keep them patent.
Interpretation: Bleeding time is a measure of capillary
Venous blood should be taken by means of a clean
function, platelet number and Platelet function. It is
venepuncture, with minimum stasis(remove tourniquet
prolonged in conditions such as Thrombocytopenia and
as soon as the needle is in the vein) using a 21 gauge
Platelet function defectsVon Willebrand’s Disease,
number needle(length not 3.5cms) and a plastic syringe
Capillary defect
and transferred rapidly in a plastic(polypropylene) or
siliconized glasstube (13x100mm), containing 3.2% 3.2 Prothrombin Time (PT)
trisodium citrate solution. The blood should be allowed to
Principle: The prothrombin time test belongs to a group
run down by the side of the tube, it should never be
of blood tests that assess the clotting ability of blood.4, 5
squirted into the test tube, the tube should be screw
The test is also known as the pro time or PT test. The
capped and quickly but gently mixed by inverting at least
blood is collected in a tube that contains sodium citrate to
5-7 times without producing frothing.
prevent the clotting process from starting before the test.
The blood specimen should be transported to the The blood cells are separated from the liquid part of
laboratory as quickly as possible. Centrifuge within 30 blood (plasma). The PT test is performed by adding the
minutes after venepuncture and carry out actual test with patient’s plasma to a protein in the blood
in 4 hrs. Centrifuge the sample at 3500 to 4000 rpm for 15 (thromboplastin) that converts prothrombin to thrombin.
minutes at 4°C in a refrigerated centrifuge The mixture is then kept in a warm water bath at 37°C for
one to two minutes. Calcium chloride is added to the
Keep the samples in a box. Containing small saturated
mixture in order to counteract the Sodium citrate and
with water to eliminate air spaces, until tested or during
allow clotting to proceed. The test is timed from the
addition of the calcium chloride until the plasma clots.
3 Tests For coagulation disorders This time is called as the prothrombin time.
3.1 Bleeding Time(Template method) Normal value : The normal prothrombin time is 11-15
seconds. A prothrombin time within this range indicates
Principle: The bleeding time test measures the time that
that the patient has normal amounts of clotting factors VII
elapses after infliction of a standard wound and the
and X. A prolonged PT time is considered abnormal.
arrest of bleeding. It depends largely on the rate of
formation of platelet plug and is mostly independent of Abnormal value: The prothrombin time will be
fibrin forming coagulation mechanisms.1-3 prolonged if the concentration of any of the tested factors
is 10% or more below normal plasma values. A prolonged
prothrombin time indicates a deficiency in any of factors
METHODS VII, X, V, prothrombin, or fibrinogen. It may mean that
the patient has a vitamin K deficiency, a liver disease, or
The patient is seated comfortably at a warm ambient disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The
temperature with one forearm resting horizontally on a prothrombin time of patients receiving warfarin therapy
table with the flexor surface upper most. A scalpel blade will also be prolonged-usually in the range of one and
is so arranged on the holder (with the help of gauge) that one half to two times the normal PT time. PT time that
the tip protrudes 1mm through the template.A exceeds approximately two and a half times the control
sphygnomano-meter cuff is placed round the patient’s value (usually 30 seconds or longer) is ground for
upper arm and inflated to 40mm Hg.Skin of the forearm concern, as abnormal bleeding may occur.
is cleaned with spirit and allowed to dry.Template is Limitations: Spurious results may occur if the blood to
pressed firmly on the forearm with the slit placed in anticoagulant ratio is not 9:1. The PT clotting times may
cephalo-caudal direction and about 5 cm distal to the be prolonged by substances including corticosteroids,
crease of the elbow, taking care of superficial veins.With EDTA, oral contraceptives, asparaginase, clofibrate,
the help of the scalpel blade an incision 9 mm in length erythromycin, ethanol, Tetracycline and anticoagulants
and 1 mm in depth is made with a quick movement. such as heparin and coumarin. The PT may be shortened
Immediately a stop watch started. The sides of the by substances including antihistamines, butabarbital,

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R. Saxena et al

caffeine, oral contraceptives, phenobarbital and vitamin particles agglutinate. At a predetermined concentration
K. of D-dimers that the D-di test is designed for, the
agglutination of the latex particles produces macroscopic
3.3 Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
clumps that can be visualized by the naked eye.7-9
Principle : APTT is the time required for plasma to be
Results: D-Dimer test results are expressed in initial
clotted when maximal surface contact activation and
fibrinogen equivalent units (FEU), which are exactly the
optimal phospholipid and calcium concentration are
same units, used for the FDP assay. By definition, as FEU
is the quantity of fibrinogen initially present that leads to
Results are expressed as time seconds or as ratio. the observed level of D-dimer. In general, the actual
quantity of D. -dimer is approximately half of an FEU.
Normal range: Every laboratory should determine its
For practical purposes that positive cut-off value of 0.5
own normal range. In our laboratory with commercial
ug/ml (FEU) is approximately 0.25 ug/ml (actual D-
reagents it is 29-35 seconds.
dimer). Either unit may be used as preferred. For
Interpretation : APTT is sensitive to the deficiencies or consistency, all results discussed in this insert are in FEU.
abnormalities of both intrinsic and common coagulation
Normal : The d-dimer levels are <0.5 ug/ml (expressed in
factors i.e. Factors I, II, V, X, VIII, IX, XI, XII, Fletcher
FEU). The D-dimer level increases during pregnancy. It
factor and Fitzgerald factor. The test is more sensitive to
also rises with age ( >70 yr)
an abnormality occurring in the early stage of coagulation
mechanism i.e. factors leading upto the generation of Limitations : Rheumatoid factor (RF), if present, may
Factor Xa and less sensitive to later stage i.e. Factor II lead to false positive d-dimer test result. When
fibrinogen. A deficiency levels < 20-50% of Factor XII, XI, suspected, RF presence should be confirmed with an
IX, XIII, X or V would give prolonged APTT. Where as a independent procedure for RF.Do not test suspect
deficiency upto 10% of Prothrombin and 0.5-1g/litre of samples, especially those in which the coagulation
fibrinogen or less would give an abnormal APTT. process may already have started, since these tend to
produce false positive reaction with the D-Dimer test.
APTT is also prolonged when there is an inhibitor
present in patient’s plasma. Therefore whenever a 3.7 APTT Mixing Study with normal serum / adsorbed
prolonged APTT is detected, screening test for inhibitor plasma
must be performed. It is also an important test for the
control of heparin therapy. Therapeutic range-60-100 Principle : Plasma samples found to have a prolonged
seconds. APTT are further investigated to define the abnormality
by performing mixing or correction tests. Correction of
3.4 Clot Stability
the abnormality by the additive indicates that the reagent
Principle : Clot formed in the presence of factor XIII and must contain the substance deficient in the test sample.
Ca2+ are stable for at least 1 hr in 1% monochloracetic acid An abnormal APTT is repeated on 50:50 mixtures of a
solution and in 5 mol/litre urea, whereas clots formed in known congenitally deficient plasma and the test plasma,
the absence of factor XIII dissolve rapidly.6 or on 50:50 mixtures of aged/adsorbed plasma and test
plasma until correction is obtained and the missing factor
Normal – Clot stable
If clot dissolves : Factor XIII deficiency
3.8 Factor VIII assay
Principle : Thrombin is added to the plasma and clotting Principle : The assay is based o the ability of the patient’s
time measured. The clotting of citrated plasma is affected plasma to shorten the abnormal activated partial
by the concentration and reaction of fibrinogen, and also thromboplastin time of a severe F VIII deficient plasma as
by the presence of inhibitory substances. The normal compared to the corrections obtained from normal pool
range is 15 – 17 seconds. plasma.
Interpretation : Thrombin time is prolonged in the Normal Range : Factor VIII concentration range from 50
presence of heparin, hypofibrinogenemia, to 200% but varies widely in a given population and also
dysfibrinogenemias and fibrin degradation products. in the same subject at different times, therefore normal
range must be established in each laboratory.
3.6 D-Dimer Test
Interpretation : Decreased values of F VIII activity may
Principle : The latex particles provided in the D-Di Test be due to
are coated with mouse anti-human D-dimer monoclonal
antibodies. Test samples containing D-dimers when A. Congenital deficiencies
mixed with the latex particle suspension make the 1. Haemophilia A

652 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 74—July, 2007


Laboratory Studies in Coagulation Disorders

2. Von Willebrand’s Disease

B. Acquired deficiencies
1. DIC
2. F VIII Inhibitors
Increased values may be found in: Ristocetin
AA 400uM Correction
1. Physical exercises
2. Pregnancy ADR 20uM
3. Stress ADP 2.5uM
4. After DDAVP administration
5. Liver disease etc. Fig. 3. Aggregation chart showing Bernard Soulier Syndrome

3.9 Screening for FVIII inhibitors

ADP 1.25 ADF ADP AA collagen
The acquired coagulation disorders occur, by definition,
in previously normal individuals, secondary to
underlying disease which are associated with loss of
coagulation factors, due to circulating inhibitors. An
unexplained abnormal PTT that is not corrected by
addition of normal plasma indicates the presence of a
circulating anticoagulant.
3.10 Platelet aggregation tests
Principle: Platelets are disk-shaped blood cells that are
also called thrombocytes. They play a major role in the
blood-clotting process. The platelet aggregation test is a
measure of platelet function. The platelet aggregation test
aids in the evaluation of bleeding disorders by measuring Fig. 4. Aggregation chart showing Glanzmann Thrombasthenia
the rate and degree to which platelets form a clump
(aggregate) after the addition of a chemical that
a. Platelet Aggregation with Ristocetin (RIPA)
stimulates clumping (aggregation).
Principle: A sample of platelets rich plasma is stirred at a
Diagnosis : Absent aggregation with all agonist -
constant speed in a thermostatically heated block and an
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia (Fig. 4), afibrinogenemia.
aliquot of ristocetin is added. The pattern of aggregation
Reduced aggregation with Ristocetin : vWD, Bernard is followed on a potentiometric chart recorder which
Soulier (Figs. 2 and 3) traces the change in optical density of the plasma sample
which occurs when platelets aggregate.
Interpretation : An antibiotic ristocetin derived from the
bacterium Nocardia purida was withdrawn from clinical
use because of the high incidence of thrombocytopenia in
patient’s treated with the drug. It was found that
ristocetin causes platelet aggregation in vitro and in vivo,
and later it was shown that platelets from a majority of
patient’s with von Willebrand’s Disease fail to aggregate
with this chemical.
(b) Von Willebrand’s Factor (vWF) Antigen
Principle of the test VWF: Ag assay is a sandwich ELISA.
A capture antibody specific for human vWF is coated to
Fig. 2. Aggregation chart showing von Willebrand disease 96-microwell polystyrene plates. Diluted patient plasma
is incubated in the wells, allowing any available vWF: Ag
Reduced aggregation with all agonist : Storage pool to bind to the anti-human vWF antibody on the microwell
disease, Arachidonic acid pathway defect. surface. The platelets are washed to remove unbound
proteins or other plasma molecules. Bound vWF:Ag is
Reduced aggregation with any one or 2 agonist only: quantitated using horseradish peroxidase (HRP)
Unclassified PFD conjugated anti-human vWF detection antibody.
3.11 Tests for vWD Following incubation, unbound conjugate is removed by

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R. Saxena et al

washing. A chromogeneic substrate of tetramethy- Inhibitor assay: >5 Bethesda Units

benzidine (TMB) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is added
Diagnosis: Haemophilia A with Inhibitors
to develop a colored reaction. The intensity of the color is
measured in optical density (OD) units with a Case 2
spectrophotometer at 450nm. Platelet vWF:Ag in relative
percent concentration is determined against a curve made A 15-yr female presented with history of menorrhagia,
from the reference plasma. gum bleeding off and on, for 8 years. History of recurrent
epistaxis and menorrhagia i was present in her mother
Expected values Examination revealed mild pallor and systemic
examination was essentially normal. There were few
Normal Range : Plasma VWF:Ag values are generally
ecchymotic spots only.
expressed in relative percent (%) as compared to pooled
normal plasma. The normal range when normal plasma Investigations
samples were tested by REAADS vWF:Ag assay was 47-
197% (mean 105.8% SD 39%). Available assays (50-160%). • Hb: 9.3 g/dl
Sample with values above the range of the reference • TLC: 9800
curve may need to be diluted and retested for accurate • Platelet count: 240x103/ul,
results. • Bleeding Time: > 15’
• Prothrombin Time: 15”/12”
C Assay of VWF: RCo (von Willebrand Ristocetin
• APTT: 65”/ 30”
cofactor activity)
• CS: Normal
Principle: The degree of aggregation of washed platelets • RIPA: Absent
induced by ristocetin is related to the vWF level present • vWF Ag: 3% (low) (Normal 50 to 150%)
in the system. The level of vWF in the plasma that are • RiCoF: 0.3% (low) (Normal 60 to 150%)
being tested at the appropriate dilution is obtained by
comparing the speed of platelet aggregation in the test Diagnosis: Type II vWD
plasma with that of the standard obtained from a diluted Case 3
normal human plasma pool.
Normal range: of vWF RCo (in adults = 60-150%) A 7-yr-old female child presented with history of
epistaxis off and on since birth, along with peticheal
4. Case Studies hemorrhages . Her elder sister had similar complaints
Case 1 from early childhood

•A 5-yr-old male child presented with history of Examination revealed mild pallor, few peticheal
spontaneous swelling of right calf for 2 days, Recurrent hemorrhages over the high. Systemic examination was
joint swelling, past 2 years, and Prolonged bleed in elder essentially normal.
brother. Earlier patient responded to FVIII but now no Investigations
effect on swelling was seen.
• Hb: 9.9 g/dl
Examination revealed that he had mild Pallor , diffuse • TLC: 11 000 /ul
swelling of right calf. Contracture of left knee joint with • Platelet: 5.5 lakh
marked restriction of joint movements Wasting of Left • Bleeding Time: > 15’
thigh muscle was present • PT: 14”/13”
Investigations • APTT: 32”/30”
• CS: Normal
• Hb: 12g/dl • Platelet aggregation study: Absent with all agonists
• TLC: 9000/uL except with Ristocetin
• Platelet count 5.3 lac/uL
• Flow Cytometery: Absent GPIIb/IIIa
• Bleeding Time: 3’ (Normal 2- 5’)
• Diagnosis: Glanzmann Thrombasthenia
• Prothrombin Time : 15”/12”
• Activated partial prothrombin time: 90”/30” Case 4
• Clot Solubility: Normal
• Factor VIII level: <1% normal pooled plasma A 10-yr-female presented with history of recurrent gum
• Screening for FVIII Inhibitor: bleeds and high grade fever of 5 days duration. She
complained of breathlessness and bodyaches.
0’ 120’ Examination revealed that she had moderate pallor along
NP 30” 35” with gum bleeds and generalized oozing from multiple
NP+PP (1:1) 50” 120” puncture sites. She had sternal tenderness and no lymph
PP 90” 95” node enlargement Hepatosplenomegaly of 2 and 3 cms

654 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 74—July, 2007


Laboratory Studies in Coagulation Disorders

were present • Plt: 2.3 lakhs

Investigations • PT: 20”/13”
• APTT: 40”/30”
• Hb: 5.3 g/dl
• TLC: 600/ul • CS: Normal
• DLC: P20 L17 Promyelocytes 60 Myeloblasts 3% • Injection vitamin K 2mg IV given
• Platelet count: 5000/ul • Repeat PT, APTT after 72 hr of vitamin K
• PT: 23”/12” PT 14”/13”
• APTT 45”/30” APTT: 33”/30”
• TT: 23”/17”
•Diagnosis: Vitamin K deficiency
• Fibrinogen: 100mg/dl
• D dimer: >0.5 ug/ml REFERENCES
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and Haemostasis 1984; 52 : 210-211.
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Philadelphia; W.B. Saunders and Co., 1971; 29-33.
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spontaneous ecchymosis following intramusculor Mosby Co., 1972; 1268-1269.
injection for past 10 days. This baby was born premature 5. Rizza, Charles R and Walker, William. One stage Prothrombin
time techniques. In Bang NU, et al. eds. Thrombosis and Bleeding
in village and was delivered by village dai. Baby was in
Disorders, New York, Academic press, 1971; 92- 100.
breast fed. There was no history of fever joint swelling, 6. Sirridge M. Laboratory evaluation of the bleeding patient. Clin
hematuria or prolonged bleeding from umbilical stump Lab Med 1984 Jun;4(2) : 285-301.
during first week of life. Examination revealed only 7. Wells PS, Anderson DR, Rodger M, Forgie M, Kearon C,
ecchymotic patches, while rest of examination, was Dreyer J, Kovacs G, Mitchell M, Lewandowski B, Kovacs MJ.
Evaluation of D-dimer in the diagnosis of suspected deep-vein
essentially normal.
thrombosis. N Engl J Med 2003 Sep 25; 349(13) : 1227-1235.
Investigations 8. Gupta PK, Gupta M, Chatterjee T, Saxena R. Comparative
evaluation of whole blood D-dimer test to plasma D-dimer
• Hb: 11.9 g/dl test for diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
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• TLC: 12000/ ul 9. Saxena R, Gupta PK, Ahmed R, Vinita B, Suresh K D – dimer
test :Diagnostic role in clinical and sub – clinical DIC. IJPM
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Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 74—July, 2007 655

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