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Read a short explanation about Gayatri Mantra!

Gayatri mantra is a universal prayer. It is addressed to the supreme God as a female

God, Devi Gayatri. The Gayatri mantra may be considered as having three parts
Adoration, Meditation and Prayer. First the supreme God is praised, then is
meditated and finally ask to God to awaken and
strengthen the intellect.

The Gayatri is the mother of all mantras in the Vedas.

Gayatri mantra is a complete prayer for protection and
liberation from suffering. This mantra has three forms of
Goddesses: Devi Gayatri (mother of mantra), Devi Savitri
(mother of life force) and Devi Sarasvati (mother of
intellect). From Gayatri mantra appeared knowledge,
creation, harmony and balance.

Lord Brahma heard Gayatri mantra at the first time

before creation of the universe from the vibration of
Lord Krishna’s flute. Then Lord Brahma revealed this
mantra to a human, Rishi Vishvamitra. We can find
this prayer in Rig Veda Mandala (book) 10 Sukta
(chapter) 16 Mantra (verse) 3. Below is the Gayatri

Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt
Let us meditate upon the glory of the supreme God, who has created this universe,
who is fit to be worshipped, who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. May God
enlighten our intellect.
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Check your understanding!

Gayatri mantra has three parts: Adoration, Meditation and Prayer. Identify
the part of Gayatri mantra.
Write A (Adoration), M (Meditation) or P (Prayer) in the right column.

Mantra Parts
Let us meditate upon the glory of the supreme God.

God who has created this universe, who is fit to be worshipped, who
is the remover of all sins and darkness.

May God enlighten our intellect.

Circle the correct answer below.

1. Gayatri mantra is a ______________ prayer. We can say it every time and to
all forms of God.

Hindu universal protection

2. Who are the Goddesses of Gayatri mantra? Except.

Devi Savitri Devi Sarasvati Devi Durga

3. Who heard Gayatri mantra at the first time through the flute of Lord Krishna?

Lord Vishnu Lord Brahma Lord Shiva

4. Who received Gayatri mantra from Lord Brahma?

Rishi Vyasa Rishi Narada Rishi Vishvamitra

5. What is the benefit of saying Gayatri mantra?

God will protect us

God will give the gift

We will go to heaven

Colour the picture of Devi Gayatri with beautiful colours and neat.

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