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1 In Choosing for an instructional material or a. The Cost

devices what must be the first thing that teacher b. The physical appearance
should considered? c. The Availability
d. It’s Suitability

Ans. D
Because it is not about the price ,the look as
well availability that counts it’s the suitability
so as we can measure immediately the
effectiveness of the Instructional material
2 The understanding by Design introduced by Mc a. Testing knowledge
Tighe and Wiggins focuses on what aspect? b. Testing Strategies
c. Checking of the resources
d .Desired result and outcome

Ans. D
Because in understanding by design we
always begin with the output that will create
desirable output
3 How can the teacher uphold the value of a. Avoid giving long activities
punctuality and maximum utilization of time b. Push and hurry when you feel you are
within the classroom? getting late
c. Have a big clock in your classroom
d. Consistently follow the schedules for the
observation of routines.

Ans. D
We can give as many activities as we like
that are already tested but if we will not
follow the tine frame we will not maximize
4 Which of the following signify that you had instill a. Fear and Fright resulting in good behavior
discipline in your students? b. Students have developed concern for each
c. Student behave because an award awaits
d. Your results in their being behave

Ans. B
Because a discipline learner is someone who
give support and help to his or her fellow
5 Which of the following practices will a. Guides student to meet their learning goal
demonstrate teacher’s genuine concern on b. Confer progress of students to their
student learning? parents
c. Validate it if learning goal were met
d. All of the above

Ans. D
For every choices from letter A-C showcase
authentic concern for above
6. Ms Santos had been teaching for almost two a.Fear of Electric circuit
decades ,however she is resisting media b.Fear of computers , laptops
utilization in the class and said to be c. Fear of being changed by computers
technophobic what is she afraid of? d. Fear in the use of technology due to
limited knowledge and exposure

Ans. D
Because a technophobic is someone who fear
the utilization of gadgets not because of the
electric current from laptops and computers
but how to use it was then the major concern
7 Which of the following best describe the role of a. To fit the citizen into the society
schools? b. To educate the citizen
c. To educate the citizens to change the
d. All of the above

Ans. D
Because letter A to C signify the school
functions as well as schools roles
8 How can a teacher best help a withdrawn child a. Provide him /her leadership roles
to assert himself and win respect from his/her b. Encouraging him to study harder to outwit
classmate his/her classmate
c. Always call him/her to answer question
d. Giving him /her opportunity to show his

Ans. A
Because letting the learners be involved in
the class will likewise encourages her or him
to decide over class matters with your
9 A teacher who advocates the pragmatic a. Require students of mastery of lesson
philosophy of education believes that b. Encourage students to memorize facts
experience should follow learning thus she has c. Equip the students with basic skills and
to: abilities
d. Tell the students to apply their skills and

Ans. A
Because pragmatic philosophy focuses on
learning all facets of the lessons and its
10 Which of the following is the characteristics of a. Ability to manage noise in the
fair teacher class
b. Ability to finished paper works
c. Ability to be calm under
d. Ability of teacher of looking into both
sides of issues that arises before making a
sound judgement

Because Fair teacher does not take side on
certain explanation but rather someone who
is sees the two sides of the stories before
commencing a judgement
11 The Quality of teacher of working alone with full a. Reliability
knowledge that a task will be accomplished by b. Cooperativeness
himself and herself? c. Self Confidence
d. Fairness
Ans. C
Because self confidence is believing that you
do the task whatever it may takes
12 A student collapsed on your class it was noted a. Safety need
that she didn’t ate her breakfast what principle b. Social needs
of Maslow can be applied? c. Physiological needs
d. Esteem needs

Ans. C
Because Physiological needs is about bodily
needs of one person
13 Your learner keeps on reciting in the class what a. Safety need
principle of Maslow should you employ? b. Social needs
c. Physiological needs
d. Esteem needs
Ans. D
Because Esteem needs refers to the needs of
recognize and giving praises is a profound
example for it
14 The teacher in the class focuses on teaching a. Essentialism
reading , writing and arithmetic what philosophy b. Perennialism
of education are employed? c. Existentialism
d. Progressivism

Ans. A
Because essentialism is learning the
necessary skills for learning
15 Which of the following is the characteristics of a. Trying new things out of theories
intelligent teacher learned
b. Finishing task assigned by the
c . Teacher looking both sides of
d. Ability to be calmed under

Ans. A
Because an intelligent teacher does not only
give what is in the book but tries new
knowledges in the class for ease facilitation
of learning among learners
16 Which of the following is the important duty of a a. soliciting contribution
teacher b. Evaluating fellow teacher
c. Building relationship with the teacher
d. Safekeeping school properties

Because letter A is not teachers duty even
Letetr B is somewhat a duty of an MT or
head Teacher during observation, while
letter C is teachers responsibility so its letter
17 Which of the following is the characteristics of a. Ability to make a product
Innovative teacher? b. Ability to create project
c. Ability to used technology
d. Ability to create new things by
modifying existing materials
Because to innovate is to employ modern
technology for better learning
18 Which of the following best describes a morally a. Cultural values clarification
mature person b. Transmittal of one’s moral viewpoint
c. Unhampered exercise of one’s right
d. knowledge and practice of universal values

Person becomes mature if he or she will be
able to transcend universally accepted values
19 Which of the following is the characteristics of a. Ability to work with other
cooperative teacher? teachers
b. Ability to create project
c. Ability to used technology
d. Ability to create new things by
modifying existing materials
Because leeter A describes a teacher who can
manages to help others who were in need of
help on his or her teaching delivery

20 Which of the following is the characteristics of a. Ability to manage noise in the

emotionally stable teacher? class
b. Ability to finished paper works
c. Ability to be calm under pressure
d. Ability to work with fellow faculty
Because an emotional stable teacheris
someone who can withstand the social as
well as emotional challenges of teaching
21 What is the term for the leap from theory to a. Information process
practice in which you as a teacher applies theory b. Integration process
to effective teaching methods? c. Conceptualization process
d. Construction process

Ans. B
Because letter B is an act of transferring and
relating theories to daily actual practices
22 To ease tension in the class Teacher Mark a.Folk Humor
applied joke, which type of joke is not b. Sex jokes
permitted? c. Funny bloopers
d. Comic humor
Ans. B
Because A,C and D could be utilized but not
the used of sex jokes
23 The theory that explains that People learn a. Social learning Theory
through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, b. Situated Learning theory
and outcomes of those behaviors c. Cognitive learning theory
d. Hierarchy of needs
Ans. A
Because leeter A signify the theory of Albert
Bandura of letting learning view and witness
certain video before doing the same act
24 If a student appear to be more interested in a a. Continue your decision
topic outside the lesson for the day, then you b. Shift immediately to the lesson
set aside your lesson plan to accommodate your c. Tell your principal that your student
student request, then suddenly the principal requested for other topic then shift to the
came and asked for your lesson? What are you lesson
supposed to do? d. Asked the principal to lessen to your
Ans. C
There is no wrong in telling the truth you just
have to tell your principal the real situation
but not consuming the entire class hour for
the said querry.
25 Multiple intelligence that entails capacity for a. Intrapersonal
person-to-person communications and b. Bodily kinesthetic
relationships c. Naturalistic
d. Mathematical logical
Ans. A
Because it is more of relating to other people
26 Theory argues that social interaction precedes a. Social learning theory
development; consciousness and cognition are b. social development theory
the end product of socialization and social c. Right brain / Left Brian theory
behaviour d. Hierarchy of needs

Ans. B
Yes Because of the word development
,bescause social learning is all about
improvement of the learner
27 Which of the following can encourage newly a. Involvement in planning / designing
hired teacher to actively participate in school activities
unique educational culture? b.Induction /orientation program
c. Reward system
d. Constructive feedback

Ans. B
Because through induction teachers who are
newly hired will get a chance to know all bout
the school ‘s vision .mission and philosophy
28 Which of the following is the characteristics of a. Education that focus on necessary skills
Essentialism? such as reading ,Writing and Arithmetic
b. Education that focus on numeracy
c. Education that focus on community
d. Education that focus on safety

Ans. A
Because essentialism is learning important
skills for learning to all types of learner

29 Which of the following belongs to the more a. To ask and gather data
sophisticated learning to learn skills for the b. To read with understanding
individual learner? c. To process and select information
d. To listen and to observe

Ans. C
Because letter C entails more activities in
which critical analysis and application will be
used to derive ti learning
30 In a faculty meeting your Principal asked the a. Go to the principal office and reveal what
teacher to refrain from selling goods to the you just witness
learners within school premises, then one day b. Talk to your head about it
you saw your fellow faculty violated it, what are c. Tell it to the supervisor
you supposed to do? d. Talk to your fellow faculty and remind her
about the policy .

Ans. D
Because D is more humane act to do and as a
professional she or he deserve to be treated
well and its more ethical act to do.
31 Which of the following classroom climate is less a. Individualistic
threatening? b. Cooperative
c. Autocratic
d. Competitive

For in letter A does not encourages talking
with another person, who in turn could be an
influential act to create problem in a
classroom setting
32 Which of the following is the most appropriate a. TV screening to entertain students
use of TV in the classroom b. TV screening to replace an absent teacher
c. TV screening with cuts and explanation
d. TV view for whole one hour

Ans. C
It is letter C because students needs a proper
guidance on the film being viewed so that
from time to time their interpretation will be
checked and assess through series of cuts
33 The aim of Behaviorism a. Modify and shape learners attitude and
b. Develop communication skills
c. To improve and reconstruct society
d .Improve the whole being as a unique

Ans. A
Helping learners to develop one’s behaviour
is one of the main focus of behaviourism
34 If the teacher’s role in Progressivism is to a. Arrange environmental condition
develop life long learners, what is the role of b. Teach the students to learn and how to
teacher in Reconstructivism learn
c. Agent of change and reform
d. Assist learners to think with reason
Ans. C
Leeter C because Reconstructivism longs to
change old practices that needs improvement
35 You are having your practice teaching in one a. Report him/her to your Dean
school in Manila then your fellow student b. Report him/her to the Guidance counselor
practice teacher keep on violating school rules , c. report him/her to the school principal
what are you supposed to do? d. report him/her to your Student practice
teaching coordinator

Ans. D
You are already doing your practicing
teaching your practice teaching coordinator
is you over allr immediate supervisor he or
she needs to be informed right away
36 After your observation you found out that as a a. Biases
teacher when you give example to elaborate the b. Contextualization
topic you should be refraining from using c. Localization
international scenarios what K-12 framework d. spiral progression
was violated
Ans. C
Because to construct local example depicting
our own scenario deems to help our learner
to immediately associate himself or herself
from the example given.
37 A teacher keep on employing same old a. Spiral progression
strategies as well as approaches in the delivery b. Multiple Intelligence theory
of the lesson in the class without considering c. Social learning theory
students learning style ,what theory was d. None of the above
Ans. B
Because all learners has different way or style
of learning and that was explained in Gardner
multiple intelligences that teacher should
used varied strategies that will caters
different needs
38 The Quality of teacher of surviving in the difficult a. Reliability
situation by balancing life through optimism and b. Cooperativeness
being cheerfulness c. Bouyancy
d. Fairness

Ans. C
Because this characteristics help teachers to
accommodate both serious situation and not
so serious situation
39 Which of the following showcase Content a. The teacher uses Multiple intelligence
knowledge application b. Teacher focusing on topic and content
c. Teacher teaching the values for the
d. Teacher asking student for application of

Ans. B
Because letter A is more on approaches while
letter b is more on reflection part already
while letter D is more transferring already of
40 A technological enhancement that aide teacher a. Presentation software
in organizing lesson with series of text and b. Overhead projector
graphics with audio and videos. c. Media literacy
d. Visual aide

Ans. A
Because letter A is focus already on applying
skills in program manipulation in presenting
lesson through technological skills
41 If the student made a violation within the school a. Ignore the incident
policy what should you do as a teacher? b. Don’t scold the students give him/her
another chance
c. Tell him/ her about the violation and call
the attention of the parents
d. Bring the student immediately to the
guidance office

Because every person needs to be informed
of his /her violation for him /her to know its
corresponding punishment
42 Teacher Lanny explains the lessons by citing a lot a. Planned sequence
of examples, description and stories what is the b. Elaboration through elements
quality of her lectures? c. Use of audiovisuals
d. Simple vocabulary

Because giving a lot of example help the
learner to have a wide perspective on the
premise of the lesson
43 The content School Form 1 a. Student National achievement test
b.Student report card
c. Student permanent record
d. School Register

Ans. D
Because there is no form about national
achievement on k-12 while b is Form `138
and letter c is form 137
44 Which situation best explain the role of the critic a. Let the Student Teacher teach alone inside
teacher the class
b .Let the student check all paper works of
the teacher
c. Be with the student teacher while the
teaching was conducted inside the class
d. None of the above

Ans. C
Because you cannot critic anything not
unless you’ve observe such actions of your
SPT or student practice teacher
45 The content of School Form 2 a. Student Daily Attendance
b.Student report card
c. Student permanent record
d. School Register

Ans. A
Because b is on form 138 ,while while c is
form 137 and d is SF no. 1
46 Which of the following is not an advanced a. Learning how to recognized thought
process of meta cognition among learners? b. Acquisition of new knowledge
c. Assessing own thinking
d. Learning how to study

Ans. D
Because d is just the initial move of
understanding concept as well knowledge
47 The content of School Form 3 a. Student Daily Attendance
b. Student report card
c. Books Issued and returned
d. School Register

Ans. C
Because a is SF 2 while b is form 138 and d is
Sf 1
48 Qualities of Teacher that focuses on ability to a. Compassion
make a sound a decision and judgement b. Innovativeness
c. Intelligence
d. Emotional stability
Ans. A
Because decision making entails the used of
49 The content of form 138 a. Student National achievement test
b.Student report card
c. Student permanent record
d. Student absences and tardiness

Ans. B
Because a is not part of school forms in k-12
while c is on Form 137 and d is on SF 2
50 Which of the following is the characteristics of a. It explain that learning is an active process
Behavioral learning b. Learners are not an empty vessel
c. It is based on recalling facts and illustrating
d. Learning is an active process

Ans. C
Because recalling facts is one area in
behavioural objectives that will help learner
to derive on expected outcomes in learning
51 The concept of Hilda Taba on curriculum with a. Teachers should not be the leader of the
seven major steps on it. educational process
b. Teacher should let the teachers participate
in developing curriculum
c. It emphasize student equality
d. Teacher should be aware of the
importance independence

Ans. B
Because Hilda model includes the following
1. Identify the needs of the students and the
expectations of society.
2. Formulate the learning objectives.
3. The learning content will be selected based
on the objectives.
4. How the content is organized needs to be
decided upon by the teachers based on the
5. The learning experiences need to be
6. The organization of the actual learning
activities needs to be determined.
7. Determine what is going to be evaluated
and how to determine the effectiveness of
the curriculum

52 The first step of Hilda Taba Model of curriculum a.Selection of learning experience
b. Diagnosis of learners needs
c.Organization of learning content
d.Formulation of learning objectives

Ans. B Taba Model

1. Identify the needs of the students and the
expectations of society.
2. Formulate the learning objectives.
3. The learning content will be selected based
on the objectives.
4. How the content is organized needs to be
decided upon by the teachers based on the
5. The learning experiences need to be
6. The organization of the actual learning
activities needs to be determined.
7. Determine what is going to be evaluated
and how to determine the effectiveness of
the curriculum

53 Which type of student that was commonly a.Slow learner

neglected by a teacher b. Average
c. Frequent absentee
d. Genius

Ans. D
Because id the slow learner were given due
attention he or she wont be on such situation
54 When teachers practice professional ethics a. Engage in gossip
,which of the following he / she is not likely to b. Respect his / her superior
do? c.Maintain cordial relationship with his/her
d.Shares an outstanding outcomes of
undertaking with other

Ans. A
Because gossiping is not an attribute of a
professional teacher
55 How can teacher enhance his/her skills in asking a. extend wait time until student respond
question for effective teacher-student b. You may answer your own question if no
interaction one can
c. Allow sufficient think time atleast seven to
ten seconds
d. Immediately call another student in case
one cannot answer

Ans. C
Because as you gave the questions student
needs to be given ample time to think and to
associate things or words in order to derive
on sound answer
56 The teacher should allow his /her student to a. ownership
create the rules inside the classroom to develop b. discipline
a sense of c. self control
d. leadership

Because if he or she was given a chance to
craft rules or policy inside the class he or she
is deem to follow it first before others will do
the rules.
57 The main concern of establishing PTCA among a. For enhancement of Teacher performance
schools b. To guard Teacher from DepEd Anomalies
c. To established the concept of shared
responsibilities and involvement
d.To help student pass their academics

Ans. C
Because right now the concept and function
of stakeholders were disseminated among
potential members of the community and
through which shared responsibilities were
58 The component in K 12 assessment that includes a. Performance task
student quizzes ,long test and other student b. Quarterly assessment
works c. Written work
d. Monthly test

Ans. C
Because letter a and b were a separate part
of k 12 assessment while d is a part of written
59 The component in K 12 that measures student a. Performance task
learning at the end of the given period through b. Quarterly assessment
paper and pencil activity c. Written work
d. Monthly test

Ans. B
Because quarterly assessment in more on
measuring extent of learning of the student
after a quarter discussion.
60 The component in k 12 assessment where the a. Performance task
learners are expected to show what they know b. Quarterly assessment
and produce an innovative products c. Written work
d. Monthly test
Ans. A
Because performance task is already the
culminating of the entire teaching of
concepts and knowledge by which students
are asked to perform every skills they had
61 Written works and Performance task are some a. long test
of the components in k-12 assessment which of b .Essay
the following component is also included in k12 c. Projects
assessment of learning d. Quarterly assessment

Ans. D
Because according to D.O no .8 there will be
only 3 components in grading the learning
and that includes the following
1.Quarterly assessment
2. Performance task
3. Written works

62 The content of School Form 5 a. Student Daily Attendance

b. Student report card
c. Books Issued and returned
d. Report on Promotion and learning Progress
and achievement

Ans. D
Because of the following
1.SF 1 is school register
2.SF 2 attendance
3.SF 3 books returned and issued
4.SF 4 enrollment and transin and trans out
63 To accomplish many good activities in a a. use an expensive material
particular class period , the teacher must b. institute a systematic plan
c. ask the parents to buy books
d. additional curricular activity

Because being systematic is following orderly
activities that will accommodate many types
of task to accomplished
64 The content of School Form 4 a. Student Daily Attendance
b. Monthly learner and movement and
c. Books Issued and returned
d. School Register
Ans. B
1.SF 1 is school register
2.SF 2 attendance
3.SF 3 books returned and issued
4.SF 4 Enrollment and trans-in and trans out
5.SF 5 is repoirt on promotion
65 In outcome based education which are not a. Products
considered an outcomes b. Procedures
c. Portfolios
d. Performances

Letter A,C,D are all outcomes except B for b is
about ways to do things
66 What is the prime advantage of active learning a. Student engagement
techniques like discussion , role play and games) b. Focus on questions not answer
c. Higher order thinking
d. Problem solving

Because learning arises when student are
involve and when they are the one dong it
rather than being instructed
67 Which of the following is a self -appraisal for a. Self-Evaluation
professional growth that is acceptable and b. Student Evaluation
useful for recognizing weakness and strengths c. Master Teacher evaluation
for a new or beginning teacher d. Principals evaluation

Ans. A
Because letter b is more of student
observation to you while c is more of yout
MT critic on your observation then d is your
school heads observation to your classroom
activities which means before others will
evaluate you , you have to check your self
68 Among the following which is an activity that a.Giving of group works that is compared
can make a learner orally proficient with individual work
b. Requesting speech laboratory
c. Engaging students in conversational
d. Giving stress to correct grammar

Ans. C
Because profiency in conversation needs a lot
of talking as well as delivery of messages and
concept to others
69 How can collaboration be attained among a. Independent working habit
teachers for sustained professional practices. b. Mentoring system by experienced teachers
c. Interdependent work for cohesion
d. Support for beginning teachers

Ans. C
As a teacher you really have to work
efficiently with the other members of the
faculty this sometimes called peer coaching
in which exchange of information are most
likely the avenue of getting more effective
70 Among the following intervention which is a. Make learner work collaboratively
directly aimed at responding to transitional gap b. Deregulate tuition fees
between academic and employment c. Voluntary accreditation of schools
d. School networking with business and

Ans. D
Because aside from the theories and skills
you learned in school setting you need also
networks of people who will guide you in
your chosen field about what is being
practice in the field for sometimes theories is
different from practice
71 Which particular program has immediate a. Adopt a School program
relevance to the practice of inclusive education b. Education Service Contracting scheme
c. Tutorial program
d. On-line distance education

Because right now technology is the easiest
way to reach out people from far-flung areas
so that a lot of learner will be given a chance
equal opportunities on educational delivery
72 The primary purpose of the student council in a. Provide training for potential leaders and
any school is about to: good followers
b. Provide pupils with some experience in
managing school
c. Provide students and pupils with
opportunities for social growth
d. Provide students experience in democratic

Ans. A
Aside from being an active learner in the class
they need also to be trained for governance
which a practice of active citizenship among
73 Education in Human rights starts with a. Liking others
b. Caring for others
c. Loving others
d. Respect towards others

Because before you appreciate human rights
you have to appreciate first people around
you because you must co-exist with them
74 One criteria for content to be developed in a a. Content should be worthwhile
lesson is learnability what does it mean. b. Content should be useful practical in some
c. Resources for content development is
d.Content should be within the capacity of
the student

Ans. B
Content that one must be delivered must
easily to gauge I mean it should result in
order to measure the intended outcomes
75 There was a student who keep on boasting that a. Challenge him to debate
he is the master of Bible because he is b. Snare him your knowledge about the bible
protestant what should you do as Catholic c .Keep silent and respect his belief
d. Listen to him once in a while

Ans. C
Respecting other n]beliefs is one necessary
skills that teachers should exhibit in ide the
class for we have varied religious faith within
the class, each has the right to practice their
76 The teachers role in classroom according to a. Fill in learner with information
cognitive psychologist b. Make the learning task easy
c. Dictate what to learn
d. Help learners to connect what she/he
knows with the new information from a

Because if the teacher will not make the
approach easy to understand the outcome
will be deem to be measured
77 Which of the following is an attributes of well a. The learners earnestly engage in activity
managed class that leads them to realize the stated goal
b. Learner pursue their task without
c.Learner blindly follows teachers instruction
d. Learners are controlled by the teacher

Ans. B
Allowing the learners to express their own
opinion and perspective are just one way to
recognized student individuality and
78 If the teacher would like to build teamwork a. Lectures
among his student which of the following is b. Cooperative learning
suited c. Independent study
d. Brainteaser

B because cooperative learning explore the
concept of collaboration among fellow
79 Which of the following body first perform A. national Board for Teachers
regulatory function for the teachers b. Civil Service Commission
c. Professional Regulation Commission
d. Board of professional Teachers

Ans. A
A because we are teachers and we follow the
first organized body philosophy in uplifting
80 When student are given a chance to settle a. Sociability
different opinion in discussion they develop : b. Fair Play
c. Tolerance
d. Irritants

B because they became to accommodate
varied opinion which is necessary in getting
to desired outcomes which is learning

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