Research Structure

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Title: ______________

List of table/ contact

Acknowledger (thanks for lecture, respondents)


 My objectives why you write this title

 Number of respondents
 Used data: primary and secondary
 Kind of research
 Method for analysis
 Finding (not result)
 Suggestion(no discussion)

(Key words)


Literature Review/ Theoretical Background

Research objectives/Aims

Research question

Research Methodology

Hypothesis Development

i. Research Design
n= z 2 × p ×q
ii. Population/Sampling( 1+n0 ,n0 = )
iii. Data Collection
iv. Method for data Analysis

Empirical Study

i. Profile of the respondents

ii. Reliability and Validity (this method will use if you ask with likert scale)
iii. Results

(Do not use for qualitative data)

 Reliability- Crobach’s Alpha test

 Validity-Factor Analysis
-Meet with supervisor, previous paper
Reliability and Validity Test

Cronbach’s alpha Internal consistency

0.9≤ α Excellent
0.8≤ α ≤ 0.9 Good
0.8¿ α ≥ 0.7 Acceptable
0.7¿ α ≥ 0.6 Questionable
0.6¿ α ≥ 0.5 Poor
0.5¿ α Unacceptable

Reliabilities of the variable (not involve alpha)

Sr.No Variable Cornbach’s Alpha No of Items

1 Training and development 0.832 7
2 Compensation and benefits 0.660 7
3 Transparency and internal 0.836 8
4 Equal opportunities and 0.780 7
responsible hiring

Employee / Manager Perception on supervision (for likert scale questionnaire) Description Mean Standard Deviation

1 My manager encourages me to 3.78 0.727
contribute new ideas
2 My manager answers the 3.96 0.640
questions related with the jobs
that I want to know
3 My manager mentor and coach 4.21 0.754
me what I am doing and what
should be done
4 My manager tells me what I 4.20 0.681
need to know to do my job
Mean is placed 2 decimal and Standard deviation is placed 3 decimal

 Perceptions toward your questionnaire

 Hypothesis tests

When you use correlation Analysis (effect, impact, relationship between,

association), you should see

1. Sign (+=positive correlation,-=negative correlation)

2. Magnitude
3. Significant level(if you see * in the data that is be correlation)

Regression, Y=a+bX
-Correlation and regression (Quantitative data)

-Chi-square or other methods

 Synthesize/Summarize for qualitative research

Findings and Discussions (if you find current data, you should ask why?)

Suggestions (should, need to, but do not use Must) (you should tell about future
impact: benefits and threats)


Limitation of the study (difficulties)

References (Harvard references style, Cite for me)


1. Questionnaires
2. Kinds of business
3. Table

Almost qualitative data is used Explore

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