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Project Overview and Project Set-up

Prepared by:
Dr Mehmet Cigla

February 2018

MineSight UG Training 1-1

MineSight UG Training 1-2
This document was created by Dr Mehmet Cigla

Updated by Dr Mehmet Cigla

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

MineSight UG Training 1-3

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I would like to thank Hexagon Mining for providing a full university license and for their
support in education at Western Australia School of Mines.

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Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ 1-5
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... 1-7
Chapter 1 - Project Overview and Project Set-up ................................................................ 1-9
1.1 Starting the Project with MS3D ............................................................................... 1-10
1.2 Grid Sets and Edit Grids .......................................................................................... 1-13
Creating a Grid Set from existing one ........................................................................ 1-13
Creating Grid Set in any direction .............................................................................. 1-17
Attaching a Grid Set to the Viewer ............................................................................ 1-22
1.3 Viewer Tool Bar ...................................................................................................... 1-24
Zoom Icons ............................................................................................................... 1-24
Plan, East-West, North-South Views.......................................................................... 1-25
View Grid Normal ...................................................................................................... 1-26
Camera Icons ............................................................................................................ 1-27
2D and 3D Modes...................................................................................................... 1-28
Lights ........................................................................................................................ 1-29
Grid Toggle................................................................................................................ 1-30
1.4 xViewer and Viewer Properties ............................................................................... 1-31
1.5 Cursor Tool ............................................................................................................. 1-33
1.6 Block Model View ................................................................................................... 1-35
Opening an existing model view ................................................................................ 1-35
Display Tab................................................................................................................ 1-36
Range Tab ................................................................................................................. 1-37
Options Tab .............................................................................................................. 1-38
Grade Shell Tab ......................................................................................................... 1-40
Help File for Model View Editor................................................................................. 1-45
1.7 Model Manager ...................................................................................................... 1-46
Cloning Block Model ................................................................................................. 1-46
Adding items to Block Model .................................................................................... 1-48
1.8 Model Calculation Tool ........................................................................................... 1-51
Python Script............................................................................................................. 1-51
Creating a New Model View ...................................................................................... 1-54
1.9 Linker Tool .............................................................................................................. 1-60
1.10 Reserves ............................................................................................................... 1-77
Reserve Setup ........................................................................................................... 1-77

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Reserve Calculation ................................................................................................... 1-83
Export Reserve Report .............................................................................................. 1-85

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Chapter 1 - Project Overview and Project Set-up

Even though this training book focuses on sublevel stoping mining method, some part of it
can be used to apply on other underground mining methods such as sublevel caving, cut-and-
fill mining and block caving.

The reader is expected to have sufficient knowledge of different underground mining

methods such as sublevel stoping, sublevel caving, cut-and-fill mining and block caving.

The reader is expected to have sufficient knowledge of resource estimation and block model

Please make sure that the project data

folder is unzipped and ready to open in
Minesight Software.

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1.1 Starting the Project with MS3D

A. Start MineSight…Browse for the project location and highlight your project folder.

B. This will bring the project folder path to the “Start in folder”. Click Start to continue.

C. MineSight project will start once PCF file has been selected.

D. Highlight _msresources folder and set PCF as shown. This reset all the files in data manager
associated with PCF.

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E. Select PCF to reset all the files associated with PCF in Data Manager.

F. Open Model Manager as shown…

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G. In your case, the tool will ask the new location of PCF. Click OK on the message window
and browse for PCF file then Open.



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1.2 Grid Sets and Edit Grids

Underground with MineSight requires the usage of different grid sets which help you to
design UG openings and so many other stuff…you will learn those as you further with the

Creating a Grid Set from existing one

A. In folder 01-GRID SETS, make a copy of PLAN_PCF grid set as shown…

Raname it…

B. Highlight the new grid set and select Edit…

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C. Highlight all the planes and arrange them in descending order as shown…

D. Again highlight all the planes and rename them as shown below…

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E. Make changes as required…

F. Stack direction…

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G. Orientation…

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Creating Grid Set in any direction

A. Create a geometry object called orebody_xsec_polyline in 01-GRID SETS folder. Set the
object in edit mode to store the data…

B. Open objects orebody_lines and orebody_solid in 05-OREBODY folder as shown.

C. Set snap to option to “Face Snap”…

D. Open Point Editor as shown…

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E. Select Polyline  Create  Polyline and click on the surface as shown…

F. Preview…

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G. Apply and click right in the viewer…

H. Save the selection and change the properties of the object as shown…

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I. Create a grid set named orebody_xsec_30m…

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J. Select the polyline and set the input as shown…Then Preview to see the result.

J. Click OK to continue…Change the colour as required…click Save to apply the changes…

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Attaching a Grid Set to the Viewer

A. Open Full Properties as shown…

B. Select the grid set a shown…

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C. Edit Grid is snapped to current plane…

D. When you change the plane as shown edit grid will move and will indicate the current

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1.3 Viewer Tool Bar

Zoom Icons

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Plan, East-West, North-South Views

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View Grid Normal

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Camera Icons

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2D and 3D Modes

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Grid Toggle

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1.4 xViewer and Viewer Properties

Under _msresources folder, there are two types of viewer…Both can be opened by double-
clicking on them.

Then they will appear as part of the main view as shown below...

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See Help file to get more information on both xViewer and Viewer Properties…

Search for xViewer Properties and Viewer Properties

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1.5 Cursor Tool

Scalable cursors are very helpful in UG mine design with MineSight to estimate measurements
while designing or drawing. There are exiting ones in the list. If you hit C key the list will
appear. Then you select one to continue…The default one is the crosshair.

The Cursor Tool is invoked from the Viewer Menu. A user-specified scalable cursor can be
created or edited via the Cursor Tool dialog. The following steps can be used to create other
ones as required…

A. Select Viewer  Cursor Tool. Click on [+] sign to add a new cursor. Change its properties

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B. The cursor list is displayed by typing 'c' in a viewer. Once a cursor has been selected, it is
used in that viewer until a different cursor is selected.

C. Definitions of the cursors used in MineSight are stored in the file, cursor.xml. This simple
text xml file is found in the project's \msresources\settings folder. To use it in other projects,
copy the file to the \settings directory. The file is read on start-up of MS3D.

D. Create more customized cursor if required.


There are hotkeys available for use with scalable cursors;

Using the “[“ and “]” keys without the ctrl key increases or decreases the horizontal size of
the cursor

The combination ctrl + [ rotates the scalable cursor hairlines counterclockwise, and ctrl + ]
rotates the hairlines in a clockwise direction.

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1.6 Block Model View

Opening an existing model view

A. Open CU_msug15.dat model view (double click on it) and query one of the blocks…

B. While the mode view is open, double click on the object again. This will open the model
view editor.

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Display Tab

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Range Tab

The viewing Range is defined using the level/row/column slider controls on the Range Tab.

The range can be set from a single block up to the entire model. Move the boxes in the slider
bar to define the limits of the desired range.

Use the left arrow and right arrow keys to move the range as one group. The number of blocks
in the range is displayed along the left of each slider bar.

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Options Tab

The item selected for display in the Model View can be limited by the values of up to three
other model items.

The items used for limiting and their limiting value(s) are entered in the corresponding

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Limit CU display as shown…

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Grade Shell Tab

A. In Grade Shell tab, setup as shown…

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B. Click on Make Shell to see the results…

Preview colour is purple…it can be chages as required.

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C. Save the grade shell…

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D. Change the properties of the geometry object as required…

You can bring up the object properties by highlighting the object and then right click and select
Properties from the opo-up list…


Double click on the object in the Data Manager…

Once the object property dialog window is up, you may make the required changes.

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E. Take the object out of edit mode as shown…

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Help File for Model View Editor

A. Open the hlp file as shown…

B. Browse for Model View Editor in the help tree as shown below…

C. Explore the help file as required…

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1.7 Model Manager

The Model Manager is used to create or edit Project Control Files (PCF), 3D Block Models
(3DBM), Gridded Surface Files (GSF), and Gridded Seam Models (GSM) from within the
MineSight 3D (MS3D). It can be used to start a new project and add models, or to manage an
existing project and existing models.

Cloning Block Model

A. Start Model Manager…

B. Select Clone  3DBM – File 15…

C. Give a new name and select the file 15 to clone.

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D. Click on Save to finalise.

You will have mug115.eng as a new block model in the same project…

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Adding items to Block Model

A. Click on Edit…

B. Add an item as shown…

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C. Add the new item…

D. Click on Save to finalise…

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E. Click OK to continue…

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1.8 Model Calculation Tool

The Model Calculation Tool (MCT) is a MineSight 3D plug-in that is used to perform
calculations on 3D block models (3DBM), Gridded Seam Model (GSM) item values, and
Gridded Surface File (GSF) item values on a block by block basis.

Python Script

A. Start Model Calculation Tool…

B. Create a new setup…

C. Add items to use in the calculation…

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D. Make sure that EQCU is selected to write back…

E. E Copy and paste the follwing code inot Main Script window…

CopperPrice = 3 #$/lb
MolyPrice = 9 #$/lb

MR1 = 0.85 #recovery for copper

MR2 = 0.75 #recovery for molly

CopperValue = CopperPrice*2200*($(CU)/100)*MR1
MolyValue = MolyPrice*2200*($(MO)/100)*MR2

if $(CU)>0:
$(EQCU) = ((CopperValue + MolyValue)/CopperValue)*$(CU)

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F. Verify syntax…

G. Yes to continue…

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Creating a New Model View

A. Highlight 04-MODEL VIEWS. Right click and select Model View from the list.

B. Give it a name and then click OK…

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C. Select PCF as shown…

D. Select file 15 and click OK to continue…

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E. Make the following chnages in Display tab…

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F. Define a color table as shown…

You can also define a color table as shown below…

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You may change the color itmes individually or all by selecting them in cutoff table.

Refer to Help file for more detail explanations…

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G. In Range tab make the follwing changes and click Apply to refresh the model view on the

Refer to Help file for more detail explanations…

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1.9 Linker Tool

The Linker can be used to link open or closed polylines into open or closed surfaces that
represent geological units, mine designs, or other 3D shapes used for model updating,
volumes and reserves.

The Linker Tool is either invoked from the Utilities Menu.

Or from the Surface Menu  Create Menu.

Help file for Linker Tool…

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Exercise 1

A. Open geometry object orebody_lines as shown…

B. Open Linker Tool.

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C. Select the Select Polylines button.

D. Select the first polyline to be used in the link.

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E. Select the second polyline to be used in the link. As soon as the second polyline is selected,
a Preview Link between the two polylines will be displayed in blue.

F. To continue linking select another polyline. Once another polyline is selected, it will be
linked to the last polyline previously selected.

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G. Next we fix some of the links…but before deactivate the function by right clicking in the

The current function will disappear…

Next target camera as shown below…

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H. Create substrings…

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I. Apply…

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J. Change the object properties…

K. Save the selection…

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L. Triangulate both ends of the solid as sown below…

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Similarly the other side…

Save the selection…

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M. Merge solids…

Select all…

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Right click to finalise the selection…

Click Ok to continue…and Open to save.

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Close the original object…

Change the object properties

Query the object…

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A. Select Surface  Verify…


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C. Check for openings…click on the object

Right click to finalise…

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D. Verify and check the message window…

E. Verify for duplicate faces

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Exercise 2

Under construction…

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1.10 Reserves

Reserve Setup

A. Start Reserve Setup…

B. Select PCF and model file…name the plan. Click OK to continue.

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C. Save the setup…

D. Select a zone itme…

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E. Select density item…

F. Add a grade item…CU

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G. Map the added item to model file item as shown…

H. Add more grade item as required.

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I. Click Auto to populate zone column…

J. Add new zone as WASTE

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K. Add cutoff bins as shown…

L. Save the setup…

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Reserve Calculation

A. Select Rserves from Viewer (Multi Select or Single Select)…

B. Slect the object and right click…

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C. Organize the items as required…

D. Save the template as shown…

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Export Reserve Report

A. Select the file type to export…

B. Select the location to save the reserve file…

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C. Yes to continue…

D. Excel file…

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