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PODRECZNIK KSIAZKA NAUCZYCIELA Caghé referencyjna (Cagééta jest podporzadkowana strukturze egzaminu maturalnego i zawiera + informacje na temat egzaminu, + wskazéwki praydatne pray rozwigzywaniu zadah maturalnych, + éwiczenia porwalajace wykorzystaé podane rady i wskazéwki w praktyce, + listy zwrotéw przydatnych podczas egzaminu ustnego i wypowiedzi pisemnych, + wzory wszystkich form pisemnych wymaganych na poziomie podstawowym, Do caeieireferencyjne) moina odwolywae sig pray omawianiu czeéci tematycene;, 2 ktéra jest ‘ona Scisle powigzana. Ksiqaka nauczyciela zawiera ‘wskazéwki jak wykorzystywae te czesé ksigiki na lekcji oraz kluez edpowiedzi do zadai z tej czgéci esigiki Cagéé tematyezna CCagié ta skiada sig 2 caternastu rozdziatow poswigconych tematom maturalnym. CzgSé tematyczna pozwala: + utrwalicstownictwo zwiqzane z kaidym tematem katalogu maturalnego (Ewicrenialeksykane na poczatku katdego rordriah,éwicrenia prowadzajgce do lek oraz te zwiazane tekstami, Bank sw), + ucrwalié struktury gramatyezne niezbgdne do wykonat poszezegélnych typow zadai maturalnych (Gramatyka na maturze), + pracéwicayé wszystkie typy zadani maturalnych (éwiczenia 0 nazwie Trening ‘maturalry cea strategi renwigzywaria zadaf maturalnych,natomiast évviceenia o nazwie Zadanie maturane to typowe zadania egzaminacyjne), + praeprowadzié ciekawe lekce | jednoczesnie zapewnig dobre praygotowanie do egzaminu maturalnego, + uzyskaé wieleciekawych informagj na temat rbinych aspektow aycia wkrajach anglojezycenych (sekcja Around the world in Englsh oraz ramki LanguagetCultare) Cape tematycana zawieratakée rozdzialy powtbrzeniowe (POWTORZENIE), tre znaduja si po kazdych raech rozdzialach glownych. Pomagajg one Lew slownitwo, ramatykg i sprawnoscjgzykowe. Dodatkiem do czeéci eematyczne| 59 zestawy dla egzaminujacego, pozwalajace przeprowadzié éwiczenia na méwienie w formie zblizonej do egzaminu maturalnego > Wskazéwki do exeéci tematyezne} W te) czgéci nauceyciel znajdzie wskazéwki, w jaki ‘spos6b przeprowadziézajecia w oparc 0 material 2z poszczegélnych rozdalalow czeéci tematycans), pomysly na éwiczenia wprowadzajace irozgrzewki, dodatkowe éwiczenia na méwienie islownictwo oraz éwiczenia powtérzeniowe, dodatkowe informacje ina temat réinych aspekeow Zycia w krajach anglojezycanych (zawarte w ramkach Culture Note) ‘oraz klucz do wszystkich éwiczen 2 ksigiki ueznia > Materiaty do kopiowania do ezgéci tematyczne) Praygotowaliimy caternascie éwiczes (po jednymm do kaidego rozdrialu), ktére nauczyciel mose skopiowaé i wykorzystaé na zajeciach, wraz ze szczegétowym apisem ich przeprowadzenia i kluczem odpowiedzi > Kartkéwki leksykalne Praygotowaligmy czternascie kartkowek leksykalnych (po jednej do kazdego rozdziatu) wraz zkluczem odpowiedzi Gramatyka Cagéé ta sklada sig dziewigenastu sekcji poswigconych poszczegéinym strukturom gramatycanym | jest rozszerzeniem pojawiajacych sig w czeéci cematyczne sekcji Gramatyka na maturze. Pozwala ona: + ucrwalié struktury gramatyezne niezbedne do wykonania poszezegélnych typéw zadai maturalnych, + wyjainié problemy gramatyezne, ktore moga sie pojawié podczas pisania tekstéw lub przygotowywania sig do wypowiedzi ustnych, + pokazaé, w jaki spos6b dana struktura gramatyczna powinna byé \wykoraystana podczas wykonywania konkretnego typu zadania na legzaminie ustnym, + usprawnié powtarzanie materiatu dzieki tabelom pokazujacym, w jaki sposdb eworzy sie dana struktur. 2 Kartkéwki gramatyczne “Ta eaede Ksigeki naucayciela zawiera dziewigtnascie kartkéwek gramatycanych, pozwalajacych sprawdzié znajomosé struktur gramatycanych niezbednych do wykonania poszczegélnych typéw zadai maturalnych (po jednej kartkowee do kaidego zagadnienia oméwionego w czesci ‘gramatycznej Repetytorium maturalnege). Kartkéwkom towarzyszy klucz odpowiedz ‘TESTY MATURALNE KSIAZKA NAUCZYCIELA Testy maturaine zawieraja zestawy do egzaminu maturalnego na poziomie podstawowym, 2godnego 7 formula obowiazujacq od 2012 roku. Sktada sig na nie: + daiesigé pelnych zestawow do matury ustne}, uzupelnionych tester przyKladowym oraz wskazéwkami i pytaniami dla egzaminatora, + daiesigé pelnych zestawéw do matury pisemne}, uzupetnionych tester praykladowym, + sekeja Dodatkoive éwiczenia lekspkalne, zawierajgca caternascie zestawéw Ewiezeh utrwalajgcych stownictwo 2wigzane z kazdym tematem katalogu smaturalnego, ‘Testy maturalne sq dostepne réwnied w formacie online jako Testy maturalne MyEnglishlab. © Ksiqika naucaycicla zawiera inteligentny Kluez odpowiedzi do wszystkich zestawow ‘egraminacyjnych zavartych w Testach ‘maturainych oraz Kluez do sekeji Dodatkowe éwiczenia leksykalne.inteligentny kluce ‘odpowiedzi do zestaw5w egzaminacyinych jest dostepny takée w formacie online, jako jedna 7 funkcjonalnosci pakietu MyEnglshLab, STRUKTURA EGZAMINU MATURALNEGO Z JEZYKA OBCEGO NOWOZYTNEGO JAKO PRZEDMIOTU OBOWIAZKOWEGO Egzamin maturalny z jgzyka obcego jest jednym z egzaminéw obowigzkowych dla absolwentéw pragnacych uzyskaé Swiadectwo maturalne. Egzamin ten sklada sig z dwéch czeéci: egzaminu ustnego i pisemnego. Egzamin pisemny jest zdawany na poziomie podstawowym, natomiast dla czeéci ustnej nie okresla sig poziomu egzaminu. Warunkiem zdania egzaminu maturalnego 2 jgzyka obcego nowodytnego jest otrzymanie przez zdajacego wymagane liczby punktéw. Uczes dal pisemny egzamin na poziomie podstawowym, jezeli uzyskal co najmnie) 30% punktéw moliwych do zdobycia 2a wykonanie zadari 7 poziomu podstawowego, wymaganych na egzaminie pisemnym. STRUKTURA EGZAMINU USTNEGO Czgéé ustna egzaminu maturalnego 2 jgzyka angielskiego trwa okoto 15 minut. Egzamin ma forme rozmowy zdajacego 2 os0ba egzaminujaca, obserwowanej przez drugiego nauczyciela, ktéry nie bierze aktywnego udziatu w rozmowie Zestaw egzaminacyjny sktada sig z trzech zadar (poprzedzonych rozmowa wstepna): 1 rozmowy 2 odgrywaniem rol, 2 opisu ilustracji i odpowiedzi na trzy pytania, 3 wypowiedzi na podstawie materiatu stymulujacego i odpowiedzi na dwa pytania. Po wykonaniti zadania 1. mozna zrezygnowaé z przystapienia do zadania 2. i przejéé bezposrednio do zadania 3 Nie mozna jednak wrécié do zadania 2. Po wykonaniui zadania 2. (lub zrezygnowaniu z przystapienia do niego) mozna zrezygnowaé z przystapienia do zadania 3. Po wylosowaniu zestawu zdajacy przystepuje do egzaminu. Nie przewidziano dodatkowego czast na zapoznanie sig tresciq catego zestawu przed odpowiedzia Rozmowa Egzaminujacy zadaje kilka pytan zwigzanych 7 2yciem ok. 2 minut wstepna i zainteresowaniami zdajacego. Lista pytan zamieszczona jest wylacznie w zestawie dla egzaminujacego. ZADANIE 1: Rozmowa oparta na opisie sytuacji, podezas ktére) zdajacy maks. 3 minuty Rormowa i egzaminujacy odgrywaja wskazane w poleceniu role. Zdajacy (wliczajac czas zodgrywaniem musi odniesé sig do czterech elementéw wskazanych w poleceniu, nna zapoznanie sig roll rozwinaé swoja wypowiedé w zadowalajacym stopniu ztreécig zadania ~ i odpowiednio reagowaé na wypowiedzi egzaminujacego. ok, 30 sekund) ZADANIE 2: Zdajacy opisuje zdjgcie zamieszczone w wylosowanym zestawie aks. 4 minuty Opis ilustracji i odpowiada na trzy pytania zwiqzane z temacyka ilustracji iodpowiedi na i zamieszczone wylgcznie w zestawie dla egzaminujacego. trzy pytani ZADANIE Zdajacy wybiera jeden z elementéw zawartych w zestawie ‘maks. § minut Wypowiedi egzaminacyjnym (np. zdjgcie, plakat lub rysunek), wzasadnia (wliczajgc czas na podstawie ‘sw6j wybor oraz wyjasnia, dlaczego odr2uca pozostate elementy, nna zapoznanie sig materiatu i odpowiada na dwa pytania zwiazane z materiatem. Pytania sq ztreécig zadania ~ stymulujgcego zamieszczone wylacznie w zestawie dla egzaminujacego, ok, 1 minuty) i odpowiedé na dwa pytania “ro nfermatroeanmune maura gph oegenowatyireg od eu sekelego 20112012 opracoway pac Centang Komi Erariscyng Wasa 2010 5 STRUKTURA EGZAMINU PISEMNEGO Podezas egzaminu pisemnego sprawdzane sq nastepujace sprawnosci jezykowe: rozumienie ze sluchu, rozumienie tekstow pisanych oraz umiejetnosé pisania prostych tekstéw uzytkowych Pisemny egzamin maturalny z jgzyka angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym trwa 120 minut. Egzamin rozpo- cayna sig testem rozumienia ze stuchu, na ktory skladaja sig 2wykle trzy zadania. Po odliczeniu okoto 20 minut, potrzebnych na czesé poswigcona rozumieniu ze stuchu, zostaje okolo 100 minut na rozwiazanie zadah dotycza- cych rozumienia tekstu pisanego oraz na napisanie dwoch tekstéw uzytkowych réznego typu. DOr eer 1 Test TYPU PRAWDA-FALSZ + komunikaty in strtkecje 5 ok. 20 3-4 | 2 Dosieranie ee ‘minut wywiady + dyskusje 3. TEST WIELOKROTNEGO WYBORU teksty narracyjne CoM 1 Test TYPU PRAWDA-FARSZ ok. 100 minut (wey 20 wi todt 3-4 2 DosIERANIE Piemna) 3. TEST WIELOKROTNEGO WYBORU Bn a eee + pocztéwka + ogtoszenie 1 Krérit reKst UEvTKowY + zaproszenie Pan + wiadomosé ‘minut snotatke 20 (weym rozumienie «list prywatny ‘tekst «list formalny: pisanego) = list do redakeji = list z prosba o informacje = list zazaleniem ~ podanie o prace 2 Deviszy Texst uiyTKowY “eso: informetor ean mata 2h ccs nomety neg od rok solnege 2011/2012 opracowany’ pace Cental Komi Egzamincyng, Waste 2010, 6 KRYTERIA OCENIANIA NA EGZAMINIE USTNYM + Sprawnodé komunikacyjna Sprawnosé komunikacyjna jest oceniana w kazdym zadaniut ‘osobmo, W acenie bierze sig pad uwage, do ilu elementéw ‘2 polecenia odniést sig zdajgcy oraz lez tych elementow roswingh ‘w swojej wypowiedt Punkty prayznaje sig zgodnieztabela A. + Poprawnoéé struktur leksykalno-gramatyeznych 4p. | sporagyene bey lksyalne i gramacycne, enlléaigce komuriag 3p. | doi cane bigdy eksykalne i gramarycne niezalecalgce ommuniaci tub casa zakécaacekomunikaig Fp. [ican bgdy Iekeyhane i grmatyerne walocnace komuniacie 1p: | bardzoliinebigaylekaylalnegramatycne, w macinym opr aklécsiacekomunikacis Tabela A DONUELEMENTOW [_ ILEELEMENTOW ROZWINAL? ZONACYsiOoNIOS” [~* | 3 [2 | 1 | Oo 4 6p. | 5p. 3p. | 2p. 3 4p. zp. | 1p. 2 2p. | ip. 1 ip. | op. ° op. (Od uzyskane) w ten sposdb liczby punktow modna nastgpnie odjaé punkty, w zaleino‘ci od zakresu pomocyjakej zdajacy potrzebuje 2e strony egzaminujacego, oraz —w praypadku zadania 1. — adekwatnoiei wypowiedzi do tematu i kontekstu rozmowy lub zadanego pytania,2godnie z tabela 8. Tabela 6 ~ acy nie porzebuje LU bardraaadko porzebuje | _punkty we pomocy ze strony exzaminuacego tabell A + [dodathowo w zad 1} ORAZ wypeviedsizdajgcego dekwacne do temat konekst rzmowy oraz wypewied egaminunceto “racy cram) potraebue pomocy strony punkey we egzaminujceso abel + [dodathowo w zad 1! ORAZ/LUB wypoviedsixajcego] minus 1 1 caxéciowo neadeatne do tema i koneksts (dozer) rozmeuy ora wypowiediegraminugcego + ajycy potrebuje macanejpomacy ze srany punkey we egzaminujcege tabeliA + dodatkowo w za 1]; ORAZ/LUB wypowiedisjycego} minus 2 3 expte nieadelwatne do ema kontescurozmowy | (deze) ora wypowiedsiegzaminuacete + Zakres seruktur leksykalno-gramatyeznych “4p. | sero aires sraktrlekaylano gramatyernych racy sobodnie wypontada signa tematy prot | lotone. formukiac \wypowiedé a tematy lotone, adh stosueslowa oraz sruktury 0. [bak wypowiedsLUS wypowied callawice niekomuniatywna| + Wymowa W ocenie wymowy bierze sig pod uwage bledy w wymowie diwig- ow il akcentowaniu /lub intonagj oraz ich wplyw ma komun katywnosé wypowiedz 2p. | Brak bigdbw w wymowie LU Bld w wymowie ne alc, komuniag 7p: [biggy w wymows eam slic komuniag 0p. | biedy w wymowie esto ala komunikage (UB nienlviigrezumienie komankatu + bak wypowiedi LU wypowied? ckowicienekomunikatywna + Plynnosé wypowiedzi 2p. |] w wypowieds ole wysepulapauay LUB wystgpula pany, Kre sem niencurae,jednak ne rac ebony komunikaty 1p: | paszy w spewed wscqpula caste 9 minature, aka asain edb komuniacy 8p. | pausy w wyponieds wyatgpia bard cago 4 nenatrane, akc odbirkomunkats + bak wypowiedsi LUB wypowiedt caowicieriekomunikatywna Zdajacy, ktdrzy nie preystapil do realizacji wszystkich zadais, moga za zakres | poprawnoi€ struktur lesykalno-gramatycanych oraz wymowe i plynnosé wypowiedz otraymaé maksymalnglicabe ppunktsw okreslona w ponidsze)tabeli: co wysckim stop pospoltoe taki fk mi intere99. fay TAS, | EES, | RRRORT www T PaO 3p. | radowalajgcy rakes strukturlekayhalno-gramatyernyeh adaiacy ‘TORY! | LIKSYXAINO- | LIKSYRALNO: sobodnie wyponiada signa tematy prot | orone Formula ezvstamt | cramaryer | cRamarvez wypomedi na tematy atone sone ednak lownie vows ora zonscy | NY nce strutury © wysokm stopix pspoltoic ake jak mi interesiagh, Tascam | make 2p. | make 2p. | mak 2p. | make Zp lian Tacane [| omake Tp. [ make tp. | make-tp. [make tp. Tp | egraniciony rakes salu layalne-gramatycnyehs dag doe swobodsie wyponiada sg spews mu Kopoty tematy poste, enaty bard lorone 7p | bardzo ograniczony aks eur lekyana-gamarycnych acy ma Ktopoty 2 wypawindanin ina tmaty prose ‘Op. | brak wypowieds LUB wypowied! ckowicevickomunilatjwna diay nie jest w tanie wyponiedze sig nawernacematy bardzo prose “ro neater eganmine maura 2ygyhaoegenowatyneg od ou sekalego 2011/2012 opracowany pac Centang Komi Eramiscyng Wass 2010. 7 PUNKTACJA I KRYTERIA OCENY EGZAMINU PISEMNEGO. NA POZIOMIE PODSTAWOWYM Punktacj: 1 punkt za kaidy element poszczegélnych zadaa razer 15 punktow. KROTKI TEKST U2YTKOWY ETE Punktacja 1 punkt za kaddy element poszczegélnych zadaa razem 20 punktow. TRESE POPRAWNOSE | eng Inf Inf Int Inf 4 IEZYKOWA liczba punktow [0-1 o-1 ont o-1 o-1 o-s ‘a, punktacja za tredé +1 punkt za kad informacie godng 7 poleceniem +0 punktéw za brak informaci lub informacie niepetng lub riezrozumialg 2 powodu popelnionych bledéw Duveszy Texst uzvTKOWY b. punktacja 28 poprawnoté jezykowg W ocenie poprawnosci bierze sig pod uwage poprawnosé Jgzykowa (leksykalino-gramatyczna) | ortograficang. Nie bierze sie pod uvrage bledéw stylistycanych i interpunkeyjnych +1 punke — jezel tekst jest poprawny pod wzgledem Jgzykowym, can bezbledny lub olicabie blgdw mies2czace) sie w praedsiale 0-259 licaby wszystkich wyrazdw w tekicie + 0 punkeéw — jeelicekst zawieralicrbe bledéw praekracrajaca 25% licaby wszystkich wyrazéw w tekécle; pponadko, jeteli praca zawiera dwie (i mnie) informacje 2 crterech wymaganych (czylima 2,1 ub 9 punktow prayenane za cesé) TRESC corwa | BOGACTWO | POPRAWNOSE| inf int Int Inka iezvKowe | IRzvKOWA liczba punktow | 0-05-1 | 0-05-1| 0-05-1 | o-05-1 | 0 0-1-2 | 0-1-2 | 0-10 ‘a. punktacja za treéé +1 punkt za peiny komunikat, czy za praekazanie obu czgéci Informaci wymagane) w poleceniu (w jedne .kropce") + 0,5 punkeu za niepelny komunikat, cal za prackazanie Jednej czeiciinformacii wymaganej w poleceni: (wjednej kropce”) +0 punktw za brak komunikatu, cay za nieprzekazanie zadne) «zgicinformaci wymagane} w poleceniu (w jedne},kropce”) |b jedi bled jezykowe uniemozlwiajgjego zrozumienie b. punktacja za forme +2 punkty za wypowied# zgodng z wymagang forms lista ~ jes zdajacy uwzglecni wszystkie pigéelementow te] formy: zurot rozpoczynajacy lst, wstep, rozwinigcie,zakofczenie i wrat koriczacy list; praca jest spdjnailogiczna; objgtosé pracy maze przekrocayé wymagany limit slbw do 10% 11 punkt za wypowied czeiciowo zgodng z wymagana forma, list ~ jel zdajacy uwegledn trey lub cztery elementy pigciu wymienionych powyzejelementéw tej formy: praca jest capiciowo spina ilogicana: objgtose pracy mate Draekroczyé wymagany limi stow do #15% +0 punktéw za wypowied# niexgodng z wymagang forma lista ~ jell zdajgcy uwzgledni mnie) nt ray wow, elementy () praca jest niespdjna i nielogicana; objetose pracy praekracza wymagany limit stéw ponad 215% () Jes praca jest niezgodna 2 wymagang forma listu, nie prayznaje sig punkeow za forme w calej rozcigglosci tego keryterium, nawet jes praca bedzie spéjna nie praekrocey wymaganego limitu show. Zee nforme 8 . punktacja 2a bogactwo jezykowe +2 punkty 22 2rdznicowanestrukcury leksjkalno-gramatyerne +1 punke 2a malo 2rdinicowane strukcury leksykalno -gramatyene +0 punktéw 2a niezrSanicowane strukeury leksykalno gramatyeane Jes praca ma mnie) nid 60sléw ilu 2daicy prekaza elke d4wie informacje lub mnie} (cyl uzyska 2, 1 lub 0 punkesw 2a re) nie prayenae sig punktéw 2a bogactwo jzykowe (iezaeinieod tego, ak bogatymstukcuram leksykalno- sramatycanymi wykazab sg 2dajacy w tym tek). 4, punktacja za poprawnose jezykowg W ocenie poprawnosci bierze sig pod uwage poprawnase Jgzykowg (leksykalino-gramatyczna) i ortograficana, Nie bierze sie pod uwage bledéw stylistycanych i incerpunkcyinych +2 punky ~ jel tekst zawiera licabe bledéw stanowigea od 08% do 1586 licaby wszystkich wyrazéw +1 punk ~ jezeli tekst zawieraliczbe bledéw stanowigca owy2e} 15%, lecz nie wigce| nid 25% liczby wszystkich wyrazéw + O punktéw — jezelicekst zawiera ice bledbw stanowigca owyae) 25H liceby wszystkich wyrazow Jesli praca ma mnie) nig 60 stow iflub 2dajacy przekazat tylko ddwie informacje lub mnie) (czy uryskat 2,1 lub 0 punktéw 7a «resé), nie przyznaje sig punktSw za poprawnoké jerykowa (niezaleznie od stopnia popravnosc jgzykowi aka wipkazat sig adajgcy w oym tekice) 2 ezaminie maturatny 2pyka abegenewaty neg ak sone 2011/2012 apracomany poe Cental Kemi Egaminacyny, Warsz 2010, Re fess es E ‘This part of the book focuses on the Matura examination ise Ieconssts ofa systematic presentation of each part of the exam. introducing the requirements, strategies and advice for candidates as wellas ets of practical exercises and sample examination tasks. As che title suggest, itis primanly intended for selF-study, providing -Macura candidates and their ceachers with relevant reference material whenever they may need it.A colour coding system used ‘throughout the book makes this cross-referencing even easier and more effective. On the other hand, the reference part can aso be Used in the classroom: both the strategies and the exercises provide the ceacher with aot of useful material which can form part of a lesson or be set as homework ROZUMIENIE Ze StUCHU ROZUMIENIE TEKSTU PISANEGO ‘The sections of the book dedicated to listening and reading are structured ina similar way. They both start with a brief presentation of the listening and reading parts of the exam respectively. Thisis followed by a sec of exam strategies which tackle a range of typical problems such as ways of dealing with Lunknown vocabulary or answering various types of Matura tasks “The strategies are accompanied by exercises designed to provide the candidates with opportunities to immediately put into practice some aspects ofthe theory’ and advice they have ust received. ‘Thelistening and reading sections then proceed to the presentation of the three types ofthe Matura examination tasks: True/False, Multiple Choice and Matching. After a brief intracuction to each task type, the candidate i provided with exercises which include a typical Matura examination task, an exercise focusing on strategies needed to deal with specific parts ofthe task and an exercise that allows the students Co analyse the ‘Matura task they have just done, Such awareness-raising activities are particularly recommended for cassroom use as they can help students build cher skl and confidence forthe exam, ROZUMIENIE Ze StUCHU Wskaz6WxI EGZAMINACYINE ANSWERS 1 2F 3C 4G 5B 6H 7E 2 Siuation 1B (letters, parcel post, stamps) ‘Situation 2 € (sweatshirts, jeans, T-shirts, size) ‘Situation 3 A (homework, practise, dialogue, listen, repeat) Situation 4 (passengers Fights, delayed, gates) Siruation 5D (starters cavia tas champagne cheese bread soup) 3 1B 2A 3A 48 58 4 SYNONIM ANTONI expensive | dear cheap gecill feel unwell bef loa regional gba many great numberof [few popular | welhknown exotie 5 1A (feels unwell = has fallen ill) 2C (mustn'be late > only ifyou come early) 3. (regional groups = local bands) 6 1v 2K3Y 47 SK ‘Test TYPU PRAWOA-FAtSZ Answers 2 WF 27 31 47 SF 3 1 Beryl Martin made up her mind to become a traveller on ed when she was thirteen or fourteen 2 When Beryl Martin frst went co Africa, she felt very ex about it, but also very tired, felt both exhilarated and exhausted; both excitement and exhaustion 3 According to Beryl Martin, you shouldn't become a traveller unless you are a friendly person. {you aren't sociable and open to other people, dont even, think about becoming a traveller! 4To Beryl Martin, Africa is more important than other parts (of the world, but she likes some of them, too. there are many areas in the world which find fascinating. But nothing is as interesting to me as Africa. Africa is the mast, important place to me. ' The main idea ofthis part of the interview is to ask Beryl Martin forpractieatadtce, general questions about her life as a traveller Dosieranie 2 1D 2F 3A 4E 5B 3 1..2 person whois nice to customers and, at the same time, a professional representative ofthe company 2...0n the fifth day of the week you can wear jeans 3 dont tolerate latecomers 4 No sandwiches and no cola when youre at work. 5 ..keep a nice white shirt always ready ‘Test WIELOKROTNEGO WYBORU 2 1C 2B 3A 4c 5A 3 a TAnattractive museum must be interactive. By ‘interactive’ I mean being able to do alot of things: for example, choosing your own route through the exhibition, having the ‘opportunity to do other things than just walk and look, and above all, being allowed to touch and move things. 2 You can go there fora picnic and lie onthe grass next to a {famous sculpture!(..) And of course there is a great shop and. 1 big restaurant. You can spend a whole day there, and never ‘get bored! 3 its the best way to understand how different things work (.} you can understand many complicated processes and ‘mechanisms 4 the moment you're getting close to any instrument, you can hear it play in your headphones bb By ‘interactive’ mean... Another interactive museum which Id like to recommend is. And this is also what | call ‘interactive! Aichereis one route chrough the exhibition ‘True answer: You can choose your own route through the exhibition. B: visitors don’t need to walk and look at everything. ‘True answer: Visitors have the opportunity to do other things, than just walk and look. CZESC REFERENCYJNA ROZUMIENIE TEKSTU PISANNEGO WsKaz6wit EGZAMINACYINE 2 Ad 2c 3e 4a Sb 3 YT 2F 3 ‘6 A when Briony was sil hal-aslep, she knew it would be one of those days 20 the voice on the radio said something else, something like ‘.and ‘your lucky number is.’ Briony pushed the glass away and ran back to her bedroom aT For two months every week Briony played Lotto, without telling anybody. 4 ‘The coupon wos in her jeans. She looked around. But the jeans were gone. ‘Test TYPU PRAWDA-FALSZ 117 27 GF 4F ST oF 2 a will find all the shops packed with items on sale Jor young people. 2...ths cult of youth didn’ start so long ago. Before the revolutionary changes in society and culture that took place the 1960s it was exactly the opposite. 5 Most of them can cope with problems very well. b there are many things the shops [are] packed with tems to buy-on sale becoming well-educated - getting a good education difficult ~ easy (antonym) be expensive - costa lot of money a majority ~ most (of them) 3 The more less experienced you are, the fewer inhibitions you have 4 Becoming well-educated isis dificult bur and it can be expensive 6 The cext gives does not give particular suggestions how to help young people. Dosicranie 1 1A 26 3B 4G SD 6F 2 a 1 physical exercise, run for miles, walk a bit, use the stairs, long walks 2 interesting book 3 imagine something absolutely unrealistic, stop thinking 4 your favourite kind of music listening, dancing 5 sweets do us good, a small sweet orice cream 6 contact somebody you care for, tell them about your worries, listen to ther listening to others 10 ‘Test WIELOKROTNEGO WYBORU 1 1B 2B 3D 4A SC 6A, 2a. 1 When anew bank was being built in the city centre, construction workers suddenly came across an old wal. 2 To see itjust walk into the bank, 3 Allof paragraph 3 4 Apart from the typical collection of old pots and coins that {you can see in many of the worlds museums. 5 But perhaps the most attractive thing about itis its unusual location under the bank, which shows the contrast between the old and the new in the best possible way. bb Tekst informuje gdzie dokladinie znajduje sie wystawa, ‘co moina na niej zobaczyé, kiedy nastapi otwarce, jakie sq sgodziny otwarcia, Ze wstgp jest wolny. € A: Techniques and materials used at that time were rather primitive. B..the house looks quite comfortable. C:And the city wall now seems so smal - its strange to think that once it was big enough to protect the city against its enemies. (no explanation why) Pee This section starts with a general introduction to the writing. pare of Matura examination, outlining its requirements and the types of texts that students must learn to write in order to achieve success in the exam. I offers advice, a short exercise practice and a range of strategies which address both types of tasks required at the Matura examination (Krétki and Dluisry tekst uzytkowy), followed by models for each type of text found in the exam and a set of useful phrases for each of them. KrOrki Test viyTkowy 1. aat the local sports centre b Hi jim See you there, Liz Zacheé wszystkich do uczestnicewa, During the oral part of the Matura examination the candidate i ‘required to take part in three speaking tasks: 1 Roleplay (Rozmowa odgrywaniem roi) 2 Picture description followed by three questions from an ‘examiner (Opisilustag) i odpowied# mat pytania) 3A stimulus-based task followed by two questions from an ‘examiner (Wypowied# na podstawie materiau stymulujacego ‘odpowied? na dwa pycania). “The above tasks are preceded by a short introductory ‘conversation (Rozmowa wstepna): Reflecting this sequence, the part ofthe book dealing withthe ‘oral examination is divided into five main sub sections. “The frst sub-section provides information about the oral part ‘of Matura examination and offers some general advice and a set ‘of useful phrases the remaining four sub-sections are dedicated ‘to Rozmawa watepna and each ofthe actual speaking tasks respectively. Each of the sub-sections begins by introducing a set ‘of functions of particular relevance to the task under consideration. This is followed by exercise practice which aims. ‘to target as many of these functions as possible, and thus encourage the candidate to use them in an exam context. ‘This section also contains recordings of some of the exam ‘asks, which enables the candidate to listen to a sample exam situation and compare their answers with those suggested on the CD, RozMowa WsTgPNA 311 live with my parents and my younger brother Dominik. 2 Maths. 3 Athome. 4 The Mazury lakes in the north of Poland. 418 2D 3C 48 RozMowA z ODGRYWANIEM ROLL 4. Prosze nie zgodzi€ sig. 3 Chcialby/Chcialaby Pan/Pani, by rodzice. 4 NiektSray...2 (Opis 1LusTRACiI | ODPOWLEDZI NA TRZY PYTANIA 1. 1 Four young people /A group of friends /Two couples on bicycles 2 Outdoors,/In a forest or park 3 Talking /They/ve been cycling but they/ve stopped. 4 The photo shows. there are. in the background. they may just be friends. ‘The weather seems.. Itooks lie. WrPowiEDd NA PODSTAWIE MATERIAU STYMULUIACEGO 1 ‘0POWIEDZI NA DWA PYTANIA 4 there are three places to choose from here. “The club looks. wouldn't choose it for a first date, because. Both the cafes are less crowded and quieter. | think fd choose the... because. 1 think it's quite important. (On the other hand. GZESC TEMATYCZNA Thisis the major pat of the book It isintended mainly as classroom material that should be used with guidance from the teacher; however, students can also do some part of tas, homework. To achieve the best learning results, itis strongly recommended that students use resources from all parts ofthe book (the reference part the grammar part); cross-references to these are clearly labelled in each section of te thematic part ‘The thematic part consists of fourteen units covering specific ‘Matura topics. Each unit comprises: + avocabulary section QENINEENDD his ffers extensive pravteof the loucal ems elated to « prtulr Matar topic Iecan be covered in as or seta homework «te tering sections CERES ond SENATE pure’ Iitening tas secortpanted bya variety alexis and flow: Uperertes Iisrecommendod thatthe tering dane'n de + ta reading sections and ENEZENIED: a with the stering sections these constitute al esans you are veryshort of time, the reading can be et as homework + one speaking section (QEEMPAMD this allows students to rays a given Macura speaking ask in decal comparing ‘bad and goed model responses and estabishing what Imakes them success ks ecommended tha thi Section i Covered in cls + one wring section QEEEID the purpose of which is Coanalps the Matura task and valece al the anguage nccssry co deal wth ick isrecommended that the {eenlngrnaturalny sections be donein clas andthe mageagaeess iomework, + one full oral Macura exam set (EUEEETTZNY GEEZEMNEMM which gives students te opportunity to practise the new oral Matura ask inthe conten of Een Matra topics recommended that this section covered ind + aword list (QURELEM) with a phonetic transcription and the Polshtransaon ofthe English words, chas Been spl up into categories corresponding tothe wed in che opening \ocabulary section tis making it ease odo che exer, Additionally, all the words have been recorded in the form ofan audio course, which gives students the pportaniey 0 Ica the words onthe MP3 players «an addonalvoabulayYevston b which ues students ye aneter opportunity tear new vrords Ths section shoul beset at homework “This part ofthe book also contain revision sections (EREEERNT hey help studensconscidate the vocabulary, grammar and language skills introduced and practised in the units The fourteen unicsare followed by four culture sections uncer one common theme PERSE, “They consatea separate clture component nthe Bock = ‘lementywiedeyo lajach angle geyeryet Although they are placed athe endof cs ematycaa, te Around the Word Englsh sections an be sed at any poin during the school yea, 1 1 CZEOWIEK Warm-up. This isa lead-in to the unit. Write on the board am a human being because. Humans are wonderful because Humans are dreadful because, ‘Ask students to complete the sentences, writing on separate sheets. Circulate, monitor and help. Ask for afew responses to be read aloud. If there are several interesting or funny responses, you can display them all ona natice board in your EN ‘Most ofthe vocabulary section can be set as homework ‘except Exercise 4, which involves listening, and 7 and 8, which are speaking exercises. Exercise 10 can be done at home, but ‘students should later practice the phrases by asking and, answering the questions, Exercise 3, if done in class, can be done in pairs asa race: How ‘many body parts can you label in 60 seconds? Answers 2 socks 2sandals 3 underpants 4shorts Sjumpers 6 hat 7 scarf 8 gloves 9 vunks 3 Thead 2 cheek 3 nose 4 chin S mouth /lips Geye 7 ear neck 9 shoulder tohand 11 fingers 12 chest 13 stomach 14 arm, I5knee TShip 17 thighileg 18 ankle 19 wrist 20 oot 4 The ciminalsareno.1 and 4 5 sensible 2 bossy 3 relaxed 4 sensitive Sambitious 6 friendly Treble & revelious 9 cheerful 10 lsh 6 fh 3a 4b 5g 6c 74 Be 8 Tabored 1b boring 2a surprising 2b surprised Saworied 3b worrying 4a frustrated 4b frustrating 5a depressed Sb depressing 6a exciting 6b excited 10 Tin,with 2in 3 ¢ 4of Sto S with 73s em Use your judgment and your knowledge of your students to make sure che discussion of ‘classroom types’ does not lead to any nastiness towards particular individuals. “The short waiting task (exercise 5) is meant to be done in class, but can be set as homework if you are short of time. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY ‘After Exercise 2 oF 4, puc these questions on the board and ask. students to discuss chem in pairs or small groups: Do you think you belong to one of the types described in the article? + Would you like to make friends with one of those types? (Why / Why noe) Answers 2 1D 2A 5C 48 5A 68, 3 ‘lazy 2 talkative 5 polite 4 irresponsible 5 immature 6 stupid Treserved Bateactive 4 1 dishes 2 shut up 3 fel 4wear S see 12 ir fremingmatiraliey In the oral Matura exam, many students do less well chan they could because they do not know what to say about the photo. ‘This section introduces an effective strategy to prevent that from happening: the candidate should ask herself/himself a series of set questions about the photo. Answers 2 ‘The student does not know what to say bout the picture. ‘ Sample answer to question 1: Perhaps one of them is going to leave (Or they might staré arguing and shouting On the other han they might start talking and make up. 7 Sample answer to question 1: The photos may show the couple when they were young, perhaps withthe friends or they might be pictures, of their children and grandchildren. They could aso be holiday photos {from holidays they've been on together Dtapescript page 254 ‘The lighthearted listening material can lead to a serious discussion on the equality ofthe sexes, ANSWERS 2 1d 2a3esesb 3 IF 2F SF 4 SF 6T em) Beningmaturalny, aim ofthis section i to demonstrate the process of selecting che right answer in a mulipe-choice exercise by frst sliinating the obviously wrong ones) and then analysing the Femaining ones and identifying the elements that make all but one of them not quite correct. Avoirionat activity [After Exercise 3 ask students to rea paragraph 3 ofthe text again and underline words and phrases referring t appearance and personality (for example a lively personaly), While they are working oni write two heacings onthe board “important” and "Not very important” Ask students co write the phrases they have underlined in che correct column, depending on whether the author of the article considers them important. The result should look more o esse his IMPORTANT NOT VERY IMPORTANT Sriendly perfec teeth a sexy body ‘ smooth complexion a sense of humour easy-going ‘generous Answers 2 AS 1 C4 D2 1 wish looked ie that 2 behaving in this iresporsble way 3 created in Photoshop 3 1B 2€ 30 4C 5A 6D SHUEEINIE! > tapescript page sa Answers 1 Te 2 3b 2 1B2C3C4BSA6A Zor “The preparatory exercises should be done in class and the writing itself set as homework. ‘The aims of the exercises are: 1 to remind students chat in the letter-writing task (“dluésey tekst uzytkowy") there are always eight items of information they should include, and to practise identifying those items in the rubric; 2 to provide students with some natural-sounding phrases they can include in their letcers; 3 to remind students chat a letter must have an introduction and a conclusion, and to revise phrases which can be used in those parts; 4 to revise opening and closing phrases. Encourage students to use Bank Siéw on page 52 to choose ‘words and phrases to describe appearance and personality. Answers 1 + Podzie sig nowina i powieds, gdzie para sig poznata, + Podaj przynajmniej dwie cechy wygladu opisywane) osoby. + Poda) praynajmniejjedng ceche jego charakceru opisywane) ‘osoby poparta praykladem, + Wyrad swoja opinig na temat nowego 2wiazku i zapytaj kolege/kolezanke o zdanie. 2 1-2-34455-64748 3 letter 2hear Slove/regards hear Swritten 6 forward 4 ‘Openings: Dear Kite, Hi Ricky, Endings: Love, All she best, Best wshes, Yours, LEE Below are three ways of using che section in class. In all three scudenes work in pairs 1 Students carry out a complete ‘ral exam’ with one in the role ofthe examiner and the other as the candidate. When doing the corresponding section in the next unit, they should remember to take on different roles than in this unit 2 Students carry out a complete ‘oral exam’ with one in the role ofthe examiner and the other as the candidate. Then they swviteh roles and carry out the whole exam again. 3 Students switch roles after every task as showin in the table below. When doing the corresponding section in the next unit, they should take on the roles in different order. Studenc A Studene B Rozmowa wstepna examiner candidate Zadanie 1 candidate examiner Zadanie 2 examiner candidate Zadanie 3 candidate examiner SZYBKA POWTERKA This section can be used to fill the last five minutes of the lesson, or can be set as homework Answers 1 ‘te 24 52 4F Sb 6c 2 ‘lazy 2impolite rude 3 irresponsible 4 quiet 5 immature 6 incligent, bright, clever 3 Ye 2 5a 4a Swith 6 of 7e 8a ADDITIONAL REVISION ACTIVITY Distribute blank slips of paper. Students write their names on the slips, fold them and put them in a hat or box. Everyone then draws a slip and has to describe the person they drew without mentioning the name. Write the following prompts on the board Appearance Clothes today Personality Likes/ dislikes Feelings today The descriptions are all placed on the board noticeboard or ona table, and everyone has to find the description of himself herself Use your judgment to decide if chere is any risk of nastiness towards anyone inthe class! 13 Warm-uP This activity works at any stage inthe unit Prepare alot of slips of paper approximately AS in size, sticky ‘ape, drawing pins, Blu-Tack ‘Ask students to label all the parts of the room (eg, wall, windows) and all the furniture and furnishings (desks, radiacors exe) ‘This whole section can be set as homework except Exercise 3 (pair work, speaking). Exercise 6 is checked by listening to a recording of the dialogue, ‘Afcerwards, you may ask students co read the dialogue in pairs, trying to imitate the intonation of the recording. ‘The picture-labelling exercise, if done in class, can be done in pairs as a race: How many things can you label in 60 seconds? ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY INFORMATION Incase your students wish to know. sofa bed ~ kanapa rozkladana ‘bunk beds ~ tsiko pigtrowe roller blinds - rolety Venetian blinds ~ Zaluzje Answers 1 garage 2balcony 3drive 4 gate 5 fence 6ra0f 7 chimney 2 fence 2 gate 3drive 4garage Sbalcony 6roof 7 chimney Bwindow 9 door 10sofa M1rug 12TV 13floor 14 cooker 1Sbath /batheub 16curcains 17 washbasin 18 bed 19 wardrobe 20 desk 21 chair 22amp/light 4 Thridge 2 cupboard 4 reezer 5 microwave 6 cooker 7 dishwasher 5 Ig 2h 3e 4b Sc 6a 76 af 6 Temting 2detais 3 located 4 views 5 public 6 underground 7 bedrooms $ living room 9 furnished 10rent 1% per 12 advance 7 bo ‘OTHER VERBS do the dshes/the washing up cook dinner ddothe housework vacuum the floors othe ironing clean the bathroom do the shopping pucaway your clothes do the washing, clear up the mess ® ‘A move houselinfout, pay the rent, gohome, fel homesick, stay athome/in B pay he bill, see someone home, lock the door, gechome, share aflatroom 3 ‘A 1 moving out/moving house 2 felchomesick 3 stay in/ stay at hhome 4 go home B pay the bills 2 see you home 3 sharea room 4 lock the door 10 ‘moved 2feel Sshare get Sdone 14 TOE) In Exercise 1 encourage the students to briefly prepare what ‘hey are going to say before they start talking. They might look a Bank Slow on page 62, especially atthe sections ‘Rodzaje ‘doméw i mieskan and ‘Warunki mieszkaniowe! In BxercseS encourage the students to use che property ads from the reading material as models. I there is time, the activity an bbe extended: display all the ads ona notice board, ask students to come up and read them and to talk to someone about whose flat they would lke to buy. Use your judgment as to whether this _might result in any unkindness to students who are not well off Answers 2 AC 2G 3A 4E SD 6F (House B doesnt match any of the questions) 4 types of houses and flats: studio fla, terraced house, semi etached house, residential building, bedsit, cower block adjectives and phrases to describe houses and flats: in good condition bright, modern, spacious, roomy, recently renovated, extended, modernise stylish, furnished, unfurnished furniture and furnishings shower fited kitchen tted wardrobe, leather sofa, coffee cable, bookcase treningmaturalny ‘The aim of chs section is for students to familiarise themselves, with this type of speaking task and its requirements. n Exercise 2 students discuss the question freely thisis intended as a sore ‘of warm up, which should make them interested in the topic, hhelp them to recall the relevant vocabulary and to stare talking. with a degree of fluency. Exercises 3-5 guide che students through a model exam conversation, highlighting its typical elements, in preparation for the ‘real’ exam task in Exercise 6. [As students move on to Exercise 6, remind them that the most ‘important requirement isto discussall four points listed in the eam task Answers ‘ 1d th 3) 4g Sa 61 7F ab se 106 Dtapescript page 254 AppITIONAL ACTIVITIES 1 Students read part of the transcript on page 254 (from ‘Mf (Ok, Lets see... ro. dartboard’) and list words in the following, categories: Furniture and furnishings Electrical household appliances Kitchen utensils 2 Write the following sentences on the board J cant afford. 1 don’t want to live anywhere near. is too far from... In. theres no space to Students talkin pairs, completing the sentences with true information referring to their lives. Answers 2 1C 28 38 4B SC 6A 3 ‘ford 2 space $near 4 far-commute Sancient iczvral B seningmaturalay The purpose ofthis section sto make students aware of how cancers change the meaning of sentences andthe mpiations {oranswering True/Fale questions. People often fallto notice that “mos people’ doesnot mean thesame sal the people” or that “almost nobody’ is not synonymous with “nobody inthe exam task the answers to points 2 and 4 rely on the idea presented in Trening macuralny’ Itis worth pointing that out ‘when checking answers. Answers 1 2F 3A 4€ 58 6D 2 1K 2 BV 4X 5x. 3 TT (many people = alot of people) 2F alot + afew) BF (none # few) 4 7 2F (very few residents own cars: few # none) 3F 4 ("the heating, the cooker. and all other domestic appliances” allzeverything) sr or SUSIE! > tapescripe page ass Answers 2 1F 27 3F 4F ST 6F Pi LETTER OF ENQI ‘The aim of the preparatory exercises isto prepare useful language: specific vacabulary related to the topic as well as Ar u the typical components of a formal letter: opening and closing phrases, the introduction and conclusion, “The grammar exercise deals with indirect questions. You ‘might wish to cover the relevant section in the grammar part (page 227) before or after doing these exercises. Remind students that an indirect question has no question mark at che end unless the phrase that introduces i is also a question (eg. Could you please let me know...) ‘Afcer all the preparation work, the writing iselfis best set as homework. Answers 2 1 Dear Sir or Madam, 2 Lam writing co enquire / ro ask about the house / fat advertised. 3 ook forward to hearing from you. ‘Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely 3 2 How faris it to the nearest post office? 5 Are chereany sports facilities inthe area? 4 Has the house been redecorated recently? 4 2 Could you please let me know how faricis to the nearest post office 3 Do you happen to know f there are any sport aclitiesin the 4 | would aso like to askif the house has been redecorated recently EEE “Three ways of using this section in cass are explained in the introduction on page 13. SZYBKA POWTERKA This section can be used tofillthe last five minutes of the lesson, fr set as homework. In class, students may do i individually or quiz each other in pairs Answers 1 te 2f 3a 4g Sb 6d Te 2 1No, because it’s built in. 2a 3 table 4a fited carpet Sb Gurban 7 do Sn the basement. 9c 10.0n the windowsill 1 TOLeT Revision activity Students work in pairs Distribute large (A4-A3) sheets of paper and ask students to do the following activity: 1 Ssopen their books at Bank Siéw on page 62 and draw a piccure containing as many of the things and ideas listed there as they can ~ at least 12. Encourage them to include not only objects, eg, “coffee table’ but also phrases, eg. “do the dishes" or “share a oom’ 2 Pairs form groups of four or more and show one another their pictures, First they try to name as many things as they can in leach others pictures/describe each others pictures, Then the pair who drew each picture point out the elements the others didn't notice, 15 3 SZKOEA Warm-up. This activity works best before starting the Vocabulary section, ‘Write the ttle SCHOOL on the board, and underneath write the headings types of schools places in a school, people in a school, subjects, things used at school All students come to the board {in groups of 3-5, depending on how much chalk or how many whiteboard pens you have got) and write 2 words each, each one ina differen category. EN ‘This whole section can be set as homework except Exercises 3 and 9, which involve speaking, These can be done while checking those done at home. Exercises 2 and 11 are designed to help students find appropriate English words to describe their experiences within the Polish ‘educational system and avoid such absurdities a the use of the ‘word ‘gyrmaster’ fr gimnazjum’ or ‘raterity exam for Matura, Ieis imporcanc to communicate to students that not all school concepts can easily be translated, as school realty cfs from ‘one country ta the next: For example, students sometimes want ‘0 know how to say pytat odpytywaé mn English, There is no such word, because this rather cruel form of assessment isnot used in Brivsh schools at all, ‘ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY INFORMATION + wychowawca Klasy~ the words frm teacher, frm tutor, class teacher, class tutor homeroom teacher areal used. The last one same +The closest to the Polish deen is register. An English reise, however will contain attendance and grades, but not lesson topics + zebrane 2 rodzicami /dzieh otwarty- parent-teacher evening + letury~ set books / required reading + Matura ~ best rendered bya description, such as choo: leaving exams. The British have eves, but the term may be unfamiliar o anyone whos not fom Britain The mose confusing word ofall however is college Here isa note on ts diferent meanings and usage ‘The meaning of college ‘Most general acollee isa place wher students go study after they've ished school More special + Ieean bean institution ofhigher education witha lower satu than university (che equivalent ofa Polsh skofa wy2sza or kolegum). + Acolee of further education (especialy in Briain) isa place here students are craned fra specific), ea secretarial or agricultural college (sil to Polish szkolapornaturala, butt is ‘open to students who lft school at 16 wth only GCSES and no Aleve’). + Inold universities, suchas Oxford and Cambridge colleges are independent pats ofthe university lcatedin separate often istorie) builings They are not like departments in that the division isnot rated co the subjects studied ~ a college offers many diferent subjects, and the same subject canbe studied at differen colleges. Students may als lve a ther college Six form colegeisan upper secondary schoo for students over the age of 6 preparing to take eves Community colleges are loca state-owned educational institutions which run courses fr adults (or example computers, dancing or Fower arrangement). ‘The word college is used abi ike the Polsh word studiain expressions suchas. go to college - jie na stucia, he's colege— jest na studach, tui, ‘they met at college - poznalisig na studiach, iy fiend rom colge~ pryiacil/olega 2 studiow. 16 Answers 11d 2¢ 3a Af Sd 6e 2 1 primary school 2 middle schooljunior highschool 3 high School/senior high school (also: upper secondary school) 4 schoo! leaving exam (alto possible: levels, but onl a British person would, understand that, and the exams are diferent) 41f 2¢ 3a 4g Sh 6b 7c 8d 5 Istudents 2 examiner 3 lecturer 4head teacher deputy head S classmate 6 caf 6 lc 21 3f 4h 5g Sd 7a Bb 9e 7 1 boardyblackboard, chalk 2 notebooks 5 files/folders 4 cextbook S rubber, pencl case 6, locker 8 prepared for rook - filed ~ retook passed (or: took failed ~ prepared for ~ retook ~ passed) 101 make 2do 3do 4made Sdo 6 making 7 doing 8 make/do 3doing 10do 111i 2g 3e 4h 5 6b 7 8d 9f 10a Before working on the True/False questions, you may ask the students ¢o read the story once for git. Put the following {questions on the board and ask students to read and find out How did Stan feel on his fist day inthe new school? What is surprising about the ending of the story! ANSWERS 2AT 27 2F SF SF 6T 3 1Pens and pencils, ruler, ruber, penll sharpener, calculator his notebook, textbooks, 2 sandwich, an apple and a carton of juice for lunchtime. 2 Seven rows of desks, four desks in each row (al ‘eccupied colourful posters fr different subjects but not for Maths, a large blackboard (wiped clean); three packets af chalk and a duster the teacher’ desk and chai, 418 2c 3A Tee fromingmaturaliy “The focus ofthis section isthe use of present tenses in photo description, Present continuous will usually be the prevalent tense, asic is used to say what people are doing state verbs, however, Appear inthe present simple. You may wish todo the section on present tenses in the grammat part at this point Answers 2 Lis painting 2is concentrating 3 is enjoying 4s helping Sis showing 6 are siting 7 re preparing Blikes 9 seems SUISUN] > tapescript page 255 In Exercise 3, aska few pairs co perform their dialogues in front of the cass Answers DIF 21 3F AF SE oF ETO In Exercise 1, instead of having stuents talkin groups, you may ask them to get out oftheir seats, walk around the classroom and interview others about their ideas, You may seta limit on the ‘number of people they tak to: Ask five people. {After doing Exercise 1 the students may read the texts quickly to find outif they contain any of their ideas Answers 21C 2F 3€ 48 5A 6D 7B 8D 4 study hard 2 revs for exams 3 lear thingsby heart 4read set books 5 do your homework 6 rake neces in class 7hand in homework SUSIE] > tapescript page ass teeningrnaturalny ‘The purpose ofthis exercise is to make students realise that work on listening tas starts before the recording splayed: while reading the questions they should be making predictions about what they might hear ‘Another point worth emphasising is that when the same word appears in one ofthe recordings and one ofthe sentences, i does rot necessarily mean the two go together. The use of the word strict in option A and in recording Vis an example Answers 1 Sample answers ‘A What do strict veachers do? ~ set too much homework, punish students, mark tests very harshly Bin what way cana teacher be insp the subjects interesting What faults can a ceacher have? too sce, boring, unpunctual, tnprepared. fsomeone is never punctual, whac does (she do? ~ Tey are always late, D What does a demanding teacher do? ~ Maker students work hard [Whac makes a ceacher fae? ~ He teats everyone equal gives the ame grades fr the same quality of work 21D 2A 3B 3 The word sit appearsin both sentence andi recording However sentence A sates thatthe teacher was too sit (2iyt soy), wiereas the teacher from recording 1 was strict, but kind and patent 4 iF 28 3G 4C SA 6D 5 1d 2€ 3a 4b 5c iterestng lessons show EGS freningreaturalay The ams ofthis section ae: “to analyse afauly sample response, where the problem isnot including all the bullet points, + topractie describing objects. Remind students to consult the reference part (page 23) and Bank lbw. You may as: In which part of Bank Sibu will you look for ‘eeregator” ‘ANSWERS 1 Opis jego wyelad. 7 + Pod. cow nim byla, + Napise gle praypuszcralnie go 2gubiles/2gublas. 3 Tablack Waterman pen with no ink left 2a green A4 folder with my esaysin it 3a denim pencil case with a zip 4an English dictionary ina blue and yellow cover $ a Japanese solar powered ‘aleulator with lots of functions 6 a striped football shire with «Polish clubs badge onic 4 1 please contact Flip in 3E 2 pleas call me on 680258901 3 please leaveit at the office (MEISE “Three ways of using this section in class are explained in the introduction on page 13. SZYBKA POWTORKA This section can be used to fill he last five minutes of the lesson, or set as homework. In class, students may do it individually or quiz each other in pairs Answers Vie 2d 3e 4a Sb 2 Taprimary 1 (upper) secondary high school 2a co the library 2b tothegym 2cto the canteen 2dtothelab 2eto thestaffroom 3, © 4b,c 50 63,b 7b Banindependenc school 9 deputy head 10c PowTORZENIE 1 (ROZDZIALY 1-3) SLOWNICTWO | GRAMATYKA Answers 1 Parts of the body: thumb, neck, ankle Clothes: trousers, tracksuit, bra Furniture: shelf, couch, chest of drawers Things in the bathroom: toothbrush, towel, soap A student's equipment: ruler, rubber, file 2 1b 2c 3f 4g 5a 6e 7d 3 tanned 2 quiet 3 selfish 4 spacious § unfurnished 6 residential 7 secondary 8 independent 4 1do 2doing 3 make 4 do Smaking 6 do 7 doing 3made 5 I changed 2 solve 3 moving 4 pay S.set 6 passed 6 1d 2c 3a 4e Sb 7 1in,for 2by 3 for, with 4in Sin, of 6 of of 8 Lup 2down 4up Saway 6 out 7in 9 1do you lke 2 are studying 3 look 4 wants S are playing. Gis planting 7 adores 8 am taking 10 Thow much a two-week course costs 2 how many students there ae in a class 3if the school has (got) a library 4 if you organise any social activities for students 5 if you can arrange accommodation for me 6 what sort of certificate | will receive StUCHANIE Answers " 1-¢ >nee ae eS i s- PIsanie Answers 2 Students’ own answers B Students’ own answers 7

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