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Shoulder the death penalty be allowed?

 Issue
Some people were excuted in Indonesia through july 2016. Most death penalty Cases involve
the execution of drug peddlers although capital punishment can also be applied for treason,
espionage, and other crimes. Many for and againts reactions came for after execution. Then,
should the death penalty be allowed in Indonesia?
 Argument for
Proponenst of the death penalty say that is an important tool for law enforcement, deters crime,
and costs less than life inprisonment. They also argue that retributionor "an eye for an eye"
honorer the victim, helps concsole grievingfamilies, and ensures that the prepetratos of heinous
crimes never have an opportunity to cause future tragedy.
 Argument againts
Governments' overlapped power to take human life, and potentially makes social injustices by
disproportionately targeting people of color (racist) and people who cannot afford good
attorneys (classist). The say lifetime jail sentences are a more appropriate than death.
 Conclusion
In conclusion, death penalty Will always exist on our society as Well as its pros and cons. For the
porponest of this action, they think that it Will be very effevtive to deter crime. While for those
who are against this policy, the argue that this punishment will potentially make social

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