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 Rasdawati (5257)

 Reski Rahmadani (5485)

Persuading & Regretting

 Dialog of persuading and regretting
Serli and Dinda are discussing about homework assigned by her teacher.
Serli : Din… have you done the task given yesterday?
Dinda : Task? Oh my goodness I forgot!
Serli : What did you do yesterday so forget to do it?
Dinda : I regret to have fun played the game’s and I just remember now, soon the

teacher will sign in to class.

Serli : Hmm ok. Never mid. While there is still a better time you quickly do it!
Dinda : Never mind Serli the will certainly not to finish.
Serli : Give it a try. The teacher will not punish you for this.


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