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An Introduction to

Programming with C++

Fifth Edition

Chapter 10
Void Functions

• Create a function that does not return a value

• Invoke a function that does not return a value
• Pass information, by reference, to a function
• Use void functions in a .NET C++ program

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 2

Concept Lesson

• More About Functions

• Creating Void Functions
• Passing Variables to a Function
• Passing Variables By Value and By Reference

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 3

More About Functions

• Use functions to avoid duplicating code

– They also allow large and complex programs to be
broken into small and manageable tasks
• main() is typically responsible for invoking each of
the other functions when needed
– Program-defined functions streamline main()
• Functions can be:
– Value-returning
– Void

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 4

Creating Void Functions

• Void functions do not return a value after

completing their assigned tasks
– E.g., to display information (such as a title and
column headings) at the top of each page in a report
• Avoids repeating code several times in program

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 5

Creating Void Functions (continued)

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 6

Passing Variables to a Function

• A variable has both a value and a unique address

(memory location)
• You can pass either the variable’s value or its
address to the receiving function
– Pass by value
– Pass by reference

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 7

Passing Variables By Value

• In a pass by value, the computer passes the

contents of the variable to the receiving function
– Receiving function is not given access to the
variable in memory
• It cannot change value stored inside variable
• By default, variables are passed by value in C++

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 8

Passing Variables By Value

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 9

Passing Variables By Value

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 10

Passing Variables By Value

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 11

Passing Variables By Value

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 12

Passing Variables By Value

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 13

Passing Variables By Reference

• Passing a variable’s address is referred to as

passing by reference
– Receiving function has access to passed variable
– Use when you want receiving function to change
contents of variable
• To pass a variable by reference in C++
– Include an & before the name of the corresponding
formal parameter in receiving function’s header
• Called the address-of operator

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 14

Passing Variables By Reference

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 15

Passing Variables By Reference

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 16

Passing Variables By Reference

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 17

Passing Variables By Reference

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 18

Passing Variables By Reference

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 19

Passing Variables By Value and
By Reference
• You can mix the way variables are passed when a
function is called, passing some by reference and
others by value
• Program in Figure 10-15 allows user to enter an
employee’s current salary and raise rate
– It then calculates and displays the employee’s raise
and new salary amounts

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 20

Passing Variables By Value and
By Reference (continued)

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 21

Passing Variables By Value and
By Reference (continued)

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 22

Passing Variables By Value and
By Reference (continued)

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 23

Passing Variables By Value and By
Reference (continued)

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 24

• Functions can be:
– Value-returning
– Void
• Function header begins with void
• Pass by value: value stored inside variable is passed
to receiving function
• Pass by reference: variable’s address in memory is
passed to receiving function
– Receiving function can change variable’s contents
– Use & before corresponding formal parameter

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 25

Application Lesson: Using Void
Functions in a C++ Program
• Lab 10.1: Stop and Analyze
• Lab 10.2
– Create program to calculate customer’s water bill
• Lab 10.3
– Modified program will use two void functions (rather
than one void function) to calculate the number of
gallons used and the water charge
• Lab 10.4: Desk-Check Lab
• Lab 10.5: Debugging Lab

An Introduction to Programming with C++, Fifth Edition 26

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