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Name of Negotiation: Les Florets (with Nader)

Date of Negotiation: 8/11/2019

You’re Name(s) (First name and surname): Shikha Semwal and Nader
Your role in this negotiation: Restaurant owner

REMINDER: The Pre-Negotiation worksheet MUST be completed PRIOR to your negotiation.

IMPORTANT! 10% of your grade on this assignment will be based on the visual quality of your
written work. This includes (but is not limited to) providing all requested information, proofreading
your document, running a grammar and spell check, and insuring that your document is properly
formatted and aligned. It is fully expected that you will submit “professional quality” work to your
instructor, both in content and in presentation.


1. In one or two paragraphs, please provide a summary of why this negotiation is
taking place. You should include what brought the two parties to the bargaining
table, and what they hope to accomplish during the course of this negotiation. Be
as specific as possible using the general and/or confidential written information
that was provided for you.

 Sell restaurant to go sail around the world

 They looking to sell because of health issues and working hours

2. What alternatives do you have if you do not successfully complete this

negotiation? List all that apply (whether they be good or bad) and then identify
which option is your BATNA and why.

Marseille investors
The investors are interested in owning the restaurant in this area specifically
and they are proposing 140.000 Euros and it is the only offer right now.

3. What factors/elements of this negotiation do you see as being DISTRIBUTIVE?

Time Pressure

4. What factors/elements of this negotiation do you see as being INTEGRATIVE?

(These may or may not be expressed in the documents you have received.

Property Value
Cost of building/Equipment

5. What possibilities do you see to “expand the pie” for both parties? Here you can
be creative. ( Push further than what is mentioned in the case)

The restaurant that is already functioning and generating good revenue and the
brand name


1. What are your INTERESTS in this negotiation?

To sail around the world from selling the restaurant so it can fund their trip.

2. What CURRENCIES do you have that could be of interest to your counterpart?

Property Value
Cost of building/Equipment
restaurant that is already functioning
generating good revenue

3. What do you believe are the INTERESTS of your counterpart?

They want to own a restaurant which is already been licensed with their brand name.

4. What CURRENCIES do you believe your counterpart has that would be of interest to you?

They are willing to paying cash.

They will keep the quality of restaurant as same as before.
They are willing to pay more than our BATNA.

5. What alternatives do you believe that your counterpart has to this negotiation?

 Which alternative do you believe is their BATNA?

There might be another licensed restaurant for sale at the cheaper price in this

6. List the items you plan to negotiate AS OBJECTIVES IN NEGOTIABLE FORM.

Annual income from the restaurants

Location (the price of the property has been doubled in the past few years, and it shows
that it is a dynamic region)

7. In order to uncover the needs and interests of your counterpart, and to be able to validate
or invalidate your assumptions about him/her, you will need to ask a series of questions.
List ALL the questions you plan to ask your counterpart that will contribute to accomplishing
these two objectives. (Minimum 8 questions) Remember to focus ONLY on questions that
assist you in gaining information that would be helpful during the negotiation.

What do you think of our Restaurant?

Do you like the location?
Do you know how much revenue we are generating?
Do you have idea about our probability?
How you will take care of our restaurants and maintain the quality?
Do you know the prices of land/buildings here?
What is your budget?
When you are willing to take the ownership?

8. What specific information do you feel you should WITHHOLD from your counterpart?
Explain WHY.

That couple is in hurry and they have already sold their apartment and have bought the

9. Which party do you believe has more power in this negotiation? Explain.

The restaurant owners have more power because they can wait few months more , and
moreover the restaurant is generating revenue from them.



Name of Negotiation: Les Florets

Date of Negotiation: 8/11/2019

Your Names: Shikha Semwal and Nader

Your role in this negotiation: Restaurant owner

Please complete this post-negotiation worksheet immediately upon completion of your

negotiation, while everything is still fresh in your mind. Be SPECIFIC with your answers,
citing precise examples from your negotiation.

IMPORTANT! 10% of your grade on this assignment will be based on the visual quality of
your written work. This includes (but is not limited to) providing all requested information,
proofreading your document, running a grammar and spell check, and insuring that your
document is properly formatted and aligned. It is fully expected that you will submit
“professional quality” work to your instructor, both in content and in presentation.

1. List all the items on which you reached agreement, and include the amount or terms agreed
upon. If you finished with a “no outcome”, indicate where you got stuck and why, providing
details about which items you agreed upon, and which you did not.

Price 190.000 Euros

The ownership will take place after 3 months
Payment in cash in full amount

2. On a scale of 1-10 (1= very unsatisfied, 10=very satisfied), how would you rate your outcome
on this negotiation? Explain.

The buyers agreed to pay in cash, the amount was 190.000 Euros and this was the couple
reservation point.
The payments will be done in three months which is ideal time for the couple to go on a
sail around the world.

3. On your Pre-Negotiation Worksheet, you identified possible Integrative Elements (creative

options) within this negotiation which would create value and enlarge the pie.
To what degree were you successful in incorporating these elements into your
negotiation? Explain.

We used location, Building and equipment price, and the price of the land as a
strong point during our negotiation. We discussed how the land price is going to
increase in the future.
We discussed how the restaurant is still generating good revenue and it can be

increased with more aggressive marketing approach.

4. Look back at your Pre-Negotiation Worksheet where you identified what you believed were
your counterpart’s INTERESTS, CURRENCIES and BATNA. How accurate were you? Explain.

The counterparts were interested in the location.

They wanted to own the restaurant as a part of their business expanding strategies, and
wanted to own it as soon as possible.
They paid us more than our BATNA.
We almost agreed on everything.

5. In your opinion, who had the stronger BATNA—you or your counterpart? How did that affect
the way you negotiated? Give at least one specific example.

The owners.
We were able to raise the price easily.

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