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Peripheral Neuropathy
Sunil T. Pai, MD

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), activation of

diacylglycerol and protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms, and
Peripheral neuropathy or peripheral neuritis is a com- overactivity of the hexosamine pathway.6,7,8 Depletion of
mon neurological disorder that results from damage to glutathione may be the fundamental cause of oxidative stress
the peripheral nerves. It may be caused by diseases of and be related to the accumulation of toxic elements.9
the nerves or may be the result of systemic illnesses. It Oxidative-nitrosative stress not only activates the
has various causes, including toxic trauma (Table 13.1), above but also instigates and amplifies neuroinflamma-
certain prescription medications and chemotherapeutic tion. This coupling between oxidative-nitrosative stress
agents (Table 13.2), and mechanical injury that causes and inflammation is because of the activation of TNF-
compression or entrapment, for example, carpal tun- alpha, NF-kappaB along with numerous other interleu-
nel syndrome (see Chapter 70). Even simple pressure kins, AP-1 an inhibition of Nrf2, peroxynitrite mediate
on superficial nerves, such as that from the prolonged endothelial dysfunction, altered NO levels, and mac-
use of crutches or sitting in the same position for too rophage migration. These all create proinflammatory
long, can lead to the disorder. Nutritional deficiencies cytokines, which are responsible for tissue damage, and
can cause peripheral neuropathy, as seen in vitamin B debilitating and painful neuropathy.10-14
deficiency (i.e., from alcoholism, pernicious anemia, Hyperglycemia alone, however, cannot account for
isoniazid-induced pyridoxine deficiency, or malabsorp- the development of nerve damage because diabetic neu-
tion syndromes). Other causes include viral and bacte- ropathy also occurs in patients with well-controlled dis-
rial infections and other infectious diseases (e.g., human ease, while other patients with poorly controlled disease
immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection, Lyme disease), have no evidence of neuropathy.2
autoimmune reactions (e.g., Guillain-Barre syndrome, Immunological mechanisms also play a role in the
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, development of diabetic neuropathy. This damage is
multifocal motor neuropathy), cancer (e.g., lymphoma, caused by antineural autoantibodies that circulate in the
multiple myeloma), collagen-vascular disorders (e.g., sys- serum of some diabetic patients. Antiphospholipid anti-
tematic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, poly- bodies may also be present and may contribute to nerve
arteritis nodosa, ­ Sjogren syndrome), endocrinopathies damage in combination with vascular abnormalities.15
(e.g., h
­ ypothyroidism, acromegaly), and rare inherited Finally, endoneural vascular insufficiency, resulting
genetic abnormalities (e.g., hereditary sensory neuropa- from decreased nitric oxide or impaired endothelial func-
thy types I, II, III, and IV; Krabbe disease; Charcot- tion, impaired sodium/potassium-adenosine triphospha-
Marie-Tooth disease). Despite a thorough history and tase (Na+/K+-ATPase) activity, and homocysteinemia,
physical examination, the origin remains a mystery in has been found to be a primary cause of diabetic neu-
approximately 50% of cases.1 ropathy.15-18 Investigators have postulated that ischemia
One of the most common causes is diabetes. Peripheral related to endoneural and epineural vascular changes
neuropathy is estimated to be present in approximately causes nerve damage by thickening the blood vessel wall.
40%–60% of individuals with diabetes of 25 years or Eventually, occlusion of the vessel may occur, leading to
more in duration.2 Diabetic neuropathy is now thought vascular permeability, compromise of endoneural blood
to be the most common form of peripheral neuropathy flow (Fig. 13.1), and microvascular impairment.19,20 Pre-
in humans,3 and the incidence significantly increases with clinical and clinical studies have shown a reduction of
age.4 Although the exact pathophysiology of diabetic peripheral perfusion not only in the nervous tissue21,22 but
neuropathy has not yet been clearly identified, the ori- also in the skin,23,24 indicating microvascular changes.24,25
gin is multifactorial. Persistent hyperglycemia, oxidative Other multifactorial mechanisms that are implicated
stress, and inflammatory, autoimmune, and microvascu- in the development of diabetic neuropathy are body habi-
lar mechanisms are important factors. tus, environmental factors (e.g., alcohol, smoking, expo-
Persistent hyperglycemia is the most common primary sure to heavy metals), and genetic predisposition.
factor responsible for the development of diabetic neuropa- By these mechanisms, the sensory, autonomic, and motor
thy. It is thought to increase oxidative-nitrosative stress. nerves may all be affected, beginning with the distal lower
Oxidative-nitrosative stress activates the polyol pathway, extremities and spreading to involve the upper extremi-
which results in the intraneural accumulation of fructose ties as the diabetes progresses.3 Diabetic neuropathy usu-
and sorbitol, and thereby damages the nerves.5 This polyol ally manifests in a “stocking-and-glove” distribution, with
pathway hyperactivity is pathogenic because it increases the sensory loss, dysesthesias, and painful paresthesias, most
turnover of cofactors, such as NADPH and NAD+, leading commonly in the lower extremities. Common symptoms
to a reduction of glutathione. It also increases the production include the following: tingling, prickling, or numbness;
13  Peripheral Neuropathy 121

TABLE 13.1 Agents Causing Symptoms Associated With Toxic Neuropathy

Acrylamide (truncal ataxia) Lead (wrist drop, abdominal colic)
Alcohol Lucel-7 (cataracts)
Allyl chloride Mercury
Arsenic Methylbromide
Buckthorn toxin Mold (in water-damaged buildings)
Carbon disulfide Nitrous oxide inhalation
Cyanide Organophosphorus esters (triorthocresyl phosphate,
leptophos, mipafox, trichlorphon) (cholinergic symptoms,
Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
neuropathy of delayed onset)
Dimethylaminopropionitrile (urinary complaints)
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Biologic toxin in diphtheritic neuropathy (pharyngeal
Thallium (pain, alopecia, Mees lines)
Ethylene oxide
Trichloroethylene (trigeminal neuralgia)
Hexacarbon (n-hexane) (glue-sniffing; occupational
exposure to solvents, glue, or glue thinner)

Modified from Wyngaarden JB, Smith LH Jr, Bennett JC, eds. Cecil textbook of medicine. 19th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1992:2246.

TABLE 13.2 Pharmaceutical Agents Associated With Generalized Neuropathy

5-Azacytidine Ifosfamide
5-Fluorouracil Isoniazid†
Amiodarone Metronidazole, misonidazole
Antiretrovirals Nitrofurantoin*
Aurothioglucose Penicillamine
Chloramphenicol Perhexiline
Clioquinol Phenytoin
Cytarabine Pyridoxine† (in excessive amounts)
Dapsone* Platinum† (cisplatin, oxaliplatin)
Disulfiram Sodium cyanate
Ethambutol Statins
Ethionamide Stilbamidine
Etoposide Suramin
Gemcitabine Taxoids (paclitaxel, docetaxel)
Gold Thalidomide†
Glutethimide Vinblastine
Hexamethylmelamine Vincristine
Hydralazine VM-26

*Predominantly motor (neuropathy).

†Predominantly sensory (neuropathy).

Modified from Wyngaarden JB, Smith LH Jr, Bennett JC, eds. Cecil textbook of medicine. 19th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1992:2247.

↑Oxidative stress ↑Advanced glycosylated burning or freezing pain; sharp, stabbing, or electric pain;
end products (AGEs) extreme sensitivity to touch; muscle weakness; and loss of
balance and coordination. However, pain intensity is not
↓(Na+/K+)-ATPase activity always associated with the severity of the neuropathy and
↓ Free carnitine and myoinositol
can occur even without nerve injury.26,27
↓Nitric oxide
Impaired endothelial function
FIG. 13.1  □  Pathophysiological factors in diabetic neuropathy.
ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase; K+, potassium; Na+, sodium.
(From Head K. Peripheral neuropathy: pathological mechanisms and Because diabetic neuropathy is the most common periph-
alternative therapies. Altern Med Rev. 2006;11:295.) eral neuropathy that is encountered in clinical practice, and
122 PART II  Integrative Approach to Disease

its symptoms consist primarily of pain, the management 6-minute walk, leg strength, timed up-and-go), enhance
of neuropathy involves not only prevention and control balance (the greatest improvements are seen in patients
of the underlying disease, for example, diabetes, but also with large sensory losses), improve plantar sensation,
alleviation of the resultant painful symptoms. In addition, decrease glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), and improve
because the worldwide rise in cancer over the next 20 years peripheral nerve conduction velocities.62-66 Tai chi can
has been projected to be 57%,29 there will be an increase be used as a safe and effective intervention for patients
in chemotherapy-induced neuropathy, which is a side with peripheral neuropathy.
effect of such treatments. Although the neuropathological Movement therapies, such as yoga and tai chi, are usu-
mechanisms are in the end similar, studies are underway ally gentler and less strenuous and, as such, may lead to
on the utilization of natural and adjunctive therapies to better compliance. With proper instruction and supervi-
lower the incidence and side effects from chemotherapy. sion, these techniques may be valuable lifestyle behaviors
to help patients who may not be able to exercise using
conventional modalities.
Nutrition Mind-Body Therapy
Good diabetic control can be one of the best preventive Biofeedback
measures for peripheral neuropathy. The benefits of near
normoglycemia on nerve function in the Diabetes Con- Biofeedback may be used to reduce stress and improve
trol and Complications Trial adequately demonstrated coping skills, which may aid in improving compliance,
that strict glycemic control may reduce the incidence of thereby promoting better glycemic control and reduc-
diabetic neuropathy by up to 64%.30 ing the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy.23,67
In addition, multiple studies have shown that follow- Biofeedback has been shown to reduce HbA1c directly
ing a whole-foods, low-fat, high-fiber, plant-based diet and to increase blood flow in the extremities, which, in
combined with exercise can decrease type 1 diabetic med- turn, decreases neuropathic pain, reduces stress levels,
ications by up to 40%31 or eliminate them completely improves psychological health, and enhances quality of
in type 2 diabetes.32-35 Furthermore, there is grow- life.68-72 The patient should be referred to a behavioral
ing evidence that oxidative stress due to the previously therapist or a psychologist who teaches biofeedback tech-
described mechanisms creates deficits in antioxidant niques. The recommendation is a minimum of six 1-hour
defense, which play a major role in diabetic neuropa- biofeedback sessions at approximately 1-week inter-
thy,6,36 and, therefore, a plant-based diet, which is rich in vals. Usually, the treatments include sessions of guided
antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber, is vitally impor- imagery or relaxation techniques (see Chapters 94 and
tant. Plant-based diets are associated with improved gly- 97). During these sessions, the patient wears a biofeed-
cemic control, lower lipid levels and oxidative stress, and back device that indicates physiological responses, such
improvement in other physiological and cognitive health as electromyographic or electrodermal responses, and a
factors in type 2 diabetics, and produce better glycemic vital sign monitor typically for blood pressure, pulse, or
control compared to a standard ADA diet.37-41 Maintain- oxygen saturation. The monitoring enables patients to
ing diabetic control and avoiding environmental toxins, conceptualize how emotion, anxiety, stress, and pain can
such as heavy metals, cigarettes, alcohol, and pollution, affect their physiological status.
are of the utmost importance. Once patients gain the ability to alter their physi-
ological state, they are taught to perform the relaxation
biofeedback techniques at home, at work, or on the go
with the use of biofeedback home-use computer, tablet,
Regular exercise, that is, walking for a minimum of 30 or smartphone programs72 (e.g., emWave Pro, emWave,2
minutes three times a week, should be implemented. An Innerbalance [HeartMath Institute, Boulder Creek, CA]),
optimal regimen consists of daily walks for 30 minutes to audio CDs, DVDs, or guided imagery exercises 10–20
1 hour as tolerated (see Chapter 91). minutes each day, in order to attain the same result with-
Although there is inadequate evidence to evaluate out the monitoring equipment (see Chapter 96). There-
the effect of exercise on functional ability in patients fore biofeedback is a tool that the patient can use to
with peripheral neuropathy,42 some evidence indicates control certain physiological parameters during times of
that strengthening exercises improve muscle strength in stress or pain in order to help alleviate symptoms.
peripheral neuropathy. Most of the studies involved con-
ventional exercises such as cycling, running, and walking. Bioelectromagnetics
However, patients may be fearful that exercise may exac-
erbate their symptoms, as well as increase the possibility Physical Vascular Therapy. Pulsed electromagnetic fre-
of injury.42 Physical limitations of their current state of quency (PEMF) devices have rapidly emerged worldwide
health can lead to decreased compliance, and, therefore, as a technology used by both physicians and patients.
proper guidance and support must be given. Physical vascular therapy is the new classification of a pat-
ented waveform of the next generation of pulsed electro-
magnetic therapy (PEMF) devices from a company called
Movement Therapies: Tai Chi, Yoga BEMER, which holds the patent on this technology and
Studies have shown that as little as 6 weeks to 6 months of has supported most of the research. With all research, the
performing tai chi can improve motor performance (e.g., reader should use caution when the majority of the data
13  Peripheral Neuropathy 123

come from the makers of a device, drug, or supplement.

Neuroacupuncture has a positive effect on neuropathic
Although PEMF devices are very popular for commercial pain and often results in the ability to reduce or stop pain
use, there are few published studies apart from those on medications.
BEMER’s patented device, which has been used for over
15 years in Europe. When physical vascular technology is
applied via a mat, improvements in microcirculatory char- Patients can receive six courses of classical acupunc-
acteristics, such as capillary perfusion, venular outflow, or ture analgesia115,116 to both lower limbs over a 10-week
oxygen utilization, can occur.82 period. In addition to classical acupuncture, a small, clini-
Increase in microcirculation can improve the transport cal, pilot study of biweekly electroacupuncture treatments
of cellular and humoral factors of the immune system, lead- for 4 weeks demonstrated a reduction in continuous pain
ing to decreased pain and increased healing responses. Var- from 32.9% to 15.9% and a decrease in the intensity of
ious case-controlled, pilot, and placebo-controlled studies pain attacks from 59% to 44%.117 Electroacupuncture
have shown that the benefits of improving microcircula- may have a positive influence on nerve conduction veloc-
tion include improved blood glucose response and utiliza- ity and may also relieve neuropathic pain.115 Electroacu-
tion in organ tissue, improved immune response, increased puncture is performed in two cycles of five sittings each
physical rehabilitation response, improved wound healing, (10 sessions) at 2-day intervals. Most clinical studies pro-
decreased pain and neuropathy, and increased pain-free vided one to two treatments per week for 10–20 weeks.
walking due to peripheral arterial disease. There is clinical evidence that an acupuncture subspe-
Increasing microcirculation may improve penetration cialty called neuroacupuncture (Chinese scalp acupunc-
and increase the efficacy of the medications used to treat ture) has remarkable effects on central nervous systems
peripheral neuropathy.83-90 disorders.118 A more comprehensive mixture of body
In one study of 165 patients with difficult peripheral acupuncture and neuroacupuncture (with or without
neuropathic pain that was not controlled adequately with electrical stimulation) can improve clinical outcomes by
medications, daily use of the device for 2–5 weeks for 25 using the following protocol. In my clinical experience,
to 30 minutes was associated with a 61% decrease in pain this works very well. Neuroacupuncture points are the
on a visual analogue scale (VAS). In addition, there was upper one-fifth sensory area (S 1/5) for the lower limbs,
improvement in motor performance (25%), elimination middle two-fifths sensory area (S 2/5) for the upper limbs,
of somatic complaints (5%), elimination of psychological and foot motor and sensory areas; ear points: ShenMen,
complaints and associated depression (32%), and a signifi- sympathetic, foot; body points: GB-40, GB-34, SP-10,
cant improvement in the quality of life (75%).91 Another SP-6, ST-44, LR-3, and Bafeng (extra point). Electrical
randomized placebo-controlled study using BEMER vascu- stimulation can be used for the ear and body points at a
lar technology demonstrated clinically significant improve- frequency of 100 Hz at low intensity for 10–15 minutes in
ments in diabetic polyneuropathy and tropic skin lesions of order to achieve an enhanced response.119
approximately 3 cm2 in area. Patients were treated with the Before such therapies can be recommended, a con-
BEMER vascular therapy mat for 10 minutes twice daily at stitutional evaluation by a practitioner who is trained
level 3 (10.5 = microtesla) for 30 days.92 Furthermore, it has in acupuncture, or more specifically neuroacupuncture,
been shown to significantly improve sleep and quality of life should be considered because each modality is prescribed
and lower pain and fatigue.93-95 BEMER has been shown to on the basis of the unique symptoms and physical charac-
have positive effects on neuropathic pain and diabetic com- teristics of the patient. A comprehensive review of medi-
plications and can be used safely as an adjunctive therapy. cal acupuncture and scalp acupuncture for physicians may
be found in the various texts by Dr. Joseph Helms120 and
Bioenergetics Dr. Jason Hao.119

Acupuncture. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture

have been found to be useful for neuropathic pain. Be-
Botanical Medicine
cause beta endorphins are involved in the pathogenesis of Diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, and its complications all
both painful and painless neuropathy,98 acupuncture may have inflammatory triggers and components, as previ-
exert its well-known effect by stimulating the production ously described. Many herbs are used for diabetes (see
of endorphins in the central nervous system.99 Although Chapter 33); however, a few Ayurvedic herbs, such as
acupuncture cannot easily be explained by known neu- curcumin,121-139,141-150 boswellia,151-169 ginger,170-189 and
rophysiological mechanisms, several studies have exam- black pepper,190-200 are used to treat the pain of diabetic
ined the effects of acupuncture in the treatment of vari- neuropathy and the other complications and comorbidi-
ous types of peripheral neuropathy, including diabetic, ties associated with diabetes.
HIV-associated, chemotherapy-induced, and neuropathy
of mixed origin.100-106 In randomized controlled studies,
case series, and sham studies, acupuncture was shown to
improve nerve conduction velocity, decrease numbness Curcumin is the active ingredient found in turmeric at
and pain (66%–87%), and improve symptoms more ef- a concentration between 3% and 5%. It is widely used
fectively than conventional medical treatment in pe- as a spice and food colorant throughout India. For more
ripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapeutic drugs than 4000 years, curcumin has been used in traditional
(66% vs. 40%), especially in moderate and severe sensory Ayurvedic medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments. It
nerve disorders.107-113 In some cases (67%), patients were is one of the most researched natural medicines to date,
able to reduce or stop their pain medications.114 with more than 7000 published studies.
124 PART II  Integrative Approach to Disease


Glycemia TNF-α, FFA, NF- κ B, TBARS, PPAR-γ , LPL, and Nrf2

Liver Lipid peroxidation, AMPK, PEPCK,

disorders glucose metabolism G6pase, and PPAR-γ

Adipocyte Adipocyte differentiation, NF-κ B, Wnt/β

dysfunction macrophage activation catenin
Diabetes and its complications

Diabetic Cataracts; retinopathy, cognitive α-crystallin, VEGF, PKC,

neuropathy deficits, and hyperalgesia P13K/Akt, JNK, NMDA, and Sim2

Diabetic Albuminuria, enzymuria, and AMP, p38-MAPK-HSP25,

nephropathy glomerular permeability TGF- β, and PKC

Vascular Cardiomyopathy, atherosclerosis, PKC, MAPK, AGEs, VEGF,

diseases wound healing, and so forth HO-I, COX-2, NOS, and LOX-1

Pancreatic β -cell Islet viability, regeneration, and NF-KB, HO-l, HSP 70,
dysfunction transplantation TCF7L2, and h-IAPP

Musculoskeletal diseases, erectile

Cathepsin K, P13K/Akt, AMPK,
Others dysfunction, testicular damage,
NOS, HO- l, Nrf2, and Syk
and so forth
FIG. 13.2  □  The relevant molecular targets of diabetes and the complications that are modulated
by curcumin.

Curcumin has been shown to be beneficial in treating tor substrate via c-Jun N- terminal kinase (JNK)
many different inflammatory diseases, including diabe- signaling. This is beneficial in improving cogni-
tes and its complications, for example, diabetic neurop- tive deficits and insulin signaling in Alzheimer’s
athy201 (Fig. 13.2). It reduces inflammation through disease.208,205
more than161 one biological mechanism, including • Effects on malondialdehyde and glutathione, oxidative
nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kB), C-reactive protein, stress index, total antioxidant state, and nitric oxide
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX), levels in the brain and sciatic tissue.209-211 This is me-
interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, tumor diated through regulation of TNF-alpha and TNF-
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interferon-gamma, alpha receptors.148,212-214 Curcumin is an effective oral
activator protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein TNF-alpha and NF-kB blocker along with other pro-
(MIP), matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs), human leu- inflammatory markers in diabetes.212,213
kocyte elastase (HLE), several types of protein kinases, • Finally, curcumin may act upon the opioid system
adhesion molecules, and genes involved in inflamma- for alleviation of diabetic peripheral neuropathic
tion.137-139,141,142,148 In addition, curcumin has been pain.214
shown to improve endothelial function,143,144 reduce Therefore, curcumin can be used as a safe analge-
vascular inflammation,145,146 down-regulate adipokines, sic for neuropathic pain while assisting in reversal of
including resistin, leptin, and monocyte chemotactic insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia,
protein-1, and minimize osmotic stress by regulating obesity, and neurodegenerative disorders, which are
the polyol pathway.137,202 common in diabetic patients as well as in the general
Furthermore, it downregulates the p300/CBP HAT population.137,215
activity-mediated gene expression of BDNF and COX-2
in neuropathic pain.203
Curcumin also demonstrates antinociceptive activ- Dosage
ity by attenuating diabetic and chemotherapy-induced Curcumin 500 mg four times daily or 1000 mg twice daily is
neuropathic pain,147,204-206 and has been shown to pro- commonly used. Absorption can be enhanced by combining
vide other benefits for diabetic complications in in vitro, curcumin with black pepper. Many combination products
animal, and human studies.139,207 In addition, curcumin are available, such as Bosmeric-SR [a sustained-release for-
not only helps with pain but has also been shown to have mulation that combines patented Curcumin C3 Complex,
neuroprotective benefits through the following actions: Boswellin PS, and gingerols (20%) along with Bioperine
• Suppression of β-amyloid oligomer-induced phos- (black pepper) to enhance absorption], two caplets orally
twice daily.
phorylation of tau and degradation of insulin recep-
13  Peripheral Neuropathy 125

interferon-beta/STAT pro-inflammatory pathways,230 and

exhibits analgesic 231,232 and antiinflammatory actions233,234
Although curcumin is nontoxic to human subjects at high in chronic diseases and cancer. CBD also has been shown to
doses,138 many curcumin supplements may contain contami-
lower inflammation in oxidative stress,238 and may be used
nants, such as lead, and are not standardized to the curcumi-
noids that provide health benefits. Curcumin C3 complex to modify the development of the neuropathic pain state by
is a patented form of curcumin that is standardized to 95% restricting the elevation of microglial density and phosphor-
curcuminoids, including curcumin (70%–80%), bideme- ylated p38 MAPK.239 Furthermore, CBD has been shown to
thoxycurcumin (2.5%–6.5%), and demethoxycurcumin inhibit paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain without dimin-
(15%–25%). Curcumin C3 complex has the most research ishing nervous system function or chemotherapy efficacy.240
in human studies at major hospitals and universities and thus A patient’s perception of cannabis and CBD extracts
is a safe and effective form to be recommended. depends greatly on their age, their socioeconomic and
cultural beliefs, the location and atmosphere of the dis-
Cannabinoids pensary, and federal and state restrictions. Many of my
patients are simply afraid to try medical cannabis for one
Through the growing changes in the legalization of cannabis or a combination of these reasons, and, therefore, I pref-
and the use of medical cannabis for chronic pain syndromes, erentially use CBD products to provide health benefits
one must start to look at the importance of cannabinoid without the other issues related to medical cannabis.
medicine as part of an integrative medicine approach. Two CBD is nontoxic in nontransformed cells, does not induce
primary types of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) exist changes in food intake, does not induce catalepsy, does not
on cells throughout the body. These receptors are most affect physiological parameters (heart rate, blood pressure,
abundant in the brain (CNS) and peripheral tissues, respec- and body temperature), does not affect gastrointestinal tran-
tively. Medial cannabis contains both THC (delta-9 tetra- sit, and does not alter psychomotor or psychological func-
hydrocannabinol), the part that is psychogenic, and CBD tions. No toxicity or side effects have been demonstrated in
(cannabidiols), the part that is not. Both have numerous subjects taking up to 600 mg in a single dose for chronic use.
health benefits in diabetes and its complications.216 Even higher doses of up to 1500 mg/day of CBD have been
Cannabinoids represent a new class of therapeutic shown to be well-tolerated in humans.227,241-243
agents for the treatment of chronic pain and other diseases
that involve glycine receptor dysfunction.217 In addition Dosage
to alleviating pain, studies on the benefits of cannabinoids
CBD from industrial hemp oil (high CBD, trace THC).
have included improvement of quality of life and sleep.218 Legal in US without need for a medical card; 5–15 mg bid
Randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) involv- to tid, with coconut oil (to improve absorption) and stevia
ing cannabis and cannabinoids have been used in differ- (optional for improved taste), held sublingually for 2–3 min-
ent populations of chronic neuropathic pain patients to utes then swallowed. Doses may be increased weekly for im-
provide effective analgesia in conditions that are refrac- proved response.
tory to other treatments.219 CBD:THC from medical cannabis. Ratios of CBD:THC
Although currently not available in the US (due to its vary according to the strains and dispensary. High CBD low
THC content), a prescription medication called Sativex, THC is preferred (e.g., 20:1), or similar to the prescribed
which contains THC:CBD in an approximate 1:1 ratio, drug worldwide ratio of 1:1. Administration the same as pre-
has been investigated. Multicenter, randomized controlled viously but start with lower doses. 1–2 mg bid to tid to start
and increase dose as tolerated. Check state regulations on
trials, along with double-blind, randomized, placebo-con- the legality to prescribe for peripheral neuropathy or chron-
trolled trials, used the THC:CBD oral spray and dem- ic pain conditions.
onstrated a significant reduction in pain by 30%.220-222
Current applications are pending with the FDA for the Precautions
indication for treatment of peripheral neuropathy with this CBD and medical cannabis products should be validated by
oral spray. However, with this combination THC:CBD third party laboratories and checked for microbial content,
formulation, tolerability of increasing doses of THC in pesticides, herbicides, solvents, and percentage amounts of
lieu of adequate analgesia was the most common side CBD and THC per unit batch or amount acquired. Avoid
effect and depression was also a confounding factor.220-226 cannabinoid use in pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Newer sources of CBD, which are derived from indus-
trial hemp, containing CBD and traces of THC, are cur-
rently available. Therefore, without the psychogenic CBD may also potentiate many prescription pain medica-
component and without accessibility being an issue, as it tions, NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants and,
is currently legal and available in all 50 states, these are a therefore, reduction of those medications should be moni-
great alternative option for patients regardless of the fed- tored as necessary. Acute glucocorticoid use may be potenti-
ated by CBD, and chronic CBD use may downregulate the
eral and state restrictions that may be in place for medi-
glucocorticoid response.244
cal cannabis.227 With this opportunity available, CBD has
now been studied on its own.
Cannabidiol (CBD) decreases inflammation and neuro-
Geranium Oil (Pelargonium spp.)
pathic pain in preclinical models of diabetes. CBD exposure
enhances the ability of arteries to relax via enhanced pro- A patented formulation of geranium oil, Neuragen PN,
duction of vasodilatory COX-1/2-derived products acting at has been clinically studied. It contains a proprietary
EP4 receptors.228 CBD decreases the autoimmune inflam- blend of five essential oils and six homeopathic ingre-
matory phenotype,229 is an inhibitor of NF-kappaB and dients. A multicenter, double-blind, crossover trial and
126 PART II  Integrative Approach to Disease

a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clini-

cal trial showed a significant reduction in neuropathic
pain in 93% of patients within 30 minutes of the appli- The dose is 360 mg/day of GLA from EPO (the most re-
searched source of GLA, as opposed to borage oil or black
cation of Neuragen PN. In addition to the immediate
currant oil), and it may be increased up to 480 mg/day.
reduction of neuropathic pain, 70%–80% had lasting Obtain high-quality oil (preferably certified organic), pack-
relief up to 8 hours.245,246 Geranium oil provides sig- aged in light-resistant containers, refrigerated, and marked
nificant pain relief in as little as 5 minutes and lasts with a freshness date to avoid rancidity.
up to 8 hours. Therefore, geranium oil can be used as
monotherapy or used in conjunction with other treat- Precaution
ments for diabetic neuropathy for breakthrough pain EPO may increase the effectiveness of ceftazidime, chemo-
or immediate pain relief. therapy agents, and cyclosporine, and may interact with phe-
nothiazines and cause an increase in seizures. Patients taking
antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants should use EPO cau-
tiously or not at all. Theoretically, the use of nonsteroidal
Dosage antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may counteract the effect
Neuragen PN is highly concentrated, and, therefore, one of EPO.
only needs to apply one to two drops to the affected area,
rub in, and allow to absorb. It can be applied several times Supplements
a day but no more than five times daily. For efficient ap-
plication to wider areas, or for extremely sensitive skin, it is Many supplements have been shown to be helpful for the
recommended to dilute four or five drops in 1 tablespoon of symptoms of diabetes (see Chapter 33) and, in particular,
carrier oil, such as grapeseed oil or jojoba oil, before appli- peripheral neuropathy. The supplements with the best
cation. Neuragen PN is now also available in a gel for easy results for peripheral neuropathy are discussed here.
application. Pain relief may be immediate, but it is usually
noticed within 30 minutes. If pain relief is not experienced
with the first application, repeat the application over a pe- Acetyl-L-Carnitine
riod of 3 days.
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is an acetylated form of
Precautions L-carnitine, which is an amino acid that is responsi-
As with any essential oil, only a few drops are needed be- ble for the transport of fatty acids into a cell’s mito-
cause it can irritate the skin. For patients with sensitive skin, chondria. ALC is far superior to normal L-carnitine
it is best mixed with carrier oil first before direct application in terms of bioavailability in that it is absorbed by
is attempted. Wash hands after use, and avoid contact with the ­gastrointestinal tract, enters cells, and crosses the
eyes and open sores. Discontinue if rash occurs. blood–brain barrier more readily than does unacety-
lated carnitine.
Evening Primrose Oil Peripheral neuropathy is a common side effect of
chemotherapeutic drugs, which belong to the platinum,
Evening primrose oil (EPO) is extracted from the seeds taxane, vinca alkaloid, and proteasome inhibitor fami-
of Oenothera biennis. EPO is a rich source of omega-6 lies. Animal studies have shown the benefits of ALC as
essential fatty acids, primarily gamma-linolenic acid a specific protective agent when it is given concomi-
(GLA) and linoleic acid, which are both essential com- tantly and after treatment for chemotherapy-induced
ponents of myelin and the neuronal cell membrane.247 neuropathy due to cisplatin, oxaliplatin, paclitaxel, and
GLA has demonstrated positive results in the treatment vincristine, without any interference with the antitu-
of experimental diabetes and may be more beneficial mor activity of the drugs.257-259 ALC has been shown to
than docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in preventing diabetic reduce pain significantly in diabetic neuropathy.260-262
neuropathy.248-250 GLA is converted to prostaglandin Furthermore, studies in humans showed that ALC,
E1 (PGE1) preferentially over PGE2. PGE1 has anti- given as a 1-g/day infusion over 1–2 hours for at least
inflammatory, antiplatelet, and vasodilating properties. 10 days, improved chemotherapy-induced peripheral
In patients with diabetes, however, levels of PGE1 are neuropathy in up to 73% of patients.263 Patients with
decreased, and levels of PGE2 and t­hromboxane are chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy who
increased,251 and therefore, inflammation, vasoconstric- were treated with oral ALC (1 g three times a day) for
tion, and platelet aggregation tend to be promoted.253 8 weeks showed sensory improvement (60%) and motor
Supplementing the diet with GLA has been shown to improvement (79%), and their total neuropathy scores,
augment the production of PGE1 (by bypassing the including neurophysiological measures, improved
blocked enzymatic step delta-6-desaturase) that is seen in (92%), with symptomatic improvement persisting for a
patients with hyperglycemia.254-256 median of 13 months after ALC treatment.264 In addi-
Two of three randomized controlled trials showed tion to chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy,
positive effects of GLA in diabetic neuropathy.247 Two multiple long-term (1-year) randomized, double-blind,
trials with GLA at 360 mg/day for 6 months and 480 placebo-controlled studies showed that ALC improves
mg/day for 1 year demonstrated statistically significant pain, nerve regeneration, and vibratory perception in
improvements in neuropathy scores, nerve conduc- patients with chronic diabetic neuropathy.265,266 ALC
tion velocities, and action potentials. Therefore, EPO appeared to work more effectively in patients with type
may be helpful for mild to moderate diabetic peripheral 2 diabetes, with a shorter duration of neuropathy than in
neuropathy. patients with type 1 diabetes.252
13  Peripheral Neuropathy 127

Dosage Dosage
The recommended dose is 500 mg orally twice a day to 1000 ALA is given orally at 600–1800 mg daily. Start with 600
mg orally three times a day. Better pain control is seen at the mg daily, and increase up to 1800 mg daily in divided doses
higher dose regimen. if needed.
Precautions Precautions
ALC may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, blad- Although no evidence has indicated that ALA affects glycemic
der irritation or infection, unusual body odor, stuffy nose, control, case studies have shown improved glucose handling
and rash. Other side effects associated with ALC include in diabetic patients.271 As a precaution, patients who are pre-
restlessness and difficulty sleeping. disposed to hypoglycemia, including those receiving hypo-
glycemic agents, should have blood glucose levels monitored
closely. In addition, because ALA acts as a chelator, monitor
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) for possible mineral deficiencies. Gastrointestinal upset may
occur at higher doses. Rarely, this supplement may cause rash.
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), also known as thiotic acid, is
approved for clinical use in the management of diabetic B Vitamins
neuropathy in Germany, and has been extensively used
there in medical practice since 1959.266 ALA is a univer- Benfotiamine: Vitamin B1. Benfotiamine, also known as
sal antioxidant, exerting direct (scavenges free radicals) S-benzoylthiamine-O-monophosphate, is a lipid-soluble
and indirect (participates in the process of recycling other derivative of vitamin B1 (thiamine) and is absorbed up to
natural antioxidants, thereby increasing glutathione, vita- 3.6 times more than water-soluble forms. Vitamin B1 is
mins C and E, and coenzyme Q10) antioxidant activ- associated with a 120-fold greater increase in the levels of
ity.267-270 ALA chelates transition metal ions (e.g., iron metabolically active thiamine diphosphate. Its lipid solubil-
and copper) and effectively mitigates toxicities associated ity allows it to penetrate the nerves more readily. It has been
with heavy metal poisoning.271 Investigators have estab- found to provide a higher bioavailability of thiamine than
lished that ALA protects against lipid peroxidation and its water-soluble counterparts.292-294 Benfotiamine reduces
increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes (e.g., cata- advanced glycation end-products (AGE) by 40%, which has
lase and superoxide dismutase) in peripheral nerves. By been shown to prevent macro- and microvascular endothe-
decreasing oxidative stress through the inhibition of hex- lial dysfunction in individuals with type 2 diabetes.295-300
osamine and AGE pathways, ALA normalizes impaired Studies have shown that benfotiamine improves neu-
endoneural blood flow and impaired nerve conduction ropathy scores significantly,301,302 increases nerve conduc-
velocity.272,273 tion velocity,303-305 and reduces HbA1c and pain.306 On
Several studies have established the neurogenerative the Russian market, it is one of the most studied drugs for
and neuroprotective effects of ALA. The efficacy and neuropathic pain.306 In addition, it lowers inflammation
safety of ALA in peripheral and autonomic diabetic neu- and may be useful for ameliorating the analgesic effect of
ropathy have been demonstrated in many randomized, mu-opioid agonists on neuropathic pain.307-309 In a ran-
double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.274-288 A meta- domized, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study and
analysis provided evidence that treatment with ALA sig- phase III clinical study, investigators demonstrated a pro-
nificantly improves both positive neuropathic symptoms nounced effect on the decrease in pain310,311 in conjunction
and neuropathic deficits to a clinically meaningful degree with the previously described benefits. Benfotiamine may
in diabetic patients with symptomatic polyneuropathy.289 also be beneficial in preventing diabetic nephropathy312
Further studies have shown that the oral forms of ALA and retinopathy.313 Therapeutic benefits can be seen as
are effective for peripheral neuropathy.290 ALA has been early as 3 weeks, with the most significant improvements
shown to be effective for diabetic mononeuropathy of the occurring in patients taking the highest-dose of benfo-
cranial nerves with full recovery of all of the patients in tiamine, that is, 600 mg/day at 6 weeks.310,311,314
the study.291 The studies ranged from a minimum treat-
ment of 3 weeks to 2 years, and, therefore, 3 weeks is Dosage
likely to be the minimum treatment time. Although The recommended dose of benfotiamine is 150–300 mg
greater improvements were seen with higher doses, so twice daily specifically for diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
were adverse effects such as gastrointestinal upset and
Most studies on ALA used parenteral doses ranging Methylcobalamin: Vitamin B12. Methylcobalamin is
from 600 to 1800 mg, which demonstrated more rapid the active form of vitamin B12. In a small double-blind,
response than oral doses at the same dose range, and placebo-controlled trial of type 1 and 2 diabetes with
found a continuous daily improvement in symptom scores neuropathy, the patients given oral methylcobalamin at
beginning on the eighth day of treatment.289 Unfortu- a dose of 500 mcg three times daily showed significant
nately, the parenteral form of ALA is not currently avail- improvements in somatic and autonomic symptoms
able as a prescribed therapy in the United States, and only compared to placebo.316 A review of several clinical trials
the oral form is available in various doses. In most studies, on the use of methylcobalamin alone or in combination
600 mg seems to be the starting dose. To obtain similar with other B vitamins found overall symptomatic relief
results, patients should use high-quality products from of neuropathy symptoms that was more pronounced
manufacturers that source ALA from Europe (Germany than electrophysiological findings.317 In addition,
or Italy). supplementation of 1500 mcg/day methylcobalamin
128 PART II  Integrative Approach to Disease

for 2 months resulted in improved vibratory perception threshold. Circulation, measured in the dorsalis pedis
thresholds and heart rate variability (a sign of improvement artery, and lipid profiles also significantly improved.328
in autonomic neuropathy) in patients with diabetes.318
Dosage Doses are EPA, 1000–2000 mg/day, and DHA, 500–1000 mg/
For the best bioavailability and absorption, the recommend- day. The natural triglyceride form provides superior absorption
ed dose is 500 mcg three times daily or 1500 mcg daily of and bioavailability, up to 70% more than preparations with eth-
methylcobalamin or 5-adenosylcobalamin. Most generic vi- yl ester forms.329 For patients who are vegan or allergic to fish,
tamins contain cyanocobalamin, which may not be as effec- a plant-based form of EPA and DHA called NutraVege is avail-
tive or as beneficial. able. It contains Echium plantagineum oil (stearidonic acid, a
precursor of EPA), and algal DHA and GLA. High-potency
fish or plant oils should be used to obtain the clinical dose.
B-Complex Multivitamin. Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B6
(pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) play an important role
in the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathy in deficiency Possible blood thinning effects may occur with higher doses.
syndromes, such as those resulting from alcoholism Patients taking anticoagulant medications should be closely
or pernicious anemia, isoniazid-induced pyridoxine
deficiency, and malabsorption syndromes. If peripheral
neuropathy is caused by deficiency syndromes, use B-100
complex (a multivitamin that usually contains 25–100 mg Pharmaceuticals
of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic Capsaicin
acid and may also include other vitamins such as folate) for
ease of administration and intake of all B vitamins. Capsaicin, which is an extract of chili peppers, when applied
topically, has been demonstrated to relieve neuropathic
Dosage pain by affecting sensory fibers, especially C fibers,330 and
B-complex multivitamin (B-100), one tablet once or twice by depleting endogenous neurotransmitter stores associ-
daily, is taken for peripheral neuropathy caused by deficiency ated with pain transmission, such as substance P, vasoactive
syndromes. The B vitamins methylcobalamin and 5-adeno- intestinal peptide, cholecystokinin, and somatostatin.331
sylcobalamin (vitamin B12), and the 5-methyltetrahydrofolate Capsaicin does not reverse, stabilize, or lessen neuropathy
(5-MTF) form of folate should be used in these formulations. but decreases the pain that occurs from it. It can result in
a burning sensation with the first few weeks of use. Suc-
cessive applications, however, result in a dose-dependent
Avoid excessive doses of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Doses degeneration and desensitization of afferent fibers, block-
higher than 250 mg/day can cause reversible nerve damage. ing further action potential conduction.330 Patients should
be advised to continue use, if the pain is tolerable, for at
least 4–6 weeks before the full benefits are appreciated.
A Cochrane Database Systematic Review showed that
In prescribing B-complex vitamins, make sure that the pa- capsaicin, either as repeated application of a low-dose
tient is not already taking another vitamin supplement that (0.075%) cream or a single application of a high-dose (8%)
may contain B vitamins. Vitamin B3 (niacin) in doses greater patch, may provide a significant degree of pain relief to some
than 300 mg/day may cause headache, nausea, skin tingling, patients with painful neuropathic conditions.332 In addi-
and flushing. Vitamin B6 in doses greater than 250 mg/day tion, patients with postherpetic neuralgia and painful HIV-
may cause reversible nerve damage.
associated distal sensory polyneuropathy were studied in
randomized, double-blind, multicenter trials using a high-
concentration capsaicin dermal patch successfully for up to
Fish Oil: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
1 year; this patch is now available by prescription.333-335
Similar to EPO (GLA), omega-3 fatty acids are also
essential for healthy nerve cell membranes and blood Dosage
flow.319 Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to have Capsaicin cream is available over the counter (Capzacin
neuroprotective effects against experimental diabetic HP, Zostrix HP). Various strengths range from 0.025% to
neuropathy, reduce neuropathic pain, proinflammatory 0.1%, although clinical studies use the 0.075% strength.
cytokine production, and other metabolites and benefit The cream is applied to the affected area up to three or four
macrovascular and microvascular functioning in diabet- times daily for at least 4–6 weeks. Clinical trials show that
ics.320-325 In a case series, omega-3 fatty acids were shown application must take place three or four times a day for im-
to decrease pain and improve function, and, in a random- provement.332 Using it daily, twice daily, or on an as-needed
ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, were found to basis is likely to be ineffective.
The capsaicin 8% patch (Qutenza) is by prescription
be protective against paclitaxel-induced peripheral neu-
only and is applied in a physician’s office. The painful area
ropathy.326,327 Furthermore, a clinical study of diabetic is pretreated with anesthetic, and the patch is applied for 1
patients with neuropathy who consumed 1800 mg eicosa- hour and then removed. One patch provides relief for up to
pentaenoic acid (EPA) daily for 48 weeks reported signifi- 3 months. Follow insert directions for specific application
cantly decreased cold and numb sensations and improved procedures.
vibrational perception, in addition to improved vibratory
13  Peripheral Neuropathy 129

Precautions Precautions
Application with gloves is recommended. Wash hands im- Significant anticholinergic side effects, including dry mouth,
mediately after application, and avoid contact with the eyes constipation, sedation, and urinary retention, are common.
or mucous membranes. Local skin irritation, which is often TCAs are contraindicated in patients who have significant
mild and transient but may lead to withdrawal, is common. ischemic heart disease, and these drugs may also cause ar-
Systemic adverse effects are rare. rhythmias and orthostatic hypotension (thus should be
avoided in older persons because of the risk of falling). Limit
doses to less than 100 mg/day when possible. Screening elec-
trocardiography for patients older than 40 years is recom-
mended. These agents are not to be used with monoamine
The Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Group of the oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
International Association developed evidence-based
guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of neu- Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors.
ropathic pain using first-line treatment options, includ- • Venlafaxine (Effexor)
ing tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), dual reuptake • Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
inhibitors of serotonin and norepinephrine, and cal- Although both drugs have been used traditionally as
cium channel α2-δ ligands.336 The results of a system- antidepressants, studies on venlafaxine and duloxetine
atic review defined clinical success as a 50% reduction have demonstrated beneficial treatment for reduction of
in pain. Investigators found that TCAs were the most painful diabetic neuropathy with better tolerability and
effective analgesics, followed by traditional anticon- fewer side effects than TCAs.346-350 Although these stud-
vulsants and the newer-generation anticonvulsants, ies are positive and duloxetine has been granted US Food
respectively.337 However, the review concluded that the and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the treat-
efficacy of most of these pharmacological treatments is ment of neuropathic pain, the effects have been found to
limited because, for any particular drug, only 30% of be less than 12 weeks in duration, and therefore the long-
treated patients experience analgesia.338 With these low term efficacy and safety are unknown.
analgesic response rates and the risk of side effects, the
use of integrative therapies and dietary supplements is Dosage
therefore recommended in a trial of benefit before treat-
ment with pharmaceuticals. For venlafaxine ER, the dose is 150–225 mg daily; start with
150 mg daily, and increase to 225 mg daily if a greater anal-
gesic effect is needed. The maximum dose of duloxetine is 60
Tricyclic Antidepressants. TCAs, such as amitriptyline mg daily; start with 30 mg daily and increase to 60 mg daily if
(Elavil, Endep), nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor), and a greater analgesic effect is needed. With both medications,
desipramine (Norpramin), have been commonly used higher doses increase the risk of side effects.
as the mainstay for the palliation of pain secondary
to diabetic neuropathy.339 Many placebo-controlled, Precautions
randomized controlled trials found TCAs to be Nausea, dyspepsia, somnolence, and insomnia are possible.
efficacious for several different types of neuropathy.340 Venlafaxine may cause cardiac rhythm changes. Duloxetine
TCAs work by increasing the postsynaptic concentration may decrease sodium, uric acid, chloride, gamma-glutam-
of norepinephrine. Because the inhibitory pathways in yltransferase, and alanine aminotransferase. It may also in-
crease bicarbonate and alkaline phosphatase levels.
the spinal cord use norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter,
TCAs are believed to increase the inhibitory influence on
nociceptive transmitting neurons.341 Selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine and
paroxetine, have also been used; although they are better • Gabapentin: First-line choice
tolerated than TCAs, they have little or no efficacy in • P  regabalin (Lyrica): First-line choice
relieving pain.342-344 Gabapentin has been shown to be highly efficacious
in the treatment of various painful neuropathic condi-
tions, including postherpetic neuralgia and diabetic neu-
Dosage ropathy.352 Based on the reviewed randomized controlled
trials, gabapentin shows good efficacy, a favorable side
To minimize side effects and encourage compliance, start
effect profile (especially when compared with phenytoin
therapy with amitriptyline or nortriptyline at a dose of 10 mg
at bedtime. Titrate this dose upward to 25 mg at bedtime and carbamazepine), and fewer drug interactions; there-
as side effects allow, in 10–25-mg increments. Even at lower fore, it may be a first-choice treatment in painful diabetic
doses, patients generally report rapid improvement in sleep- neuropathy, especially in older adults.353,354 The number
ing and begin to experience some pain relief in 10–14 days. If needed to treat (NNT) was reported as 5.8.355 The pre-
no pain relief is obtained with increased doses (usual range, cise mechanism of action of anticonvulsants to account
50–300 mg/day), the addition of gabapentin (Neurontin), for their analgesic effects is unknown. Anticonvulsants
alone or in combination with local anesthetic nerve blocks, modulate both peripheral and central mechanisms
is recommended.345 The slow onset of action of TCAs and through sodium channel antagonism, inhibition of excit-
their potential side effects often require a gradual dose build- atory transmission (e.g., N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor),
up (6–8 weeks) before maximum efficacy and tolerance are
or enhancement of gamma-aminobutyric acid–mediated
130 PART II  Integrative Approach to Disease

Pregabalin is a selective high-affinity ligand for the with anticonvulsants and antidepressants; however, the
α2-δ subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel,357 response is very poor. Caution must be taken because
which plays a role in the pathological changes that many NSAIDs received black box warnings and can
are believed to be associated with neuropathic pain in cause fatal cardiac and gastrointestinal events. Do not
humans.358,359 Double-blind, placebo-controlled trials exceed the recommended daily dose because of the risk
have shown that pregabalin is effective in the treatment of renal and hepatic toxicity, particularly in diabetic
of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and postherpetic neu- patients.
ralgia, and that it produces significant improvement in Narcotic analgesics are also suboptimal agents for
various pain scores and reduced sleep interference.360,361 pain control. Owing to their significant central nervous
The FDA has approved pregabalin for the management system and gastrointestinal side effects, coupled with the
of neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral problems of tolerance, dependence, and addiction, these
neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia. Pregabalin is agents should rarely be used, if ever. If a narcotic analge-
structurally and mechanistically related to gabapentin sic is considered, the analgesic tramadol (Ultram), which
but differs from gabapentin in exhibiting linear phar- binds weakly to opioid receptors, may provide some
macokinetics with increasing doses and low intersubject symptomatic relief.
variability. These properties may make pregabalin eas-
ier to prescribe and could impart a more effective dose
range with potentially fewer side effects. Although pre- Dosage
gabalin has become a first-line agent in the treatment
Tramadol, 50–100 mg, is taken every 6 hours as needed
of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and postherpetic
for pain; the maximum dose is 400 mg per day. Caution
neuralgia, all of the studies were less than 13 weeks in should be used with the combination of tramadol, antide-
duration, and, therefore, the long-term durability of the pressants, and anticonvulsants, owing to increased seizure
response and safety are unknown. The NNT was 6.3.362 risk.
Physicians should also consider cost before prescribing
this agent.

Gabapentin Biomechanical Modalities

Electrical Stimulation
Dosage Electrical stimulation modalities, such as transcutane-
A single bedtime dose of 300 mg of gabapentin for 2 nights ous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)364 and appli-
can be followed by 300 mg given twice daily for an additional cation of spinal cord stimulators,365 have been used
2 days. If the patient tolerates this twice-daily regimen, the successfully to alleviate the pain and discomfort associ-
dose can be increased to 300 mg three times a day. Addition-
ated with peripheral neuropathy. TENS portable units
al titration upward can be carried out in 300-mg increments
as side effects allow. Total daily doses greater than 3600 mg that generate a biphasic, exponentially decaying wave
are not currently recommended.345 A possible combination form (pulse width 4 msec, 25–35 V, more than 2 Hz)
with 10–25 mg of TCAs (see earlier) can be added for pa- should be used for 30 minutes daily for 4 weeks. A study
tients with sleep disturbance. showed that percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
(PENS), in addition to decreasing pain, improves the
Precautions patient capacity for physical activity, sense of well-
The most serious concern with gabapentin is leukopenia. being, and quality of sleep, while reducing the need for
This drug can also cause somnolence, dizziness, ataxia, and oral nonopioid analgesic medication.366 PENS is simi-
fatigue. Taper dose over 7 days or longer to discontinue. lar to electroacupuncture in that electrical stimulation
is delivered via disposable acupuncture-type needles. It
Pregabalin (Lyrica) differs from electroacupuncture in that it is delivered
along the peripheral nerves that innervate the region
of neuropathic pain, rather than being delivered at
Dosage acupuncture points or along meridians. Although the
Pregabalin is taken at 50–150 mg daily, divided into two or use of alternating low and high frequencies of 15 and
three doses. After an initial daily dose of 150 mg, it should 30 Hz at 30-minute intervals three times a week is rec-
be titrated with the patient’s response and tolerability over 2 ommended, the patient should be evaluated by a health
weeks to a maximum of 300 mg daily. Pregabalin dosage ad- care professional who is familiar with electrical stimu-
justment should be considered in cases of renal impairment.363 lation techniques for adjustment of frequencies and
time intervals as tolerated.
The most common side effects are dizziness, somnolence,
headache, dry mouth, and peripheral edema. Neural Blockade
Local anesthetic peripheral and sympathetic blocks pro-
vide useful diagnostic information but tend to confer only
Simple analgesics, such as acetaminophen, aspirin, temporary therapeutic benefits in patients with periph-
naproxen, and ibuprofen, may be used in conjunction eral neuropathy.367
13  Peripheral Neuropathy 131

Surgery shown to reduce inflammatory mechanisms and lower

diabetic neuropathic pain.372
Entrapment neuropathies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome,
may be relieved by surgical decompression (see Chapter
70). In addition, compression or entrapment from cancers
may be addressed by removal of the tumor directly. Tocotrienols, more specifically delta and gamma isomers
that are derived from annatto and palm, are an important
part of Vitamin E, which is now being extensively researched
Therapies to Consider for its antihyperlipidemic, antidiabetic, antiinflammatory,
Agaricus brasiliensis anticancer, and immune-supportive actions.373-376 In human
and animal studies, tocotrienols have been shown to improve
Agaricus brasiliensis (AbS) is native to Brazil and is widely diabetes and to reduce neuropathic pain.377 Current clinical
grown in Japan because of its medicinal properties. AbS trials are underway to investigate neuroprotection by toco-
has traditionally been used for the prevention of a range trienols in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (VENUS).
of diseases, including cancer, hepatitis, atherosclerosis, Note that tocotrienols are very temperature sensitive, there-
hypercholesterolemia, dermatitis, and diabetes.368-370 fore, these products should be kept refrigerated,378 and
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials should not be taken with other forms of Vitamin E (e.g.,
have shown that AbS improves insulin resistance in type alpha-tocopherols) for the best absorption.379-381 Tocotri-
2 diabetes.371 Furthermore, in animal studies, it has been enols may be started at a dose of 125 mg bid or tid.


• E at a whole-foods, low-fat, high-fiber, plant- • If possible, avoid specific toxins (see Table 13.1)
based diet. and pharmaceutical agents that are known to
• Avoid environmental toxins such as heavy met- cause neuropathy (see Table 13.2).
als, cigarette smoke, alcohol, pesticides, and • Avoid doses of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) greater
herbicides. than 250 mg/day.
• Prevent adult-onset diabetes by maintaining • If taking the chemotherapeutic medications cis-
an ideal weight and staying physically fit platin, paclitaxel (Taxol), or vincristine, consider
and active. acetyl-l-carnitine, 1 g three times daily for 8 weeks.


LIFESTYLE AND NUTRITION A 1 limbs, middle two fifths sensory area (S 2/5) for the
• Daily exercise that consists of walking for at least upper limbs, and foot motor and sensory areas; ear
30 minutes per day three times per week should be points: ShenMen, sympathetic, foot; body points:
implemented. If walking is not possible because of GB-40, GB-34, SP-10, SP-6, ST-44, LR-3, and Bafeng
painful peripheral neuropathy, gentler forms of exer- (extra point). Electrical stimulation can be used for
cise, such as yoga or tai chi, three times a week for the ear and body points at a frequency of 100 Hz at
30–90 minutes are therapeutic. A whole-foods, low- a low intensity for 10–15 minutes for an enhanced
fat, high-fiber, plant-based diet with strict glycemic response. Patients can receive 2 treatments per
control should be strongly advised. Environmental week for 10 weeks. A 1

and other toxins, such as heavy metals, cigarette • Electroacupuncture: This treatment can be per-
smoke, alcohol, and pollution, should be avoided. formed in two cycles of five sittings each (10 ses-
sions) at 2-day intervals. B 1

• Curcumin longa, Boswellia serrata, ginger, and
• Recommendation is for at least six 1-hr biofeedback black pepper (e.g., Bosmeric-SR, two caplets twice
sessions at approximately 1-week intervals. There- daily) or Curcumin C3 complex: 1000 mg three
after, relaxation biofeedback techniques can be times daily. B 1
performed at home with the use of biofeedback home- • Cannabidiols (CBD) from industrial hemp oil: 5–50
use programs (e.g., emWave Pro, emWave 2, Inner- mg tid, with coconut oil (to improve absorption) and
balance [HeartMath Institute]), audio CDs, or guided stevia (optional for improved taste), held sublin-
imagery exercises (for 10–20 minutes each day). B 1
gually for 2–3 minutes then swallowed. Doses may
be increased weekly for improved response. B 1
• CBD:THC from medical cannabis. High CBD low THC
• Pulsed electomagnetic field (PEMF): BEMER vascular is preferred (e.g., 20:1), or for more pain control, a
therapy mat for 10 minutes twice daily at level 3 ratio of 1:1, which is similar to the prescribed drug
(10.5 = microtesla) for 30 days. B 1
in other countries. Administration is the same as
• Acupuncture and neuroacupuncture points: previously, but start with lower doses. 1–2 mg bid to
upper one fifth sensory area (S 1/5) for the lower tid and dose up as tolerated. B 1
132 PART II  Integrative Approach to Disease

• Geranium oil (Pelargonium spp.): For topical pain It is applied in a doctor’s office under supervi-
relief, apply a few drops (i.e., Neuragen PN) to the sion. A 2
affected area several times a day. B 1 For acute pain management, consider:
• Evening primrose oil (EPO; Oenothera biennis): 360 • Analgesics: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
mg orally daily of GLA from EPO. The dose may be (NSAIDs) as usually prescribed for pain, as well as A 2
increased up to 480 mg orally daily. B 2 narcotics.
For chronic pain management:
SUPPLEMENTS Antidepressants
• Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC): 500 mg orally twice daily • Amitriptyline or nortriptyline: 10 mg orally at night;
to 1000 mg orally three times daily. ALC is used for titrate the dose upward to 25 mg orally at night as
both chemotherapy-induced and diabetic peripheral side effects allow (usual range: 50–300 mg/day). A 2
neuropathy. A 1 Anticonvulsants
• Alpha-lipoic acid: 600–1800 mg orally daily; start • Gabapentin (first-line choice): 300 mg orally at night
with 600 mg orally daily and increase up to 1800 mg for 2 days, then 300 mg orally twice daily for 2 days;
orally daily in divided doses if needed. A 1 can be increased to 300 mg orally three times daily
• Benfotiamine: Lipid-soluble vitamin B1, 150–300 as tolerated, with increases in 300-mg increments as
mg twice daily specifically for diabetic peripheral side effects allow; maximum daily dose, 3600 mg. A 2
neuropathy. B 1
• Pregabalin: 50 mg three times daily. After an initial
• Methylcobalamin or 5-adenosylcobalamin: Better- daily dose of 150 mg, it should be titrated accord-
absorbed vitamin B12, 500 mcg three times daily or ing to the patient’s response and tolerability over 2
weeks to a maximum of 300 mg daily. A 2
1500 mcg daily. B 1
• B-complex multivitamin (B-100): One tablet once BIOMECHANICAL THERAPY
or twice daily for peripheral neuropathy caused by
deficiency syndromes. B 2 • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS):
• Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids): Eicosapentaenoic acid Use of a TENS portable unit for 30 minutes daily for
(EPA), 1000–2000 mg/day, and docosahexaenoic acid 4 weeks is recommended. B 1

(DHA), 500–1000 mg/day or a vegetarian plant-based • Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS):
option (i.e., NutraVege 2x). B 2 This modality can be used three times a week;
stimulation is delivered along the peripheral nerves
PHARMACEUTICALS that innervate the region of neuropathic pain. B 1

For topical relief: • Neural blockade: This provides only temporary

• Capsaicin cream 0.075%: Apply to the affected therapeutic benefit. B 2

area up to three or four times daily for at least 4–6 • Surgery: Surgical decompression may relieve
weeks. A 2 symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome; with neuronal
• Capsaicin patch (8%): One patch to area for 1 hour entrapment from cancer, removal of the tumor itself
(after preanesthetic application) and then remove. may also be helpful.) B 2

Key Web Resources

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. This page has information
about organizations that support neuropathic conditions, as well as up-to-date eralneuropathy/peripheralneuropathy.
clinical trials. htm
MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine. Simplified information is provided for
patients about neuropathy and its associated conditions with definitions. article/000593.htm
WebMD. This page on understanding peripheral neuropathy contains the basics
for patients. ing-peripheral-neuropathy-basics
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. Public charity providing information
on research and treatment options for patients and health care providers.

Disclosure: Dr. Pai has financial interests in the company

that produces Bosmeric-SR.

References are available online at
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