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ABEAM – At right angles to the navigating bridge of a ship

AFT – Toward the stem of the ship

ABAFT – Between abeam and astern
AHEAD – In a forward direction
ASTERN – In back (stern)
PORT – the left of the ship
STARBOARD – The right side of the ship
AGROUND – touching or stuck
AIDS TO NAVIGATION – Artificial objects to supplement natural landmarks
ANCHORAGE – a place suitable for anchoring
BEARING – The direction of an object relative to the heading of the ship
BUOY – an anchored float used for marking position on the water
DRAFT – the depth of water
FATHOM – six feet
GIVE-WAY VESSEL –a term used to describe vessel which must yield meeting
STAND ON VESSEL – a term used to describe vessel which NOT must yield meeting
TIDE – periodic rise and fall
A COMPASS ROSE – finding direction on the chart and also plotting a ship’s course
SOUNDING – a measurement of the depth of water
HEADING (HDG) – The direction in which the ship is pointing
SPEED (S) – speed of ship through water. Always measured in knots
CURRENT – water motion
SET – direction of current flowing
DRIFT – the speed of current
COURSE – direction in which a vessel is steered
FIX – ships position, plotted on the chart by celestial
COURSE – is the intended horizontal direction of travel measured
COLREGS (Collision Regulations at sea) – is to cover, by international convention,
anti collision rules any ships belonging to any nationality will follow at sea
ROR – Rules of the Road

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