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Zimmerman 1

David Zimmerman

ENGL 211

4 May 2020


This has been an interesting semester. The first evening of classes I arrived early and

was unsure about the class and when the classroom would be opened. As people started to enter

the room, I asked the professor that was getting ready to hold class about my English class that

was meeting in the same room and she asked if I was the professor for the class. As honored as I

was that someone thought I was a professor it also made me think of how much we take what we

see at face value. I understand that I am older and most people would assume that I am teaching

not attending as a student at my age. But at what point do we stop looking only at the surface

and dig deeper to find out the truth.

I believe that COVID-19 is being used to see how far the government can push citizens

before they push back. While I do believe that the virus is real and does can be deadly to some

sections of the population, I don’t see the impact that the news media is portraying. The number

of infected is being shown daily but with no real reference to the scope in relation to the world’s

population or for that matter to the United States population. When you look at the United States

and it’s Three Hundred and Thirty Million citizens and the current infected number of 1.16

million, that is less than One percent have been infected.

Based on news accounts of deaths being recorded as related to COVID-19 but no test

having been run makes it hard to be sure that the death rate is accurate or true. While no death is

a pleasant thing, when reports arise that hospitals are reporting deaths as COVID-19 related to

ensure that they get more funding it is hard to believe any of the numbers.
Zimmerman 2

This is something that will change the Nation and the World for generations to come. If

it is more government control over our lives or a second Revolution to overthrow the

government for their over-reaching of their authority, we will never return to what we had before

this started. Hopefully we will return to close to what we had but that is still to be seen.

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