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Intermediate 2 – EOI Santa Cruz de Tenerife – Writing 6 An email of advice


Group: B.1.2 SP

Ex 12B on p. 73. 180 words. Write an email of advice to the writer of ex. 12A.

Write in any word processor and then export it to PDF. I will only grade PDF documents.

Dear writer,

I am writing about the problem you have with your brother. He is a young

26 year old boy, who loves footbal and all the free time he has he uses only for this

sport. Either to watch matches at the stadium or to watch games at home on TV.

The only friends he has are footbal fans and he has lost his partner and other

friends because of this obsession.

I would advise you to try to make plans with him, even if at first he doesn't

want to, but at the moment he sees that he has fun doing other things or practicing

other sports he will forget that obsession, do not you think?. If he saves money, he

would travel more. If she asked her friend out, would she accept? If he wasn't

stubborn, he would admit he was obsessed. Also, I think I should tell you that if you

don't have a lot of money, you shouldn't spend the money on the tickets to the

matches and use the money on more important things you need and also be able to


What do you think about what I propose? I hope I've helped.

See you soon!

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