The 21-Day Happiness Miracle Plan: State Your Desired Result

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The 21-Day Happiness

Miracle Plan
State your desired result.
I am happy and full of joy despite my circumstances.

Associate a strong emotion to your desired result.

• I am happy and full of joy despite my circumstances.
• I picture myself smiling a lot. (visual)
• People compliment me because I have a lot of fun doing what I do. (auditory)
• I feel great because I control my happiness and I control my emotions.

Create your plan and take action.

STEP #1: Awareness and Observation

Spend a minimum of ten minutes a day for one week doing nothing more than
observing your “silly little roller coaster of emotion.” During that first week, take a
good look at how you feel at several times during the day. Setting an hourly timer
and keeping a journal helps.

Write down the negative emotions you are experiencing like sadness, anger, frus-
tration, etc.

STEP #2: Eliminate and Replace Old Emotions (With These “Back
Door” Brain Hacks)
Every day, for the remaining 21-Days execute one of these “Back Door Brain Hacks”:
• “I Feel Amazing!”
• Rock Your Energy
• The Gorilla
• The Gratitude Hack
• The Present Minded Meal
The 21-Day Happiness
Miracle Plan Worksheet
State your desired result.

Associate a strong emotion to your desired result.

STEP #1: Awareness and Observation

What are the negative and unhelpful emotions you are experiencing?

STEP #2: Eliminate and Replace Old Emotions (With “Back Door”
Brain Hacks)
What “hack” are you going to use to “replace” the negative emotion when it comes up?

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