Business Analytics Takaaful Heavy Assignment PDF

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Takaaful Heavy Assignment: 9% of your overall grade

Deadline: 3 April, 2020 1130 PM

Submission Portal: Both Google Classroom and LMS (Submit on both places as LMS is not
working sometimes)

Task: Extract useful insights from Takaaful data.


 First, watch all the videos I have uploaded

 Second, decide what we want to analyze and then, decide which filters we would be applying

What we want to analyze? From an insurance company perspective, the business managers are
interested only in customer analysis. They want to see customers with healthy payment patterns (wrt
time) to target for cross-sell or up-sell, or customers with below-par payment patterns to target them to
pay on time. In this light, the following graphs are of interest:

a) Total Payment wrt Policy Start Date

b) Total Payment wrt Date of Installment Payment
c) Installment Amount wrt Policy Start Date
d) Installment Amount wrt Date of Installment Payment
e) Premium Amount wrt Policy Start Date
f) Premium Amount wrt Date of Installment Payment

If the managers can see these 6 time series graphs (either area or line charts) on a dashboard with the
relevant filters, then they would be able to identify the best, average and worst payment patterns wrt
time, and the combination of filters for each of these patterns will specify a particular customer segment.
The managers can then target this segment from a marketing perspective.

So, what we need is a dashboard (if you can put all 6 of the above charts in one dashboard) along with the
relevant filters. You should then play around with these filters on the dashboard to discover different
types of payment patterns.

Which filters we would be applying? For this, apply the following filters. As said above, all of them should
be visible on the dashboard and hence allow you play an extremely complicated game of selecting
different combinations to extract valuable patterns:

 Gold Customers: Analyze separately for Active, Inactive and not Gold (NULL). Old and Deferred
gold customers can be filtered out completely (not important for this analysis but you can
include if you want)
 Agent: Analyze separately for financial institutions and individuals
 BasicPlan: Analyze Savings and Super Savings collectively (as they are most important) and the
remaining plans collectively.
 Status: Analyze separately for Active, Lapsed, Reinstated and Non-Forfeiture (filter out all other
values completely but you can include if you want).
 PaymentType: Analyze separately for each payment type
 Age: Analyze separately for 0-20, 20-40, 40-60 and 60-Max
 Weight: Analyze separately for 0-90 and 90-Max (overweight people)
 City: Analyze separately for the more important locations (Karachi, Lahore etc.). For this, enter
the LAT LONG values for unknown locations (as I explained in one of the videos) and document
this in your report.

I think the aforementioned are the most important filters. When you have played enough with them, you
should be able to identify the combinations of filters for good, average and bad customers.

Also, follow the following critical points (extracted from the videos):

 When you are analyzing total paid amount, put filter on total paid 0K-700K and then from 700K-
Max value and for each analyze separately (extracted from the histogram)
 When you are analyzing total installment amount, put filter on installment 5K-100K and then from
100K-Max value and for each analyze separately (extracted from the histogram)
 When you are analyzing premium amount, put filter on premium 1K-100K and then from 100K-Max
value and for each analyze separately (extracted from the histogram)

In this assignment, you are supposed to do all the above to extract good, average and bad payment
patterns with their associated customer segment (filter selections) and explain these clearly along with
snapshots of dashboard associated with that pattern. Also, explain the strategy that business managers
can potentially apply on the customers associated with these patterns. You should make any assumptions
you want).

Bonus Marks (Extra 3% of your overall grade):

 After completing all above, extract and analyze payment patterns separately for Single and Joint
policy holders (Single/Joint variable)
 After completing all above, extract and analyze payment patterns separately for Males and
Females (Gender variable)
 In Excel, subtract Customer.Age.Policy.Start from Customer.Age.Current to calculate a new
column, i.e., time elapsed since policy was taken. Can this variable be important for your business
requirements (NB: it tells you how old a customer has become). If yes, analyze this variable in
Tableau as well to extract useful payment patterns (don’t forget to draw histogram first)
 Include Maps on the dashboard to make the dashboards really attractive.

Document all of your results of Bonus section in the same report containing above analyses.
I will assign 0 marks if I get any hint of cheating (either in dashboard design or in report. Remember that
in this way, maybe the student who GAVE his/her report for cheating will get 0 and the one who
cheated will go scot free.

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