Wireless Control System For DC Motor To Position A Dish Antenna Using Microcomputer

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Wireless Control System for DC Motor to Position a Dish Antenna Using


Article · January 2007


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1 author:

Muhibul Haque Bhuyan

Southeast University (Bangladesh)


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Muhibul Haque Bhuyan
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Daffodil International University
E-mail: muhibulhb@yahoo.com

Abstract: This paper presents design and imple- to position the antenna. But the control of an ac
mentation of a wireless position control system for motor is complicated. Precision control (e.g.
dc motors using microcomputer to position a small change in dish position at less than one tenth of
dish antenna at desired azimuth and elevation an- a degree) is also very difficult because of non-
gle. The desired angle of rotation is the input data linear characteristic of the motor. Stepper mo-
of the system. Two dc motors (one for azimuth po-
tor can solve this problem. Construction of
sition while the other for elevation position) are
used to position the dish antenna. Signals are sent stepper motor having small step size is very
to the motor control circuit through the parallel difficult and costly. Torque of such type of
port of the computer. Due to the remote position of motor is also quite low. High torque dc motor
the dish, an infrared transmitter-receiver system is can overcome these limitations. Recent devel-
developed to send and receive the required signals opment of rare earth magnet advances in brush
through the parallel port of the PC to and from the commutator technology and advanced manu-
interfacing circuit to control the motor’s speed as facturing techniques of the Permanent Magnet
well as direction of rotation. The motor ultimately (PM) dc motor with ironized rotor and rotor
rotates the dish at desired azimuth and elevation with very low inertia extends its use in position
position. Automatic calibration facilities have also control [3]. Thus in this work, PM dc motor is
been incorporated to calibrate the system any time.
used to track the dish antenna. Such motor is
After the real-time evaluation of the system per-
formance, it is found that the system works very
driven by continuous long pulse (for coarse
well. positioning) as well as by short pulse (for fine
positioning) sent by the computer through its
Keywords: Microcomputer, Position Control, Con- parallel port to an infrared transmitter. An in-
trol System, Software, Wireless control. frared detector circuit detects this signal and
transmits the signals to the motor control cir-
1. Introduction cuit. Thus the system becomes wireless control
Communication satellites play a major role in system; i.e. the motor can be controlled from
telecommunication, television and radio signal the remote position.
distribution, computer communication, mari- Besides, due to aging effect component behav-
time navigation and military command and ior might change. Thus we may need to cali-
control. Geo-stationary satellites, which were brate the system again. Thus automatic calibra-
first introduced during the sixties, now have tion facilities have also been incorporated. This
increased in numbers because of their immense is also wireless system, i.e. the connection be-
contributions to global communications. At tween the calibration circuit and the micro-
present, the importance of portable dish an- computer is done using an IR transmitter and
tenna has increased. In order to receive maxi- photodetector. To generate pulses for the motor
mum signal power from the satellite, the re- controller circuit and to receive the incoming
ceiving dish antenna requires correct position- pulses from the calibration circuit, software is
ing both at specific azimuth and elevation an- developed using C language. To evaluate the
gles. On the other hand, the poor aiming and system performance, real-time implementation
tracking are the most common operational is done for different sample positions with a
problem with the receiving system. A reliable prototype dish antenna, and the average per-
and simple control system can overcome this centage of position error is computed to show
tracking problem [1-2]. AC motors can be used the effectiveness of the designed system.

2. Control System And Software sensor generator and receptor, amplifier, com-
A block diagram of the developed control sys- parator, switching circuit, DC motors with
tem for positioning the dish antenna is shown gears, dish antenna and also a PC.
in Fig 1. It consists of various stages like, IR

PC IR Antenna
IR Switch DC Motor
and Genera Amp Comp
Sensor ing and Gear
Parallel tor lifier arator
Circuit Circuit Mechanism
Port Circuit

Fig. 1 Wireless control system to position the dish antenna

Dish antenna is tracked both horizontally and The data for the different pulse width (PW)
vertically by using two PM dc motors at the versus the measured angle of rotation of the
desired azimuth and elevation angles. The an- dish has been plotted in the CW and CCW di-
tenna may be required to move in clockwise rection for azimuth positions are plotted in
(CW), counter clockwise (CCW), upward and Figs. 2 (a) and (b) respectively.
downward directions. Thus four pins (2, 3, 4
and 5) of the parallel port of the microcom-
puter [4] are used to send the forward pulses to 14

the motor control system through interfacing 12

circuits. After positioning the dish, the motor is

stopped by plugging [5-6], which is done by 10

sending the reverse pulses of very short dura- 8

tion. The control system is designed such that

the dish is first set at 00 position of both azi- 6

muth (α) and elevation (β) angles by the soft- 4

ware ‘fine.c’, which is also used for fine ad- 2

justment of the dish [1]. If the desired azimuth
angle is less than 1800, then the horizontal mo- 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
tor moves in the CW direction otherwise the ANGLE ROTATED (DEG.)

motor moves in the CCW direction at an angle

of (3600-α). So, the dish needs not to move 14

more than 1800 for any azimuth angle.


After completion of the system design, the
whole system needs to be calibrated for the 10

first time. The software developed using C 8

language, ‘calhor.c’ and ‘calver.c’ do these
tasks [1]. These programs obtain a relationship 6

between the pulse width and the desired angle 4

of rotation for the two motors. These two pro-

grams were run separately. The program takes
the desired angle of rotation from the keyboard 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
of the microcomputer as input and measures ANGLE ROTATED(DEG.)

the required pulse widths. These pulse widths Fig. 2: Plot of PW versus the measured angle of rotation:
versus angle of rotation are then recorded in (a) in the CW and (b) in the CCW direction
appropriate data files ‘calib_data_hm.dat’ and
‘calib_data_vm.dat’. These plots show a linear relationship between
the PW and the angle of the dish rotation in
both CW and CCW direction after 100. The
initial non-linearity may be due to the inertia to

speed up the motor at its rated speed. Piece- used to find the pulse widths necessary for the
wise linearisation is done by the linear regres- desired angle of rotation for the two dc motors
sion method within the two regions (00-100 and in the main program.
100- 1800) to obtain the PW for the desired Besides, due to aging effect component behav-
azimuth angle. The pulse width is found to be ior might change. Then we may need new co-
as follows: efficient to get the required pulse width. There-
h = A + Bα1 (1) fore, an auto calibration circuit and necessary
programs using C language have also been de-
where, A and B = co-efficients of linear regres-
veloped [2]. The task of these programs is to
sion, y = pulse width (sec) and α1 = angle to be check the system’s performance when the
rotated. power is on for the first time. Once the co-
The values of A and B for both CW and CCW efficient for the different regions for both the
rotation are calculated and saved in the files motors have been identified the control system
‘coeff_cw.dat’ and ‘coeff_ccw.dat’ using auto can be used for positioning the dish at our de-
calibration software for all the piecewise linear sired azimuth and elevation angular positions.
regions i.e. in the regions of Once the system is calibrated, the dish is posi-
00 < α ≤ 100 and 100 < α ≤ 1800. tioned at the desired angle by the software
Another curve (Fig. 3) is plotted for the up- ‘track.c’, which calls two function subpro-
ward motion. This plot is nonlinear too. It may grams ‘hor_pulse’ and ‘ver_pulse’ to calculate
be due to the shifting of the control system’s the pulse widths for horizonatal and vertifcal
gravity center during upward motion. As the motors respectively. Then the software ‘fine.c’
vertical motor has fewer loads than that of the can do the fine adjustments.
horizontal motor (which also moves the verti-
cal motor), initial non-linearity due to inertia is
3. Signal Transmission And Reception
less predominant here. The piecewise linearisa-
In case of signal transmission and reception,
tion is done within the 9 regions (0-100, 100-
encoding is an important part. Here we are to
200, ….800-900) to obtain an equation relating
encode digital data of microcomputer into ana-
the pulse width in sec (v) and the elevation
log data and also data from control circuit into
angle (β) as follows: digital data for the microcomputer. There are
v = C + Dβ ( 2) various data encoding schemes, such as NRZI,
where, co-efficients of linear regression C and NRZL, Bipolar-AMI, Manchester, Differential
D are calculated and saved in a file ‘co- Manchester etc. Each one has its own advan-
eff_up.dat’ using the developed software for all tages and disadvantages. In choosing a suitable
the linear segments i.e. at the regions of data-encoding scheme several factors are con-
00 < β ≤ 100, 100 < β ≤ 200, 200 < β ≤ 300, 300 < sidered, such as, signal spectrum, clocking,
β ≤ 400, 400 < β ≤ 500, 500 < β ≤ 600, 600 < β ≤ error detection, cost and complexity etc. In this
700, 700 < β ≤ 800 and 800 < β ≤ 900. work, we choose differential Manchester en-
coding scheme that has a transition in the mid-
dle of each bit period. It acts as a clocking. The

encoding of a bit is represented as ‘1’ by the

3 absence of a transition at the beginning of a bit
period, otherwise it is ‘0’. It has the advantages
of self-synchronization, absence of dc compo-
nent, error detection etc.
To transmit and receive signals two C pro-
grams have been developed and its flow-charts
are given in the Figs. 4 (a) and (b). During
0 transmission there is a state transition at the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ANGLE ROTATED (DEG.) beginning of each cycle and if the transmitted
data is zero there is a transition at the middle of
Fig. 3 PW versus the measured angle in the vertical direc- the cycle. On the other hand, the receiver
tion measures the time difference between two con-
secutive state transitions. If the transition time
Thus we get a set of linear equations using is smaller than or equal to the half cycle
these co-efficient as in (1) and (2). These are

time*6.0/5.0 then the current bit is represented transition. If the transition time is greater than
as zero and the receive waits for next state half cycle time*6.0/5.0 then the bit it taken 1.

Databit = 1
SendW ord = W ord to be sent

Get next Y 16-bit signal

SendW ord = W ord to be sent transmitted?

Sendbit = MSB of SendW ord

Transmit Databit for half cycle

Y sendbit
= 0?

Invert Databit N

Transmit Databit for half cycle

Invert Databit
Left Shift SendW ord

Fig. 4 (a) Flow Chart for the C program that transmits the signal to the external circuit

Databit1 = 0
ReceiveW ord = 0

Databit1 = Bit on transmitted line

Start = clock()
Databit1 = Databit2

N databit1 !=
databit2 ?
Databit2 = bit on transmitted line

End = clock() Bit 1 is detected

LeftShift ReceiveW ord
Databit2 = Bit on transmitted line
ReceiveW ord = ReceiveW ord + 1

databit1 != N
databit2 ?

Time.Diff = End - Start

Bit 0 is detected Databit1 = Databit2
LeftShift ReceiveW ord

Time.Diff <=

Fig. 4 (b) Flow Chart for the C program that receive the signal from the external circuit

4. Hardware Description computer with the motor, an interface circuit

Two PM dc motors are used to position the with six different stages is developed.
dish at the desired azimuth and elevation an- Buffer circuit is used for impedance matching
gles. Gear trains are used for both the motors between the microcomputer’s I/O card and the
to reduce the effective speed as well as to in- motor control circuit. The signal from the
crease the torque [7]. To interface the micro- buffer circuit is too weak to drive the IR
transmitter. So, a Darlington pair current am-

plifier with high current gain is used. The IR 200

sensor also works as an opto-isolator that pre- MP (Before)

MP (After)
vents microcomputer from any inherent spikes

Measured Position, MP (in Degree)

during the turning on and off the motor due to
the inductance of the motor. The IR signal is
then detected by the IR sensor circuit and is fed 100
to the amplifier, because the signal might have
been attenuated in the air. Two comparators
(one for the horizontal motor while the other 50

for the vertical motor) are used to turn on or

off the switching transistors to decide whether
the motor will rotate in CW or CCW direction 0 50 100 150 200

and upward or downward direction. Switching Desired Position, DP (in Degree)

Fig. 5 Measured position versus desired position in de-

transistors provide sufficient current to drive grees for the horizontal motor
the motor properly. Delays are introduced in
the software to avoid short circuit between the 100
two transistors while switching. MP (Before)
MP (After)
The calibration system comprises of various

Measured Position, MP (in Degree)

light sources and sensors with a calibration
circuit connected to the input parallel port of
the microcomputer. The light source is
mounted on the base of the dish antenna. The
base rotates the same degree as the dish moves. 40

At 10°, 90°, 270° and 350° positions, 4 sensors

are placed on the base of the horizontal motor. 20

At 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, 60°, 70°, 80° and

90° positions, 9 sensors are set on the base of 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
the vertical motor as vertical motor shows Desired Position, DP (in Degree)

much non-linearity in the curve. Fig. 6 Measured position versus desired position in de-
Fro automatic calibration, att first, the light grees for the vertical motor
source is kept at 0° position. As soon as the
program runs, the motor starts to move and From both graphs in Figs. 5-6, we observe that
also the dish and the microcomputer scans its the curves become more linear after the auto-
input port. The software measures the total calibration is done for both the azimuth and
time elapsed. When the sensor comes in front elevation position. This signifies the impor-
of the light source (i.e. at 10°) the microcom- tance of incorporating the automatic calibration
puter’s input port gets a signal through the option. However, since both curves in the two
wireless calibration circuit. Thus from the ob- plots are almost superimposed on each other
tained pulse width and the corresponding angle thus it means that the deviation from the de-
of rotation the regression coefficients are cal- sired position will not be much higher and it
culated and previous data files are updated by will be in the tolerable range. Also we have the
the new regression coefficients for both the provision of the fine-tuning the position of the
horizontal and vertical motors respectively and dish.
later used in the main program ‘track.c’. Finally, we compute the average percentage
position error from 18 different sample posi-
tions for both azimuth and elevation positions.
5. System Performance Evaluation
The percentage position error is computed by
A prototype dish antenna is constructed using
using the following equation:
the aluminium foil to test the developed dish
antenna position control system. The evalua- ε= × 100% ( 3)
tion of the system performance is carried out DP
by plotting the curves of measured position ,where DP is the desired position and MP is the
versus desired position in degrees before and measured position.
after the autocalibration is done.

The average percentage position errors for both [2] P. K. Saha and M. H. Bhuyan, “Microcomputer
azimuth and elevation positions are given in Based Dish Antenna Position Control System
Table 1 before and after the autocalibration. with AutoCalibration”, Proceedings of Interna-
tional Conference on Computing and Informa-
Table 3: Average position error in percent for both tion Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Decem-
the horizontal and vertical motor ber 28-30, 2005, pp. 417-421.
Elevation [3] M. A. Rahman, “Special section on permanent
Azimuth Position magnet motor drive: Guest editorial,” IEEE
CW CCW UP Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 43,
Before no.2, pp. 245, April 1996.
2.75 % 3.21 % 4.50 % [4] J. Axelson, “Parallel Port Complete: Program-
After Cali- ming, Interfacing and using the PC’s Parallel
0.20 % 0.24 % 0.25 % Printer Port”, Lakeview Research, USA, Feb-
ruary 1997, ch. 2, pp. 17- 31.
[5] C. S. Siskind, “Electrical Machines Direct and
Table shows a very good agreement between
Alternating Current,” McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
the desired position and the position obtained 1959, ch. 6, pp. 207-210.
by the developed control system. No error is [6] C. A. Schuler and W. L. McNamee, “Industrial
found in the case of fine positioning (i.e. rotat- Electronics and Robotics”, McGraw-Hill Book
ing the dish less than 10 in the case of both Co., 1986, ch. 3, pp. 42-45.
azimuth and elevation positions). [7] B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems”, forth
edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited,
6. Conclusions 1970, ch. 4, pp. 166-168.
The developed control system is tested for po-
sitioning a prototype dish. However this sys-
tem can also be employed for positioning a
commercially available dish antenna by only
changing the ratings of the circuit components. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan
The system performance can further be tested received the B. Sc. and
by receiving the original satellite signal. M. Sc. Engineering de-
Since infrared transmitter is being used proper gree both in Electrical
filtering must be taken so that the photo- and Electronic Engineer-
detector is not affected by the other ambient ing (EEE) from Bangla-
lights. During wireless communication if any desh University of Engi-
neering Technology
data loss occurs then the dish may not be posi-
(BUET), Dhaka, Bangla-
tioned properly. Appropriate coding scheme
desh in 1998 and 2002 respectively. Currently he is
may be used to avoid data loss. If the distance pursuing his Ph. D. in the EEE Department of
is higher then the power of IR transmitter BUET in the field of pocket implanted MOSFET.
should be increased. This can be done using Since July 2005, he has been an Assistant Pro-
the Darlington pair transistor that has high cur- fessor and leading the Department of Electronics
rent gain. and Telecommunication Engineering of Daffodil
There is no problem in this system due to aging International University as Head till present. He
effect of the system hardware. Feedback can be worked as a Faculty Member in the Department of
incorporated with this system as further devel- EEE of American International University Bangla-
opment. This system can also be implemented desh from June 1999 to July 2003. He was with the
by using 8085/8086 microprocessor or TI’s Ultra-Scaled Devices Laboratory under the Centre
of Excellence (COE) program of Hiroshima Uni-
DSP, TMS320xx.
versity, Japan as a Researcher from July 2003 to
March 2004. He also worked as an Adjunct Lec-
References turer/Assistant Professor in the Department of
[1] P. K. Saha, S. S. Ahsan, M. H. Bhuyan, K. EEE/CSE of Ahsanullah University of Science and
Islam and AHM Z. Alam, “Microcomputer Technology, Bangladesh and East West University,
Based Dish Antenna Position Control System”, Bangladesh respectively.
Proceedings of International Conference on His research interest includes pocket implanted
Computing and Information Technology, MOSFET and SOI-MOSFET, power electronics
Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 18-20, 1998, and control system, FPGA based system design etc.
pp. 273-277.

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