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A birthday party

Fiona is my neighbor. She turned twelve recently and her parents held a birthday party for her. I
was one of those invited.

The party began at about three in the afternoon. There were about twenty of us children
gathered in Fiona's house. We were all dressed in our best clothes. Everyone, especially Fiona,
wore a happy smile.

We gave our presents to Fiona and she happily opened them. It must really be exciting to
receive all those presents.

After that Fiona's mother served us soft drinks and delicious tidbits. We then played some
games like "Musical Chairs" and "Treasure Hunt". The winners were given prizes.

At about four-thirty Fiona's mother brought out the birthday cake. It was beautifully decorated
with pink and white icing. Twelve colorful candles sat in the middle of the cake. We all sang
"Happy Birthday" to Fiona after which she blew out the candles and cut the cake. We clapped
out hands eagerly.

We helped ourselves to slices of the delicious cake. Then we continued our games.

Finally at about six in the evening the party came to an end. We were all tired but happy. The
parents of the other children came to collect them. I helped Fiona and her mother clean up the
mess we made. After that I walked home which was only two doors away.

dressed wearing clothing of a particular type

titbit / tidbit small item of pleasant-tasting food

clean up to make a person or place clean and tidy

Petrecere de onomastica.

Fiona este vecina mea. Ea a implinit doisprazece ani recent si parintii ei au tinut o petrecere
pentru ziua ei. Eu am fost unul dintre cei invitati.

Petrecerea a inceput in jurul orei 3 dupa-amiaza. Se aflau cam 20 de copii adunati in casa
Fionei. Noi toti am fost imbracati in cele mai bune haine. Fiecare, in special Fiona a purtat un
zambet larg.
Noi I-am dat cadourile noastre fionei si ea fericita le-a deschis. Trebuie sa fie emotionant sa
primesti toate acele cadouri.

Dupa aceea mama Fionei ne-a servit cu bauturi racoritoare si cateva gustari delicioase. Dupa
aceea noi am jucat cateva jocuri cum ar fi ‘scaunele musicale’ si ‘vanatoarea de comori’.
Castigatorilor le-au fost oferite cadouri.

La aproape 4:30 mama fionei a adus tortul. A fost decorat frumos cu glazura roz si alba. 12
lumanari colorate au stat in mijlocul tortului. Noi toti i-am cantat ‘la multi ani’ fionei dupa care
ea a suflat in lumanari si a taiat tortul. Noi toti am aplaudat cu nerabdare.

Noi ne-am servit singuri ca cate o felie de tort. Apoi ne-am continuat jocurile.

In final pe la 6 seara petrecerea s-a terminat. Noi toti am fost obositi dar fericiti. Parintii
celorlalti copii au venit sa ii ia. Eu am ajutat-o pe Fiona si pe mama ei sa curate mizeria pe care
am facut-o. dupa asta am plecat acasa la doar 2 usi distanta.

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