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Dudziak, Christy

CUIN 3313
Exercise 4 – draft video script

Entering Sales Quotes in Mobilink

Now that you have completed the introduction to Mobilink and Entering New Client sections of
the Mobilink Training, this video will tech you how to enter quotes into the system.
First, search the data base for the correct client. This was learned in lesson 1, but as a reminder,
you enter the first, last or both names in the search bar at the top of the screen.
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We are going to learn Sales Quotes in this training. Click on the tab that says “Sales Quotes”
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Then click add, a screen will open up, here you will enter the Quote Type, tax rate, mark as
taxable and mark “sales tax may be waived disclaimer” – if applicable.
The quote types are as follows, you must know the type of quote that you are entering, they are
as follows:
 Stairlift
 Elevator
 Auto lift
 Mobility Device
 Repair*
 Other
*Repair is the only one that you DO NOT check the “Sales tax may be waived” disclaimer.
Once you have entered the correct information, click “Submit”
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Now you have created a quote and can enter the products, parts, services, and /or fees that apply
to this quote. We are going to demo a Repair / Service Call quote in this lesson as it is the one
that you will use most often.
Once on the quote page, click on the tab that says “Service”, scroll down until you see “Service
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Here you will add the service call fee and additional labor hours – see the technician’s Service
Call Report for amounts charged to client. Under the QTY column for Service Call Fee you will
enter “1”, under price you will enter the fee for the client’s zip code – for this example we used
$195, under the cost column you will enter 50% of the price, for this you can round if it is easier

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Dudziak, Christy
CUIN 3313
Exercise 4 – draft video script

for you, such as “$100”. In the comments block you will enter “includes first half hour of
labor”. On the next line for Service Call – Additional Hours” you will enter under QTY, the
number of half hours – beyond the first half hour – that they were on site. For example – they
were on site for a total of 1 hour, you would enter 1 half hour – QTY = “1”, Price =”$40”, cost =
“$20” – the comments will read, “additional labor billed at $40 per half hour”.
For both line entries, make sure the taxable column is marked YES.
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Once you have entered the information, click “Submit”.
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If you did not calculate the additional labor correctly OR if there was no additional labor, it is
easy to correct. Just go back to the line entry and change the QTY. IF there was no additional
labor – be sure to add one, then go back and change the QTY to “0” – that way the wording is
included on the invoice, in-case of future appointments.
As most service quotes are entered AFTER the technician has returned from the appointment
Step 1 – make sure that the balance on Mobilink matches what the Service Call Report says – if
they do not match, 1) make sure you entered everything correctly, 2) make sure that the
technician added correctly. (Sometimes they do make mistakes)
 If the balance does not match, and the error is not yours, ask for your manager to review
 If the balance matches or has been corrected, move to step two:
Step 2 – click the button at the top of the screen that says “Covert to Sales Order” – this is the
only time that you will do this at the same time as entering a quote, unless otherwise directed by
your manager.
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As Service Call quotes are entered after the service is completed and payment taken, you will
now enter the payment into Mobilink.

Once the quote is converted into a Sales Order, the system will automatically create an Invoice
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Click on the Invoice number to open it
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Go to the upper right side of the screen and click on “Enter Payment / Refund”
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Dudziak, Christy
CUIN 3313
Exercise 4 – draft video script

A payment screen will open

 Enter the correct information:
o Payment Type
o Payment Amount
o If paid by check, enter the check number into the comments section
o Click “Submit”

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Once you click submit, you will see a payment screen and in the top left corner you will see a
button that says “Add to Quickbooks Queue” YOU MUST CLICK THE BUTTON TO
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With this lesson you have learned:
1. How to enter quotes
2. How to turn a quote into a Sales Order
3. How to enter Payments
You will have a follow up meeting with the training manager to review this information and
answer any questions that you may have. PLEASE ask questions and request to review any
sections that you did not understand. This training corresponds with section 2.7 of you training
Thank you for your participation in this training video.

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