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English Version


Table of Contents

I. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2
II. The Old World Chronology Table............................................................. 5
 Nearly 55,000 years before HI3 Main Story: .......................................................................5
 The time Honkai Impact 3rd occured: ......................................................................................5
 HI3: 3 years later:..................................................................................................................................6
 Half a year after the death of the 7th Herrscher:.................................................................6
 Half a year after 10th Herrscher was destroyed: ................................................................7
 Unknown Time: .....................................................................................................................................7
 5 years after the 7th Herrscher was defeated:.......................................................................8

III. The New World Chronology Table ...................................................... 10

 In 2717 BC: ............................................................................................................................................10
 The 6th century BC: ............................................................................................................................11
 The 15th century AC: .........................................................................................................................11
 The 19th Century AC:........................................................................................................................15
 The 20th Century (Part 1): ..............................................................................................................15
 The 20th Century (Part 2): ..............................................................................................................21
 In 2000: .....................................................................................................................................................24
 Unknown Time: ...................................................................................................................................31
 In 2004: .....................................................................................................................................................32
 In 2005: .....................................................................................................................................................32
 Unknown Time: ...................................................................................................................................32
 In 2007: .....................................................................................................................................................32
 In 2008: .....................................................................................................................................................33

 In 2009: .....................................................................................................................................................33
 In 2010: .....................................................................................................................................................34
 In 2011: .....................................................................................................................................................34
 In 2012: .....................................................................................................................................................35
 In 2013: .....................................................................................................................................................36
 Unknown Time: ...................................................................................................................................37
 In 2014: .....................................................................................................................................................38
 In 2015: .....................................................................................................................................................42
 6 Months before HI3 Main Story: .............................................................................................42
 About 2 years 5 months after the 3rd Honkai Impact: ....................................................43
 Between Chap 9 and Chap 10 in Main Story: ....................................................................46
 4 Months After the Event in Chapter 9: .................................................................................47

IV. Credits.............................................................................................................................................. 49

I. Introduction
The Eternal War – Summary: English Version is
pretty much a Honkai Impact 3rd Timeline that is currently
4 times shorter than the full version and only focuses on
all major details and events in the whole game’s timeline
with remarkable accuracy (Over 85%, I believe…).
Because of this, I highly expect this document to help you
acknowledge at least the core of the whole timeline in a
way that normal people will call you a true HI3 Lore
Currently, by the time I am writing this intro, my
friend is still trying to complete the English version of
The Eternal War, aka the full version I mention earlier.
Since he is a busy man, you and I can expect him to
complete his work in about 2 months.
Another thing you should know when you read TEWS
is that this document is currently in the Beta test, meaning
that the paragraphs, the sentences in the document are still
kind clunky in terms of grammar and vocabulary range. In
fact, we have tried our best to polish all sentences so that
they can at least explain the lore easily. Plus, he and I are
still students so our English skill could not possibly give
this document the quality of a proper book. Perhaps,
however, in the official release of this document and

TEW (which will be released at the same time), this
problem can be somewhat lessened. In addition, at that
time, new information will be added (VN Durandal;
“Vodka Twins” Manhua Arc; Chapter 11 and onward…)
as well as several info already in the document will be
corrected should the future defy our comprehension
(Names of people, locations, etc…); the intro itself will be
replaced to better suit the circumstance of the release.
Lastly, pictures will be added too!
With that said, I hope you are satisfied with our
product, do learn something new from it and actually find
this to be a useful document for the HI3 Community.
Have a nice day. And remember, a good Herrscher is a
dead Herrscher!
- Ibitestuna -

II. The Old World Chronology Table

 Nearly 55,000 years before HI3 Main Story:

- Fire Moth was founded by Old World to confront
Honkai, having dealt with 2 previous Honkai Impacts.
- The Mu continent created Eye of The Abyssal Sea,
an artificial space gate connecting the Quantum Sea.
- Kevin attended Hane Academy, where he met and
began a sweet relationship with Mei.
- Mei announced her work about Quantum research,
attracting the attention of Fire Moth.
 The time Honkai Impact 3rd occured:
- Mei was recruited by Fire Moth, later became one of
the most powerful person in the organization, known
as Dr. MEI.
- Kevin joined the Fire Moth, later became an elite
- Hua was saved by Himeko, the captain of a Fire
Moth squad. She later joined Fire Moth to become a
soldier, operating under Himeko’s command.

 HI3: 3 years later:
- From the first 6 dead Herschers, 6 God Keys were
created. Revealed God Keys include:
+ DK1: Void Wanzang (Perhap an unfinished one)
+ DK6: Abyss Flower (Black Heart and White
- Himeko turned into 7th Herrscher, killed her
comrades and burned Australia into ashes. Only Fu
Hua survived. In response, Dr. MEI started the
Fusion Soldier plan, specializing in transplanting the
Honkai Monster gene into soldiers. Kevin became the
first Fusion Soldier, implanted with the Parvati gene,
thus had the ability to to resist Honkai energy and
shoot ice but had his body temperature lowered to an
extremely low level. With these, Kevin killed
- From Himeko Core, DK7: Judgment of Shamash was
created and given to Kevin due to its deadly side
 Half a year after the death of the 7th Herrscher:
- Two more Herrschers were defeated (The 9th
Herrscher completely destroyed Mu), and 2 DK were
+ DK8: Fenghuang Down

+ DK9: Eden Star
- The 10th Herrschers appeared with 1000 of them
scattered around the world with a plan to destroy all
research facilities. Dr. MEI and Kevin killed them all
after fighting them together. This was also the first
time Blank Key was used.
- 1000 of 10th God Keys were created. Many of them
have the same form, collectively known as Xuanyuan
Sword many years later.
 Half a year after 10th Herrscher was destroyed:
- 85% of Old World were destroyed.
- Fu Hua and the female soldiers took part in a deadly
experiment of Dr. MEI related to the Meta-Morph
project (Similar to Fusion Soldier) covered up as an
easy mission. Fu Hua became the only survivor,
successfully merging with a Honkai Dragon’s genes
and transforming Xuanyuan Sword into Fists of
 Unknown Time:
- The Sacred Relic series were created.
- Dr. Mei found and seals one of the five existential
Elements of the Five Elements of Truth, the Honkai
God on the ground on the moon. (This info needs a

few more researches in order to have the finest
- 11th Herrscher was defeated. DK11: Oath of Judas
(Oath of Judas, or Judah) was created.
- 12th Herrscher was found with no abnormal signs.
Still, she was contained by Dr. Mei for further
investigation and researches.
- 12th Herrscher was killed without order and revealed
her true strength, destroying most of Old World's
remaining before being contained again by Dr. MEI
(also the sole survivor of her own bunker) inside the
Black Box. However, the 12th Herrscher kept
refusing to craft DK12.
- The 13th Herrscher was defeated. [DATA
- Moonlight Throne was launched into the space.
 5 years after the 7th Herrscher was defeated:
- The 8 most powerful soldiers, including Kevin and
Hua, fought the 14th Herrscher on the moon. Even
with the aid of Moonlight Throne which was later
destroyed due to overusing, the squad failed to kill
her and suffered a few deaths. Kevin and Hua
returned safely to the earth.

- Stigmata project was finally completed. Soon after
that, Dr. MEI passed away.
- Last Divine Key was hidden and protected.
- The Seeds of Revenge project started, the chosen
people began to hibernate.
- Fuxi and Nuwa also hibernated with their future
responsibility of finding the rightful owner of DK10
and leading humanity.
- Kevin returned to Mei Bunker with survived, except
for the Baby, who was Dr. MEI made with Kevin's
improved gene so that he didn’t lose body heat.
Kevin then hibernated with the Baby.
- 14th Herrscher destroyed the rest of Old World and

End of the Old World period..

III. The New World Chronology Table
 About 50,000 years after the collapse of The Old
- The hibernation process ended. Survivors from Old
World began their mission to protect The New World
from Honkai:
+ Kevin Kaslana and the Baby began to build the
Kaslana family.
+ Fuxi and Nuwa awakened in Shenzhou, started
their mission.
+ The people selected in The Seeds of Revenge
began to marry, hoping their children would awaken
the Stigmata hidden in the family bloodline.
+ Fu Hua must have awakened and became the
guardian of Shenzhou.
 In 2717 BC:
- Fuxi, Nuwa awarded DK10 to the worthy: Ji
Xuanayuan (who also awakened her Stigmata).
Xuanyuan then alone to chased Honkai Monster
Chiyou and its gang back to Nine U.
- Shennong and Xuanyuan got married.

- Xuanyuan, Fuxi and Nuwa battle Chiyou for the last
time but were only strong enough to seal and
imprison Chiyou forever. Fuxi and Nuwa died while
Xunayuan got stuck in Chiyou's stomach and were
slowly tortured by loneliness until she completely
went insane.
 The 6th century BC:
- The Golden Box containing the 1st God Key and the
1st Herrscher fell into the hands of an Asian
philosopher, who opened but soon closed it. The box
later fell into the hands of the Apocalypse.
 The 15th century AC:
- In 1453: Kaslana Kallen was born.
- In 1465: Kallen befriended Otto Apocalypse (At that
time, he was considered a stepchild due to poor
- In 1466: Kallen’s father sacrificed. Wishing Kallen to
rejoice, Otto consulted the Golden Box and opened it.
He then let 1st Herrscher inside the Symbiotic Box
coexist inside him and thus had the power of that
Herrscher. At the suggestion of the 1st Herrscher,
Otto attempted to suicide in exchange for Kallen's

father's life but was refused by Kallen. Since then,
Otto turned to help Kallen become a strong Valkyrie.
- In 1470: Schicksal was founded by Otto’s Father to
confront Honkai. The Apocalypse led the
organization and the Kaslana joined Schicksal with
Kallen as the strongest Valk. That In, the Black
Death of Honkai also began to plague Europe.
- In 1472: Yae Rin, Yae Sakura's younger sister, was
sacrificed for rain by her village.
- In 1475: Schicksal's influence had covered much of
Europe. The organization then began to invade to the
East to increase power. The organization went so far
as to encounter the Ming’s army from Shenzhou.
However, the still-very-OP Fu Hua appeared and
crushed both sides. Kallen also lost to Hua, who
greatly influenced her belief later.
- In 1476:
+ Since the defeat in 1475, Schicksal had continued
their greedy policy toward the people under the name
of religion, causing a serious discontent in society.
+ Otto found a cure against the Black Death, saved
Eleanor's life. Eleanor, after becoming a Valk, was
given the name Schariac by Otto.

+ Kallen rescued a speaker who was publicly
criticizing Schicksal. She inspired her to become a
hero of the people - a righteous thief.
+ That night, Kallen successfully completed the first
mission with the help of Otto.
+ The following night, Kallen was carrying out the
second mission when she accidentally discovered the
experiment on the humans run by Otto and Schicksal
using the Black Box. She was captured by Eleanor
group but was spared by Otto. However, the next
morning, Kallen returned to steal the Black Box.
Eleanor hindered her by using the 12th Herrscher
Core in the Box, turned herself into Honkai zombie
but was defeated by both Otto and Kallen. The will of
Honkai from Eleanor unexpectedly caught Kallen to
try to control her but was vanquished by the
Kaslana's will. And all of these, Kallen took the
Black Box and Core to flee to the East.
- 6 months after Kallen fled:
+ During the escape, Kallen was wounded but
fortunately saved by Yae Sakura, the Miko of Yae
+ While Kallen was recovering, Sakura was misled
by the 12th Herrscher in the Black Box and became

the henchman of Honkai. With the help of Hellmaru,
she destroyed the entire village. Kallen then sent a
letter to Otto to seek help due to how bad the
situation was.
+ Otto slowly lost faith in ordinary science. The 1st
Herrscher, taking the opportunity, introduced Otto to
the 1st God Key and demanded Otto to exchange the
control of himself for the access of the Key. Later,
Otto had both.
+ Kallen's letter arrived to Otto. In response to her
wishes, Otto sent the Oath of Judah. With DK11 on
her hand Kallen finally defeated Yae, vanquished her
Honkai will and subdued the Hellmaru. However,
Hellmaru soon snatched Yae and escaped quickly.
- In 1477:
+ Kallen returned to Europe with just DK11.
Schicksal then put a death sentence on her for
stealing important things and ... falling in love with a
Herrscher (?!).
+ During the execution of Kallen, Otto released the
imprisoned Honkai Beasts, causing turmoil
throughout the city to save Kallen. Kallen obviously
rejected him and stayed with the people to fight the
Beasts, eventually sacrificied in the process.

- In 1494: A family joined to the Schicksal. Otto
changed the family name to Schariac.
 The 19th Century AC:
- Schicksal controlled much of Asia, Africa... They
obtained Shenzhou after compromising with Fu Hua,
who had lost too much power (Unknown reason) and
had to help protect her homeland. Hua also became
his close ally.
- Otto turns Reanna Beigantia into an advanced
Soulium android. It is unknown when she became a S
Rank Valk.
 The 20th Century (Part 1):
- Otto still tried to “silence” those who knew that
Honkai could not be defeated.
- H.A. or Harmony Ayette Mortier, a senior Valk,
escaped from Schicksal after learning the truth and
hid the stolen DK9 as well as leaving a hint to find it.
- In 1921: Emma Planck was born. She later became
the youngest professor of Princeton University.
- Unknown Time: Nancy Thomas Alva Edison was
born. Her parents were killed by Honkai. That event
led Edison to devote her life to finding a better way
against Honkai.

- In 1935: Frederika Nikola Tesla was born. Schicksal
soon invited her to work for them.
- Unknown Time: Erwin Lena Schrodinger was born.
Due an illness she lost her emotions during her
studying time at a university.
- In 1936: Lieserl Albert Einstein was born.
- In 1946: Lieserl dropped out of school for being too
smart. She then tried to find herself a suitable
advance physics teacher. Karl Gustav was her chosen
one. Some time later, Karl introduced Emma Planck
(A relative to him) to Einstein. The two quickly
became her private tutors. However, Gustav didn’t
play this role for long. He had to return to Berlin to
continue his work as a psychologist.
- Probably in 1946: Joachim Nokianirtaven was born.
His father was Elias Nokianirtaven and his mother
was Heinriette Yang.
- In 1947: Edison’s Supergen Company helped setting
up Schicksal's North American branch. She became
the head of the branch and chose Planck as her right-
- In 1952: Einstein became a doctor, widely recognized
as a genius.

- In 1953: A man became the first male Herrscher in
Berlin, initiating the first Honkai Impact of New
World. He then controlled the inner will of Honkai
and returned to normal, but suffered severe memory
loss. As a consequence of his awakening, Berlin was
heavily damaged and more than 300,000 people died
that day, including Karl Gustav. After the incident,
Schicksal sent its people to take him to perform many
experiments in many labs. They called him Omega 1.
- In 1955:
+ Babylon Tower had gone into operation for a time
in secret, soon arose rumors about the use of humans
as lab rats.
+ Emma Planck currently had 3 students: Tesla,
Einstein and Schrodinger
+ Schicksal failed to find out even one interesting
feature about Omega 1
+ October 2nd: Otto, under the name Clown Alpha,
who had been keeping in touch with Omega 1 for 2
years (Omega's 2 years of a D-class life), introduced
him to another laboratory serving as his new home:
The Royal Institute 42 in London (Run by Tesla and

+ October 20th: Omega 1 to Site 42, where he was
named Welt by Einstein (Joyce was added by Tesla
+ October 22nd: Following Schrodinger’s request,
Welt, Nokian, Tesla's and Einstein's arrived in The
Old World Bunker in Yellowstone to study the site
with Edison (who got “deeply” attracted by Tesla),
Emma and Schrodinger. The group arrived at the
Bunker on October 23rd and quickly found the puzzle
left by H.A. inside it. A new plan was quickly
excecuted with Einstein, Tesla and Welt took the role
of decoding, Elias stayed in the North American
branch to help Edison and Schrodinger study and
Planck went to Schicksal HQ (Vienna, Austria) to
report the situation.
+ October 30th: Welt's team began to decipher the
H.A. puzzle.
+ Unknown Time: Edison, Schrodinger and Elias
began the process of restoring Moonlight Throne
technology; Otto met Welt, attempting to invite Welt
to serve him but failed.
- November 24th, 1955::

+ Emma Planck, Margarita was returning to New
York from Europe (Vienna), not knowing Joachim
wss also inside their plane.
+ Welt, Einstein and Tesla, after decoding all of
H.A's secrets, found DK9 in Lexington, USA.
+ Otto destroyed Edison's experiment, causing the
Honkai Power reactor to explode which in turn fired
into the air a giant Honkai sphere the leaked Honkai
Energy also slowly turned Schordinger into a Honkai
+ Reanna Brigantia accompanied Welt's group in an
investigation of a small Honkai outbreak, which was
the result of the explosion in Edison's lab. They soon
found Schrodinger (Dominated by the Honkai Will)
and quickly stopped the Honkaization process in her,
bringing her consciousness back to normal.
+ Edison tried to stop the Honkai sphere from falling
to New York by pushing it to the sea and sacrificed.
+ Before dying, Edison sent a message to Welt’s
group,confessing her love to Tesla and calling them
to New York. When they arrived, they met Elias,
who revealed the truth behind the explosion in the
laboratory. At the same time, Otto took control of
Reanna, killed Elias immediately with DK6 and did

serious harm to Welt's group. Enraged, Schrodinger
attacked Otto but got nearly obliterated by him.
+ The balance of the conflict shifted when Margarita
arrived to distract Otto, thus enabled Schrodinger (In
the "Cat in the Box" state- Neither alive nor dead) to
use DK6, previously snacthed from Otto, to save
Welt’s team and attack Otto. With this, Welt and the
others defeated Otto and returned the body to Reanna.
However, Otto hadn’t given up the intention to kill
Welt’s group. And a Honkai Power bomb was
deployed to New York to eliminate them. However,
the bomb was detonated early and its blast was
negated by Reanna, who died in that effort, and Welt,
who was on the verge of dying.
+ When the battle is over, Joachim came and tried to
save Welt's life. Knowing his end was inevitable,
Welt gave Joachim his Herrscher Core and his
identity to Joachim, asking him to inherit them.
+ After the event, the North American branch
completely separated from Schicksal, changed its
name to Anti-Entropy. Joachim changed his name to
Welt Yang, mastered the Herrscher Core in his body,
became a Herrscher fighting for humanity. Einstein

and Tesla also became ageless due to DK6's
 The 20th Century (Part 2):
- Unknown Time: Amber, an android, was created by
Otto in hopes of making a new Kallen. Yet, Amber
lacked what made Kallen Kallen. She later became
Otto's personal assistant.
- In 1959: Otto invested in the space industry to go to
the moon to study its dark side. AE discovered his
unusual focus and the same thing.
- In 1969: AE flied to the moon first. A month later,
Schicksal achieved the same goal. And after
discovering that the dark side of the moon was
covered by Honkai, two organizations began to hide
the truth from the public.
- In 1972:
+ Siegfried Kaslana was born.
+ March 28th: Using the genes of Vishnu and Kallen,
A-310 was created by Otto in hopes of becoming a
true Kallen. A-310, however, had a seemingly unique
personality that impressed and surprised Otto. He
then adopted her, and gave the Theresa Apocalypse.

+ December 24th: Theresa, B-Rank Valk, took part in
her first mission. Her bravery helped defeat Parvati
and saved the lives of all Valks in the team.
- Probably before 1976: Cheng Lixue was adopted by
Fu Hua after her family died to Honkai.
- In 1976: Cecilia Schariac was born. When Cecilia
grew up, she and Theresa became close friends.
- In 1983: ME Group joined AE.
- In 1985: Ragna was born.
- In 1987:
+ Siegfried left home for the third time to travel
around the world. This time, no one tried to catch
+ June 11: Murata Himeko was born.
- Before 1991: Cheng Lixue became a Valk after Fu
Hua suddenly left her.
- In 1991:
+ Cecilia beame the Herrscher Killer after being
experimented on by Otto, despite Theresa's disagree.
+ Siegfried settled in the Danish-German border
+ Patricia Haysworth, Cheng Lixue and Cecilia took
part in transporting a secret weapon during the night
when they were attacked by Welt and Einstein. Welt
quickly discovered that the weapon was a fake one

and began to hunt for the real good: Cecilia, who was
previously beated to the point of flying to Siegfried.
Sieg then brought Cecila home to take care and
quickly developed a two-sided feeling with her. And
when Welt and Einstein captured Cecilia, seing Sieg's
love for Cecil, the two decided to release her and
disappeared. Shortly after, Otto found Cecil and
ordered her to return to Schicksal HQ, leaving Sieg
- Unknown Time: Schicksal's new HQ, a giant flying
fortress, was built successfully.
- In 1993:
+ For the love he had for Cecilia, Siegfried returned
to Schicksal, spent 2 years completing many
challenges from Otto and finally reunited with
- In 1996:
+ Otto founded the Snow Wolf Squad to deal with
the most dangerous Honkai mission. Team members
included Shabu Nicholas, Salome Chokanan, Patricia
Haysworth, Cheng Lixue, Shigure Kira (Qilo) and
Cecilia Schariac.
+ March 1st: Rita Roseweisse was born, rumored said
she was reborn.

- April 13rd, 1997: Raiden Mei was born, the daughter
of Raiden Ryouma, the CEO of ME.
- December 7th, 1998: Siegfried and Cecilia gave birth
to Kiana Kaslana. Due to this, Snow Wolf Squad was
temporarily disbanded until Cheng Lixue replaced
Cecilia and became the captain of the team.
- In 1999: Mei’s mother died of cancer.
 In 2000:
- Unknown Time: Bianka Atasina was born.
- January 10th: Alexei Zaychik was arrested by Cocolia
(used to be an orphan; now ran an orphanage) on
charges of trafficking illegal weapons. Alexei was
later acquitted while Cocolia was detained instead.
- January 12th: Sirin, the experiment at Babylon Tower
(Orphaned parents), had a very high resistance and
absorbtion of Honkai Power.
- February 2nd:
+ Very early in the morning, Sirin became the
Potential Herrscher capable of controlling Imaginary
Space, caused 322 people to vanish without any trace.
The 2nd Honkai Impact began.
+ By noon, Theresa took over the task and went to
investigate Babylon Tower with Patricia, who also

received the same mission from Welt. While Theresa
released the test subjects, Patrick went to investigate
and found Sirin. However, Sirin promptly absorbed
enough Honkai Power to defeat her that night.
- February 3rd:
+ With the situation began to turn badly, Otto sent
Siegfried, Nicholas and Salome to the Tower. The
trio found Welt, Tesla and Einstein who also came to
handle the situation. Otto, in the form of a Clown,
arrived at the scene soon after that to make sure
everything was on track.
+ Patrick was confirmed to be alive but lost her arm.
+ When Sieg's group and Welt's group confronted
each other, two sides teamed up to search for Sirin,
who had become the Herrscher that morning.
+ Theresa was wounded by Sirin soon after battling
her, forcing Sieg to take her to safety (after being
brought back to Schicksal's HQ for Otto to take care
of) and let Welt take care of Sirin alone.
+ With Tesla and Einstein's support, Welt almost
defeated Sirin until the Clown appeared and let her
escape with Benares, the new dragon Honkai.
Clown's plan to kill Welt then went bankrupt when
Sieg came to stop him, forcing him to run away.

+ Meanwhile, Sirin was taken to the moon by
Benares to discover what Dr. Mei sealed, thereby
acquired 4 Herrscher Cores, which was equal to the
power of 4 Herrschers, as well as formed a very
strong mental connection with Honkai God. Sirin
then bombarded Earth with meteorites, causing
massive casualties in many cities. Also, Benares was
healed by Sirin and gifted a fake Lightning Core from
her. With this, Benares could turn into a human with
a new personality called Bella, by Sirin.
- February 9th:
+ Sirin sent her challenge to Welt on moon.
+ After Einstein discovered the meteorite thrown by
Sirin contained Soulium from the Old World era,
Schicksal and AE agreed to cooperate to get to the
moon for more Soulium under the cover of a solo
battle between Welt and Sirin.
- February 12th:
+ Siegfried and Welt flied to the moon. There, Sieg
secretly collected Soulium while Welt tried to buy
time by battling Sirin to protect him. In the end,
Siegfried returned to the US with his harvest safely
but was forced to abandon Welt, who attempted to be
a suicide bomber but failed and disappeared, leaving

his Core for Sirin to obtain. With this, Sirin returned
to Earth to begin her plan to completely destroy New
World. It was, however, unknown to her that the
Core had already stored Welt’s consciousness (Or
soul?) right before his body vanished.
+ Sirin returned to Babylon Tower. Her Honkai
Beasts army surrounded the Tower but was attacked
by Patricia (Patrick). Seizing the golden chance,
Salome, Nicholas and the convoys containing the
survivors of The Tower began to escape. Patrick,
sadly, was quickly slained. Benares's obstruction also
caused Salome to die but her sacrifice saved the
+ Sirin used her power to revive her three dead
friends, Agatha, Aphora, Bella (All died as lab rats),
and turned them into 3 Pseudo-Herrschers.
- February 14th:
+ Cheng Lixue came to rescue the convoy and
+ 3 Sirin's Pseudo-herrscher started destroying 3
cities (Oulu, Novosibirsk and Astana). In response,
Otto launched the 2nd Herrscher killing campaign,
starting with the 3 Pseudo-Herrschers.
- February 16th:

+ Amber and 2 other Valks arrived in Novosibirsk
but were ambushed by Pseudo "Death" Bella. Amber
was later saved by Otto, who killed that Pseudo and
learned that she and the other 2 Pseudo weren’t real
+ Cecilia successfully destroyed Pseudo Wind
+ Cheng Lixue soloed Pseudo Fire Agatha but lost.
Fu Hua arrvived on time to save her and defeate
Agatha but Sirin snatched her from Hua.
+ After all these 3 events, Sirin began destroy the
New World, starting with Siberia. As a result, the
prison Cocolia was held was destroyed, which led to
Alexei’s death and freed Cocolia, who quickly had to
run away from Honkai Beasts with Alexei’s wife,
+ Later that night, Siegfried returned from AE to
Schicksal HQ after discussing with Einstein about the
collected Souliums, realizing the truth about himself
and receiving Ein’s gift. He quickly had to prepare
for the battle the following day.
- February 17th:
+ Otto, Sieg, Cecil, Cheng, Hua, Shabu, Qilo and
more than 300 Valks arrived in Siberia. Before Otto

had the entire Siberian bombarded at 8 am, Cecil
tried to save as many survivors scattering across the
land as possible. She couldn't save many. Alexandra
and Cocolia were among the rescued.
+ After bombarding and killing about 90% of Honkai
Beasts, the Valk groups began their plan. Shabu and
Siegfried unfortunately encountered Benares while
the other Valk fought as planned. Cheng, Hua and
Otto quickly found Sirin, who was mindhacked by
Hua's DK8. Otto then took advantage of the
opportunity to learn how to revive the real Kallen
with the power of the Death Herrscher. However,
learing that that power couldn’t do so, Otto switched
to take advantage of Sirin to ask Honkai God in
hopes of finding an answer about the Soul, which
science couldn’t comprehend. However, Honkai God
only gave him a puzzle, kicked him out of Sirin’s
mind and started to help Sirin break free of DK8’s
illusion, forcing Hua to use the Key beyond her
strength, which in turn damaged her memory. Hua’s
effort, sadly, only broke Sirin’s connection with God
and failed to trap Sirin in the illusion. At least it was
enough to let Welt’s consciousness roam freely inside
Sirin’s mind. Otto’s plan to exploit Sirin, in the end,

was a failure with Otto (Suddenly failed to use his
Herrscher power) retreating with a badly wounded Fu
Hua and Cheng, forever forgotten by Hua, died to
+ Freed from Hua’s illusion, Sirin used Fu Hua’s
DK8’s feathers to capture and trap Sieg, who just
triggered the ultimate power of DK7 at the cost of his
hand having to be Honkaified by using Ein’s gift, to
badly wound Bella, and Cecil in her illusion in an
attempt to read their minds, leaving Shabu and Qilo
behind to deal with Bella. Surprised by their positive
thoughts, Sirin entered her own illusion and was
treated warmly as a daughter by Cecil, who seemed
to do so for a reason. On the same time, however,
Welt was also trying to free Siegfried from Sirin’s
illusion. Meanwhile, Einstein and Tesla helped the
Valks dealing with the remaining Honkai Beasts
while Teri arrived at the scene and cooperated with
Shabu and Qilo, who had been badly Honkaified after
using DK6 dropped from Cecilia, to battle Bella. In
the end, Bella lost her fake Lightning Core after
being strucked by Shabu (Who also died after the
strike), causing her to lose her Bella personailty and
turn back into a savage Honkai Dragon.

- August 18th: Bronya Zaychik was born, later turned
into a professional assassin by the Russian army,
nicknamed the Silver Wolf of Ural. It is also
unknown when her mother passed away.
 Unknown Time:
- Theresa, S-Rank Valk, investigated a strange land
floating on the Atlantic Ocean, found a part of Last
God Key and transferred it to Shicksal HQ. The Old
World AI named Self - Regulatory Unit A1 was,
howevered, kept by Teri. This AI now has a new
name: Ai-Chan.
- Seele Vollorei is believed to be abandoned by her
parents because she had awakened a Stigmata on her,
causing strange phenomenas.
- AE continued the Moonlight Throne project,
recruited talented people from all over the world but
accidentally enabled World Snake to send people to
infiltrate the organization to steal its technology.
- After the 2nd Honkai Impact, Schicksal began The
Sirin Project.
- Bianka became one of few survivor after a Honkai
disaster. She completely lost her memory of herself,
her hometown (Except for her name) and was taken

to an orphanage, where she had a new birth date:
January 1st. Bianka was then transferred to several
- Schicksal's Oceanic branch was established.
 In 2004:
- Mei was kidnapped by a terrosist organization and
underwent a three – year mental trauma treatment in
an ME private institution.
 In 2005:
- Raiden Ryouma sealed Mei’s awakened Stigmata.
 Unknown Time:
- Cocolia rose to the 2nd highest rank in AE.
- Lightning Core was attached to Mei as a part of
Project MEI. This project, later, became a great
success, giving birth to many advanced weapons.
 In 2007:
- Welt Yang developed his feelings toward Murata
Himeko, who was studying at Caltech.
- Himeko's father, Murata Ryounosuke, a Schicksal
scientist, was heavily Honkaified to the point of
becoming a zombie on the day Himeko graduated.
She was forced to kill him.

 In 2008:
- Himeko joined Schicksal at a fairly late age. She
must have Schicksal Stigmata installed. Schicksal
Stigmata was incomplete, hence it drained the life of
the person who has it. Later, Himeko operated under
the command of Ragna, the captain of the Vanguard
(Stormtrooper). And at some point, Himeko also
started working in the Far East branch.
 In 2009:
- May 1st: Theresa helped Siegfried flee Schicksal with
her daughter. Siegfried, instead, fled with K-423, a
clone with the gene of the Kaslana and Sirin created
to be an anti-Honkai weapon, who was believed by
Sieg to be Kiana. Kiana Kaslana’s fate has been
unknown, presumably to still be with Otto.
- June 21st: Theresa asked to be transferred to the Far
East Branch as the new Director. Otto approved it.
She then built the St. Freya Academy without
knowing that Otto also built a secret basement under
the Academy that contained a part of Sirin Project

 In 2010:
- Spring: Ragna visited the orphanage where Bianka
- K-423 suddenly awoke but was stopped by Siegfried
and losy her memory. Knowing this was no longer
her daughter, Sieg didn’t dare to call K-423 Kiana
 In 2011:
- Siegfried was still being sought after by Schicksal.
- Spring: Himeko went to the orphanage where Bianka
lived. Through her conversation, Bianka learned of
Ragna's death. After this event, Bianka joined
Schicksal, seeking to become the strongest Valk. She
became A-Rank Valk after just a year (Theresa was
once her tutor).
- K-423 sneaksed out to handle Sieg’s now mission
when when he was taking a break. Sieg promptly
saved K when she was about to be kileed by Honkai
Beast. Moved by K's bravery, Siegfried called her
Kiana once again.

 In 2012:
- January, Siberia: Bronya and a few more soldiers
handled a suicide mission seeking too kil Cocolia.
The mission was a complete disaster. Instead of
killing, Coco took Bronya to the Cocolia Orphanage
for caring, where Bronya first met Seele, Sin Mal and
the Vodka Twins.
- Seele was quickly kidnapped soon after that. Instead
of waiting for Cocolia to prepare the ransom, Bronya
decimated all the kidnappers to save Seele. Horrified
by what Bronya had just done, Seele forced her
friend to stop killing people.
- Cocolia and the orphans moved to live in a new camp.
- February 29th: Bianka "Durandal" Atasina and Rita
Rossweisse took part in the Lonely Panthalasa
mission, giving Schicksal a lot of important
information in fighting Honkai.
- "Kiana" awakened to Herrscher. Siegfried sacrificed
his arm to activate the ultimate power of DK7, which
eventually stop her process. Siegfried then left

 In 2013:
- Himeko killed Anna Karenina, a Valk got possessed
by Honkai Energy.
- Mei’s father was arrested for economical crimes.
Cocolia later became the new CEO of ME. Quite
- August:
+ The experiment X-10 was being carried out by
Cocolia, killing several orphans.
+ Sin Mal broke Bronya's leg.
+ Seele volunteered to join X-10 instead of Bronya
after awakening her Stigmata and humiliating Sin
Mal. Everyone thought Seele had completed the
experiment until they realized that her body's
quantum structure was decaying. Seele was then
completely disintegrated (dissolved).
+ Bronya forced Cocolia to let her participare in X-10
to be decayed and to live with Seele in the Quantum
Sea (Because fiction). However, Seele convinced
Bronya to stay in the physical world and find a way
to save her. Bronya agreed and completed the
experiment. As a result, she was resistant to Honkai
Ability. However, for participating too long, Bronya
had of her legs paralyzed. Her brain was also

partially damaged, destroying her ability to express
her emotion.
- Bronya was implanted with a biological chip in her
brain that helped her survive. The chip could also
control Bronya, turning her into a brainless killer for
- Project Seele was said to start after X-10, giving AE
more insights of quantum.
- “Kiana” met Raiden Mei at Senba (Chiba) academy.
- “Kiana” met Yae Sakura.
- December 7th: "Kiana" was acquitted after being
convicted of killing Asakura Mizuki because it was a
defensive act.
 Unknown Time:
- Durandal and Rita become the captain and deputy
leader of the elite Valk team "Immortal Blade".
- AE was deeply divided between Welt followers (The
Conservatives, including Einstein and Tesla) and
Cocolia followers (Innovative Faction).
- Schicksal, based on Blank Key, createsd more
modern Valk armor like White Comet. The most
notable of these are the God’s Bane series.

 In 2014:
- Welt Yang was a teacher at St. Freya Academy.
- Himeko became the captain of the Hyperion.
- February: Bronya helped Cocolia create an artificial
Honkai Impact around the Chiba School (Nagaroza
City) to awaken Mei. Schicksal considered this the
3rd Honkai Impact. Raiden Mei actually awakened
into a Potential Herrscher, capable of controlling
lightning but was prevented by "Kiana" from getting
stronger. After the event, Theresa asked Bronya, Mei
and "Kiana" to join Schicksal and attend the St. Freya
Academy. Mei’s heart was attached with a bomb to
prevent her from awakening again.
- The group of "Kiana" participated in the Valk exam
and only "Kiana" failed. To help her learn better
(History), Bronya and "Kiana" infiltrate Otto's
database and found out Kallen's death. "Kiana"
decided to enter the virtual world of the event to save
Kallen but got into trouble and was secretly helped
by Otto by giving her the Knight Moonlight Beam.
This time, Otto finally found K-423 and decided to
continue with his grand plan.
- Theresa confronted the potential Herrscher (Yu Nai),
capable of controlling plant, alone but was is severely

injured. In her coma, she was saved by Yae Sakura,
who then decided to merge her body with Hellmaru
into a Stigmata, newly planted on Theresa's back.
With this, Theresa returned and defeated Yu Nai.
- Himeko led a small team (Mei, Bronya and “Kiana”)
to look for Ji Xuanyuan's Xuanyuan Sword and her
Stigmata. The AE side also sent Sin Mal and the
Titans to do the same thing. The Himeko side found
the sword first but was unaware that it was also a seal
to confine Chiyou. By the time the two battled each
other for the sword, Chiyou emerged and swallowed
the both, starting to go to Shenzhou to ravage
everything. In order to escape and kill Chiyou at the
same time, two teams banded together and helped
Theresa destroy Chiyou's heart using Hyperion. The
search for the heart came to an end after two parties
destroyed two more seals before finding the Dark Ji
Xuanyuan, then defeating, freeing her from her agony
and destroying the heart, ending Chiyou's life.
- Himeko then had to be treated at St. Freya Academy.
Meanwhile, Cocolia sent Walter, her Clone Herrscher,
to snatch Mei by himself and Einstein to infiltrate the
Academy's basement. While Walter's mission was a
complete failure with himself being defeated by Mei

and "Kiana" and and obliterated by Welt, Cocolia and
Einstein successfully broke into the basement and
somewhat bribed Theresa, whom Otto sent to prevent
Coco from infiltrating into the basement.
- One month later:
+ Himeko had fully recovered.
+ The daughter of Dr. Maki (Marki), Lin (Valk), died
while participating in an experiment run by her father
and Otto. Maki then decided to steal the Death Core
and defect to AE. Instead of being immediately taken
to the United States, Maki was taken to Singapore, a
neutral country that doesn’t belong to AE or
Schicksal, by a new Walter Clone,
+ Fu Hua took on the task of bringing Core back
from Otto. She must also carry "Kiana". Those who
were against Cocolia in AE also sent Siegfried do the
same task.
+ In Singapore, at night, "Kiana" was kidnapped by
Maki who then try to convince her to leave Schicksal
and abandon her Honkai Resistance. Fu Hua was
ambushed by Walter but escaped and found the
information about where the Core was hidden.
+ The next morning, Fu Hua encountered Siegfried
and after understanding what Fu Hua had to do, Sieg

helped Hua with some important goods and left,
completely abandoned his mission. Later, with the
help of a Valk named Wraith, Hua infiltrated into the
building where Death Core was hidden. At the same
time, Walter suddenly attacked Maki and "Kiana"
had to carry him to escape from Walter. With the
guidance of Maki, “Kiana” found her way to the
basement to steal Core away only to see it being used
by Cocolia to create another Honkai Impact in
Singapore in the hope that a Herrscher would be born.
"Kiana", however, succeeded in getting the Core
from the device that was using it, completely
preventing the imminent Honkai Impact but fainted
due to absorbing too much Honkai Power. Fu Hua,
after encountering Walter for the second time and
defeating him, found "Kiana" and carried her to the
roof. Being Honkaified heavily, Maki sacrificed
himself to destroy the device. On the roof, "Kiana"
suddenly awakened and got possessed by Sirin.
However, Fu Hua quickly defeated Sirin and took
back the Core from "Kiana", thereby bringing her
back to normal.

- Combining Cecilia's Holy Blood with Maki's serum,
after 14 years, Otto finally created the final piece for
the Spear of Schicksal.
 In 2015:
- OW city under the Sea of Haiyuan belonged to AE
after a dispute with Schicksal. Eye of The Abyssal
Sea was located here, due to long contact with the
Quantum Sea, the space around it has been severely
- During an experiment to try to get in and out of
Quantum Sea safely using EoTAS with Einstein,
Welt encountered a powerful entity in Quantum Sea
named "Shadow Serpent" that wanted to help
humanity defeat Honkai. Disagreeing with its method,
Welt tried banish the beast and closed his only portal
to Earth. Due to this, AE suspened any plan invloved
 6 Months before HI3 Main Story:
- Time Fracture technology, a part of Sirin Project, was
- Unknown Time: World Snake was believed to seek
to help humanity coexist peacefully with Honkai and

have remarkable strengths in several aspects
(Technology, information and power).
 About 2 years 5 months after the 3rd Honkai Impact:
- "Kiana", Mei and Bronya approached AE's
Moonlight Throne and brought it to St. Freya
Academy. Previously, Bronya was suddenly
controlled by Cocolia to kill her firned but this was
prevented by Mei and "Kiana".
- The "Kiana" team then had to prepare for the
upcoming Valk exam. During this time "Kiana"
constantly have nightmares involving Sirin. Rita was
also sent to the St. Freya Academy to check
“Kiana”’s statuses by Otto. The progress of the plan
is still in the right direction - Rita.
- "Kiana" Group tried to find the Wind Core in HQ of
Schicksal - Oceanic Branch in New Zealand. They
ended up finding Wendy, a Valk who could have
been an S-Rank Valk, with Wind Core (Sirin's)
attached to the leg. However, Wendy allowed herself
to awaken the Wind Herrscher, drawing Cocolia’s
attention. The "Kiana" group later found and
confronted Wendy before AE and Durandal from
Schicksal HQ arrived at the scene. However, Bronya

was suddenly controlled by Coco and captured both
Mei and Wendy.
- The following night, "Kiana" infiltrated ME HQ to
rescue all 3 people. To protect Mei, Bronya destroyed
her biological chips to escape from Coco’s control
and fell into a coma. "Kiana" and Mei then escaped
the HQ with Bronya but fell into Cocolia’s trap -
Godfather, run by Wind Core had just been taken
from Wendy. “Kiana” team managed to get pass the
trap and arrived at St. Freya safely.
- To save Bronya, Theresa went into the virtual world
around the end of HI2. "Kiana" sneaked in and was
allowed to stay when Teri found her. She later met
Siegfried and Cecilia. At the same time, Fu Hua
helped Bronya recover quickly with DK8 just in time
when she received and carried out Otto's order: Bring
"Kiana" out of the virtual world. Fu Hua quickly
found and tried to persuade "Kiana" to come with.
However, since she had been greatly influenced by
Sirn’s illusion, “Kiana” refused and attcked Hua.
"Kiana" was later forced to be brought to Schicksal
HQ. Theresa vehemently objected this, and she took
Himeko, Bronya, Mei (No longer had a bomb) and
Hyperion and broke into SHQ to save "Kiana". They

also seeked the help of Einstein and Tesla, who also
took the Moonlight Throne engine with them.
- While Rita and Schicksal Bots were repelling the
incursion of Theresa and arresting Tesla and Himeko,
Otto turned "Kiana" into HoV, messing up the HQ.
HoV then stole Mei’s Lightning Core, defeated
Theresa and her allies. Meanwhile, Rita was
interfering with Fu Hua’s attempt to beat HoV when
Durandal appeared and ordered Rita to let Hua do so.
Hua was also defeated by HoV but then Otto
appeared and chased HoV away. No longer trusting
his ally, Otto revealed his plan with HoV to Fu Hua
and shot her (Probably not dead yet, but no one
knows for sure).
- Somehow, Hua still managed to lead Himeko to the
Vermilion Knight's suite (Sirin's Fire Core was
attached). In the process of following Hua, Himeko
also rescued Tesla, who quickly followed her to
secretly steal important info on the way. Tesla found
out the secret behind the last piece of the Spear of
Schicksal while Himeko found the Vermillion Knight
Himeko and a serum that helped bring HoV back to
normal. With this, Himeko began to confront HoV

- Himeko, after soloing HoV in Imaginary Space
created by HoV, completely exhausted but still
managed to plug the serum into HoV, therefore
turning her back to normal. However, Himeko has
been out of action since then.
- Aftermath:
+ The Vermilion Knight suit crumbled, Fire Core was
+ Theresa and her allies (Bronya, Mei, Einstein and
Tesla) fled Schicksal with Hyperion.
+ “Kiana” exact whereabout was also a mystery.
 Between Chap 9 and Chap 10 in Main Story:
- HoV created a global chaos. Many people had to
leave their homeland to live in the city for protection.
Arc City was the second most developed city among
them, controlled by World Snake.
- AE facilities were continuously attacked by Schicksal
and Honkai, forcing Cocolia and Olenyeva sisters to
flee. When the group arrived in Haiyuan, only
Rozaliya and Liliya Olenyeva survived. Earlier, both
were seriously injured and Cocolia had to fuse their
genes with a Honkai Beast’s genes, making Rozaliya
and Liliya grow horns and tails.

 4 Months After the Event in Chapter 9:
- Theresa made a deal with Grey Snake, a member of
World Snake, about buying information about the
whereabout of "Kiana". Both side agreed to make the
deal in Arc City. At the same time, Rita carried out
Otto's order to go there to get the intel before Teri.
There, Rita assassinated Grey Snake and set up a
decoy to lure Theresa's group into finding the hidden
info location for her. And when the group found
Ningyu, a girl with her brain turned into a quantum
computer, Rita appeared and used the eye of Grey
Snake to steal all the information and restart
Ningyo’s computer (Instead of destroying it by Otto's
- Theresa's group then retreated to Hyperion and left
the city. Since Ningyo was still in possession, the
group looked for a way to fix her. In the process, they
received a call for cooperation from Cocolia (Help
me hide the Core of Desire from Otto, Thank you!)
and accepted it. Suddenly, Grey Snake intercepted
their conversation and demanded Theresa to pay him
as the deal had been made as the intel had been
extracted. Teri refused, causing him to hack the entire
Hyperion and sent robots to steal important goods in

the ship. Bronya was dispatched to stop the hack in
cyberspace and got tortured by Grey Snake. It was
also when the remaining DK8 feathers inside her
head triggered and protected her from Grey Snake. In
the end, Grey Snake stopped attacking the ship and
left with "necessary information".
- Theresa group was then divided into 2 parts. Tesla
and Mei used Helios to fly to AE HQ in hope of
fixing Ningyo while Theresa, Einstein and Bronya
travelled to Haiyuan, where Cocolia, Liliya and
Rozaliya awaited.

IV. Credits
- Ibitestuna: An Internet Nomad, he is who gave birth
to the Vietnamese version of this document and TEW.
He is also a weird guy who seems to like Otto too
- Edelia Tania: She who played a major role in
translating TEW and this document. Currently, she is
the admin of a HI3 Fan Page and constantly provides
good hot new info to everyone fast.
- Ruiha and Reiss Godspell: GGZ and HI3 veterans.
Ruiha and Reiss are also very knowledgable when it
comes to GGZ and HI3 lores. Their great Chinese
skills help the team know HI3 news in Chinese
forums earlier than many people.
- Loc Loc: He who translates many HI3 Manhua
Chapters to Vietnamese with outstanding quality. He
is currently a member of the team behind a HI3
- Phuc Le: Other than helping Ibis in his TEW(S)
development, he is also the man behind a Stigmata
Analysis Series which is considered a hidden gem.
- Le Minh Duy: Known for his own HI3 Lore Series,
Duy’s HI3 Lore knowledge is so good that Ibis

sometimes consult him for quick reliable information
during the development of TEW(S).
- Nong Tat Dat, An Huynh and ViNese: Those who
have small important roles within the team such as
mental advisor.


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