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Delilah M.


Activity 1: Academic, Personal, and Professional Goal Setting

I really enjoyed this presentation style a lot. I liked how it was a small group of people

and I did not really have to be standing up in front of the entire class. I felt like it was a bit

informal which made it easier to present and it did not feel like I had a whole lot of pressure.

What I found challenging was just trying to fit all the information I wanted to talk about

in three minutes. I did talk about things briefly and straight to the point so that way I would not

waste time. The area that I feel like I could improve on is just to be more confident when I speak.

I sometimes will move a lot or do something with my hands, which I feel like I should stop

because it can be distracting to some people.

Activity 2: Involvement to Impact

What I enjoyed about this presentation style is that we were still presenting to a small

group of people at a time. I think I did better towards the end of the presentation just because I

became more comfortable presenting.

I do not think there was much of a challenge about this presentation. Probably the only

thing I can say would be having to say all the information in a short-limited amount of time.

What I feel I can improve in is engaging more with the audience and maybe not move/sway a lot.

Activity 3: Experiences & Internship Brainstorming

What I liked about recording myself is that I can just erase it and start over whenever I

would do a mistake. I feel that I did good on the presentation just because I was able to fix my
Delilah M. Villarreal

mistakes. Hopefully, I did not miss any of my mistakes but nobody is perfect so I might have a

type, I think.

What I found challenging was that I had a hard time trying to get the video portion to

work when I was recording myself. I had to record the audio without any visual. I feel that I can

improve on not saying “um” all the time. I do feel like I said that one too many times in my


Activity 4: POE Brainstorming

I really liked how it was a one-on-one presentation style. I always feel more comfortable

when it is just me and another person. I think I did well on talking about the idea that I had.

What I found challenging was coming up with a proposal. I did not really know what to

do. I feel like I could improve on how I spoke. I said “um” a couple of times, so I really need to

work on that.


My favorite presentation style was the style from Activity 4. I really liked the one on one

presentation style because I felt it was easier to communicate to my audience. The second

presentation style is from Activity 1 then followed by the presentation style from Activity 2. My

least favorite presentation style was from Activity 3. I felt like it was hard to communicate with

the audience and it is not the same as being able to see who you are talking to.

Three things that I learned about myself as a presenter is that the more I present, the

easier it is to effectively relay my information. I also learned that I tend to say “um” a lot when I
Delilah M. Villarreal

have not practiced enough on the presentation or if I am unsure on something. Another thing that

I learned about my self as a presenter is that I can interact with my audience when I want to. I

will use this knowledge in the feature because as a presenter, I want to be heard clearly, with

confidence and not bore my audience. I have learned that practice makes perfect, so the more I

practice presentencing the more confident I will be when presenting.

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