Atoms and Molecules

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[C = 12u, O = 16u, H = 1u, N = 14u, Ca = 40u, Zn = 65u, P = 31u, Cl = 35.5u,

Mg = 24u, S = 32u]
1. Calculate the mass of 12.044 x 1025 molecules of Oxygen (O2)?
2. What is the number of molecules in 1.5 moles of Ammonia (NH3)?
3. How many moles of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) are present in 10g of the substance?
4. If one mole of nitrogen molecules weighs 28g, calculate the mass of one molecule of nitrogen
in grams.
5. What is the number of zinc atoms in a piece of zinc weighing 10g?
6. Calculate the mass of 3.011 x 1024 atoms of carbon.
7. Calculate the number of moles in 12.044 x 1025 atoms of phosphorus.
8. Calculate the number of molecules present in a drop of chloroform (CHCl 3) weighing
9. How many moles are represented by 100g of glucose C6H12O6?
10. Calculate the mole ratio of 240g of Calcium and 240g of Magnesium.
11. What weight of each element is present in 1.5moles of sodium sulphite (Na2SO3)?
12. If sulphur exists as S8 molecules, calculate the number of moles in 100g of Sulphur.
13. The mass of one molecule of a substance is 4.65 x 10 -23g. What is the molecular mass? What
could this substance be?
14. What weight of oxygen gas will contain the same number of molecules as 56g of Nitrogen
15. The mass of one atom of an element X is 2.0 x 10-23g.
a) Calculate the atomic mass of element X
b) What could element X be?


[C = 12u, O = 16u, H = 1u, N = 14u, Ca = 40u, Zn = 65u, P = 31u, Cl = 35.5u,

Mg = 24u, S = 32u]
16. Calculate the mass of 12.044 x 1025 molecules of Oxygen (O2)?
17. What is the number of molecules in 1.5 moles of Ammonia (NH3)?
18. How many moles of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) are present in 10g of the substance?
19. If one mole of nitrogen molecules weighs 28g, calculate the mass of one molecule of nitrogen
in grams.
20. What is the number of zinc atoms in a piece of zinc weighing 10g?
21. Calculate the mass of 3.011 x 1024 atoms of carbon.
22. Calculate the number of moles in 12.044 x 1025 atoms of phosphorus.
23. Calculate the number of molecules present in a drop of chloroform (CHCl 3) weighing
24. How many moles are represented by 100g of glucose C6H12O6?
25. Calculate the mole ratio of 240g of Calcium and 240g of Magnesium.
26. What weight of each element is present in 1.5moles of sodium sulphite (Na2SO3)?
27. If sulphur exists as S8 molecules, calculate the number of moles in 100g of Sulphur.
28. The mass of one molecule of a substance is 4.65 x 10 -23g. What is the molecular mass? What
could this substance be?
29. What weight of oxygen gas will contain the same number of molecules as 56g of Nitrogen
30. The mass of one atom of an element X is 2.0 x 10-23g.
c) Calculate the atomic mass of element X
d) What could element X be?

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