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UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA various forms are icons of

the Information Age and are what

TECNOLOGIA EN GESTION DE DATOS most people think of as
“computers.” However,
ASIGNATURA: EXPRESIÓN DEL INGLÉS the embedded computers found in
many devices from MP3
grupo: 02
players to fighter aircraft and from
TUTOR: JOSE EVER RODRIGUEZ BARRERO toys to industrial robots are the
most numerous.
EVALUACIÓN 01 FECHA: 26/4/2020
The first use of the word
NOMBRE: JUAN ESTEBAN CARVAJAL RUBIO “computer” was recorded in 1613
in a book called “The young mans
gleanings” by English writer
Richard Braithwaite I have read the
truest computer of Times, and the
Responda algunas preguntas con base en el
best Arithmetician that ever
siguiente texto :
breathed, and he reduces thy days
A computer is a general purpose into a short number. It referred to a
device that can _1_ programmed to person who carried out
carry out a set of arithmetic or calculations, or computations, and
logical operations automatically. the word continued with the same
__2_ a sequence of operations can
meaning until the middle of the
be readily changed, the computer
can solve __3__ than one kind of 20th century. From the end of the
problem. 19th century the word began to
take on its more familiar meaning,
Conventionally, a computer _4__ of
at least one processing element, a machine that carries out
typically a central ___5__ computations.[3
unit (CPU), and some form
of memory. The processing
element carries out arithmetic and COMPLETE WITH THE RIGHT WORDS
logic operations, and a sequencing
and control unit can change the 1. “A computer is a general
purpose device that can____
order of operations in response to
stored information. Peripheral
devices allow information to be A. being
retrieved from an external source, B. to be
and the result of operations saved C. be
and retrieved. D. be to
In World War II, mechanical analog
computers were used for 2. “ ____ a sequence of
specialized military applications. operations…”:
During this time the first A. Of
electronic digital computers were
B. From
developed. Originally they were the
C. off
size of a large room, consuming as
much power as several hundred D. Since
modern personal computers (PCs).
3. “ the computer can
Modern computers based solve____than one kind of
on integrated circuits are millions problem” :
to billions of times more capable A. -er
than the early machines, and B. -r
occupy a fraction of the space. C. most
Simple computers are small D. more
enough to fit into mobile devices,
and mobile computers can be
powered by small batteries.
Personal computers in their
4. “conventionally, a computer 9. What was recorded the
________of at least” first use of the word
“Computer “in ?
A. consisted The first use of the word
B. consist “computer” was recorded in
C. consists 1613 in a book called “The
D. connsist young mans gleanings” by
English writer Richard
5. “a Central _______ Unit
(CPU) “ 10. What is a computer?
A computer is a general
A. Processed purpose device that can be
B. Processes programmed to carry out a set
C. Processing of arithmetic or logical
D. Process operations automatically.

6. “The processing element

carries out arithmetic and
logic operations”; translate
the sentence into : simple
The processing element will
carry out arithmetic and
logic operations
El elemento de procesamiento
llevara a cabo operaciones
aritmeticas y logicas.

7. “In World War
II, mechanical analog
computers were used for
specialized military
applications”; translate the
sentence into : past perfect
In World War II, mechanical
analog computers had use
for specialized military
applications”; translate the
sentence into
En la segunda Guerra mundial
las computadoras analogicas
mecanicas se usaban para
aplicaciones militares

8. What size were the first

Originally they were the size of
a large room.

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