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MARCH 2017
Here are some funny things from All Aboard Blue:
• While watching the movie Madagascar, when the animals
arrived in Africa one of our kids started singing, "I miss the
rain down in Africa"
• At breakfast I caught part of a conversation between two
students that went like this.."You don't even know where I
live, so how can you come to my party?" and the other
student responded, "I have Google and my Dad has Siri, so
I can find your house"

• At center time a group was building with blocks and they

worked together to make a box, then they said, "Alexa" as if
they were going to order something.

• During morning play some of our boys were playing with the
castle and one of them asked the other if he knew the wifi
Way to go MTES 4th GRADE
Math Bowl TEAM!!!
C E L E B R AT E ! ! !
• I so appreciate the specials teachers for all their
hard work in working with ALL of our kids. I can't SHOUT OUT to
imagine the planning that takes place. You are also
so flexible and helpful with your willingness to do HUGE shout out to Sarah Defendis for the
what needs to be done. You are appreciated! creative and interactive display in the main
• Kuddos to the TOTS teachers for teaching the little hallway! I love seeing the students show off
ones hallway procedures! It is amazing how you their work, and what better way than to
have 2 year olds walk with bubbles and tails and explore their home state!
they all do it! You are an example for all of us!
I would LOVE to give a shout out to the entire
• Thanks to the cafe staff for the yummy teacher Life Skills dept. Cindy and Ashley are
salad bar! We appreciate all the yummy food! amazing teammates that are always there
• To Mrs. Tahara, Mrs D Miss Anna and Mr Larry, when you need them! All the IA's work so
thank you for all that you do throughout the day to hard and are so dedicated to our
help make my life so much easier!!! students. The countless hours you all put in
off the clock does not go unnoticed. Thank
you for being such kind-hearted and
dedicated staff!! You are doing wonders for
our kiddos. I love you all!
• My lucky charms are my three
precious grand daughters. We call
them the three musketeers!
• My lucky charm is a necklace that was
made for me from the diamonds in my
grandmother's wedding ring after she
passed away. Good things happen
when I wear it!!! <3
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4
National Dadgum National Read Pay Day!
That’s Good Day Across America End of Trimester 2
Day (Dr. Seuss

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Evelyn Jensen National Pancake Melissa Capin Time Sheets! National Johnny
Tisha Syrus Day Appleseed Day
Life Skills Field Trip

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Melissa Hoffman National Everything Kindergarten 5 Amber Ferguson
You Think Is Wrong Senses Night!
2nd grade Field Trip Day Monon Madness!

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
National Let’s Pay Day! National Common National Goof Off National Chip and Michelle Woods National Tolkien
Laugh Day Courtesy Day Day Dip Day Reading Day

26 27 28 29 30 31 1
Time Sheets! National Weed Phyllis Hughes National Take a
Appreciation Day Walk in the Park
4th Grade Famous Day

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