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G7749 Reg. No----------------.

I'orrrth Semester
(New Scheme-2012 Admission onwards)
fime : Three Hours Maximum : 60 Marks

Ansuet all the questions.

Each question carries 12 marks each.

1. (a) DefiIe Marketing Research and indicate in v/hat areas and how it can help in making better
Darketing decisions.
(b) Discuss the factors which have stood in the way ofacceptance ofmarketing research in Inalia
2. (a) Do you think that cross-sectional and time-series designs can be combined in a study ?

(b) Whether hypothesis is a must in Malketing Research ? Support your answer.
3. (a) In the absence ofan adequate and reliable sampling ftame, what sarEple desigD/desi$$ would
you choose ? Why ?
(b) List ald briefly explain the organizational source ofpublished secondary data fol Marketing
Research problems in India.
4. (a) Enumemte common fallacies in interpretation ofdata.
(b) W1Iat are the major components of a Marketing Research Report ?

5. You are the Manager incharge of a Marketing Research project. Your goal is to determine what
effects ilifferent levels of advertisi[g have on consumption behaviour. Based on the lesults of the
project you will recoomend the amount ofmoney to be budgeted for advertising differeat products
in t}Ie ne-'d financial year. Your supewisor will require strongjustification for your recommendations,
so your research desigrn has to be sound.

Question iPt:epare a detarled Research desig! for the above.

(5 x 12 = 60 marks)

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