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1.1. Name and address of the business:

Our company’s name is “reading owls” and it is located in house no 257 block: F,

1.2. Name(s) and address(s) of the principal(s)

 Providing friendly users services
 Highest security for users data
 Best pricing system with accurate calculation for readers
 Ensure verification of users to avoid hassle

1.3. Nature of the business

“Reading owls” is an online based service business which is also known as book sharing app.
There are four partners in our business. Every member will invest 5lakh and can take a 2lakh
bank loan for business. Our objective is share the book in time who needs it for the readers in
Dhaka city. Our business create an online platform where book readers share the book to other’s
user. So, we work as intermediate between book renters to the book user but also we keep
monitor the time to track for returning the book. If any readers can damage the book we charge
the book value of the book form readers so that we can refund the book price to the book owners.
For transection we use banking system so book owners and readers feel safe. We always try to
secure user privacy. Book sharing app will help to book readers finding book according to their
preference without any visit. Any one will get rent by sharing book in book sharing app. Our app
is free to install in any mobile device so that anyone can use it .Therefore our business helping to
increase people knowledge in Dhaka city.
1.4. Statement of the financing needed
There total four business partners in our company. We will get profit or bare the losses equal
ratio because our initial interment is same ratio

Total Total Amount of

Source of fund Partners Per partners’ Investment Investment
personal funds 4 BDT 500,000.00 BDT 2,000,000

1.5. Statement of confidentiality off report:

This business plan is totally confidential report. Only business partners can access this. If anyone
want to read the report then he or she can’t copy the report because of confidentiality. Without
proper written permission of partners, any third party can’t read this report. This report contains
strategies plan and operation as well as market analysis for launching a book sharing app in
Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The owners of this report are the all partners of this company. As long
as the report reaming confidential then there will be less chance getting harm.
KEY KEY Value Proposition Customer Customer
PARTNERS ACTIVITIES Relationship Segment

Book lenders Creating platform - Establishing  Customer - Students

Library for book renters relationship Support.
Mobile and reader between readers
Transection to the owners of  Review, - researcher
- Bkash Providing customer book. Rating and s
- Rocket service Feedback
- Master or - Ensure safe and
Key Resources
visa card secured  Email , Sms - any kind
payment and call of ages
Gov. support people in
-ICT Division . Dhaka
Delivery - Ensure secure city
 Book
service the book
Mobile - Easy to use App
 apps
 Website - Easy to pay for
 Pathao renting book.
- Ensure data
Mobile banking, privacy
master or visa

2. Business Model
2.1 Business Model CANVAS

Cost Structure: Revenue Stream:

 Research & development.  Ads

 Cyber security cost  10% of book rent form readers
 Maintenance Cost  10% of charges form book renters
 Salaries  15% of charges of book purchasing
Key Partners: In our business most crucial stack holders are book renters, library,
government ict division, on-line banking system and lastly pathao.

● Book renters: basically Book owner are the owner of the book who will share the book
through our app
● Book Library: In order to meet the demand the book we help to sell the book in Dhaka
● Government ict Division: Ict division can help us to expand to more city of Bangladesh.
● On-line banking system: Bank will help us to secure transection
● Pathao : pathao will help us to deliver the book renter to the users

Key Activities: User can either share their book or rent book so that they earn either money or
knowledge by using book sharing app. We are here to help user to according their preference
without any hassle to find a book or rent a book.

Value Proposition: We will maintain a secure and safe interface where book renters are fell
safe to share their books and reader can read a book without buy book. We will provide timely
customer service. We will provide the app for free install in any mobile device .SO that they can
easily use. We set payment mobile banking system so that anyone can easily pay. We will ensure
the data privacy of user.

Customer Relationship: We will try satisfied the customer by providing customer service. We
try improve by getting feedback. We will sms to notify customer the starting and ending time.
Customer Segments: Our mainly targeted customer will be student but any king of ages people
use it.
Key Resources: in our business mainly resource is book which will be shared by the renter and
library. Secure transaction will be maintain by Bank.

Channels: User can regularly contact with by using app. we will provide service through app
Cost Structure: our company is totally online based so we need cyber security cost to ensure
user privacy data and we need R&D to maintain keep up with latest technological. We need
maintenance cost to run the app. lastly, we need to pay salaries for the employee.
Revenue Streams: we will earn by providing ads in the app. We will charge 20% for renting
book and 15 % charge for purchasing book

2.2. Pricing Model

Since User only book share in the app, so we need to set price variance in the market. Our
product already exist in market then our company fall under market penetration. The book can
heavy and to deliver and thinking for readers how much they can finish a reading a book. So we
set the cost according to number of book pages. We will also set 15 % charge for selling book.

number of
pages per day rent per day
less than 200 BDT 10.00
200-400 BDT 8.00
more than 500 BDT6.00

2.3Social Goal
This app will help to readers and book owner create friendly relationship. It will help to people
make a feel great to share in the society. We will reduce the cost of buying book and increasing
the knowledge among all people of Bangladesh.
2.4. Sustainability: there are3 factors which will depends in social economic and lastly

 Social: creating a friendly relationship between reader and book renters

 Economic: Book renter can earn money by sharing book in the app
 Environmental : This app interface is secure & safe and easy to use

2.5. Eco friendly: Our business is hundred percent ecofriendly. There no harm to the
2.6. Ethical: The main challenge is the user need to maintain honesty then it will be very help
for both parties. So our app will work as transparency to maintain ethical issue.

2. Business Environment Analysis

3.1. Future outlook and trends:

There are many established online book sharing app in the world, namely Amazon kindle, nook,
Google play books, watt pad, etc. We will be the first in our country to launch online book
sharing app here. We saw the vast spread of ride sharing app in the past few years. Pathao, which
is a ride sharing app platform have gained the milestone to reach total brand value of 1 billion
dollar just using the idea used in the developed countries before. The recent changes and
developments in the technology and networking scopes has helped them to reach in the top
position. It is a clear indication that during the next few years, we will all watch a technological
breakthrough which will cause most of the organizations adapting online media or processes to
sustain in the market.

We look forward to a profitable future because we are launching the app for a better cause, to
spread the knowledge, to make reading easier to everyone. People would rather want to hold a
mobile device instead of holding a huge book on hand. In the upcoming future, more people will
be engaged in using smartphones more than they do now.

3.2. PESTEL Analysis

PESTEL is the external environmental analysis of an organization. It identifies 6 external environmental

factors that may changes the method of functioning of a business. Our book sharing app will also be
effected by some of the factors here in Bangladesh. We have figured out some of the most potential forces
that may bring changes or create barriers on the way to our online book sharing app.

Political factors:

 Political Instability: On contrast to the recent situations in Bangladesh, we have seen

that there has been a number of political incidents negatively or positively effecting the
political stability of the country. These sort of situations may be called as instable
political situations which may hamper the daily operation of a business and thus leading
to a decrease in the profit. Our book sharing app will also have some employees who will
work to manage the day to day activities of the app. And these sort of political situations
may hamper the daily functions of our app, leading to a profit loss.
 Tax policy: The tax rate of our country may be another threat for our app. The unstable
tax rates will affect the revenue generation system of our app.

Economic factors:

 Economic condition: Bangladesh is still a developing country and most of the people
living here are not up even that much tech aware to use the app effectively.
 Wage rates: Comparing to the other developing countries in asia, Bangladesh has lower
salaries, wages or labor cost. It helped the industrialists to take more labors from this
country every year. This factor will work in favor of our side that the wage rate is lower.
We can hire employees with lower wage rates which will help us reduce our fixed costs
leading to an increase in our profit.
 Unemployment rate: The unemployment rate here is very high. In the urban area, there
are many educated but unemployed young people who are more or less skilled and a
perfect fit to work in an organization. We can find out the potential candidate, assess
them, and hire them which will work as a mutual benefit for these people and us.

Socio-cultural Factors:

 Population growth: Bangladesh has a higher population growth rate and it is increasing
day by day at a specific rate. The more the population, the more young people and it is in
favor of us to have bigger customer base.
 Customer attitude shifts: the current generation is more prone to use the internet to
purchase or take services rather than taking them physically. They are also helping the
adults to become more tech savvy and use the online for most of the purposes. We are an
online based book sharing app, and we can use this customer attitude as our advantage.

Technological factors:

 Emerging technologies: People in Bangladesh now use 4G (LTE, VoLTE) etc mobile
networks which enables a very fast internet connection. Since we are an online platform
of book sharing app, these upgraded data transfer networks will help us to gain more
convenience bases to the users.
 Usage of smartphones: As the availability, production of smartphone have increased
dramatically, the prices have also decreased by a significant rate. These changes have
made the smartphone more available than ever to the users. This is a really great
opportunity for us because the user of smartphones have increased, thus increasing the
customer base of our app.
 Tech Savvy Customers: Customers have now become more prone to use the internet and
online base to purchase products or services. Availability of internet, smartphones &
technological upgrades have facilitated the consumers to become more dependent on
internet. It is an advantage for us to use to gain bigger market share.
 Dynamically upgrading technology: Technology is a dynamically upgrading force of
the external environment which upgrades very fast. This is a challenge for us to keep the
pace up with the changing technology and to serve the consumer well.
 Learning from other sharing company: There is no online book sharing app in
Bangladesh, but there is ride sharing apps in the market like pathao, shohoz, uber etc. we
can take help from these companies mistakes & techniques.

Environmental factors:

 Promoting positive business ethics: We will promote a positive business ethics named
“let everyone read” which will promote the fact that the book you finished reading, may
be much more useful to another person as he/she haven’t read it yet and everyone should
share the knowledge and wisdom.
3.3. Porter’s Five Forces

Threat of new Entry

1.Not too expensive to enter
the market
2. Extra benefit as first mover
3. Low Barriers to entry
4. easier entrance of new

Suppliers power Power of buyers

1. huge number of
Competitive rivalry 1. Low burganing power
suppliers 1. High customer loyality 2. buyers may be co-
2. Low burgaining 2. Low competition at
power first but higher later 3. can be demanded
higher charge.
3. similar products 3. Low switching cost
4. able to switch

Threat of Subtitutes
1. Lower at first, but higher
later when competitor
2. some may switch to
physical buying of books
Threat of new Entry:

• Not too expensive to enter the market

• Extra benefit as first mover

• Low Barriers to entry

• Easier entrance of new competitors

Power of buyers

• Low bargaining power

• Buyers may be co-operative

• Can be demanded higher charge to them

Threat of Substitutes

• Lower at first, but higher later when competitor increases

• Some may switch to physical buying

• Competitors may arise soon after we enter the market

Supplier’s power

• Huge number of suppliers

• Low bargaining power

• Similar products

• Able to switch suppliers

Competitive rivalry

• 1. High customer loyalty

• 2. Low competition at first but higher later

• 3. Low switching cost

3.4. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Low entry barrier
1. First mover in bangladesh
2. New in country
2. Getting learnings from other sharing
apps 3. Non-professionals
3. Internet based app
4. Co-operative customers

Opportunities 1. Me too adopters
1. Gain market coverage fast 2. Competitors may arise soon after
2. Tech savvy customers we enter the market
3. Large number of suppliers 3. Dynamically upgrading technology
4. low bargaining power of suppliers 4. Political instability of country
 Strengths

1. First mover in Bangladesh: We will be the first to enter in market as an online book
sharing app which will add an advantage on our side.

2. Getting learnings from other sharing apps: there is no online book sharing app in
Bangladesh app in Bangladesh, but there are ride sharing apps in Bangladesh. We will be
able to learn from their footprints as well.

3. Internet based app: Nowadays, a lot of people use internet regularly which will give us
proper customer base.

4. Co-operative customers

 Weaknesses

1. Non-professionals: All of us have a very little practical idea about the current market
situations and how to run this business.

 Opportunities

1. Gain market coverage fast: there will be no one in the market first, so we will be able to
grab all the fresh customers.

2. Tech savvy customers: Most of the customers living in the urban are is very much
attached to technological equipment’s like smartphones, computers and it is an opportunity
for us.

3. Large number of suppliers: We will get an average cost advantage over the suppliers
because there are many book publishing partners who are waiting for contracts like our

4. Low bargaining power of suppliers: More suppliers means, we have higher power over
them to bargain about the price.
 Threats

1. Me too adopters: After launching, many me too adopter may arise in the market
following our strategy and will take cover of our own market share.

2. Competitors: Competitors may arise soon after we enter the market.

3. Dynamically upgrading technology: It is hard to keep up the pace with the dynamically
upgrading technological forces. It induces cost and therefore reduces the profit.

4. Political instability of country: Comparing with very recent incidents, Bangladesh is a

political unstable country. Any political incidents may hamper the operations of our app.

3.5. Stakeholder analysis

Stakeholders may be a person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an
organization. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organization’s actions, objectives and

There are two types of stakeholders in an organization. Internal & External stakeholders. Internal
stakeholders are elements inside a business (e.g., employees, administrators, the top managerial
staff, and investors). External stakeholders are elements not inside a business itself but rather
who care about or are influenced by its execution (e.g., consumers, regulators, investors,
suppliers). All these stakeholders are necessary for a business to run its operation successfully.

As an online book sharing app our internal & external stakeholders are:

External stakeholders:

1. Consumers: One of the most important external stakeholders are the customers who will
use our app to read and share books with others. Consumers are the main revenue
generator for any types of organization. Our potential customers will be the students, job
holders or any other tech savvy users who will let others know about our app and
motivate to use it.
2. Regulators: Government regulatory commissions, or various third party organizations in
a country which monitors all the organizations are called regulators. Their job is to
monitor the organizations in such a way that they function under specific terms and
conditions. BTCL may be one of the government regulators
3. Investors: Investors are also known as the “owners of a company as they invest money
in the organization to run on its functionality. Investors are the primary source of the
financing in an organization. Our team members are the investors and owners of our book
sharing app.
4. Suppliers: Suppliers are responsible for supplying all sorts of equipment, raw materials
etc. in an organization. We will go in a contractual relationship with the suppliers with
lowest cost offerings and maintain a sound relationship with them.

Internal Stakeholders:

1. Employees: Employees are one of the most important stakeholders of an organization as

they are responsible for running on all the functional activities of an organization. For the
online book sharing app we need to manage databases regularly, manage websites,
updating the apps and many other functions. we will hire the perfect
2. Managers: Managers are responsible for monitoring and managing a group of lower
level employees who works on a vision to achieve a target. We will hire proficient
managers to manage a team.

3.6.Industry and market forecasts

We try to maintain price for renting book. User can afford and book owner get profit .basically
we try to maintain both parties happy .We try to forecast the market demand because the most
user is student. They will use this app very effectively. There are more young generation mostly
interactive with smart phone and they will try to use this then they will try suggest to use other
that’s how our market will be increased and they don’t need to but any book.

4. Description of ventures

4.1. Mission: To find desired book for the readers with better pricing.

4.2. Vision: Our vision is increase knowledge and wisdom among the young generation by giving best
service. We will help also to reduce the cost of student studies in Bangladesh.

4.3. Product(s) /Service(s): our service is online base service system. We create a relation
between book renters and readers.

4.4. Size of business: our business is partnership business .every partner will invest 5 lakh. Our
main office will be 1500sqft. There will some furniture and other computer and server to maintain app

4.5. Office Equipment

The company will purchase followings equipment for running operation

 Tables and chairs

 Computers and Server
 Other equipment’s

4.6. Background of entrepreneurs:

1. MD. Humayun Morshed CITO(Chief IT Officer) CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

BBA( Accounting ,NSU, Dhaka.)
HSC-Dhaka City College

SSC-Monipur high school

Contac no: 01681939391 email:

Skill:MS Office, Java , Php , JavaScript, C#, C+, Python, CSS, Html etc.

2. HumairaZarin Viva (Marketing and customer Officer)

BBA (Marketing, NSU, Dhaka)
HSC-Dhaka Commerce College
SSC-Mirpur Bangla high School
Contact no: 01624636055
Skill: MS Office, Communicate with others, great dealer etc.

3. M S S Iqbal (Chief Human Resource & Operation Officer)

BBA(Supply Chain Mgt, NSU, Dhaka)
HSC-Chittagong cantonment public school and college
SSC-Bangladesh military Academy high school.
Address: House:254, Block :C ,Bashundara Residential Area.Dhaka.
Contact : 01836381628,Email:
Skill : team player , Good communicator , Ms office etc.

4. Najmul Hassan CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

BBA (Finance, NSU ,Dhaka )

HSC-Dhaka City College

Skill: good with numbers, MS office , Spss etc.

5. Marketing Plan

5.1. Customer Analysis (Target Customers & Customer Needs)

We already narrowed down customer segment in the Dhaka city market. Our main customer will
be student. But all kind of age people can use this app to share or rent any book by paying to the
owner of the books. For customer need we research at primary stage in the Dhaka city market to
survey the some people and what is their preference and how much they willing to pay for rent a
book? Also we did research schools, library in the Dhaka city in order to understand current
market saturation.

In, Secondary research we used newspaper and social media to know which kind of book and
writer are trend in the city. We will try find accurate the book for the readers.
5.2. Product & Service Description

We are the Online based service company so we don’t have any product. User can get easily
access our app because we are providing free app in Google store and as well as apple store.
We have to give free update for securities purpose.

User experience (UX): We designed the app so that user easily to interact the content.

Fig: User Interface (UI)

5.3. Pricing: We set book price because we can control the fluctuation price of book. We have
to range the book price so everybody can afford the rent of book. We try set higher price of
lesser page to compare to bigger book because we know lesser book are needed less day to
compare bigger book.

number of pages per day rent per day

less than 200 BDT 10.00
200-400 BDT 8.00
more than 500 BDT6.00

20% of charges form book renters

15% of charges of book purchasing

5.4. Distribution Plan

We are online service business so our app will be free to install in any smart mobile device so,
we don’t have any delivery system but we use pathao to deliver the books .the transection made
by the bank agent.

5.5. Advertising & promotion Plan:

Before starting business, we will try advertise in Schools, Colleges and universities in the Dhaka city by
campaigning in their campus or building to make sure to know our service. We will try cash back or
reduce the price of book rent in order to catch more customer attention in the especial occasion.
Later, we will start the business, at the begging we will try to give some ads in Social media like
Facebook, instagram etc, we also try some giving ads in the online news-portal and other website. We
also giving offer to book renters so that they feeling happy to share more books
We will added ads in the app for notify to buy books.

5.6. Customer service policy

User need to understand the service policy of our company. Where they can rent or buy a book
according the price rate but there will be exceptional for the book price. We ensure the secure
transection of book rent by adding mobile banking system. If the rented book is already damage
then they don’t have to pay. But we have to verify the rented book to make sure the reader isn’t
feel any hassles for renting the book. Once the deadline is over we try to return the book to the
owners. Total transaction will be in the online banking system since our app free to use but we
will ensure privacy customer data .if the book is damage by readers or delivery agent. Then
readers or agent have to pay current price of the book

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