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Start Up Business Plan

Course Code: Mgt 368

Course Name: Entrepreneurship

“Medical Solution at home”

Submitted To
Samuel Mursalin (SmM4)


Department Of Management

SBE | North South University

Submitted By

S/L Name: ID:

01. Tanvir Rubayet Khandakar 1421135642
02. Md. Fahad Tslam 1520757633
03. Tanvir Ahmed 1530012630
04. Bushra Chowdhury 1530171030
05. Samudra Roy 1530503630
06. Mirza Anika Anower 1531006630
07. Afrin Alam 1530407630
08. Saimun Hasan 1530634630
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................9
Situation Analysis:....................................................................................................................................10
Market Gap:..........................................................................................................................................10
PESTEL Analysis.....................................................................................................................................10
Porter’s Five Forces...............................................................................................................................12
POST Approach.....................................................................................................................................13
SWOT Analysis:.....................................................................................................................................14
Stakeholder Analysis.................................................................................................................................16
Market Forecast:...................................................................................................................................16
Business Model Canvas.............................................................................................................................17
Description of Ventures............................................................................................................................18
Size of Business.....................................................................................................................................18
Office Equipment..................................................................................................................................18
Segmentation and targeting:....................................................................................................................19
Unique Selling Point:.............................................................................................................................20
Offering unique; highly valuable Feature:............................................................................................22
Delivers unrivaled experiences.............................................................................................................22
Unfulfilled benefits...............................................................................................................................22
For maximizing profits..........................................................................................................................23
Big Idea:................................................................................................................................................24
IMC objective and strategy:..................................................................................................................24
Electronic coupon.............................................................................................................................25
Display/Banner Ad............................................................................................................................25
Billboard Ad......................................................................................................................................26
Interstitial Ad....................................................................................................................................27
Sponsorship Ads................................................................................................................................28
Direct Marketing...............................................................................................................................29
Affiliate Marketing............................................................................................................................29
Ad word and Global Display Network:.............................................................................................29
Media Strategy:........................................................................................................................................30
Owned Media:......................................................................................................................................30
Paid Media:...........................................................................................................................................30
Earned Media........................................................................................................................................31
Pro Forma Explanation.........................................................................................................................33
Human Resource Management................................................................................................................34
Risk Management Plan.............................................................................................................................36
Risk Associated with Business:...........................................................................................................36
Contingency & Mitigation Plans...............................................................................................................37
Public Relations.....................................................................................................................................38
Personal Selling.....................................................................................................................................38

Health care usually means a wide and intensive form of services, which is related to the well-
being of human being. This wide and intensive industry usually covers, Hospitals, Health
Insurances, Medical Software, Health- equipment and Pharmacy in it. Bangladesh has a
population of about 163 million. Thus an effectively performing health care system is very
essential in improving the population’s heath status, improving the health sectors responsiveness
to customers needs and reducing health care related financial threats. To solve most of the
healthcare related problems, we have decided to come up with “Umed”. Umed is a medical app;
it is an application that offer health-related services for both smartphones and tablet PCs. Patients
can trace nearest doctors along with their details of qualification, they can book appointments
online and even call a pathologist at their home for basic tests and treatments. All of these can be
done by just downloading an app in their smartphone. It will make medical service more
accessible to patients both at home and on-the-go. Therefore, Umed will make getting access to
proper health care very easy to Bangladeshi people, in a short period of time.
Name and address of the business

Name of the business: UMed

Corporate Head office: Gulshan 2, Dhaka.

Name (s) and Address (s) of the Entrepreneur (s)

1. Tanvir Rubayet Khandakar

Address: E/4, Alif housing, Mohammadpur.
Phone Number: 01763860772.
2. Samudra Roy
Address: House no- 10, Road no -16, Nikunjo -2, Khilkhet,Dhaka
Phone number: 01761796886
3. Saimun Hasan
Address: Bonosree Residential, Block D, Road no.7, House no 16.
Phone number: 01688659442
4. Bushra Chowdhury
Address: Hazi pump, Badda, Dhaka
Phone Number: 01772221199
5. Tanvir Ahmed

Address: 39/2, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Phone number: 0168020601
6. Md. Fahad Islam

Address: Road 125, house 8, Gulshan 1, Dhaka.

Phone number: 01777652631.
7. Afrin Alam Jui

Address: Flat-6A, House-244, Road-04, Block-G, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka.

Phone number: 0170464222.
8. Mirza Anika Anower

Address: House -18, Road -08, Block –A, Mirpur -10, Dhaka -1216.
Phone number: 01982065195.

Description of our Company:

UMed comprehensive app-based emergency medical solution. A mobile platform that brings
doctors to your doors. A short and fast download of our application in your smart phone or tab
will do the job. It’s going to connect you to a pool of physicians who are up and awake 24/7 to
offer you an emergency service. Our networks of doctors are dedicated, energetic, flexible, and
fast-responsive to urgent conditions. All you need is “a single tap in the app” and the closest
physician available will ring your door bell.

Nature of the Business:

Type: Partnership

Industry: Health Care Industry.

The business is going to be a partnership business with 8 partners. The name of the partners and
their respective designation were mentioned earlier in the report. All the partners will invest
equally in the business. Initially we need external funds and also we need investors for our
business. Furthermore each member will hold 12.5% of equity. Every partner will have equal
rights in the business and their decision will be based on their designation. However, before any
major decision, all partners need to come to an agreement before initiating the idea. Moreover all
liabilities and profits will be divided equally on the partners of the business.

Statement of financing need

Initially we would like to start of our business at the cost of BDT 38, 00,000. We are mainly
relying on the bank loans or investors for BDT. 6, 00,000 and the rest will be managed by us. At
the beginning we will be starting from Dhaka city and after that we have plan to expand our
business to other cities like; Chattogram, Sylhet, Rajshahi etc. Each partner will hold 12.5% of
the ownership in the business.
Statement of Confidentiality of the Report

This accord is to recognize that the information provided by “UMed” in this business plan is
completely confidential and therefore the reader of the business need to assure that no matter
what circumstance, any kind of information in the business plan won’t be disclosed without the
written consent of BOD of “UMed”. It is likewise recognized by the reader that the data to be
outfitted in this plan for the business is in all angles private in nature, except for the data which
can be found by other public means and any disclosure of these sensitive information can cause
great damage to the business.

Tanvir Rubayet Khandakar


Samudra Roy


Saimun Hasan


Bushra Chowdhury


Mirza Anika Anower


Md. Fahad Islam


Afrin Alam Jui


Tanvir Ahmed

UMed is a medical app; it is an application that offer health-related services for both smart
phones and tablet PCs Patients can trace nearest doctors along with their details of qualification,
they can book appointments online and even call a pathologist at their home for basic tests and
treatments. We've seen a need of this service in Bangladesh as most of the medical services are
given on first come first go instead of on emergency basis. Thus it discourages people to go to
hospital for regular checkups and minor tests which are also important. The mission of Umed is
to be an app based emergency health care service provider and vision is to be a leading health
care sector in the country. We will hire fresh Graduate doctors to provide our service. We will
position the service as the fastest primary health care service in the city. From the App patient
can get opportunities to call up a House physician or a Pathologist. Adding to this they can get
doctor’s appointment. There will be a directory in the App containing the profiles of the doctors.
We will be following value based pricing since our service will include valuable features. We
will be targeting Sec-A and Sec-B people and make treatment easy and accessible for them. We
will be implying several promotional strategies including- Electronic coupon, Banners,
Interstitial ads, Sponsorship ads Affiliate marketing and Direct marketing. We will engage our
patients through owned, paid and earned media. We are eight partners and each will invest BDT
4,00,000 with the share of 12.5%. We will design our organization that will consist of Human
resource department, Marketing department, IT department and Finance Department. We will be
using Web Analytics in order to see the web traffic and also monitor no. of downloads of the
app. We have a set of contingency plans to make our business more sustainable.
Situation Analysis:
Market Gap:
The medical field is an ever evolving field where new things are found every day. New
technology is being used for the advancement. In this digital age Bangladesh is lagging behind in
the medical field. People have to wait in line for hours to get an appointment. Appointment is
given on first come first go basis rather than emergency basis. The practice of house physicians
is still not that active in Bangladesh. Lots of people who need primary simple treatment do not
want to go to the doctor to avoid the hassle of getting an appointment. Sometimes minor tests
need to be conducted in order to for which patients again have to wait in the line.

As a solution to all these problems we have come up with ‘UMed’. It will make treatment easily
accessible to everyone.

PESTEL Analysis


Social c


Political Analysis: Political instability cannot be the concerned fact as it’s a app based
medical service. Internet accessibility is the big concern here.

Economic Analysis: Economic factors are related to inflation, taxes, unemployment, and
the recession. This app will help to reduce unemployment. As we will hire a lot of employers for
the different department and we will hire the fresh graduate doctors who provide the medical
services on behalf of our company.

Social Analysis: Social factors also have great effect on businesses. Identifying based on age,
occupation, places are the main factors that affect a business. We can’t expect our app based
business to do well in the rural areas. People for better living are moving towards city at the end
of the day. So we are now targeting only Dhaka city. In future we will go far away all over the
country that’s our hope. As our business is an app based and this generation is more technology

Technological Analysis: Technological improvement is a must in this modern age. Though

we are late bloomer in this category comparing to the rest of the world, but it’s rapidly
increasing. If we just look at the previous five years, we can just see how much change has
technology has made in our lives. Online shopping has become so much popular that even
physical shops businesses are keeping online shopping an option for their business. From BTRC
report, Bangladesh has now current over 9 corer active internet users. Also as smart phones have
become so much cheaper and user friendly, it has created a huge online community in our
country. We need to focus on the technology that uses to develop the app and giving the
accessibility to the consumers. Adopting new technology should be the main concern in this

Environmental Analysis: Nowadays due to scarce of raw materials. pollution targets,

ethics, environmental factors have become very important. Though we don’t have any direct
resources and processes which can be dangerous for environment, however, we will make sure to
partner up with a business that maintain the environmental laws strictly and conducts the
businesses marinating ethical values like the clinics and hospital who will provide the pathologist
supports on behalf of our company. But we can say that there is no environmental influence
here as its app based medical service.

Legal Analysis: Legal factors are to be strictly maintained. We have strict policy to maintain
equal opportunities for both men and women. We will be also ensuring the medical service
safety conduct. Here we need to analyze the rules and regulation of the medical service.
Employment law, taking customer’s personal information from the app, we need to follow all
the legal terms and policies.

Porter’s Five Forces

Competitive Thread of new Thread of

Rivalry entrants substitute

Bargaining Bargaining
power of power of
buyers suppliers

Competitive Rivalry: At present sate, we don’t have any competitors as our business is
completely new, so this is an advantage. New business with similar apps and ideas will emerge
and will try to dethrone us from the market. Here number of other medical service app is low.
Medical service industry growth is medium to low. Here fixed Cost is high.

Threat of new entrants: As a first mover in the industry we can predict that there is a high
chance of new competitors entering into the market. Brand loyalty towards app based medical
service is low, and switching cost is high.

Threat of substitute: As our business in unique and not seen in our country, there aren’t any
substitute apps or services currently. However, due to technological advancement there may be
which will offer similar service to ours. Here number of availability of substitute app based
medical service is low. Here switching cost is high to moderate.

Bargaining power of buyers: As an app based service no of users of the app, in this case
which are the customers are the heart of the business. And so the buyers have very high power
because in future when more similar apps will be available. Here bargaining power is very high.
Medical Fee Sensitivity is high. Switching cost is low as there is less competition here providing
app based medical service.

Bargaining power of suppliers: Our suppliers would be doctors and medicine providers.
Bargaining power of suppliers is high. Uniqueness of each doctors’ quality is Highly
Differentiated. Cost of switching the doctor is high.

POST Approach
People are most important element in the post approach. Because other four approaches are made
for the people. If we Analyse the social techno graphic ladder we can see that our targeted people
will be,

Creators- Creators are important for us. Because they create websites, blog etc. For our apps
design, content creation, Social media promotion we can use them.

Conversationalists- Conversationalist are important for us. We can use them for our promotion
and other activities.
Critics & Collectors- Sometimes people follow the critics. So their reviews and votes are
important for the sustainability for our firm.

Joiners & Spectators- Joiners and spectators are the main people of our target. Cause 80% of our
target customers’ fall under this group. They are active in social media and technology. And they
think this is the best way.

These all people are related and important for our Brand Umed. As its an online platform
business. Which will provide doctor appointment and home physician by apps?

Bangladesh is a fastest growing country. In this country health issue is very Crucial. Everyday
people face lots of problems to get an appointment with doctor. And also for home physician.
That’s why we are in digital space to solve it. By serve them and talk with them. This is our basic

Our basic strategy is totally based on online. People can find nearest physician by our apps and
also can make appointment with doctors. Our revenue model is Mainly service based and app

For our company we will use apps for our main service and for our promotion and marketing
tools we will use Face book, Instagram and other social and interactive media.

SWOT Analysis:

Strength Weakness
 Well-developed and well-designed  Our employees are mainly fresh
app. graduates and they are not that much
 Appointments to experienced doctors experienced.
can be done from home which can be  Lack of capital.
traced for more convenience of the
patients to track their timing
 Less time consuming and easily
 Can be able to serve home delivery
for medicines 24/7.

Opportunity Threats
 New industry capture  Duplication of competitive advantage
 Growing Demand  Market capture by established firms
 Technological advancements  Older people are not tech savvy
 Many hospitals will not be interested
to provide the doctor’s appointment
through our app.
 Government policies toward new

Stakeholder Analysis

The following table identifies the stakeholders of our business:

Customers (App users) R&D Team

Employees( IT specialists, Pathologists, Fresh Government

graduate doctors)
Partners (clinics, hospitals) Competitors
Media Bank

Industry Forecast:

Before industry forecasting, we have to remember that the services our app will be providing still
isn’t available in our country. So as a first mover, we will be the trendsetter for our new industry.
Because of our unique approach to business in different way, we can predict that more similar
types of app business will be launched and also as a result the competition will be fiercer in the
industry. With the help from government, our industry can bloom which will ultimately help our

Market Forecast:
We believe that the demand for technological service based apps is now more than ever. The
current market is in need of unique business ideas from different sectors. In terms of market,
there are plenty of apps for various needs and services that are already functioning in the market.
We have to make sure that our business stands in its own way from the rest of the market by
leading its own sector. The service we will be providing is completely new from the services we
have seen in Bangladesh till now. In a country of 8.47 Corer mobile internet users, we can
definitely consider the market with huge potentiality. The opportunity to exploit the current
market, more specifically introducing to new customers, is available only if we can initiate our
business plan successfully.

Business Model Canvas


We will make a long Received patients Providing We will make Geographic: Dhaka
time good relationship request on time primary health intimate Region
with fresh graduate care when relationship with
doctors. required patients. Demographic:
Gender- Male and
IT specialist Well decorated Age-25 to 39.
app Income Level: High
and middle class.
Education: at least
minimum educated

Psychographic: Health
Conscious people.

Application purchase 3lakhs taka. Commission Revenue 2,59,200 taka (advertisement

and hospital commission)
Application maintain cost 5lakhs taka.
1,00,000 taka

Description of Ventures

The mission of UMed is to be an app based emergency healthcare service provider. By catering
to the needs of patients all across Dhaka with the help of an app, this start-up wants to create the
concept of an hospital in Bangladesh.
UMed’s vision is to be a leading player in the healthcare sector of the country. The company
aims to achieve this in the next two years by providing quality healthcare from door to door and
bringing patients closer to a bunch of qualified and energetic physicians.

The service of our company will be entirely app based. Users will be able to avail a lot of core
medical services with simply downloading our app and tapping on the required features. All they
need is a smart device and a connection to the internet.

Size of Business
UMed will be a partnership business venture between all our eight group members. All of us will
have equally distributed shares in the business, and will have same control and responsibility.
Total invest from each of our partners will be 4 lacs BDT and our initial business coverage shall
be the city of Dhaka only.

Office Equipment
We will rent out a small office space in the beginning. We hope to conduct all our business
operations from there. We plan to have some laptops and desktops along with hi speed internet
connections. We will have an open office arrangement where all the tables and chairs will be
arranged in a likewise manner.

Segmentation and targeting:



Sex Male Female
Age 22 and above 20 and above
SEC A+ A B+ B C+

Personality Consciousness Agreeableness Openness Extraversion

Lifestyles Active Healthy Sporty Comfort

Life cycles Youngster Adult Middle aged Aged

Our target consumers are the people living in Dhaka. Male and female who are 22 and above and
belong to SEC A and B. They are conscious and healthy.

The positioning strategy that UMed will be following is a combination of capabilities and
functions and features.

Unique capabilities such as the consulting service that offers rare and in-demand

Functions and Features

Allowing customers to get the fastest primary health care service in the city.
Unique Selling Point:
UMed is the first health related app that will provide customers with emergency house
physicians. They will be able to call pathologists at home and book appointments online.


Home Pathologist

Doctor’s Appointment

During this age of digital Bangladesh most aspects of our life has become digitalized. The
medical field is also moving towards digitalization. 30 out of 1000 people suffer every day
because of lack of treatment on the right time. Most health workers provide secondary and
tertiary treatment depriving the patients who solely require primary treatment and there are very
few house physicians who provide primary treatment. They also just visit the major areas. Hence
in order to battle this problem we have come up with a creative digitalized solution. We will
provide House Physician by mobile Apps during emergency. They will be available in every area
and they can be tracked by google map. People can find nearby doctors using google map. This
app will also be a platform for the fresh graduate doctors who find it very hard to find patients.
There are other means to get services during emergencies such as ambulance services, but due to
the shortcomings of Dhaka’s transportation infrastructure ambulance services are not efficient.

As Dhaka is an overcrowded city, patients swarming all over the hospitals and diagnostic centers
is a common scenario. It is almost impossible to get an appointment of a renowned doctor within
a desired time period. Generally, people have to wait long hours to get an appointment. Without
being present in person our users can book an appointment in the well-known hospitals like
United, Apollo and Square Hospital where without payment appointments are not confirmed
merely by using our app. People also can call pathologist from different hospitals and diagnostic

Patients usually tend to be confused about which doctor to see for their specific sickness. In our
app the patients will be able to input their problems and we will provide them with a list of
doctors who will be suitable for that patient. There will be directory in our app containing all the
profiles of the doctors.

UMed will be following ‘Value Based Pricing’ considering the factors:
Ø  Offering unique or highly valuable features
Ø   Delivers unrivaled experiences
Ø  Unfulfilled benefits
Ø  For maximizing profits

Offering unique; highly valuable Feature:

            UMed is providing services like booking appointments with highly reputed
doctors in the city; providing emergency medical attention from skilled doctors reaching out the
patients within the area & pathology facilities. The primary research showed us that 62.5% of the
people want to book appointments from home with the use of an app and also 96.9% of the
people said that they want a doctor to come to their place and give a checkup. The people also
proposed the pricing of Tk. 500-700 for the services of a doctor coming to their place for the

Delivers unrivaled experiences

This untapped sector is delivering all the unique facilities in context of Dhaka
Bangladesh as the next best option is ‘docotordako’. The only facilities provided are medical
suggestions and platform for idea generators. Comparing our product offering based on the
primary survey, UMed is meeting the demand in the market.

Unfulfilled benefits
There are people who have to wait for days to get appointments to the reputed doctors and
nepotism also takes place when the patients are trying to get to the doctors’ chambers. Our app
will provide an online platform for the patients to book appointments and also will be able to
find out in which serial they are in so that the nepotism can be abolished. They do not have to
wait in line for the appointments.
In case of emergency and primary checkups, the users can call doctors to their home. The doctors
will be consisting of the recent graduates who do not have a very big reputation. They will be
able to assist in times of emergency and also this creates a job opportunity for the recent
Pathologists will also be contacted if the patients are unable to go to the diagnostic centers for
the tests. The pathologists will be providing with the primary tests such as blood tests and urine
tests. Pathologists from the nearest diagnostic centers will be communicated with.

For maximizing profits

UMed is offering solutions to the unsolved problems for which a customer base already exists.
UMed deciding to follow Value Based Pricing revenue model. The revenue generation will be
collected as followed:
 30% of the payment of the home physician (Tk. 599)
 5% from pathological support
 5% from doctor’s appointment
This revenue generation model is the most feasible maximizing profit strategy Umed has put

•Sales promotion- discount, coupon

•Advertisement- TVC, RDC, Banner
•Direct Marketing- Text, Mail, leaflet
•PR- incentives (doctor, journalist), blog, events
•Interactive marketing- pop-up ads, interstitial ads, online banners,
•Social media- Face book, Instagram, twitter

The concepts of Lean Startup were used, and a research was conducted to figure out whether our
offering was solving any need and what will be the appropriate price that the potential customers
are willing to pay. According to the research 62.5% of the people want to book appointments
from home with the use of an app and also 96.9% of the people said that they want a doctor to
come to their place and give a checkup. The people also proposed the pricing of Tk. 500-700 for
the services of a doctor coming to their place for the treatments. As per the respondents’
suggestions, the price of 700tk was selected.
In addition to this 5% from doctors’ appointments and 5% from pathological tests that will be
recommended by the physicians from other institutes will be charged as commissions.

Big Idea:
‘Enhancing Life’

A big idea is devised which acts like an umbrella for all the other advertising campaigns and the
channels. Our target customers are SEC A and B people who are highly concerned about their
health. Through this tagline we want to enunciate that UMed will help people get treatment
instantly and reduce hassle. Its goal is to make treatment easily accessible for everyone.

IMC objective and strategy:

We will appeal to our target consumers using the following IMC tools:

Enhancing Life Interactive
Promotion Marketing

Direct Marketing

Electronic coupon-

This is an electronic ticket that can be exchanged for a financial discount when taking our
service. Since our service is new in the market, coupon will make consumers eager to try our
offerings. This on the other hand will increase our consumer base thus sales. Our strategy is to
give consumers 100taka off on their first checkup when they use the coupon. We aim to boost
our initial ales and create more and more awareness among consumers through this coupon.
Display/Banner Ad-

This is an advertisement that can take place in website, app and social media. When consumers
will click on the image with UMed’s promotion, they will be taken to our corresponding landing
page which is our website, where further information’s will be provided. The target consumer for
our banner ad is mainly doctors. We have tried to make our banner ad eye-catching by putting
picture of a worried doctor and stating “Looking for a safe career path? Let UMed be your
stepping store”. This will attract many doctors attention instantly. We have also included our
contact and website details for anyone interested in further details.

Billboard Ad-

This is a large outdoor advertisement which we intend to put in high-traffic areas to grab
attention of all passing pedestrians and drivers. Healthy life is something that every human
wants. Thus our billboard states, “Step towards better healthcare”, so that many consumers can
relate and they remember the ad. We have also mentioned that we are available on Google Play
and App Store so that consumers know they can get medical services by just downloading an
app. Since, we are the first to provide this kind of service in Bangladesh, we are expecting a huge
response from this billboard. We will also have billboard ads for the doctors so that they get to
know about us.

Interstitial Ad-

These are ads that cover the interface of their host app mainly during activities or pause between
levels. We intend to put interstitial ad in Face book, so that consumers get to know about UMed
while browsing through their daily feed. This ad will have the same picture that we are going to
put in our billboard so consumers will get to know how they can get heath care service by just
downloading an app.

Sponsorship Ads-

This is a type of advertisement where a company pays to be associated with a specific event. We
are going to sponsor different heath care related blogs and put banner ads on top. Consumers
who click on the ad will be taken directly to our website where they will come across more
details about our service. These sponsor ads will make many consumers aware of UMed and
will also contribute towards our sales.
Direct Marketing-

A catalogue containing new inventions in the medical world will be E mailed to the consumers
so that they can be up to date. We will also give out leaflets in front of gyms and parks so that
people get to know about our app.


There will be a blog where treatments of prevalent diseases will be posted and also each week
different doctors will talk about better health care and the consumers can write about their
experience. It will act like a community.

Affiliate Marketing
Uber, Food panda and CMED’s apps and websites are selected for pursuing this strategy. Those apps will
be used as a platform where pop-up ads for UMed will be placed. In return a premium will be paid as
those businesses will be acting as the affiliates of UMed plus pop-up ads of those businesses will be
placed on UMed’s app and website as well.

Ad word and Global Display Network:

Keywords such as: food, sleep, workout, yoga, meditation, protein, vitamin, medicine, health,
healthcare, medical care, care, psychiatry, gynecology, pediatric, orthopedic, rehab,
rehabilitation, wellness, oncology, cardiology, neurology, dermatology, doctor and appointment
will be used to optimize the search engine and also by buying these words and using CPM so that
the people become aware of the service online. Google Ad word will be set up with a budget to
help reach the mass and will be only paid per click.

The display images will be given in Global Display Network (GDN), so that the images are put
in the relevant places for efficient reach. Google will show the responsive display ads to the
people will are willing to adopt the service. We will be putting it up before schedule since it
takes time to put the display ads in the relevant places for greater reach.
Media Strategy:
Owned Media:
For owned media we are using social media sites such as Face book and Instagram by making a
page for both the sites. This ensures the reach among the target customers in the social media
since most of the people in Bangladesh use both these sites the most. We will also be using a
Face book group, so that people can join in and talk about their problems and discusses support
each other via the group. This ensures CRM as well thus creating the opportunity for the people
to engage with UMed as well. They will also be updated about the promotions or coupons
offered for the promotion in the business.
Website and a mobile app will also be part of the owned media, which will disseminate
information about the business thus making people more aware of the product when they visit
the website or download the app.
Affiliate network will also be used to get more traffic in the website and also Search Engine
Optimization will be used to gain more relevancy; this will ensure that the website comes on the
top of the goggle search when used the keywords. Affiliate network will be used on various
websites like Rakuten.

Paid Media:
1. Display ads- We will be using display ads on various relevant websites and for brand
awareness we will be using CPM. This will help the brand get awareness among the
people and will also ensure that people click on the ads that we are putting up so that we
pay for the million clicks we get for the promotion on different sites and apps.
2. Rich Media- We will be providing pop-up ads on the relevant websites and coupons for
the clicks on the ads. Thus creating people to download the app or visit the website more.
The pop-up ads or coupons ads will give the people a certain amount of discount for their
first call or their first appointment.
Interstitial ads will be used in Face book and in YouTube so that people see UMed in
between videos and get exposed to the service.
True view ads will also be used in YouTube. In stream ads and also in display ads will be
used for the exposure of the service. Bumper ads of 6 seconds will be used in videos so
that the people get the exposure of the service and know about it.
3. Contextual ads- There will be banner ads on relevant websites like or on
lifestyle magazine websites like ICE Today. This will give the people more awareness
about the business, thus gaining more traffic on the website and also gaining more app
Furthermore, behavioral ads will be used; this will make the young doctor’s more aware
of the service and thus will result in coming to our service and will help more patients in
the area they are in.
4. Face book ads- On Face book, we will be boosting our page so that more people get to
know about the product we offer. This will make the people know about our products and
also we will encourage them to join the Face book group so that they get more support
from the surrounding people and we can also understand the problems regarding the
business. They can also get doctor’s advice online, in the group when asked on the group.
The ads will come on the homepage since most people scroll through Face book; this will
make the people aware of the service when they are scrolling through their homepage.
5. Paid search- Ad words will be used to make the search easier for the people, in return
making our website more accessible for the people. This helps to gain more traffic in the
website and in result providing the service to more people.
6. Mobile ads- Display ads on mobile and app based ads will be used in mobile phones for
the people to be aware of the service. Messaging will also be used for the people to know
about the service who are unaware of UMed or were not exposed to the advertisements.
Location based ads will be used as well; the people will get notified of the service
whenever they are near hospitals or clinics.

Earned Media -
Earned promotion shall be the third-party sentiment about UMed and its services. In the app
there shall be a rating option which will appear after services are performed for its users to be
able to give feedback; alongside there shall also be Google alerts created so we can see when
people are mentioning us in any form of social media. Our Face book page will also allow
consumer feedback through comments, likes, shares and ratings. This way we will be able to
have a better understanding of how the feedback is. We shall try to capture the sentiments behind
people’s posts and reviews and showcase those posts on the website, app and social media pages
to create a positive brand image.

All the calculations for one year

Total partners: 8

Investment of each partner: taka 4, 00,000

Capital Investment cost 38,00,000


Application Purchase 3,00,000

Server cost 1,50,000
Promotion 7,00,000
Rent security 2,00,000
Utility 6,00,000
Furniture cost 2,00,000
Equipment cost 8,00,000
App maintenance cost 5,00,000
Total Investment 34,50,000
Required Investment from investor: taka 6, 00,000

Cash in Hand: taka 3, 50,000

For the proposed business plan we need total tk. 38, 00,000 investments. Total set-up and
maintenance cost for the first year is tk. 3450000 (Application purchase cost tk. 300000, server
cost tk. 150000, promotional cost tk. 700000, rent security cost tk. 200000, utility cost tk.
600000, furniture cost tk. 200000, equipment cost tk. 800000, app maintenance cost tk. 500000).
After these costs we will have tk. 350000 cash in hand. We will keep this money to meet the first
year’s emergency needs. In the pro forma income statement we found that we will face loss in
the first year. Even we have to pay back the investor’s money along with the interest. As we will
face loss in the first year so we will need money to meet them. That is why we kept some money
in hand to meet them.

Pro Forma Explanation

We have calculated pro forma income statement for 3 years to have an idea about the revenues
and the expenditures of the business and also to identify the future condition of the business.
While preparing the pro forma income statement, we included all possible revenues that our
business will generate and expenditures to cover during the period. From the revenue and
expenditure part we have calculated gross profit/loss for three years.

Revenues: We expected that we will get 30 patients everyday for the first year. Our assigned
fees for the patients are tk. 700. But for the promotion, we have decided to give every patient a
discount for the whole first year. So after the discount we will get tk. 821250 from the
commission revenue. From other revenues part (advertisement, commission from hospital etc.)
we are expecting to get tk. 1000000 in the first year. After first year our total expected revenue
will be tk.1821250. But from the second year there will be no discount facility and our expected
patient number for each day in second year will be 50. So our commission revenue will be tk.
3780000 and other revenue will be tk. 1500000. That is how our total revenue after second year
will be tk. 5280000. Similarly we are expecting 100 patients everyday and our total revenue for
the third year will be tk. 10060000.

Expenditures: We have also calculated our expenditures (app maintenance, rent expense, salary
& wages, utility expense, miscellaneous expense, bonus, advertisement expense) of the business
for those 3 years as well. In the first year income statement we did not show any app
maintenance cost and advertisement cost. Because, we will cover those cost from the invested
money as revenue generation is very low in the first year pro forma income statement. But in the
second and third year these expenditures will be covered from the revenues. From the statement
we have calculated tk. 1989000 as total expenditure. Similarly we have also calculated the total
expenditure for the second and third year. Second year’s total calculated expenditure is tk.
3732000 and third year’s total expenditure is tk. 4769000.

Gross profit/loss: After calculating all revenues and expenditures we have calculated company’s
gross profit/loss for all three years. In the first year we will face a loss of tk. 167750 showed in
the pro forma income statement. But gradually our profit will be visible from the second year.
From the pro forma income statement we can see the profit of the business. In second year the
business will have tk. 1548000 as profit and in the third year it will increase to tk. 5291000.

Human Resource Management

First Year:


department Marketing
Marketing DPT.
department Finance DPT. ITS DPT.

2 3 Employees 1 3 Employees
Employee Employee

1 cleaner

Second Year:


department Marketing
Marketing DPT.
department Finance DPT. ITS DPT.

2 4 Employees 2 3 Employees
Employee Employees
Third Year:


department Marketing
Marketing DPT.
department Finance DPT. IT DPT.

2 4 Employees 3 5 Employees
Employee Employees

1 cleaner


We will be using web analytics in order to see the web traffic and also monitor the number of
downloads of the app. We will keep a tab on our blogs and social media to see what people are
saying about us and act upon it. We will look at the sales matrix to see the amount of sales and
revenues. Action metrics will also be used.
Risk Management Plan
Risk management is a system in which businesses can analyze and determine the risks that can
possibly prevail one’s business. We have some risk management plans.

Risk Associated with Business:

Appraising and dealing with the weaknesses is one of the biggest challenges of any business. As
for startup, UMed will face some challenges and obstructions which might turn into massive
problem for continuing the business.

Being a startup UMed will face below weaknesses

Unique types of service in the market: UMed is a service based mobile app that inaugurates to
solve most of the healthcare related problems. This service is fully new to Bangladesh and most
of the customers will not have the ordinary idea about the UMed app. As a result, this will cost a
lot. We require much time to familiarize the app to consumer in the market and create more
brand awareness.

Unrevealed customer demand: Since UMed is totally new app service to customers that’s why
customers are unacquainted of the features. This is one of the biggest lacking of our app.

New technological challenge: UMed is technology-based app service there are probabilities of
entrance of new technologies which begin new complexities and apprised of the main theme. To
resolve this, we need to be conscious and updated about the new expanding concepts of

Budget limitation: We started the business having fixed amount of capital therefore we have
tight budget for conducting any activities.

Heading uncertainties: Being a new app customer might find difficulties and problems in
business for this we have to be alert always.
Contingency & Mitigation Plans
UMed has built another substitute contingency plan if there any issues emerge, rising of a breach
of contract with service providers, encountering uncertainties and others.

Being the business startup, we will envisage of complications, specifically in the forthcoming
phase when we deal with service providers, acquisition customers and appointing employees.
Besides, we have to control a span of risk, debt and obligations which can minimize by inventing
agreement in written format.

Leading various method and operations by handling manually can be finished. For this reason,
we have to explore and forecast uprising difficulties and discover the alternative solutions. Here
are some contingency loans for predicted problems to reduce the risk.

1. Adding more services: Prior mention in the evaluating risk, the business might go down
for unreliable customer demands, capriciously trend changes, unable to handling the
uncertainties and so on. Consequently, this result in huge loss and increase the cost. For
removing this problem, we can give more services to the customers.
2. Providing extra incentives: There might some trouble for instance scandals, rumors,
controversies which impede the reputation of the business and customer might shorten to
use the app. In case of that we will conduct more marketing campaigns so that we can
retain our service providers and customers.
3. App usability policies: In the app terms and condition we will clearly mention our app
policies in order that customer and service provider will have knowledge of our app. This
will help to decrease the possibilities of rumors and allegations regarding our app
policies. Also, one of our workers might do illegal activities on the app system as a result
this might answerable to customers. For this protection against these risks we will use
written policy that gives the idea ‘do and don’t do’ on system device of employees.
4. Usage of written policies: To protect a safe and legitimate working environment among
the employees in the meantime maintaining the company in the app, written policies are
perfect. Though written policies won’t diminish all the probable issues as a business
owner perspective it provides protection as it is written policy so that the new team
members can follow and the clients also get credibility of the organization.

Public Personal Contingenc

Relations Selling y Planning

Public Relations:

We will give incentives to bloggers and influencers like water bottles and discount cards worth
30%. This will motivate them to propose our brand to their customers.

Personal Selling:

For personal selling, we will hire experienced and knowledgeable spokesperson who will
distribute flyers outside gyms and public parks. They will promote our service by making them
aware of its benefits and attributes.

UMed is an initiative to bring medical service at the doorstep of the app user. It is an idea to
make medical services more accessible and also to make room for recent medical graduates a
chance to treat people who are in need. UMed’s sole purpose is to make living better and more
accessible for the people of Bangladesh.

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