An Action That Happened Before Another Action in The Past There Usually Are Two Actions in The Sentence

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Subjec Auxiliary Vord. Function: to indicate:

I (1) an action that happened before another action in the
past; there usually are two actions in the sentence.
We Had V3 Bob had bought books before he entered the class.
1st action 2nd action
He John told us yesterday that he had visited England in
She 2010.
2nd action 1st action

The past perfect is usually used with before, after, or when.

Past perfect + before + simple past

Before + simple past, + past perfect

John had gone to the store before he went home.

Before John went home, he had gone to the store.

Simple past + after + past perfect

After + past perfect, + simple past

John went home after he had gone to the store.

After John had gone to the store, he went home.

2). A statement which continues for a time in the past, but stopped before now. Note that there is
no connection with the present.

John had lived in New York for ten years before he moved to California.

Past Perfect (Ps. Pf)

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