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Buildings in climate zone 8 with daylight areas total- whichever is later, and 6am or business opening, which-
ing less than 1,500 ft2 in an enclosed space. ever comes first, or between times established by the
authority having jurisdicti on. Additional Control. Additional controls shall c. Lighting not specified in section b above, including
meet the following requirements: advertising signage, shall be controlled by a device that
automatically reduces the connected lighting power by at
a. Display/Accent Lighting-display or accent lighting shall least 30% for at least one of the following conditions
have a separate control device.
b. Case Lighting-Jighting in cases used for display pur- 1. from 12 midnight or within one (1) hom of the end of
poses shall have a separate control device. business operations, whichever is later, until 6 a.m. or
c. Guest Room Lighting-Guestrooms in hotels, motels, business opening, whichever is earlier; or
boarding houses or similar buildings shall have one or 2. during any period when no activity has been detected
more control device(s) at the entry door that collectively for a time of no longer than 15 minutes.
control all permanently installed luminaires and switched
receptacles, except those in the bathroom(s). Suites shall All time switches shall be capable of retaining program-
have control(s) meeting these requirements at the entry to ming and the time setting during loss of power for a period of
each room or at the primary entry to the suite. Bathrooms at least ten homs.
shal1 have a control device installed to automatically tum Exception: Lighting for covered vehicle entrances or exits
off the bathroom lighting, except for night lighting not from buildings or parking structures where required for
exceeding 5 watts, within 60 minutes of the occupant safety, secmity, or rye adaptation.
leaving the space." 9.4.2 Exit Signs. Internally illuminated exit signs shall
d. Task Lighting-supplemental task lighting, including per- not exceed 5 W per face.
manently installed undershelf or undercabinet lighting,
9.4.3 Exterior Building Lighting Power. The total exte-
shall have a control device integral to the luminaires or be
rior lighting power allowance for all exterior building appli-
controlled by a wall-mounted control device provided the
cations is the sum of the base site allowance plus the
control device is readily accessible and located so that the
individual allowances for areas that are designed to be illumi-
occupant can see the controlled lighting.
nated and are permitted in Table 9.4.3B for the applicable
e. Nonvisual Lighting-lighting for nonvisual applications,
lighting zone. The installed exterior lighting power identi-
such as plant growth and food warming, shall have a sep-
fied in accordance with Section 9.1.3 shall not exceed the
arate control device.
exterior lighting poyver allowance developed in accordance
f. Demonstration Lighting-lighting equipment that is for
with this section. Trade-offs are allowed only among exterior
sale or for demonstrations in lighting education shall have
lighting applications listed in the Table 9.4.3B "Tradable Sur-
a separate control device.
faces" section. The lighting zone for the building exterior is
g. Stairwell Lighting-Lighting in stairwells shall have one
determined from Table 9.4.3A unless otherwise specified by
or more control devices to automatically reduce lighting
the local jurisdiction.
power in anyone controlled zone by at least 50% within
30 minutes of all occupants leaving that controlled zone. Exceptions: Lighting used for the following exterior appli-
cations is exempt when equipped with a control device Exterior Lighting Control. Lighting for exte- that complies with the requirements of Section
rior applications not exempted in section 9.1 shall meet the and is independent of the control of the nonexempt
following requirements: lighting:

a. Lighting shall be controlled by a device that automati- a. Specialized signal, directional, and marker lighting
cally turns off the lighting when sufficient daylight is associated with transportation.
available. b. Advertising signage or directional signage.
b. All building fac;ade and landscape lighting shall be auto- c. Lighting integral to equipment or instrumentation
matically shut off between midnight or business closing, and installed by its manufacturer.

TABLE 9.4.3A Exterior Lighting Zones


o Undeveloped areas within national parks, state parks, forest land, rural areas, and other undeveloped
areas as defined by the authority havingjurisdiction
Developed areas of national parks, state parks, forest land, and rura1 areas
2 Areas predominantly consisting of residential zoning, neighborhood business districts, light industrial
with limited nighttime use and residential mixed use areas
3 All other areas
4 High activity commercial districts in major metropolitan areas as designated by the local jurisdiction

78 ANSI/ASHRAEIIES Standard 90.1·2010 (I-P Edition)

TABLE 9.4.3B Individual Lighting Power Allowances for Building Exteriors
Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Base Site Allowance be used in tradable Qr nQn-tradable surtac:es)

NO' Base Site
SOOW 600W 7S0W 1300W
in ZQne 0
Tradable Surfaces
(LPDs fQr uncQvered parking areas, building grQunds, building entrances and exits, canQpies and Qverhangs, and QutdQQr sales areas may be

Uncovered parking areas

Parking areas and

NO' allQwance 0.04 W/fil 0.06 W/ft2 0.10 W/fil 0.13 W/fil

Building grounds

Walkways less than

NO' allQwance 0.7 W/linear fQQt 0.7 W!linear fQot 0.8 W/linear foot 1.0 W/linear foot
10 ft wide
Walkways 10ft wide
Qr greater
No allQwance 0.14 W/ft2 0.14 W/fil 0.16 W/fil 0.2 W/ft2
Plaza areas
Special feature areas
Stairways No allowance 0.75 W/fil 1.0 W/fil 1.0 Wlfil 1.0 W/fil
Pedestrian tunnels No allowance 0.15 W/ft2 O.IS Wlfil 0.2 W/fil 0.3 Wlfil
No allowance 0.04 W/fil O.OS W/fil 0.05 W/fil 0.05 Wlfil

Building entrances and exits

20 W Ilinear foot of 20 W Ilinear foot of 30 W llinear foot Qf 30 W llinear foot of

Main entries No allowance
door width door width door width door width
20 W/linear foot of 20 W/linear fQO't O'f 20 W!linear fQot of 20 W /linear fQQt of
Other doors No allowance
dOQrwidth dQQr'width dQQrwidth dQorwidth
No allQwance 0.25 W/ft2 0.25 W/fil 0.4 Wlfil 0.4 Wlfil

Sales Canopies

Free standing and

NO' allowance 0.6 Wlfil 0.6 Wlfil 0.8 W/fil

Outdoor sales

NO' allowance 0.25 W/fil 0.25 W/fil 0.5 W/fil 0.7 Wlfil

Street frO'ntage for

vehicle sales 1Qts in
No allowance No allQwance 10 W /linear foot lOWllinear fQQt 30 W llinear foot
additiQn to' "O'pen
area" allQwance
Nontradable Surfaces
(LPD calcu1atiQns for the fQllowing applicatiQns can be used only for the specific applicatiQn and cannQt be traded between surfaces or with
Qther exterior lighting. The fQllowing allQwances are in addition to' any allQwance otherwise permitted in the "Tradable Surfaces" sectiO'n of
Building facades NO' allowance NO' allQwance 0.1 Wlfil for each 0.15 W lfil fQr each 0.2 Wlfil fQr each
illuminated wall 0'1' illuminated wall Qr illmninated wall or
surface or 2.5 W/lin- surface Qr 3.75 W/lin- surface Qr 5.0 W/lin-
ear foot fQr each illu- ear fQot fQr each illu- ear foot for each illu-
minated wall Qr minated wall 0'1' minated wall 0'1'
surface surface surface
AutQmated teller NO' allowance 270 W per IQcatiQn 270 W per IQcation 270 W per 10catiQn 270 W per IQcation
machines and night plus plus 90 W per addi- plus 90 W per addi- plus 90 W per addi-
depositQries 90 W per additional tiQnal ATM per IQca- tional ATM per IQca- tional ATM per loca-
IQcation tiQn tiQn tiQn

ANSIJASHRAEIIES Standard 90.1-2010 (I-P Edition) 79

TABLE 9.4.3B Individual Lighting Power Allowances for Building Exteriors (continued)

Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Entrances and gate- No allowance 0.75 ofuncov- 0.75 oftmcov-

0.75 W/ft2 ofuncov- 0.75 W/ft2 oflmcov-
house inspection sta- ered area ered area
ered area ered area
tions at ( covered areas are (covered areas are
( covered areas are (covered areas are
guarded facilities included in the HCan- included in the "Can-
included in the "Can- included in the "Can-
opies and Over- opies and Over-
opies and Over- opies and Over-
hangs" section of hangs" section of
hangs" section of hangs" section of
"Tradable Surfaces") "Tradable Surfaces")
"Tradable Surfaces") "Tradable Surfaces")

Loading areas for law No allowance 0.5 W/ft2 ofuncov- 0.5 W/ft2 ohmcov- 0.5 W/ft2 ohmcov- 0.5 W/ft2 ofuncov-
enforcement, fire, ered area ered area ered area ered area
ambulance, (covered areas are (covered areas are (covered areas are (covered areas are
and other emergency included in the "Can- included in the "Can- included in the "Can- included in the "Can-
service vehicles opies and Over- opies and Over- opies and Over- opies and Over-
hangs" section of hangs" section of
"Tradable "Tradable
Drive-through win- No allowance 400 W per drive- 400 W per drive- 400 W per drive- 400 W per drive-
Parking near 24-hour No allowance
800 W per main entry 800 W per main entry 800 W per main entry 800 W per main entry
retail entrances
Roadway/parking A single luminaire of
entry, trail head, and 60 watts or less may
toilet facility, or other be installed for each
locations approved by roadway/parking
the authority having entry, trail head, and No allowance No allowance No allowance No allowance
jurisdiction. toilet facility, or other
locations approved by
the authority having

d. Lighting for theatrical purposes, including perfor- c. Confmn that photosensor controls reduce electric light
mance, stage, film production, and video production. levels based on the amOlUlt of usable daylight in the space
e. Lighting for athletic playing areas. as specified.
f. Temporary lighting.
g. Lighting for industrial production, material handling, The construction documents shall state the party who will
transportation sites, and associated storage areas. conduct and certify the functional testing. The party respon-
h. Theme elements in theme/amusement parks. sible for the functional testing shall not be directly involved in
1. Lighting used to highlight features of public monu- either the design or construction of the project and shall
ments and registered historic landmark structures or provide documentation certifYing that the installed lighting
buildings. controls meet or exceed all documented performance criteria.
j. Lighting for hazardous locations. Certification shall be specific enough to verifY conformance.
k. Lighting for switmning pools and water features.
9.5 Building Area Method Compliance Path
L Searchlights.
9.5.1 Building Area Method of Calculating Interior
9.4.4 Functional Testing. Lighting control devices and Lighting Power Allowance. Use the following steps to deter-
control systems shall be tested to ensure that control hardware mine the interior lighting power allowance by the Building
and software are calibrated, adjusted, programmed, and in Area Method:
proper working condition in accordance with the construction
documents and manufacturer's installation instructions. a. Determine the appropriate building area type from
When occupant sensors, time switches, programmable sched- Table 9.5.1 and the allowed LPD (watts per lUlit area)
ule controls, or photosensors are installed, at a minimum, the from the '"Building Area Method" coltmID. For building
following procedures shall be performed: area types not listed, selection of a reasonably equivalent
type shall be permitted.
a. Confum that the placement, sensitivity and time-out b. Determine the gross lightedfloor area (square feet) of the
adjustments for occupant sensors yield acceptable perfor- building area type.
mance, lights tum off only after space is vacated and do c. Multiply the gross lightedfloor areas of the building area
not turn on unless space is occupied. type(s) times the LPD.
b. Confinn that the time switches and programmable sched- d. The interior lighting power allowance for the building is the
ule controls are programmed to tum the lights off. sum of the lighting power allowances of all building area

80 ANSIJASHRAEIIES Standard 90.1-2010 (I-P Edition)

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