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ti!av. iuY i. m
musmm mm twofold hotw
Mam 14
WH Veer,
t, In wo old Jdajii
Jfeu, who
mtwf lro
med the mmnmH W a busro:
Jibo well, apdU ih
Bio (
MttMMlt 'JaTATw tjajJdl VMw' JwwBSt
ISrtwWNI PfitfK
tTH SnutH
Mwi, iMMtiiurMiitv who
ftan vrt Mtmprl
hottM r '
W mum Maaw wvk AMiYlojf tn
1 M H
,hi had taw a Hrt with to a ihmir' jf Svttry L)fV At mt i
tMiiMwted hiK
1 aiwinaiiw eeatini rrn tiw r. vrtrtlm
ImlhtttiKW. 0m
nf Hi .W Mr M
IrelaN toM Ma JittrfM of Jsft
pws. W4 I rnnni fmniii ijiMHf i
Mw life Af i. trfetirftaBft.
tit tMrat mmtKf
. at MMroe. OMo, HaaBhty minna mm (nHtiflf pmid for it u
ii ami 4,
It) auwi mm vi
Om Month
at awi m iMKf4 hy (Mat tBt'OTai
4, mom adm iind 2ioto.
Kri Mm BN

ftata, 4a fav& kHi;. pa u.uivtheiviU.1

Tit iHwai, IUbwImu at
2 ttiomadolM anti 1 lot .
tiw, ytr ... t OW
lrki hi Jhe 1 naai in Urn a "litn. iaa
afVw av "liiaiwf 4a jBQppk
uia -
Heenee lots mm School Houae
X.Fitch KMC.' Vtettm, I he pti of "Y Kwrr
Haw ueh a Wri ftrsi awar (Ht
mt ,
per friclu. 7H Hht It ms hM allfrttl w utt
mSSfnftjpi ix iWui UK'' . Now 1 tum M narun na pensthorumitmed a4wabJHhwft
the, piirpMM of screen
M CMto
8 rests tr linn; by lira month,

5ta4 wtST
vehlclft ml isnuabM 4llne. At
Carl & Engcudorf
Bttfwd at llio postoffico at Uo- -
NKW YWtff May iwlM fne '0nMajk ka tho Onyr iafvitfct. "
owxita MamutTW waaim u
l;t parly of AMerk
on toc'oml rlaw mat
ftrH national xlltl
p wivewttwa Hi t 8CCOND arrHataTT SOUTH. COLUMBU lfc
Yws'awy, May l
iiSD when 28Q rfetegatw from tot
Imtm Mks3ali wwummnmmwmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim
ou aectloHi of the cmtnitv abaen- -
Ma aVMaSa
ble hero axt SaluraW, atay B.'Thy
will continuo their rfetthiaaitinwii lw
aa 4M
wt wa a kf
hhal I Mt Jwry eai, ta' MET

iwbmii of Columbus ar a wee. AccoraiH to

requested by order of Urn Mayor nomiiiatttut gf ttndtdatai fororrjpreat pnr af l flMa Twa aaii Mat' A lijaiilaam
and luuru ur Trustee 10 submit, in dent and W of h Dm- -
writing-- , by nol later than 8 o'rlnck
lonklit. TlKvxhr. May 4, the loca platform will he the chirr hulne h si4aa haa haA Ha ataaanj
Farmers mniji
tlou ami price of their properly before ilm iteleaaten.
available for Hip location of I ho pro-
posed well which will furnish water
Social Itla atlfteh particular iMftor--
lance 10 una years ennvewton, at4hc alrtft Jvh aR vay haa9 X Aqsmmi
for the new waterworks system. nf attack made on the parly ? On Thunxky, May ,; Mkf
kllitude ilurlnR. the war and during wa n sfiippma; m m naw
viva mmam! the InvcMlirallon In Albany which
led In ex pill 1 Inn of thn entire S- - No Nwd of for auetHm sale, mr Nste hfslr
Obregon is the man of the hour clalist delPKation of five fmm tho of dalrv rows. M fa. - -
Mr. O'LoaiM, GorHUr.
In Mexico ami lit heUrr
t piemen! of New York OMembly. Unaeallng by
S wRh four hclfor
Mexican! are nocklnc In h: stand-ari- thu Hnuae of Beprcicntativo of
Ohrrgmt is the moat popular Hcpreenlall--
man In Mexko. and the prediction Wiwontin, convicl'tl of vlolatlnK
Victor U Menrer fif
a aiSIt Half a StacToo
m mirny laiMis in
am si oimm mvnlh up, aMi tm 'iaiathliu
MoUtefn hull. NolaltTn?
Omi II emwy asM iiijsgkA
l freely made that the beginning Ih'e cspionnse aci. aloo is likely lo
of Ihe end. a far a stohln gowni-men- t
itHtteaX'ttrsSam Mtr to nhM aatwl)MiO
coino up for iHwuMion.
Is concerned, la in sight for Representative Socialist also do-
revolution anil bandit ridden Mex- rian J hat rights of free.afieech. free
ptMft m!m IMw mm! X itek lW Ivy At (ho ahovfi e br4l W
ico, and Obregoh It 'friendly
to prew and free wenihki(e, which
party officials asicrl have been en-
dangered by "nag legislation" pawed

) rrtniy.
a e. siaSco a4oar With M amy
mesil, Mtle.
separator, delivery wiutmii
!, enAVf
"Army people are clannish." i an during the war, ore certain; to nmt a san hi fjnelal wash bin, elC, wlfbfl
ofUrepcaled remark. 11 may bo tiie. attention. The elhici of ap-
lull It iliM'n nol apply lo the Sllh plication now of war measures
Infantry. The Daily Courier, pub
WHy-- little pal, Harry, had tea
tifatlec wttH the mw boy, g
a, A rmor Plate antl on a!e at tho 4

lixhi-- in an Army town, wantt .tnd

srheuulei for
tn prevent slrikr--s also Is the worot of It, ,td ma away.
Dca't be a coward," MtIm4 BNty,
Embalmef Standard '

mut liavp Army news. It has no A committeeurhate. of which Morris Oa hack a4

Uck b(M."
deJtt f"r new which will not Iwar llillquil. once candidate for the
scrutiny of headquarter. If a few moyorallr of Jcw York, b chUr-man- ,
"MVa M4aer thas Mahhava4 aaJ 'BtrJ Mtt mar TMMasMl 0U -
4ff HAf4fl MM) MIC Malafak Dairy Co, i
Harry, "aB, heafoaai ha's ajtveat aaa
Individual aoldlera and officers will is now at work drafting recent
help The Courier nut wllij nw memiaiions ror tne party platform,
two Mack eyea."
"WH." rxr4 Mb. 1m tmit ihm
' "
item of Interest the 2itli Infantry Adoption of a new platform Is ctm
will bo Ohio to claim an Intcreu In sldercd of prima lni)orlanco this j cay wora. kta
0 hr thse Milo HoMthweai
MmI RiilMhuj,
irf lWh':
Uesaaatj, N. N.
a jval Army paper. year, because of efforts by federal
and state officials lo ally thn parly WhAt - Vfey
Hpsines men, or more properly with Its riefl wing" Imhistrlnl
wrkiMr. wen who navo money in Worker nf the World, ComsMWlsts,

hi lHMtaeat, who eottllnmUty
of poor busfnc,
hoijkcvihu anu
are the which its leaders other
aevert ha beet)
(:roet WrtiwM iwowlfl: wwr-ch- city Nronnni f
the mm year ur o, Uslx with Sictcwalkc
ran. jwmiMy ham Tht wise

Ml. l4r
- II- - Is bclieVMl thai the platform
walks away from Mm and In may ntako clear the partx'a altitude a4 a4
Umo Ihe prowler Bit logically Iso not only (owaru liieso
late himself, much in crw but toward the present Russian gov
hi BAB
and benefit of other business iii.mi ernment. Duiin tho Socialist trial
at Albany, party leader made it
Contracting. Mho WoWliw Wr. shcU.lrn
Ttie man from llachlta aldr for offlco desks; also ThMtth
plain that while they hM a lyinp.v
notice that noey people who worry thelle frollntt for Sovlte Russia, bo.
alnt other people1 hutincja are cause It prrsnled a field for
Including Mr, llllliiult, who is now Paul irWalker, lackii to keep It In place, ' r
WrRlno Paprm for ladle and
Riwrslly vlnlled 'by the iherllf Rreal at Karanao Lako; )Jymour Bled. Contractor.
oclal experiment, they ill gentlemen; all color and sixes.--
find." And hp fald gomelhlnp, h not consider themselves allied with iwn, Chicago lawyer who ho de- BASE BALL,
did. the Unmmunitl party, from whose fended many promlnvul Socialists &Sjcff "
Inks-- all color, ami h WcM'
caught in the mesh or war legis a.
pwiosopiiy incy aaid they uirrerrd.
According to present plans, the lion; Victor U llerger of Milwauneo 25th INFANTJRY "nuACitSiWJwvnr
v iki: wastk KAtorra
OMHHSStON MAKKO AWAKIIS party will nominate only two candl. i.eit:m j
fktr Whrr. Etevrn re
dale for national office Eugene
MrtoU V. Del). HOW aervinir a term In the
anu Mayor uoou or tho same city
Wlnlo moil or tho sessions will
be held In,thcFlnnil( hall, Madlsou
2ra jTSTPANTRY Just revcivod- -a bl tub roll
or Mark ami A Wfe Mwt. (Tho Larpw ie,)M
Clrrn; Aim HMM-- GratW. Atlanta federal penitentiary for vlo- - tSquaro tlarden will bo U10 acene or M-A"5- 7-8- -0
Mem, n big box full of Hfcw
Urte Mock Cpe laMH,' tS'
intion ni me espionage act, lias been a mass mcciintf Sunday nlternoon, White rrrathhi Oeasm,
HI Aaaoclaled PrdM.l repeatedly advocated, for tho ay v, wticrc Mr. Wlllquitt, Mr SM P.
big quantity of Hair Bwwsiaa, thtr, tut bJmmI tmty hSI
PITTSIIt'WHI, l'a--. May
allyer medal and eleven btwue At the Socialist Investigation of AI
medali weri awarded to heroe to bany. Hired leaders on the aland
day by the Carnegie Hem nmu ralsetl the cry of "From prison In
by prominent parly leader. Bledman and Mayor Moan ntv scln-n- .
Uled to slpcalc A dlunei1 fo convvn-lio-
delegate will bo held Monday
night nl which apcccnc or cam-
Admiion 50

Face Potvdcr, Talcum ptw.
ihr, UuIiUhc tonw4.
KrifUm No. C3SW,
les, etc, nl
The Book Shop
(Tho Owhv M Prbtth He
OiBWhUalon. In rccoBniUon nf not
worthy acta hv men and W'Ollt-f-
White House," asserted that Doha
bid been, con vie led for nord and
paign sigiilricnuco ore expected m CQCuwMtf pau; co.
bo mado.
who aotiKlit In belt-
own peril. Five, ofjtlirm
nth-- at their "not deed' during Hie war and rom- -
ert, while parea mm 10 Jesus or Nazareth,
The keynote smMtcm will m tlx.
livertKl by the permwieut elialrman.
twn were. dJlerf, To theno InSI Tho convention will be limited tn
monelary 200 delegates, it has hern an
ins seiecuon wni' bo tho rirst bus!
th coMWniMiou Hwde lies before tho delrtMtes nnrf P.
srnti(, 28U0 and M month in nounced, apportioned to the various cOrdin to parly oWccw, whoever LICAL AM LMK ISTANCt;
nun ttuo and 81C00 In the other, states in conformity with their 8& 110 may oe, no will spvait Uninstruct-e-

Tta.ffWtmWe ali) awanletl 93eK claw Membership. Kaclt state will and without prepared recom.
for her worthy eausea. nave i ipaai one ueiegate. jvpw niciiuainus,
The five who liml their live York, with 7S dotesatis. is said to MKMCANIIfX
wem R. William Donaghy nf fllQS on 11 10
OHrwhlll atreet, Philadelphia, who vanlr. with 21, is said In bo eeonL
utoi upieraiHin. rennsv . 91m.un:8 Am: Cutisef West Fewth mm
wa drowned while trying lo wvn Olto Hranslctter of Chicago, na-
a rMwt man from death in K'k tion! secretary, will' call the dele-- By Aisoclated ProsiJ Save you Money .est' Orocwles 4
Hvr at Tnwwftnlnt, Md, Anauat 31, irate In order in the awKtoriuni nf LONDOM, April 8y wail. ml PmKrtOM.
tmi DavM M. Prince, it KMt J'lni the Finnloli . Wm'htW Educatiannl Submarines have hM( or
Mm Ookhhoro, N. O, drowned Asocltlo Kssiahai lanaaltrig from their erriclcncy ahico IW4. accord-hi-f
wMH tryiiMC lo reacim a hoy from Athwtio h fie,ific wHctm I'resei T UXIVHUSAL CA
a W til it pm4 e4 W heww. My 0 XJcutritMl W. 8. Kng:iall,
W; TTwik, 3.
avenuo, Spokane,
'Wwhltui-Um- ,
R- - N, in a
rcecl mMem at the
Royal United Service ImUtufo on
"Tlifl Ruhmorfne ami Hulnn
I Go to the
G Cowpantes AroufhoMt
Utiwti whltrt lrIHs U 2V0 Warfsra.''
rWM roas the forth branch of, i wg corporatk
th ftw riw il Khupjtown, Minn,1 Mi. 11i(3 speaker mtiftUltw! that
.awyprat.K:., ThFod
iuar m imx )ui K. Benedick, llM'ilLJJIl.BBu iswvamasw prcvwwy (teMOMed by
lye WvwihL yhlle irylrw t
tbe,tharhie wa Bt4lly on the wr.tjtr to lady;,ISvv
aav ymw iwy Itotn a tree at mne. Whre, at tho beginning IM. f tut
aVV" L,
thHMarfofl, June 'X Wil W; vi tiiu wr m irn 11 wa as u to I
Carroll, Ht7 Wndon lrpel. aalnst the aacfaco idilp, it was only TMOtfAC I. fiOUt
HaM'. 7 lo 3 In J01D. rf wa likelv In hi.
BriWilyn, N. Y wn is, drowned only tl to 7 to im. Mo wa or the
whM trying to rescuo aaother boy",
opinion that wHhta tho npjtl rew
jfctaauw.f i ;i, itfiv.
IW 41vr modi! went to Frank yer thorn would be a great devel.
mr At

opfiienl or siAwssrhio detecllnir an. msw,

'W. BftferrtA, chief wifineer of tho h rw we ess
Maawwlc Uome at, KlUalKthtown, paratua which would jilve largo and
m., sHw tvw th liven of lhre important shin a certain
of protection aalnt tactical attack
younr frk who whits wading bad
twt Jn4o rtwp wnler and wtr? y auomarines. mm. w a ncLO
Ho regarded aa Imnracticablo thn RYWaA?r AND WJROmv
ropotsl thai balflfshliM should 1m jii l)r. JfarsMU's Pormer Offlca
eiere trj whom bronwjotinmd-(I -
de BuhttiertWe. IJp yenturcd tho - -- ."WO IT4MK
ah wae ttlrm rn Miiw Minion that Iho uo or ma mlsiit
Yt." b-
hKM. n IMM nehsW (each. GOUTMiMJal XKW MEXICO I

rH LywjirK ilreet, ftofehev

kwlhia. wo vl (mother teaeh. nfi

mxn a guwwwr
rnvoiutlonUw tmval mt-- .
dfd when
mlnht be irs.
ii - '

MaMTAtMnM It,. Mtf; .pBaaWafcl abanred with dfwlly effect on nn CUMTANY R YAIUW WW
tmmy coastline. It wa actually
Viuii. SM JMvtatcs(.rat. JrwoMT jfwwskxi during Dm Uerniit; CWhw, CUtwied Kiwi .Prflwud
tiw!, (ho JoIin ccut fliould cwd AHcraflons hmkJo
I he "faased," but the, plan was ahati- - LApNDRY
fc9Mii3Mmh Heaaaa, Vni.

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