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Jhon: Hi, Yan Marco, how is your first day going?

Yan Marco: It's great! I love being a thecnical.

Jhon: I glad, what are you doing now?
Yan Marco: I'm taking bottles and cans out of the garbage. Then I can wash
Jhon: Why do you need to wash them? Aren’t you just going to throw them away?
Yan Marco: No, I'm going to recycle them! But first they need to be clean.
Jhon: But we don't have a recycling bin here. Where will you put them?
Yan Marco: I'm getting some new recycling bins for the office today.
Jhon: Bins? You're getting more than one?
Yan Marco: Yes, we need to separate the garbage into groups.
Jhon: So we'll have one bin for paper, one for glass, one for metal and one for
Yan Marco: That's right! We can start recycling today.
Jhon: We should recycle more.
Yan Marco: Yes, we should. So I'm starting a recycling program.
Jhon: Recycling is good for the environment. I can remind everyone to put things
in the right recycling bins.
Yan Marco: That would be great.
Jhon: I'll remember to wash things before I recycle them, too
Yan Marco: Thanks, Jhon.
Jhon: No problem, Yan Marco. It´s good to have you at this station!
John: What's this little symbol on my cereal box?
Oscar: That's a recycling symbol, Do you know what is means?
John: that.. you have to recycle?
Oscar : well..yes
John : But the 3 arrows stands for 3 words..
Oscar : the 3R's : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
John: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle? Why is recycling so important? Why can't I just
throw it away?
Oscar : Do you know how much damage that could do to our planet?
John : But, it's only one little cereal box..
Oscar : Yes! But so you know how many people are in the world?
John : No
Oscar : Well.. last year there were 7.4 Billion people, imagine if everyone threw
away all their rubbish, the planet would be AWFUL! Every year 1 million tonnes of
paper and car parts are used just in the UK and it takes 24 trees to make just one
tonne of newspaper.

John : I thought that you should know that some plastics, can take over 5
hundred years to decompoose.
Eduardo: What does decompose mean?
John : it means to break down or rot,
Eduardo : So, you mean, a piece of plastic can be around for 500 years!
John : Exactly! and even worse than that, plastic and rubbish from in the oceans
around the world kill more than 1 million marine mammals fish and sea creatures
every year!
Eduardo : Oh no poor little creatures!
John : yea! and another amazing fact. Did you know the Styrofoam cups that you
drink out of, and then throw away?
Eduardo : Yes, like at parties?
John : Yes
Eduardo : Why don't people use reusable cups?
John : Now you're getting the idea!

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