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Engine of Nature Class:

1. What sort of engine was Carnot interested in? Steam engines

2. List some common uses of the steam engine:

 They powered trains, ships, factories & cars

 Remove water from mines

 Nuclear power plants use steam engines to generate power

3. To what exotic location did Lord Byron believe the steam engine would carry man? The

4. In what year was Carnot born? 1796

5. What component is the essence of the steam engine? A cylinder with a movable end

6. Which came first, the water wheel or the steam engine? Water Wheel

7. What was Priestly’s profession? He was a chemist

8. Explain how the ideal engine would handle heat flow: Take heat from low temperature
and raise it to high temperature. Heat energy would go in and less would go out producing a
net-work gain

9. Define “isothermal:” At constant temperature, reversible strokes are applied creating

even more work

10. The Carnot engine is both a heat engine and . Refrigerator

11. Why did Carnot never achieve fame in his lifetime for his brilliant theory? Because his
ideas didn’t really help anyone build a better more efficient engine

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