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The Galahad Gossip

May 2020 Vol. 9, Issue 1

Conclave 2020 – July 22-26

Carthage College in Kenosha, WI
Cost is $145 per person by June 1

Sir Galahad Chapter Goes Virtual! Sweetheart Weekend

Welcomes New Brothers!
Our first Virtual Meeting took place on The Sweetheart Weekend Welcome
Tuesday - March 31. On our first Virtual Ceremony went really good. Many people
Meeting, we had multiple DeMolay’s join us showed up and everyone did great. There
via Zoom including: Owen H, Ayden P, were around 5 people who were welcomed
Mason N, I, and many more. In my opinion into DeMolay that day one of which was our
it went smoothly and we went over business own Riley DeGrave. Everyone knew their
like how we are going to continue to meet parts for the ceremony which was good
and we also decided that we are going to because as we had to wonderful practice the
continue to hold a virtual meeting every first night before for an hour. Everyone did a
and third Tuesday of the month. You can great job and I was really happy on how
Login or Sign Up for Zoom for free at everyone did. -Mason Noble -Holden Huff
Greetings Sir Galahad Chapter
by Dad Noble
It has been one month since time seemed to
stop and we were at a standstill due to
COVID-19. We were asked to stay safe at
home. Schools, Churches, Non Essential
Businesses, and even our Youth Groups
were asked the pause until further notice.
Many of you grew antsy, bored, and began
to question when will we get to return to

The Galahad Gossip
May 2020 Vol. 9, Issue 1

You had a choice and during this time you

did not let this “pause” get to you. You
found new ways to communicate via text,
gaming system, Zoom, or many others. You
took this time as an opportunity to build
yourself, help others in need, or cross
something off of your list that you been
needing or wanting to do. You did not let
this time away stop you.

For now, we have a new normal. We go for

walks, we cook at home more, we have time
to think versus going through the motions of
our busy lives. Our Youth Groups have now
come back together. Our DeMolay Chapter
Burlington Lodge No. 28 Biscuits
is holding Meetings via Zoom on the first and Gravy Brunch Fundraiser
and third Tuesdays at 7 pm. We are
reconnecting, playing virtual games, and Back on January 26 2020 the Lodge held a
planning to get back together physically Biscuits and Gravy Brunch Fundraiser. It
went from 8 am until Noon. I stayed and
Let’s continue to use this time to reach out helped with the cleanup. There were
to all of our friends. Invite them to our obviously biscuits and gravy, but there were
Virtual Meetings. Ask our current members also eggs, hash browns, bacon, white or
who have been away for a while to join us chocolate milk, orange juice and coffee. I
online to reconnect, share how everything is would say it went well, lots of people
going with them, and have fun once again.
attended and they all said they had a great
We need to look at this as an opportunity to
grow ourselves and our organization. breakfast which just shows that you should
come to the next one if you weren’t there
Do not let this get you down as even though last time. -Holden Huff
State Elections have been forgone with our
State Officers being anointed and our
Culver’s Fundraisers for the year have
disappear. We are looking forward to
Conclave at Carthage College in Kenosha
from July 22-26 with cost and information
coming soon. Our Annual Oatmeal Lake
Trip from August 5-9 is still on track with
lots of great food, fun, and of course Bacon
for just $75. Take Care my Brothers and we
will see you via Zoom very soon!

The Galahad Gossip
May 2020 Vol. 9, Issue 1

Sir Galahad Chapter Officially is Java edition from the Minecraft website by
clicking this link here. You can then
Zooming into our Meetings!
navigate to the download link by clicking
computer ---> PC/Mac/Linux -> Minecraft:
On April 7 the Galahad guys and Advisors
Java edition
jumped back onto Zoom for our second and
official virtual meeting on our Stated
At some point during this process you may
Meeting Night. Holden invited one of his
be asked to create a Minecraft account.
friends to join in on the fun. We all played
Create your account to fit however you
wish! After you purchase Minecraft Java and I did win both times, I might
Edition you should be asked to download
play this game too much. We also got to talk
the installer. Follow the instructions and run
with each other and catch up on how
the program that is downloaded
everyone was doing. It was a good call
(minecraftinstaller.jar may be the name).
overall and I enjoyed the time spent with the
This will walk you through the basic
guys. -AJ Ammon

Once you have the Minecraft launcher

successfully installed you will be able to
open it and should see a login screen. Login
with your Minecraft account information

Once you have launched Minecraft running

the 1.15.2 version, you can go to
WI DeMolay Minecraft Server “Multiplayer” and then click on add server.
In the “Server Address” box you can enter
Welcome Wisconsin DeMolay to the the following address:
Wisconsin DeMolay Minecraft Server! The
Wisconsin DeMolay Minecraft Server
resides on a Java based Minecraft server
currently located in Buffalo, NY. You can set the name to Wisconsin
DeMolay if you wish. Once that is done,
In order to join the server, you will need to click done and it will add it to your server
own a copy of Minecraft: Java edition for list so you can easily connect in the future.
PC and MAC. You can purchase Minecraft: Then you can double click on that server to
join! -Dad Dakota Wells

The Galahad Gossip
May 2020 Vol. 9, Issue 1

Burlington Commandery No. 50 We had to greet and direct incoming

Needed a Few Good Men DeMolay’s to registration, while that was
going on Georgio Fuentes and I switch off
On February 22 from 10 am to 2 pm on the job so that we could each practice our
Burlington had a Commandery Banquet parts for the upcoming degrees. Then when
Serving. I was the only DeMolay there that everybody arrived we all had an opening
afternoon with Dad Volstad, but I would still statement/welcome from Joe Bloom our
say that it was pretty cool. Instead of State Master Councilor. Once that was done
bringing food to people, we set it all out on we all headed on buses and went to go
tables right outside the kitchen. There were a bowling.
lot of people there and it was super hard to
clean up all of the garbage from the tables It was really fun and I got to hang out with a
with how many people were there that day. lot of the DeMolay and even made a few
Once everyone had left, we got it all cleaned new friends. We then went back to the hotel
up, and overall it was a pretty good day. and the ritual team went to a practice room
to practice degrees for the FIRST time. Not
-Holden Huff a good idea to do that the day before the
degrees but it went pretty good. We stayed
up till one or two am just practicing, it was

Sweetheart Weekend Recap

I was driven there by AJ in our state officer

positions and we drove for about 2 hours. It
took so much time because I had to go to the
bathroom a lot. But anyway, when we
arrived we got to this really nice hotel and it
took a little bit to navigate ourselves from
his car to the lobby. But once we got to the
lobby we met Mom and Dad Harycki. We
grabbed our room keys and passes got
settled in our room and then headed back to
the lobby.

The Galahad Gossip
May 2020 Vol. 9, Issue 1

Luckily I knew my part and I got to practice A thank you speech from Joe Bloom
with Casey Ferguson for Jacques and Master towards the Advisors and DeMolay who
Inquisitors exchanges in the play. The next helped this amazing gathering come
morning, we woke up nice and early with a together. This was my first time going to a
hotel breakfast which did not sit well in my Sweetheart Weekend and my brother had
stomach. We then went back to our room to always talked about in the past and from
chill out for a little bit and then get dressed how he explained it, it measured up to my
and showered for the degrees. exciting experience at Wisconsin DeMolay’s
2020 Sweetheart Weekend. -Owen Haase
Since I and a few of the other guys were
only in the play we got to hang out and
watch the degrees on a camera in the attic of
the building and chill out since it was the
changing room. It was pretty rough and the
International Master Councilor who was
joining us that weekend could also tell but
they pushed through amazingly for only one

We then got dressed in our costumes and

performed the degrees, it was really fun and
I felt it went pretty well especially the play.
We then went back to our room and hung Be My Valentine
out for a little bit more, since I was a part of
the State Corp. I got to go to a pre-banquet On February 4, 2020 we had our Valentine's
thing and it was really fun. Day themed First Fridays Fun Night from 7
pm to 9 pm. There was a decent amount of
Then the Sweetheart Ball started, we had a people there and there were some video
few speeches, we had a few awards given games, a karaoke machine, and even bingo.
including the Robert E. Simon award. We For the bingo markers, we used little cut out
then got to hang out, dance, eat, laugh, and hearts. For the bingo, there were prizes if
so much more. We finished the night of late you won and there were a few different
and very tired and so I at least went straight kinds of prizes. We had snacks and drinks
to bed. We woke up to an early morning there too. In my opinion it was a great night
again with hotel breakfast. and I had a good time hanging out with
some of my brothers. -Holden Huff

The Galahad Gossip
May 2020 Vol. 9, Issue 1

John Itzin’s Harness Shop, third floor of the

Ebbers’ Store, the Gill Building where the
Lodge Celebrated their 50th Anniversary in
1899, and Rooms in the Hueper Block
A Little History and Sir Galahad Building where DeMolay was a part of their
Chapter Turns 98 Years Old 75th Anniversary Celebration in 1924.

On March 24, 1919 DeMolay for Boys The Lodge purchased the C.G. Foltz
(Mother Chapter) held their first meeting in Property (Our Home) and the Cornerstone
Kansas City, MO. In 2020 the organization Ceremony by Grand Master Frank Jenks and
we now know as DeMolay International Staff was done on November 9, 1929. J.W.
turned 101 years old. It was not until a year
Peters was the Master during the building
or two year later when the Most Excellent
Grand High Priest for the Grand Chapter or construction and dedication of the building.
Royal Arch Masons for the State of Our Building was Officially Dedicated on
Wisconsin made an inquiry to bring Wednesday – November 5, 1930 at 3 pm
DeMolay to Wisconsin. with a Banquet in the Dining Room at 6:30
pm following.
In 1922 Mother Chapter from Kansas City,
MO with Dad Frank S. Land himself made
Sir Galahad Chapter at the Dedication had
the trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to
welcome the first class of DeMolays. Our 73 Members. The building was completed
primary sponsor Burlington Chapter No. 91 and first occupied not until June 1, 1930.
brought forth prospective members of Sir Last Names like Karcher, Rein, Hoffman,
Galahad Chapter and on Friday - April 14, Jung, Davies, Wehmhoff, and Uebele are
1922 our Letters Temporary was Designated just a few of the many that made sure this
and on Friday – April 21, 1922 we became building was in shape. Some organizations
have not survived like the Masonic Dramatic
Congratulations Sir Galahad Chapter on Club, Burlington Square Club, H.G.O.S.
becoming 98 years old this year! However, Girls Club, and the Temple Club.
DeMolay in Burlington did not start as you
may think. We did not meet in the current As we celebrate our DeMolay International
building we know and love. Let’s dive into a Anniversary of 101 years and Sir Galahad
little bit more History of the Lodge who is Chapter’s 98 years. We are still holding
our secondary sponsor which was started in strong with 45 Members. We continue to
1849 above Gills Saloon. help build the future leaders of tomorrow.
Our Chapter continues to lead the way
The Lodge moved a lot meeting on the Locally and around the State. All the while
second floor of the Meindhardt Bank having fun doing it. Congratulations Sir
Building, the Schwaller Building, second Galahad Chapter our 100 Years is just
floor of Sheldon’s Hardware Store, above around the corner! -Dad Shawn Noble

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