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Nov. 14, 2009 Anti-Anemia Drugs Risky

Cancer patients who took drugs to cut the risk of anemia were twice
as likely to develop blood clots in the lungs or legs as other patients, a
decade-long study of more than 55,000 cancer patients has found.


News in Brief Dinosaurs May Have Been Deafness Gene

Smart SMS Applications to Expand
Warm-Blooded Discovered
Many dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded just like mammals or birds, poten- A gene that causes deafness in the elderly has been identified by scientists.
In a world of smartphones, text messaging might seem tially explaining their extraordinary success before their extinction. The findings will help doctors better understand the nature of age-related decline in hear-
humdrum. But SMS could be used to bring Internet- For decades, scientists assumed that because dinosaurs resembled lizards, they ing and may lead to new therapies to prevent or treat the condition, Telegraph reported.
based services to users with basic handsets. were cold-blooded as well, their internal temperature rising and falling with the The gene is a protein called Bak that makes hair cells in the inner ear self-destruct, as peo-
Umesh Chandra of Nokia Research Center in Palo outside world. However, birds are warm-blooded, and the fact that birds seem ple grow older.
Alto, California, is building a network protocol that to have descended from dinosaurs raises the question of whether their ancestors Researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that removing the gene in mice prevent-
will enable cellphones to connect via SMS with Internet were as well, LiveScience reported. ed the death of these cells and stopped deafness developing in animals.
servers. If dinosaurs were warm-blooded, they would have possessed the potential for Tests on five- and 15-month mice found those who had the protein knocked out had much
He thinks it will be particularly useful in countries like athletic abilities rivaling those of mammals and birds. They could have survived better hearing than mice whose genes were left alone.
India, where lots of people have cellphones but few can in colder habitats that would kill cold-blooded creatures, enabling them to cover Most mice display at least some degree of age-related-hearing loss (AHL) and the age of
afford advanced models, NewScientist reported. the entire landscape. Such advantages do carry a price--warm-blooded animals onset varies from three months to 20 months.
One Facebook-like app lets people text to find friends need much more food than their cold-blooded counterparts because their rapid Dr Tomas Prolla and colleagues said, “Bak is required for the development of age-related-
who are in the area. The system would use location in- metabolisms fatally malfunction if they cool down too much from lack of fuel. hearing loss.”
formation based on the nearest cellphone base stations to To investigate whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded, researchers sought to infer The condition is a universal feature of aging in humans and other mammals, and is the
send a response. how much energy they used. For instance, if walking and running burned more energy most common sensory disorder in the elderly population.
It would also be able to send details of any nearby ac- than a cold-blooded metabolism can supply, dinosaurs were probably warm-blooded. It affects more than four-in-10 people over the age of 65 and because of its high prevalence
tive vendors on sites such as Craigslist. This is an im- After investigating anatomical models of 13 extinct dinosaur species, both the it is a “major social and health problem”, said Dr Prolla.
provement on previous location-based SMS systems, methods the scientists employed suggest at least five of them, and perhaps all He said AHL is characterized by an age-dependent decline of auditory function associated
which could only provide static information such as the of them, were probably warm-blooded athletic animals, because their energy re- with loss of sensory hair cells and spiral ganglian (SG) neurons in the inner ear.
position of the nearest library. quirements during walking and running were too high for cold-blooded animals to Dr Prolla said hair cells and SG neurons do not regenerate in mammals and loss of these
The character limit for text messages restricts how generate. long-lived cells leads to permanent hearing impairment.
much information can be exchanged.
The new system gets round this by developing a
concise syntax to encapsulate the information the user

Iranians Produce
The system can locate a person using it to within 300
meters in cities with a high density of cellphone base
stations such as Bangalore, India.

Plavix Works in Men, Women

The popular blood-thinner Plavix prevents heart attacks
and strokes in both women and men, but the benefits dif-
fer slightly by gender, US researchers said.
They analyzed data from five major studies of more
than 80,000 people, 30 percent of them women, and
Nano-Organic Fertilizer
found that Plavix or clopidogrel cut the risk of having ranian researchers have produced their organic base which makes them
a heart attack or stroke by 16 percent in men and by 7 the first nano-organic iron-chelat- more suitable than foreign fertilizers
percent in women, Reuters reported. ed fertilizer in the world, which is that are hormone based,” Mrs. Toweh
The study by Dr. Jeffrey Berger of the New York Uni- also the first such fertilizer for Iran. Saleh, the sales manager of Sodour
versity’s School of Medicine offers the first look at gen- Nano fertilizers have unique features Ahrar-e-Shargh Company, told INIC.
der differences with Plavix. like ultra high absorption, increase of “Based on agreements between our
Plavix is used widely in treating heart 20 percent to 200 percent in production, company and Tehran’s Municipality,
attack patients. It works in a similar way rise in photosynthesis by 3.5 times and the Parks and Green Space Organiza-
to aspirin by stopping platelets--tiny a 70-percent expansion in the leaves’ tion are obliged to replace current ferti-
blood cells vital for the normal clotting surface area, Iranian Nanotechnology lizers with nano fertilizers. This will in-
process--from clumping together and Initiative Council reported. crease green spaces and oxygen volume
forming life-threatening clots. “While foreign samples cause an in- to a significant extent,” she added.
In women, the benefit from Plavix crease of up to 30 percent in photosyn- Saleh expressed hope that as infor-
mostly comes from a reduction in the risk of heart at- thesis, the Iranian nano fertilizers are mation about nanotechnology-based
tacks, but does not significantly reduce the risk of stroke able to cause a 350-percent increase. domestic products spreads, more Ira-
or death. Moreover, these nano fertilizers are nian farmers would use nano fertiliz-
In men, Plavix significantly cut the risk of all three-- environmentally sustainable due to Nano fertilizers are environmentally sustainable due to their organic base. ers.
heart attacks, stroke and death.
The study also found differences in the risk of bleed-

Tehran to Host Int’l Paint Confab

ing, with women who take Plavix in addition to aspirin
having roughly twice the bleeding risk as men.

New Dinosaur Species The third International Paint and Coatings of Color Science and Technology (ICPC) tive in the paint sector to know the latest sci- Nanotechnology is a major part of these
Congress and the Second International Con- on November 16-18, 2009, in Tehran. entific and research advances and share their gatherings. An exhibition will also be held
Found in S. Africa ference on Automotive Paint and Coatings
will be held simultaneously by the Institute
These gatherings provide opportunities for
all experts, researchers and manufacturers ac-
experiences in the field, Iranian Nanotechnol-
ogy Initiative Council reported.
to present the latest products and achieve-
ments in the field of nanotechnology.
Scientists say they’ve discovered a new dinosaur species
in South Africa that may help explain how the creatures
evolved into the largest animals on land.
Paleontologist Adam Yates from the
University of the Witwatersrand pre-
More Iron, Titanium on Mercury
sented an incomplete skeleton of the Aar- Mercury is even more of an “iron planet” than scientists Theories on how the planet formed would also have to New features observed in the pass include a region
donyx celestae at a news conference on had previously supposed. take the information into account, he added. with a bright area surrounding an irregular depression,
November 4. Richer concentrations of iron and titanium have been Some of these propose that Mercury is predominantly suspected to be volcanic in origin.
The species was a plant-eater dating seen on Mercury’s surface by Nasa’s Messenger probe, the remnant core of a body which lost its outer layers in a It also spied a very young double-ring impact basin
back about 200 million years to the early BBC reported. mighty collision early in its history. approximately 290-km across.
Jurassic period. The dinosaur walked on Previous Earth and spacecraft-based observations had The new data was returned on Messenger’s third and “However, to a planetary geologist, ‘young’ is a bil-
its hind legs but could drop to all fours and stood nearly detected only very low amounts of iron in the silicate final flyby of the planet in September. lion years or so. But compared to most of the basins on
6 feet (about 1.7 meters) high at the hip. minerals covering the innermost world. The pass, just 228 km from the surface, was intended Mercury, those are three billion years older. So, in a rela-
Yates believes it represents a missing evolutionary Because of its immense density, scientists have al- as a brake maneuver, using the planet’s gravity to help tive sense, it is very geologically young,” explained Brett
link between earlier dinosaurs and their descendants. ready assumed much of Mercury’s interior contains iron. slow the spacecraft enough to enable it to enter into orbit Denevi, a member of the probe’s imaging team from Ari-
Messenger sees the surface iron bound up in oxides with in 2011. zona State University in Tempe.
titanium. The spacecraft acquired only about half the data it was The low numbers of superposed impact craters and
Floating Expo Center The mission’s principal investigator, Sean Solomon, said expected to because of a power ‘hiccup’ just before clos- marked differences in color across the basin suggest that
the new observations would keep theoreticians busy. est approach. the smooth area within the innermost ring may be the site
Fluid, a whale-like pavilion designed for the 2012 World Expo Volcanic Region Nonetheless, Messenger’s cameras and instruments of some of the most recent volcanism on Mercury, she
in South Korea, not only looks dramatic, but “The iron is in a form that we don’t normally encoun- collected many high-resolution and color images, un- added.
once the Expo is finished, can be moved to ter in other planetary situations and so it’s going be a vol- veiling another 6 percent of the planet’s surface never Messenger also made new measurements of Mercu-
other locations. ley back to our geochemists and petrologists to come up before seen up-close. ry’s ‘atmosphere’, the extremely tenuous cloud of atoms
Fluid will be anchored to a harbor and can with a scenario that’s consistent with everything we are Messenger has now viewed about 98 percent of the which is lifted off the surface by solar activity and micro-
rise and fall with the tides, Ideaconnection re- measuring now at Mercury,” he told reporters. surface at various resolutions. meteorite impacts.
The interior of the pavilion is open, capable
of hosting various types of events during the
Expo and afterwards.
It can be sailed around to coastal Asian cities, showcasing
Japan Plans Solar Power Station in Space
various exhibitions or acting as a venue for events, celebra- Japan’s space agency is planning to construct a solar power sta- quantities of energy.
tions or concerts. tion in space and use it to beam energy down to Earth using A report by researchers at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries said:
lasers. “Since solar power is a clean and inexhaustible energy source,
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Jaxa) hopes that we believe that this system will be able to help solve the prob-
SleepBox the ambitious plans will help ease the country’s energy prob-
lems and providing a solution for global warming, Telegraph
lems of energy shortage and global warming.
“The sun’s rays abound in space.”
Perfect for those airport layovers, the Sleep- reported. A select group of companies and researchers have Once collected, the solar energy would be beamed down to
Box beats trying to sleep on terminal chairs. been given the task of designing and building the Space Solar a substation on Earth, using laser beams or microwaves.
According to Ideaconnection, the bed is Power System (SSPS). Jaxa say that the system would be safe, although they admit
equipped with an automatic change of linen, The plan is to create a miles-wide array of photovoltaic pan- that it might be hard to reassure the public over the image of
ventilation system, sound alerts, LCD TV, els like the solar panels used on Earth and place it in a geosta- huge laser beams blasting down from the sky.
WiFi, laptop sockets and even has room for tionary orbit. The receiver dishes for the substations would probably
your luggage. Solar rays are at least five times as powerful in space as they be harbored at sea or in the middle of reservoirs to keep them
are at ground level, allowing the huge panels to gather vast away from dangerous places.

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